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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I think we can say Brunos character Arc doesnt exist anymore, it has been MIA since 1.5 years, so i believe firmly that he will appear in Farfetched heroes. At least i hope so, been waiting to long for him.
  2. Good luck one shotting Alm with that. Brave Ike is awesome but a Hardy Bearing Legendary Alm will Tear through him like nothing, as i witnessed while testing him out on Friend Maps. Although he wasnt running any Blessing Buffs.
  3. yeah by giving up punching power with -5 Atk on top of it and not using Sturdy Impact. Doubling doesnt help much if you hit like a wet noodle against opponents that reach 50~ Res due to Eir blessings, hence a Phantom Res seal. Not everyone is running a +10 +RES Yune and have to actually use Fortress Res too
  4. I like the OC chars from a design point. The book 2 Ocs were fine too in my eyes ecxept for Surtr and Laevetinn. Book3 i only dig Eir so far the design of the others is too edgy for my taste I have only played the GBA and DS FEs so forme chars from other games then those are not so apesling then OCs
  5. Seems to be a congestion due to the quests. I got a regular 1. Match on AA but after that lost the connection again.
  6. I have not wished for so many Nifl/Muspell Alts. I just want the regular versions in, hence why i voted for Bruno. I also didnt care for Spring Bruno.
  7. Arena Assault seems to be down or congested. Getting an Error whenntrying to do Assault while everything else just works fine. Anyone else Having this issue?
  8. Its funny that DancingBerkut can become an excellent mixed bulk unit with Berkuts Lance... and has the highest base attack of all the Berkuts... This BST creep on those dancers was really not necessary at all :/. Its really discouraging and demotivating when you see Dancers have higher BST then Regular units and really disturbing.
  9. When we are talking about Phantom Spd. Its high time for Phantom Res Seal. With all the Sabotage skill around relying on RES checks and Eir allowing other units to reach like 50 RES, Yune needs a Phantom Res seal to make use of her Kit, not to mention other units that would benefit from it (Selkie for example) but Phantom Res has to be like +15 for it to really be effectiv and worthwhile enough for those skills.
  10. Considering the Askr trio can clear all Abyssal GHBs it shouldnt be to hard clearing an Abyssal GHB with the Free Reinhardt, Brave Lyn or Veronica or BraveMiciaha or Eir, and Smallzura and/or Ninian with little investment. There recently was an Abyssal guide for Julia LHB with Brave Ike, Eir, Smallzura and Veronica with no SI i believe and just seals
  11. Its simple, yet deep customizable and short. Normal Fire Emblem games take up so much time, you really need to dedicate 2-3 hours on a string. In Feh you can just dedicate 30 min and get stuff done. If anything I actually like the strategic gameplay of FEH more then any other normal Fire Emblem i played, because the map isnt very big and isnt clustered with own units/ enemy units. Sometimes it gets dreadfull cycling through 39239209302 units on a map and then End Turn. Just draging an Armor Unit along in Fire emblem games gives me shivers...
  12. I said they needed to do something drastic to make it worthwhile to pull for those dancers because of LAzura. So IS turned the Dancers in this update into Reinhardts or Gen 1 BST units which is alot of BST increase for a Dancer.
  13. CYL Lucina: Refined Weapon, Rally Def/Res+, Def/Res Ruse 3 Seal: Attack Feint 3. You just gave your Supertank 16 additional bulk against all the units you just debuffed from across the map and Drive Breath and that doesnt even include the C-Skill of Lucina or Support, not to mention all the Attack power I have been using Def/Res Ruse 3 on Regular Marth with Infantry Breath and its awesome and Lucina can do that from 2 Spaces away
  14. what you talking. The Seals are awesome. Have been waiting on Hp/Atk Atk Feint makes good synergy on my Marth or my L!Eliwood that run Def/Res Ruse. I can debuff enemies with -7 Atk/-5 Def/- 5 Res and applie "Un"Guard on them. That Seal is amazing combined with Def/Res Ruse And the bond skill is also welcomed to make Sharena more Bulky! PA!Olivia is an excellent Dragon nuke with Bucket and an excellent Healer check with Null C-Disrupt (Because Waterbucket nullifies Wrathfull Staff too!). Thats how i run her in AR Offense ._. I love her. She takes care of all the shitty Dragons and Healers in there.
  15. a dancer can be used at lvl 1 without any skills (ecxept for Dance)
  16. Gonna call it now: Bruno will dethrone Reinhardt as a Blue Cav: Valaskjalf: (Blue Tome) Mt9. Inflicts -5 Spd. Unit attack twice (Swordhardt effect) Vantage 3 A: Blue Duell blabla for Blue Cavaliers And will sport 150 BST as the first magic based Cav-Nuker. Just sayin. Just sayin!!! Make it happen IS!!!!
  17. And they are handing you out all the ressources for it, so it doesnt cost you 0... nada... nothing... only time. But I guess instead of handing stuff over on a silverplate it needs to be a goldplate. There is also no reason to do everything at once. You will unlock everything over the course playing the game naturally. Besides it is intended helping newer players. You dont have to bother with it if you have enough ressources anyway.
  18. Sword Reinhardt with Quick Riposte should definitly be able to Enemy phase him a Neutral SPD Reinhardt at +10 has 27 SPD, Ike has 32 SPD. Ergo Ike will double him. As I said it depends on the SPD of the Tank. Red Tanks with 27 SPD or less with QR will be able to Enemy phase kill Ike because he can double and thus his Urvan effect doesnt kick in. Anything with above that speed will have a hard time yeah, even if red. In that regard most melee Red units will have a hard time because most of them are speedy sword units. Red Dragon units should have no problem though due to his lower Res stat. WinterTharja, Sophia, Lyon, Garon, H!Myrrh, Tiki, Keaton, Hinata, Seliph, Xander, Idunn should have no problems to enemyphase him with the correct setup. They are slow and have the bulk which guarantees Ike to double getting rid of the Urvan 80% reduction effect if Ike Attacks. Of course IF he runs Null Follow up it kinda gets impossible.
  19. I dont like where this BST bump went with those Dancers. On one hand it will be easier to bait those Dancers out because they will deal some Damage. On the other side in Player hands... I mean come on flying Dancers with the nuking ability of a Regular Reinhardt? GET OUT! You can basicly prolly run Reinhardt Dancer Reinhardt and Dancer Ishtar and clear out all content lulz
  20. They are basicly giving you out free stuff and you are complaining about THAT?!? My god... i have no words
  21. I am happy for Ikes refine. But just remember he can still be Enemy phased into oblivion the Desperation effect only kicks in when the opponent intiates. This all depends on the Tank you are using to Enemy phase him, if its a fast tank that has 5 higher Speed then Ike then you will have trouble Enemy phasing him, if its a slow Tank with just QR they will kill him. Obviously Red units wont have any trouble killing him in Enemy or player phase.
  22. I allways neat any GHB with my Askrtrio & Brave Veronica on hardest challenge (Abyssal for LHBs), just for the challenge it offers. I also like to field my Nifl Siblings Team onto Abyssal maps.
  23. i am happy for the coins and refined stones. Thats the only reason i play VG! I stoped careing for the results for this mode and allways pick who i would think would most likely win to max out rewards.
  24. I would have liked to see the uproar if Ishtars and Reinhardts Tome were inheritable! It would have made this banner pretty spicy!
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