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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. On 01/12/2017 at 3:27 PM, SpaceSamurai said:

    t's never hard to keep your healer away from enemies's attack range, really. And no, healers offer a lot in route maps, you can't kill enemies fast if your units get killed first, so keeping them alive is essential, and using Vulneraries means you have to waste a turn so it will slow down your progress. 

    I agree you can't kill things if your units are dead but your units dying is not especially an issue for the most part. Having to use a Vulnerary is at times a hindrance but then so is having to hang back or spend time clearing the way for Moulder or Natasha. Personally if I had some team X for let's say Chapter 4 for arguments sake and I had the choice of adding either Garcia or Moulder to that team I would choose Garcia pretty much every time and it would be the same for almost every other map that's how I see it.

    On 01/12/2017 at 3:27 PM, SpaceSamurai said:

    Both promoted Artur and Lute have much lower staff rank than Moulder. And if they spend time spamming staves they will meet less combat, which significantly limits their exp gains. Moulder can reach A staves easily when unprompted while Artur still struggles to reach B staves.

    Staves give experience when you use them and they can still kill stuff on enemy phase I really don't get what you mean when you say their experience gains will be significantly limited, they won't be limited at all. Artur has absolutely 0 problems hitting A Staves even as a Sage and he can go Bishop if that's even a remote concern, Lute doesn't have issues either. Moulder having A Staves by the end of Chapter 9 or whatever is of no advantage when you don't have access to higher level Staves until later in the game.

    On 01/12/2017 at 3:27 PM, SpaceSamurai said:

    Moulder is your only secondary warp user if you play Ephraim's route and it never hurts to have a secondary warp user, Saleh appears too late so he won't reach A staves any time soon and Natasha takes forever to promote. And Lute?? When does she even reach A staves??

    This bit I agree with, you make a good point here about Moulder on Ephraim's route and he should be given more credit on that route due to the fact that Saleh has no chance of hitting A staves and as for Lute I'm not sure I think it's feasible, with added stress, given that you really go all out to make her get there but it would be difficult to say the least and certainly Moulder is the better choice for a secondary Warp/Rescue user.

    On the subject of different routes I feel it would make more sense to simply have two different lists for each one, granted a lot of units would be the same on each but I think enough should have different placements to warrant having two lists. It also means that you don't have to compare things like Eirika!Saleh to Ephraim!Cormag that would never exist at the same time.

  2. Part 4 - Endgame: Rebirth IV.

    Turns - 1/164+8

    Kyza got Bonus Experienced two levels to 46 Strength and Ilyana, Leonardo, Makalov and Fiona got a level each while Oscar got put to 99 exp for a Blossom level. Sothe used the Speedwings giving him the 39 Speed needed to double Auras. Micaiah and Makalov took Paragon to save a little bit of Bonus Experience, Ike took Parity to fight Sephiran, Kyza took Smite to shove Rafiel and Tanith took Celertiy so she could reach one of Sephiran's Auras. Urvan!Jill plus Blizzard!Sanaki killed Sephiran's northern Spirit, Oscar killed one that was blocking Tanith's way to the western Spirit and Wishblade!Tanith plus Blizzard!Ilyana killed that, Leonardo took the Wishblade from Tanith and killed the southern one from three spaces with the Double Bow and Geoffrey and Fiona killed the eastern one with the Wishblade, finally Ike killed Sephiran with a Parity!Brave Axe which was just barely enough to ORKO though Micaiah could have Rescued Makalov to finish if it hadn't been.


    Part 4 - Endgame: Rebirth V.

    Turns - 2/166+8

    Royals outdated, Dragons overrated, Leonardo activated! Leonardo top tier unit for this one map. I Bonus Experienced everyone up to cap Strength/Magic and in Tanith's case Speed, I had about 6 levels left over so I gave 3 each to Makalov and Geoffrey for some extra Skill. Map was pretty easy, just a matter of working out the best combination of attacks to kill the Auras and trading around weapons. Sanaki chipped the southern one and Leonardo plus Wishblade!Geoffrey were able to just kill it thanks to their +2 attack supports. Ilyana Rescued Lehran so that he could attack a non-Wardwood Aura for extra damage which cost Ilyana's attack but that meant he could participate in the refresh which overall is much better damage. Lehran, Wirblade!Tanith and Brave Sword!Ike, who had Parity thankfully because his hit rates were atrocious, killed the southwestern Aura. Sothe, Brave Axe!Jill and Brave Sword!Makalov killed the western one and Rafiel Vigoured Ike, Leonardo, Makalov and Lehran. Brave Lance!Oscar, Leonardo and Brave Bow!Fiona killed the eastern Aura and Ike, Makalov and Lehran had exactly enough damage to kill the southeastern one as long as they both used the Brave Axe which unfortunately has a bit worse hit rate than the Sword, I probably could have traded over the Wishblade to Oscar and swithced around Oscar and Makalov's attacks but it all worked out. That left only the top three Aura's alive, Kyza traded the Rescue Staff from Lehran who had taken it from Ilyana and transformed and then Micaiah took it from him and she rescued Rafiel onto a cover tile giving him enough defence to survive Ashera's AOE attack with 1 HP. Turn two Ike, Lehran and Geoffrey killed the northwestern Aura, Kyza, Ilyana, Sanaki and Micaiah teamed up on the northeastern one and Leonardo, Jill and Tanith killed the northern one. Rafiel then Vigoured Ike, Tanith, Lehran and Leonardo, Lehran used the Ashera Staff to heal everyone for that final fight. Tanith attacked Ashera for 2x19, Sothe for 2x13 and Leonardo for another 2x19 leaving Ashera at 18 HP so Ike had two chances to land a 70% hit with Parity for the kill and end the game.



    Unit Review:

    Lehran.png.dce26722dd2389fad1445816f8b21aeb.png  Kills: 1

    He was necessary for two-turning Rebirth V so that's good I guess he also cost 164 turns by instigating the whole game though; worst unit ever, being free definitely makes sense for this guy though I would still draft him over Kurth truth be told.

    Geoffrey.png.a94ebb8759fc17fef1b781e519c300b6.png Kills: 26

    He's great for two maps then he just goes AWOL until endgame, he still managed to catch up with some Bonus Experience and Paragon in Endgame, plus he had more Strength than Oscar by like level 3 or something. His Fire Affinity Support with Makalov was nice for some extra damage in Rebirth V, again it makes sense for him to be free.

    Fiona.png.a222fba71d31538caa286283cd9bdde4.png Kills: 28

    Look at all those green stats, more than any other unit, she must be good right? Well, for being the final unit left in the entire draft she actually wasn't as bad as I thought, she saved a turn in 1-E and 3-12 just by contributing to a Rescue Chain/Drop on Micaiah and then she ate all the Bonus Experience so she could actually do stuff in 4-2 which was needed. I was hoping for Lyre or Mist last round but I'm glad I got her as she saved those two turns that I don't think either of them would have.

    Makalov.png.485342c4c8ed1d0298cd51c328aa26ae.png Kills: 42

    Having an extra CRK unit is useful if only to get the Speedwings which were really needed for me, he's under-levelled a bit when he joins up in 3-10 but nothing some Paragon training and Bonus Experience can't fix plus his high Speed ensures that he can double fairly easily even at a low level which is nice. He's mounted for 3-E which helps and he can use the Hammer in 4-E-1 to whack Generals, not much more to say really he's just there and he did his job.

    Sanaki.png.e60dac3adc8bb46ede7ea2c27b7ea157.png Kills: 48

    You wouldn't think somebody with four con could carry so much weight but she put the Silver Army on her back that's for sure, I honestly expected her to be higher up on the kill count even though she has the lowest availability on my team, I felt she did that much work in those two maps. She did really need the Speedwings and to a lesser extent the Seraph Robes but they were a great investment and aside from that she was ready to go. For a late game unit she pulled her weight and quite a lot more on top, without a doubt she saved tonnes of turns in 4-P and 4-3, I'd go so far as to call her the best Part 4 unit actually.

    Leonardo.png.84d85faad44b691263e65a0d305c71c8.png Kills: 51

    I'm actually a little bit surprised he beat Sanaki in kills even if only by three. Leonardo was actually, believe it or not, really good! He was definitely the unit that performed the most above my expectations, I had a few ideas for things he could maybe help with but he went far beyond that. In part one he didn't really kill much but he helped in a lot of maps by just taking care of one or two units such as the Dracoknight in 1-8 for example or combining with Nolan in 1-1 and 1-2, he also saved a lot of turns by contributing to Rescue-Drops and Shoving on maps where he didn't kill even a single enemy. In Part 3 Bonus Experience got him up to where he needed to be (Bonus Experience is  and he again did his job helping the Allies in 3-6 and then taking the Ledge in 3-12 and Finally killing Ike in 3-13. It probably should be said that I thnk he was helped a lot by having Jill and Ilyana(as well as Sothe) as they could take a lot of the weight in Part One and in 3-6 in Jill's case leaving Leo to not be overwhelmed and just do his own thing. Plus he was the MVP of Endgame V with the Lughnasadh.

    Kyza.png.88ae94c39f6a7f02c2a46d2abc7bc286.png Kills: 52

    Again I'm a bit surprised he beat Sanaki in kills. I drafted him to shove Ike which did come in useful in his join map after that he just trained pretty much all the way to Part 4 I don't think he actually saved any turns in the rest of Part 3 though I'm probably not giving him enough credit. Blossom was basically necessary for him but that's not too contested, I probably should have given him 2 levels per map though i.e. one base level and one map level as even though he was levelling with Blossom it was only one level per map so it added up slowly. His high Speed but low Strength was somewhat useful for training his Strike Rank, though it was still a pain, reaching SS is pretty much impossible  in an LTC setting I think. His moment of glory was in the Desert where his unimpeded movement was vital and his gauge lasts long enough for him to endure enough rounds of combat - something a cat couldn't do, I just wish he had the few points of Strength that he needed to OHKO the Swordmasters which would have made it a lot less RNG dependant.

    Tanith.png.074b1467ee7c336aaf15afa287ceba9a.png Kills: 67

    Tanith is such a great unit, her combat is amazing rivalling even Jill's thanks to Tempest Blade access, if only her availability were better she'd be a top unit I think. Being a flier in 3-11 is great even though Jill meant she didn't have to ferry Ike so she had the luxury of training and also in 3-E where she was the MVP thanks to best Biorhythm and Adept. In Part 4 again being a combat capable unit along with flight is fantastic in both Micaiah's and Tibarn's routes and she was largely responsible for handling Tibarn's maps by herself. I think picking Oscar over her was probably still the right choice but I don't think she should have lasted unpicked as long as she did.

    Ike.png.842e5fdf3d2a8ece25cbb737b60c7a54.png Kills: 72

    The fact he only beat Tanith by five kills says a lot I think, he's just a sword locked foot unit at the end of the day albeit one with WTF stats. He's useful in 3-1 thanks to his stupid bases but after that he spends a lot of time performing lesser roles and taking care of a few things in rout maps and such, in other words a lot of units could replace what he does, he's still good though which is more than some Lords could say. After he gets Ragnell he becomes a different unit but he's still just an infantry unit so he's never really doing all that much, being able to ORKO almost everything in Part 4 is nice though.

    Sothe.png.43e7e64abbe7113c89b99ac9503e4cda.png Kills: 86

    Obviously he's the Jagen so he's amazing in Part 1 that goes without saying, Forged Knives and Beastkillers in his pocket and away he goes. Usually he's considered to fall of after that which is true but I actually think he performs better than people give him credit for, he's still great in 3-6 providing he has 24 Speed to double the Cats thanks to Beastkiller. 3-12 and 3-13 are a different story though especially 3-12 where he can't hope to ever kill the Generals and even the Halberdiers give him some trouble but he still helped by trailing Micaiah for Support and killing a few units which is enough to save a turn as well as shoving Leonardo in 3-13 which again saved a turn. In Part 4 he's good enough to handle one part of the map for example the top in the desert so he's still contributing even if he's not the focal unit by any means. Finally his damage in Rebirth V is actually really good thanks to having the Speed to double with a strong weapon.

    Oscar.png.e2380510c9389dba717f89e226adb3bb.png Kills: 89

    He's not Titania that's for damn sure! Still he's a 9-move mounted unit with good availability and a high base level so he can hit third tier pretty quickly and that's what matters, making him probably one of the best of the Greil Mercenaries, he was especially good in 3-P. Bonus Experience at tier 2 helped his Strength but it didn't go anywhere after that, Brave weapons are plentiful in uses though which rendered his lack of Strength not much of an issue. I'd probably think he was better if it wasn't for other people doing most of the work for him, still like I said before I think it was the right choice to take him over Tanith even if he wasn't as obviously great as she was at any point.

    Micaiah.png.67323405aade8b0f6a054eb8ed93ffc8.png  Kills: 102

    Micaiah is honestly so good, better than Ike actually and I don't mean that ironically. I can definitely understand why people don't like her in a casual setting and I would probably agree with them but when it comes to saving turns she's one of the best Lords I think, probably the best of the games I'm familiar with. She absolutely needs Resolve and in some cases Wrath to do her job, without those she would be entirely different but she isn't really in much competition for them and she should take priority if she is in my opinion. Resolve fixes basically all her issues; her high luck combining with the added Speed to give her good avoid and her high Magic along with her innate +2 attack Support with Sothe allowing her to ORKO stuff without issue despite her late promotions. Her low HP and Defence is actually good in this sense as you want her to go into Resolve range on the first attack so she only really needs to take a single hit which she can without much issue. In Part 4 she is a free Rescue user for her route which in itself is more than a lot of main characters can provide, Purge access is also very handy at certain points.

    Ilyana.png.03c71f10b67723f270c205133c02e41a.png Kills: 117

    I'm not sure many people would take Ilyana in the second phase but I think she is worth that for sure. Mages are often thought of as having gotten the short end of the stick which is true in a fashion especially when considering their caps, specifically Ilyana who also has to deal with specialising in the weakest magic type. In actual fact though it really doesn't hurt her that much she can use Fire after promoting and a Forged Thunder is good enough to get her through until she becomes a Sage. What really makes mages great though, I think, is their utility, I would take having low stat caps any day in exchange for having access to Siege Tomes which came in handy several times as well as Rescue which is, as usual, one of the best tools for saving turns in Part 4 and in 3-E as well in this case. What really sets Ilyana apart though is her availability, she joins early in Part One with a good base level so she can promote pretty quickly and she can more than hold her own without issue, she then rejoins in 3-2 and even though she's under-levelled she is good enough with some Skills like Adept or Wrath until she catches up. I think it should also be said that she actually has an advantage in that she can ORKO Generals something that most physical units cannot do even, Jill struggles with max might Hand Axes against them in Part Four and they are typically more abundant than Swordmasters which Ilyana cannot double due to her low Speed cap.

    JIll.png.f24602273ac0bc35cc93a5032ffbb20b.png  Kills: 157

    No prizes for guessing who was first! Beating Ilyana in second place by 40 kills despite having eight less maps to exist in. Good availability, flying, amazing stats, fantastic caps, WTF class, uses the best weapon; what more can you ask for. All she needs is the Part One stat boosters and a little bit of training in 3-6 and 3-7 and she carries for the rest of the game. She can fly up the ledges in 1-E along with being able to carry the Black Knight as well as having Canto and she can fly around in the Swamp in 3-6 getting tonnes of experience and getting to places much quicker than anyone else can even dream of. After that she can even go over to the Mercenaries which sacrifices 3-12 and to some extent 3-13, though Leo handled that one no problem, in exchange for more training in 3-7 and then basically being as if you have Haar for the rest of 3-8, 3-10, 3-11 and 3-E and then of course she continues to be a god throughout Part 4. Without a doubt the best unit the only person who could compete with her is Titiania I think and Haar if he wasn't already banned.


    Well that was fun it only took me five months but here we are with Ashera defeated, I'm glad I made this after the other drafts never got started. Overall I was very happy with my team though first pick is of course a lot to do with that, I think that some turns could have been saved but probably only 2 or 3, overall I think I was pretty close to the minimum that this team could achieve. It's kind of a shame that no one else got very far with this except for @Interdimensional Observer who unfortunately stopped after Part 3, I would have liked to read how others were doing (plus to prevent me from having 30 posts in a row or something), still I understand this is a long game and I needed to take a break for several days at more than one point and not everyone has the time so I don't want anyone to read this and think I'm being snide or something I'm not. Now we just need people to join the other draft and do it all again.

    Ashera was defeated in 166+8 turns.





  3. On 26/11/2017 at 1:58 AM, Hawk King said:

    In drafts, mounted units are kind of scarce so Ranger is almost always his best option there as you need at least 3 mounted/flying units for many turn saving strats. As a Ranger he can also use Longbows upon promotion which is necessary to save a turn on Eirika's Chapter 11? (the FoW map with L'Arachel and Dozla in the middle).

    Thankfully the only units you need to be able to rescue with Gerik are the Lords which he can do just fine as a Ranger. And believe it or not, being bow or sword locked really isn't that much of an issue in FE8. Even on route maps. Enemy groups can be easily handled with one or the other just fine. You only need Hand Axes or Javelins for a few specific instances. And in these instances you also need 7-8 movement so Hero!Gerik isn't going to be able to fill that role anyway.

    Ranger just allows Gerik to contribute on every single map. In drafts for instance, Garcia is always taken before Gerik, but when we get past Chapter 8 Garcia begins to lose his value due to his low movement. Gerik is able to contribute to getting Eirika to the Throne whereas Garcia gets relegated to visiting villages and opening chests and stuff.


    If there are no restrictions on team composition, Garcia will have trouble stealing kills from Franz, Nessie, and Seth, and he will get benched after Chapter 8; Gerik most likely won't even get used at all except for maybe another mount for rescue chains.

    Yeah I can buy that about Ranger!Gerik, having 10 effective attack range with the Longbow and being able to contribute to rescue-drops with Canto does sound like it would be better than Hand Axe access especially on maps like Queen of White Dunes and the Egg Chapter (I don't even know the name of that map I just always call it 'egg chapter') as well as the Caer Pelyn maps if you instant promote him. I still think that Garcia's early game contributions are worth a little more than Gerik's potential mid game contributions though, I just see Gerik as having more units that make him redundant I guess whereas Garcia slightly less so, that and Garcia's availability slightly clinches it for him I think. Gerik is without a doubt the better unit after he joins though so I guess it's mostly down to what you need on your team between the two. The thing about no restrictions on team composition is true but I tend to try to ignore that because honestly even Franz, who's like the second or third best unit, gets made almost completely redundant by Seth. In other words I think you have to almost assume you're not using Seth in order to give others a rating because he's just that good, hopefully that makes sense.

    6 hours ago, Heptade said:

    Either one of Moulder/Natasha is borderline essential before getting Saleh.

    I don't really agree with this, having a healer is nice I guess but I wouldn't call them even remotely essential. The issues I have with Moulder and Natasha are that firstly Vulneraries exist, Natasha only heals two points more than a Vulnerary at base with a Heal though of course Mend exists, of course they do mean the unit getting healed can use their action to do something else but then you have the problem of protecting them and they don't offer anything in rout maps in fact they hinder you by distracting enemies away from combat units. The other thing is that they can't keep up with your mounted combat units and units like Garcia and Gilliam don't really need a healer a lot of the time a Vulnerary now and then will suffice. Probably the biggest thing though is that they take a millennia to level up I mean it takes them 10 turns to level up once by using Heal and you can complete 2-3 maps in that time so they are never really going anywhere, by the time you get to chapter 9-10 Artur or Lute should probably be promoted and they fill your healing needs especially as they want to be getting all the Staff uses they can to build Staff rank. I see them as being occasionally useful in the early game but afterwards they do nothing really, of course they can Warp in late game but because they gain levels so slowly they have terrible range so it's not really worth it when you have Saleh, Artur and Lute. Honestly I would put Natasha as low as D because she's just a worse Moulder and I don't even think he's that good, she gets D just because she can Warp which is more than some unit's can say.

  4. Part 4 - Endgame: Rebirth II.

    Turns - 1/162+8

    I gave Ike two Bonus Experience levels for 36 Strength so he can 4HKO the Black Knight on the Cover Tile with the Hammer (after factoring in the Black Knight's Imbue). Kyza, Makalov, Leonardo and Tanith got a level each and Fiona got two levels while Rafiel got to level 15 so he learnt Bliss, seeing as this is the only map he doesn't have to Vigour I thought it a good idea to raise some peoples Biorhythm's namely Tanith, Fiona and Makalov for the final map so everyone aside from Ike everyone should be on at least Normal Biorythm for Ashera's map. Oscar was close to a level up so I gave him Blossom and Makalov got Shade so he could keep building Support Points with Geoffrey without distracting enemies from him. Sanaki and Ilyana killed Levail with a Blizzard each and Micaiah, Sothe and Geoffrey got experience with Paragon while the rest just kept building Supports at the back, Fiona and Rafiel reached C Support.


    Part 4 - Endgame: Rebirth III.

    Turns - 1/163+8

    Yune's Blessings:

    • Ike: Ragnell
    • Micaiah: Rexaura
    • Sothe: Baselard
    • Sanaki: Rexflame
    • Kyza: Fang
    • Ilyana: Rexbolt
    • Jill: Brave Axe
    • Makalov: Brave Sword
    • Leonardo: Lughnasadh
    • Tanith: Wyrmslayer
    • Fiona: Wishblade
    • Oscar: Brave Bow
    • Geoffrey: Brave Lance

    Ike and Ilyana got a level of Bonus Experience each (Ike capping Strength) and I gave Paragon to Ilyana, Leonardo and Oscar while Sothe got Blossom so he could get the last point of Strength and Speed he needs and Makalov and Tanith got Nihil for Dheginsea. Sanaki Blizzarded the Dragon in front of Dheginsea and then Jill finished it with the Brave Axe and Rafiel Vigoured Ike, Tanith, Makalov and Ilyana and they Wyrmslayered him then Ilyana finished him with the Rexbolt. Hit rates were all around 70% except for Ilyana and that's with Makalov and Tanith on best Biorhythm; Ashera should be fun, everyone else killed Dragons for experience. Ike and Jill reached A Support and Sanaki and Kyza, Geoffrey and Makalov and Oscar and Tanith reached B.

    Unit      Class           Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Level                         Skills
    Micaiah   Light Priestess 16/20/07.67  40  17  38  27  28  39  18  38   SS Light, A Staves                   Sacrifice, Shove, Corona, Daunt
    Leonardo  Marksman        20/15/12.62  47  34  10  40  33  30  24  25   SS Bows                              Cancel, Critical +15, Shove, Deadeye, Wrath, Paragon
    Sothe     Whisper         --/17/09.01  46  28  13  34  37  34  23  21   SS Knives                            Steal, Shove, Bane, Blossom
    Ilyana    Arch Sage       15/15/15.44  45  22  37  34  30  22  21  30   S Fire, SS Thunder, C Wind, A Staves Shove, Flare, Shade, Paragon
    Jill      Dragonlord      20/15/17.93  55  35  10  33  35  35  31  22   B Lances, SS Axes                    Canto, Stun, Pass, Parity
    Fiona     Silver Knight   20/20/14.28  55  31  18  25  34  35  28  27   SS Lances, B Bows                    Imbue, Canto, Sol, Saviour
    Rafiel    Heron           15.20        33  02  12  02  12  34  06  32   ---                                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Celerity
    Geoffrey  Silver Knight   --/20/10.09  52  35  12  31  29  22  28  25   SS Lances, B Bows                    Canto, Sol
    Makalov   Gold Knight     --/18/13.64  53  32  13  28  33  30  30  21   S Swords, B Axes                     Canto, Sol, Nihil
    Ike       Vanguard        --/20/14.49  63  37  07  40  37  24  32  21   SS Swords, A Axes                    Shove, Aether, Nihil
    Oscar     Silver Knight   --/20/11.70  55  30  13  34  32  28  23  20   SS Lances, B Bows                    Canto, Sol, Paragon
    Kyza      Tiger           35.08        72  42  06  36  30  22  38  16   S Fang                               Quickclaw, Shove, Roar, Pass
    Tanith    Seraph Knight   --/20/14.61  45  32  18  35  35  26  28  30   S Swords, SS Lances                  Canto, Stun, Nihil
    Sanaki    Empress         --/--/17.52  45  11  40  32  32  40  17  35   SS Fire, S Thunder, S Wind, A Light  Shove, Flare


  5. 19 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Um... what??? I think you lost me with that "everyone is more or less dependent on the Sacred Twins" comment, because frankly, other than against the Demon King, Draco Zombies and Lyon, they're largely needless overkill.

    What I meant is that from chapter 16 onwards you only need to kill the boss (aside from the egg chapter) to beat the map and typically the best way to do that is to use one of the Sacred Twin weapons with a sufficiently strong unit. Basically you said that Garcia being dependant on Garm is a bad thing but I would say that him being able to use Garm, seeing as it's probably the best of the Sacred Twin weapons, should be seen as a point in his favour, especially as it fixes his issue which is his Speed allowing him to potentially double and one round some of the late game bosses. If you're doing Ephraim route it enables him to double basically everything in the desert aside from the Myrmidons and Mercenaries which he can probably one shot with it so that's also a plus. 

    Also I'll be more explicit as to where I think Garcia should be seeing as the OP isn't getting updated and maybe there's a bit of confusion, not least on my part probably.

    The following unis that are currently above Garcia I think should be below him:

    • Gerik *
    • Eirika!Cormag (should be separated by route)
    • Moulder
    • Duessel (both routes)
    • Epraim!Saleh
    • Innes
    • Eirika!Ephraim*
    • Natasha
    • Ephraim!Eirika*

    The ones I asterisked are ones that I think are close and I could change my mind if someone comes up with a good argument for them (that's not to say that I would never change my mind on the others if someone comes up with a good enough reason just that those are the closest).

    3 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    I was thinking of making her an A, but since this is a no grinding/no Seth abuse run, then I'm considering her to be more vital. But her availability is still a problem... just before the halfway mark. If she's an S, I would definitely place her last, or first A.

    Personally I would consider an S tier unit to be something like: 'a unit that is extremely useful to the team and also has great availability' which I would put Vanessa and Franz into (and Seth but obviously he's a step above even that) and I would consider an A tier unit something like: 'a unit that is either extremely useful but has lesser availability OR a unit that is useful but not fantastic and has very good availability' which I would put someone like Tethys or Saleh into. Though of course that's my own thinking and not part of the OP so it's up to others to say what exactly makes a difference between tiers for them unless the OP gets changed.

  6. Part 4 - Endgame: Rebirth I.

    Turns - 2/161+8

    Endgame Part I where the base takes as long as the map... Firstly redistributed Skills: Ike got Nihil for next map; Micaiah, Sothe and Geoffrey got Paragon and Micaiah also got Daunt; Sanaki and Ilyana got Shade so they don't take experience they don't need and Ilyana also got Adept so she can 3HKO the Physic!Bishop with Meteor; Kyza got Pass (not actually useful for anything it turned out); Jill got Pass and Parity so she could kill Hetzel/Lekain on the cover tiles and then Hammer the Generals surrounding Hetzel; Rafiel got Celerity; Makalov got Blossom as he was close to a level up; Tanith got Nullify so she wouldn't get OHKO'd by the Silver Bow!Sniper; Oscar got Adept and Fiona got Saviour to Rescue Rafiel (I'm hoping they can get a support going to help out Fiona's hit rate in the Final map.

    Micaiah and Kyza got Bonus experienced to 99xp and Ilyana, Leonardo and Tanith each got a level (Magic for Ilyana, Strength for Leonardo and Speed for Tanith, the other stats weren't really important). Ike and Jill reached B support, Ilyana and Leonardo reached A Support (+2atk) and Sanaki/Kyza, Tanith/Oscar and Geoffrey/Makalov also got C supported though only the Geoffrey/Makalov one gives any +atk.

    I sold everything that's not Important (I didn't really need to sell most of it but ocd and all that, note to self don't buy a million Steel Great weapons with the Silver Card)and bought 2 Silver Lance Forges for Geoffrey and Fiona and all the Arms Scrolls; one for Micaiah for SS Light; one for Ilyana for S Fire; two for Leonardo for SS Bows; and one each for Fiona and Geoffrey for B bows so they can use the Brave Bow. Ilyana also used the Ashera Icon though I probably should have given it to Ike but it's a negligible difference either way.

    Map itself was pretty straight forward (it's kind of interesting how it's pretty easy to two turn this map but borderline impossible to one turn it, at least I think so). Micaiah and Sothe killed the Generals in the southeast/southwest. Jill hammered a General so everyone could get past and Makalov weakened another so the remaining Bishop that wasn't killed would heal it rather than one that was near Sothe, and Ike and Geoffrey teamed up on another to clear the way for Oscar and Leonardo. Oscar killed the Double Bow!Sniper and the Leonardo took it from him and killed the Blizzard!Mage. Rafiel refreshed Ike/Makalov/Jill and Oscar, Jill killed Hetzel and then moved in between the Generals (she had a 6 use Short Axe so she would break it on Hetzel and 2 Mages and then auto-equipped the Hammer for the Generals, Oscar killed one of the Generals at the back and Makalov and Ike killed the two Bishops. Tanith killed the Bolting Mage and the stuff on the right and Sanaki Meteored a General near Sothe so he could finish it.

    A bunch of stuff suicided on Enemy Phase, Ilyana and Kyza killed the two General Reinforcements and Tanith killed the stationary General on the right while Sothe killed the Bishop and then the General on the left with a Bane proc. Micaiah Purged one of the Generals in the centre and Fiona weakened another while Sanaki killed the Storm Sword!General hitting SS Fire.  Jill killed Lekain and then Makalov Hammered the Generals around him, everything remaining died on enemy phase. Micaiah got a bunch of Magic (hardly surprising) and Sothe got some Speed which is good (he'll get the Speedwing) Oscar and Fiona got a bad level each but Geoffrey made up for it by getting 4 or 5 Strength. 

    Unit      Class           Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Level                         Skills
    Micaiah   Light Priestess 16/20/05.43  38  16  36  27  27  37  18  36   SS Light, A Staves                   Sacrifice, Shove, Corona, Paragon, Daunt
    Leonardo  Marksman        20/15/11.14  46  33  10  40  32  30  24  25   SS Bows                              Cancel, Critical +15, Shove, Deadeye, Wrath
    Sothe     Whisper         --/17/07.73  46  27  12  32  35  33  22  20   SS Knives                            Steal, Shove, Bane, Paragon
    Ilyana    Arch Sage       15/15/13.47  45  22  35  34  30  22  19  28   S Fire, SS Thunder, C Wind, A Staves Shove, Flare, Shade, Adept
    Jill      Dragonlord      20/15/17.63  55  35  10  33  35  35  31  22   B Lances, SS Axes                    Canto, Stun, Pass, Parity
    Fiona     Silver Knight   20/20/12.16  55  29  18  23  32  35  28  27   SS Lances, B Bows                    Imbue, Canto, Sol, Saviour
    Rafiel    Heron           13.50        31  02  12  02  12  32  06  28   ---                                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Celerity
    Geoffrey  Silver Knight   --/20/06.50  49  32  12  29  28  22  26  23   SS Lances, B Bows                    Canto, Sol, Paragon
    Makalov   Gold Knight     --/18/12.49  52  31  13  27  33  30  30  21   S Swords, B Axes                     Canto, Sol, Blossom
    Ike       Vanguard        --/20/11.88  60  34  07  40  37  21  32  21   SS Swords, A Axes                    Shove, Aether, Nihil
    Oscar     Silver Knight   --/20/10.94  54  29  13  34  31  28  23  19   SS Lances, B Bows                    Canto, Sol, Adept
    Kyza      Tiger           34.05        71  40  06  36  30  22  36  16   S Fang                               Quickclaw, Shove, Roar, Pass
    Tanith    Seraph Knight   --/20/13.97  45  32  18  35  34  25  28  29   S Swords, SS Lances                  Canto, Stun, Nullify
    Sanaki    Empress         --/--/17.25  45  11  40  32  32  40  17  35   SS Fire, S Thunder, S Wind, A Light  Shove, Flare, Adept


  7. I really don't think Garcia is going to have issue hitting S axes by the time you get Garm if you're using him a reasonable amount, especially on Eirika route. Even on Ephraim's route I still think he'll be able to use it by the desert. Garcia is dependant on Garm yes but it fixes his issue which is his Speed allowing him to maybe double the late game bosses with it  (he's borderline on doubling or not) besides everyone is more or less 'dependant' on the Sacred Twins in the late game and you have so many uses of them you can just use them non-stop so I don't really see how that's a point against him.

    On 22/11/2017 at 4:09 PM, Hawk King said:

    Gerik is better than Garcia because he can become a Ranger. Ranger is in fact his best class. Only on 0% growths would you prefer to have his Hero class.

    Why do you think Ranger is Gerik's preferred promotion? I'm not disagreeing necessarily, just interested to know your reasoning and how that makes up for what Garcia can do while Gerik doesn't exist.

    On 22/11/2017 at 4:33 PM, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Well, you do have a point, but I just happen to think Garcia ain't all he's cracked up to be because GBA fighters are horrid (as are damn near all fighters). Sure, he hits hard... But that's about the only good thing I can say about him.

    I'm not sure you're serious here...

    I really think you're selling his early game short here, I mean who is better than him pre route split: Seth(lol), Franz and Vanessa I'd say but aside from those three he's one of your best units imo, Artur and Lute are going to surpass him before long but they aren't able to front line like Garcia can and he remains somewhat useful, not the best by any means but he's hardly horrid.

    On 23/11/2017 at 10:04 AM, Dandy Druid said:

    I'm confused about Tethys' no doubt she's on a higher tier, but would S be too high? I love Tethys, but being a dancer in Sacred Stones isn't as vital as other games, due to grinding. Usually, the harder the difficulty, the more valuable a dancer becomes. Sacred Stones is probably one of the easiest FEs. I mean, I still think she deserves S, but she's more on the border though. I wouldn't consider as effective as say Lalum or Laylea, but she's still very good though.

    Should she be A for Normal Mode and S for Hard Mode?

    Personally I would make S tier only consist of Franz and Vanessa and maybe Artur. Tethys' is a great unit without a doubt but she misses out on half the game, just how Seth is clearly in a tier of his own I think that Vanessa and Franz should be in a tier of their own. Everyone else is, I think, a step below those two, including Tethys.

  8. 1. This is probably obvious, but  if you think about the order in which you kill things and position your units well you can trade the Shards around to benefit multiple people in one turn which is especially useful for the Speed and Strength Shards although I think they come later iirc.

    3. Swordmasters don't get a critical bonus in this game (only Snipers and Bersekers I believe) so you're not going to see them crit all that much compared to other classes seeing as the only advantage they have is from their high Skill.

    4. I'd probably promote Palla now if she's already level 15, Dracoknight!Palla is probably the best unit throughout the mid game (well she's one of the best units throughout the whole game), Catria makes a better Falconknight due to the higher Speed Cap so I'd put her promotion off for a while until you get an Elysian Whip.

  9. Part 4 - Chapter 5: Unforgivable Sin.

    Turns - 2/159+8

    Tanith got Parity and Saviour so she could rescue Reyson after he refreshed her and she went to kill Izuka. Not being able to one turn because of having no Rescue user did mean that I could get some experience which was appreciated. I'd planned on letting Geoffrey get the experience seeing as he's furthest behind but he can't kill without Beastfoe so he only got 2 or 3 levels so instead I let Fiona get experience with Paragon, she capped Luck and she'll cap HP after one more level which will more or less force her into getting Strength and Skill with Bonus Experience, she's basically strictly better than Oscar aside from Skill now which is kind of funny. Geoffrey can also more reliably get Strength with Bonus Experience without capping other stats anyway which is basically the only stat that matters from here on out. Oscar is probably the most problematic but he should cap Skill, Speed and Luck soon but I'm not sure how much Bonus Experience I'll have to spare for him.

    Unit     Class          Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level         Skills
    Oscar    Silver Knight  --/20/09.11  53  29  13  33  31  28  23  19  SS Lances, B Bows    Canto, Sol
    Reyson   Heron          17.62        40  06  14  14  24  32  16  34  ---                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto
    Tanith   Seraph Knight  --/20/12.xx  44  32  18  34  33  25  28  29  S Swords, SS Lances  Canto, Stun, Parity, Saviour
    Fiona    Silver Knight  20/20/11.56  54  29  17  23  31  35  28  27  S Lances, C Bows     Imbue, Canto, Sol, Paragon
    Geoffrey Silver Knight  --/20/01.80  45  27  12  26  26  20  23  20  S Lances, C Bows     Canto, Sol


  10. Part 4 - Chapter 4: Revelations.

    Turns - 4/157+8

    This one was a little bit tricky but compared to the previous map it was a walk in the park. Ilyana got Provoke so she would be prioritised over Muarim and Makalov got Paragon for some extra experience. At first I gave Leonardo Wrath + Resolve because I needed him to crit his way through the enemies in the lower chest room area by turn 3 (I had him rescue Janaff on turn 2 to reduce his avoid so he could get into Wrath/Resolve range and even then they only have around a 60% hit on him) so he could get the Blizzard tome but then later I remembered that I had another Pass Scroll which made it trivially easy for him to get it, I'm really not sure why I didn't think about that in the first place. I also gave Jill one Bonus Experience level so she had 33 Speed meaning she could double all the Swordmasters and Ilyana used the Ashera Icon (I really don't need the cash so may as well have her use it).

    I had to find a way to allow Illyana to Hammerne the Rescue and then use it as well after she had been refreshed so I deployed Mist, Nailah, Soren, Janaff and Mia in addition to all my drafted units and they shoved Mist who was holding the Rescue Staff so Ilyana could Hammerne it from below the gap near Tormod and then Mist ran up the Ledge so that Ilyana could take the Rescue from her to use. Makalov killed one of the Swordmaster with a Killing Edge crit and then Ike killed the weakened Halbedier after which Jill rescued him and Cantoed back and Rafiel refreshed Makalov, Jill and Ilyana. Ilyana then rescued Jill after she had run up the ledge and Jill dropped Ike off and then Cantoed below the General on the Stairs and she killed all the enemies around the Stairs on enemy Phase. Makalov dropped a Shine Barrier to block the two wide Corridor so Rafiel and the undrafteds and Leonardo started to deal with the enemies near the lower Treasure Room.

    Turn 2 Ilyana rescued Rafiel near the Stairs and Jill and Ike finished the remaining General after which Rafiel refreshed them and Ike killed the Mage while Ilyana Meteored the Door with the two Mages in it so they would suicide on Ike and Jill went to start dealing with the enemies in the Throne Area. Muarim traded Ilyana back to an Arcfire tome and blocked Rafiel from being attacked which is why Ilyana needed Provoke. Makalov and Leonardo just kept dealing with enemies in the lower Corridor/ Treasure Room area.

    Turn 3 Ike killed the Longbow!Sniper so he could reach the last Treasure Room on turn 4. Jill killed the remaining General on the Stairs to the Throne Area and Ilyana Meteored the General near Leonardo so he could finish it with the Aqqar. Rafiel then Refreshed Ilyana and Jill and Jill went back to take care of more enemies in the Throne Area.  Finally Ike broke down the Door to the Treasure Room, Ilyana Hammerned the Rescue for the last time and she and Jill finished off the enemies in the Throne Room while Leonardo got the Blizzard and then everything else suicided. Rafiel recruited Oliver for his Nosferatu tome mostly and I guess his Silence Staff but I can't see that having a use.Jill capped everything except Skill and Defence and Makalov capped Speed, Luck and Defence by the end of the Map so hopefully they can get some more Skill for better accuracy in the final map.

    Unit      Class          Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                         Skills
    Ike       Vangaurd       --/20/11.00  60  34  07  40  37  21  32  21  SS Swords, A Axes                     Shove, Aether
    Ilyana    Arch Sage      15/15/12.54  45  21  34  33  30  20  19  28  A Fire, SS Thunder, C Wind, A Staves Shove, Flare, Pass, Provoke
    Jill      Dragonlord     20/15/15.25  55  35  10  31  35  35  31  22  B Lances, SS Axes                    Canto, Stun
    Makalov   Gold Knight    --/18/11.91  51  30  12  26  33  30  30  21  S Swords, B Axes                     Canto, Sol, Paragon
    Leonardo  Marksman       20/15/09.88  45  32  10  40  31  30  24  23  A Bows                               Cancel, Critical +15, Shove, Wrath, Pass
    Rafiel    Heron          13.40        31  02  12  02  12  32  06  28  ---                                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove


  11. Going to have to agree with some of this stuff about Gerik to be honest, I mean his stats are pretty what the fuck for a level 10 Mercenary but he does have the issue of his huge Constitution and lower availability especially on Ephraim's route. I doubt his Axe rank is so much of an issue as I reckon he can probably destroy most stuff with a Hand Axe (just going on instinct here so feel free to prove me wrong) though lack of access to Garm is definitely a point against him and Garcia having C swords and A/S Axes is definitely better than Geriks C/B Swords and D Axes. Certainly not a bad unit by any means but not top of A.

    I don't think Gilliam's Speed is so much of an issue as the only rout maps early are Chapter 2 which Eirika can Solo without any issue so anything else is just extra and Chapter 4 which is a bunch of 0 AS Monsters so he only needs one Speed proc to double and ORKO them. Other than that he's not really in a situation where he needs to be ORKOing stuff, that's kind of how I see it anyway maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

    Lagdou Ruins Tier list:

    S Tier: Riev.

    E Tier: Not Riev.


  12. Going to have to agree with some of this stuff about Gerik to be honest, I mean his stats are pretty what the fuck for a level 10 Mercenary but he does have the issue of his huge Constitution and lower availability especially on Ephraim's route. I doubt his Axe rank is so much of an issue as I reckon he can probably destroy most stuff with a Hand Axe (just going on instinct here so feel free to prove me wrong) though lack of access to Garm is definitely a point against him and Garcia having C swords and A/S Axes is definitely better than Geriks C/B Swords and D Axes. Certainly not a bad unit by any means but not top of A.

    I don't think Gilliam's Speed is so much of an issue as the only rout maps early are Chapter 2 which Eirika can Solo without any issue so anything else is just extra and Chapter 4 which is a bunch of 0 AS Monsters so he only needs one Speed proc to double and ORKO them. Other than that he's not really in a situation where he needs to be ORKOing stuff, that's kind of how I see it anyway maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

    Lagdou Ruins Tier list:

    S Tier: Riev.

    E Tier: Not Riev.


  13. Part 4 - Chapter 3: Distortions.

    Turns - 4/153+8

    Holy shit this map! It took me forever to work out how to do this and then about three times longer than forever to actually do it, definitely the most difficult map so far and I'm pretty sure it won't be topped. I had to rely a huge amount on Skill activations here which made it very annoying, I also really came to realise how much Micaiah's lack of Authority Stars hurts her group, honestly if Sanaki were the Commander it wouldn't have been even half as difficult but as it is everyone was facing appreciable chances of not dodging/missing most notably Sanaki who relies mostly on dodging with the occasional Flare to survive.

    Micaiah can no longer 2HKO some enemies (mainly the Halbediers) even with her most powerful Tome at this point, she falls a few damage short even at max Magic so she switched Resolve for Wrath + Miracle and used the Nosferatu courtesy of Naesala to tank using Crits. Unfortunately she is in worst Biorhythm and with the lack of extra Skill from Resolve she has shaky hit rates on most stuff, the first of many issues. Sothe kept Adept so he can 3HKO with the Forged Silver Knives while he traded Provoke for Vantage not really much reason behind that he can dodge and survive just fine. Sanaki took Celerity which was very important in allowing her to reach certain groups of enemies in a timely fasion and she also got Daunt to slightly increase her avoid and help her to survive turn 2, I also gave her both Seraph Robes almost maxing her HP to help her out here as well as after trying and failing many times I decided she just wasn't going to survive turn 2 with 30 HP or so. Finally Kyza got Adept to increase his chance of killing Swordmasters who he can't double so he needs either a Roar or Adept, I tried giving him Wildheart and Resolve and getting him into Resolve range with the Warrior on the left but because of the reduced Resistance he had like a 95% chance to get Slept so that was no good. Skrimir also got Smite and Wildheart so he could Smite Marcia on turn one.

    Onto the map Micaiah ran south and Purged one of the Swordmasters on the left so Kyza could finish it without needing a Skill proc, he moved two left of Micaiah and used a Laguz Stone and Leanne Vigoured them and Kyza weakened the other Swordmaster so he could kill them and the Warrior on Enemy Phase. Micaiah then ran right near to the area where the Black Knight Spawns and Rescued Sanaki who then ran South and killed the Purge!Bishop near the White Gem thus protecting Leanne and positioning herself to kill the Dracoknights and Mages that would harry Kyza if left alive. Sothe made his way slowly across the top which he did for the first three turns, he needed to have everything dead by turn 3 which actually only meant activating Adept on the Snipers and either a Bane or Adept on the Dracoknight over 2 turns, his was definitely the easiest job. Skrimir Smited Marcia so that she could trade Micaiah to the Nosferatu and then Canto one space north to safety and Sigrun started flying south so she could pull a Warrior and Halbedier in the South East nearer the Centre so Micaiah would be in range to kill them on turn 4. A few things had to go right on enemy Phase Kyza had to not get put to sleep, Micaiah had to kill the Warrior that attacks from her right and Sanaki needs to kill the Wind Sword!Swordmaster which meant either getting Speed which she did or getting a Flare or Critical.

    Turn 2 Micaiah moved slightly east so as to be in range to kill the two Dracoknights on the right and pull some enemies towards the Baselard's hiding spot for later. Kyza killed a Halbedier that had chased after Sigrun and then got Vigoured and moved into range to kill some Swordmasters near the centre and make a safe area for Leanne for next turn. Sanaki ran into the midst of the Horde and killed the Elsleep!Bishop. This was the worst turn for sure Kyza had to kill multiple Swordmasters and Micaiah had to kill both Dracoknights, between them they could leave one unit alive as Micaiah could kill it with Purge next turn. Kyza has to activate Skills to kill the Swordmasters and both MIcaiah and the Dracoknights have shaky hit (she needs to get hit to go into Wrath range) and then she needs to actually crit of course. Also Sanaki had to take on a lot of enemies on this turn, they don't have the greatest hit on her but sooner or late they will hit and she needed to get lucky with Flares at the Right time to survive it. This was really the turn where Sanaki's Authority would have made a massive difference.

    After turn 2 eventually worked Micaiah killed a Swordmaster that Kyza had left alive and Marcia traded her back to the Nosferatu, she moved specifically to pull the enemies to a point where they could all attack the square where the Baselard is on the next turn. Kyza killed the Crossbow Warrior and Sanaki ran up two south of him and killed the Physic priest with the Blizzard, she had to proc Strength once I think and also get Speed to have enough AS to double him (I made sure he had 19AS) not too hard over four or five levels. Leanne refreshed them and Kyza moved to kill a few stray units and position himself to reach the Archer on the far right next turn, he used another Laguz Stone to refresh his gauge to full here. Sanaki ran back down south and killed Lekain with at Flare.

    Finally Micaiah moved South West and rescued Sothe who then shoved her one South this was very close as it put Micaiah just in range to reach the two enemies that Sigrun had pulled over while Sothe could just reach the Baselard. Sanaki moved below Numida so she could kill both him and the Generals on Enemy Phase and she killed the Elsilence Bishop. Kyza ran east and killed the Sniper and Leanne refreshed Sothe and Micaiah. Marcia took the Rescue from Micaiah and cantod so Sothe could take it and he convoyed it after he picked up the Baselard for Ilyana to use next map, meanwhile Micaiah ran South attacking the Halbedier with the Valaura so that the Poison does just enough damage to allow her to kill him and everything remaining suicides and I rejoice that this map is finally done. This was a definitely a challenge to say the least but I'm pretty pleased I managed to figure out a four turn  strategy without even a single flying unit.

    Unit      Class        Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Level                        Skills
    Micaiah   Light Sage   16/20.00     32  11  30  22  25  34  13  30   S Light, A Staves                   Sacrifice, Shove, Miracle, Wrath
    Sothe     Whisper      --/17/04.59  45  25  11  29  33  31  22  19   SS Knives                           Steal, Shove, Bane, Adept, Vantage
    Leanne    Heron        06.83        26  00  04  02  14  28  04  22   ---                                 Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto
    Kyza      Tiger        33.17        70  38  06  36  30  22  36  16   S Strike                            Quickclaw, Shove, Blossom, Roar, Adept
    Sanaki    Empress      --/--/16.62  45  10  40  32  32  40  16  34   S Fire, S Thunder, S Wind, A Light  Shove, Flare, Celerity, Daunt


  14. Chapter 15: Scorched Sand, Turns - 7/116.

    Stupid bloody troubadour cost a turn :angry:. Eirika went left and soloed Caellach's group with Rennac in tow to get the Warp Staff, Amelia waited at the start for the Pegasus Knight reinforcements and Artur went across the desert and soloed Valter's area with Excalibur. He kept running back to Tethy's who slowly made her way across so he could Barrier her and then get danced to go back and kill some more stuff, he hit A Staves on about turn 4 or 5. Ephraim killed a Shaman and a Mercenary on the left and Colm got the Boots. I could have 6 turned but Artur ended up about 1-2 Wexp short of A Staves if he spent a turn to kill one of the Troubadour's, I also tried having Ephraim lure them over to him by weakening one of the Cavs but he was too weak to 4HKO with the Javelin so it didn't matter. So the turn that I saved by having Tethys' open those chests in chapter 11 ended up costing two turns because Artur needed more time to spam Staves, oh well.

    Unit    Class   Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord    20.00      32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Sage    20/13.59   44  26  23  20  14  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord    11.65      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General 10/11/4.05 32  20  17  19  17  22  11  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book
    Tethys  Dancer  03.99      20  01  02  14  12  05  04  ---

    Chapter 16: Ruled by Madness, Turns - 2/118.

    Amelia rescues Eirika, gets Danced and Warped by Artur and drops her off in the middle of the three Knights, she has to dodge some Siege tomes and the Javelin!Knight but that's not too hard for her. Amelia then killed Orson which was not so easy, she couldn't double with the Horseslayer so she had to land a Silver Lance crit + hit at about 55 hit. Artur could also have Warped Tethys' to Dance Amelia so she could have attacked with 2 x Spear + 2 x Silver Lance but that would mean hitting 4 55's so I just saved the Warp use.

    Unit    Class      Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/1.00    36  20  21  21  15  10  10  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/14.09   45  27  24  20  15  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/5.81 33  20  18  20  18  22  11  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book
    Tethys  Dancer     04.19      21  01  02  15  13  05  05  ---

    Chapter 17: River of Regrets, Turns - 1/119.

    Amelia used the Energy Ring so she could 4HKO Lyon with the Spear and she got Warped over after a Dance from Tethys'.

    Unit    Class      Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/1.00    36  20  21  21  15  10  10  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/14.51   45  27  24  20  15  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/7.61 33  23  18  22  19  24  11  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring
    Tethys  Dancer     04.29      21  01  02  15  13  05  05  ---

    Chapter 18: Two Faces of Evil, Turns - 9/128.

    Artur Warped Amelia who had used the Boots to the bottom right on turn one and she made her way up the right hand side. Eirika and Artur killed some eggs at the start and he Warped her up to the top on turn 2 and he and Tethys made their way up the left and then across the top, he Rescue Staffed Tethys' at one point around turn 5. Around turn 8 Amelia met up with them near the top right while Eirika was finishing up in the top left and Tethys' danced Artur to finish the final egg on turn 9 then Amelia rescued her so the remaining units all suicided on her.

    Unit    Class      Level       HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/5.12     39  22  24  23  18  11  12  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/20.00    47  28  27  22  17  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45       27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/11.07 35  24  19  24  20  25  12  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring, Boots
    Tethys  Dancer     05.10       22  01  02  15  13  05  06  ---

    Chapter 19: Last Hope, Turns - 1/129.

    Ameila ran forward and used a Torch then Eirika ran forward got Danced and then Warped and she ran next to Riev and killed him with Sieglinde on Enemy Phase.

    Unit    Class      Level       HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/5.99     39  22  24  23  18  11  12  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/20.00    47  28  27  22  17  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45       27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/11.23 35  24  19  24  20  25  12  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring, Boots
    Tethys  Dancer     05.21       22  01  02  15  13  05  06  ---

    Chapter 20: Darkling Woods, Turns - 2/131.

    Eirika rescued Amelia and got danced then Warped across and dropped her off near the gate, on turn two Amelia killed Riev with the Brave Lance so Eirika could reach Morva who she survived with 1HP and killed him with Sieglinde and then Artur Warped Tethys' to Dance her for the Sieze.

    Unit    Class      Level       HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/7.52     40  24  25  23  19  11  12  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/20.00    47  28  27  22  17  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45       27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/12.04 35  25  19  25  20  25  12  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring, Boots
    Tethys  Dancer     05.41       22  01  02  15  13  05  06  ---

    Final, Part I: Sacred Stone, Turns - 1/132.

    Eirika ran up got danced and Warped across, alas she got OHKO'd at about 80 odd hit by Lyon with Sieglinde equipped or she needed two Crits at about 7% plus one dodge with the Audhulma, I went with the Sieglinde strat.

    Unit    Class      Level       HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/8.89     40  24  26  24  20  11  13  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/20.00    47  28  27  22  17  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45       27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/12.04 35  25  19  25  20  25  12  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring, Boots
    Tethys  Dancer     05.51       22  01  02  15  13  05  06  ---

    Final, Part II: Sacred Stone, Turns - 1/133.

    Eirika was too slow to double Formortiis lmao, so Artur had to save the day with an Excalibur crit after he warped Amelia up, so the kill was Sieglinde + 2 x Vidofnir + Excalibur Crit for easy game.

    Unit    Class      Level       HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Great Lord 20/9.03     41  24  26  25  21  12  14  S Swords     
    Artur   Sage       20/20.00    47  28  27  22  17  14  25  S Anima, A Light, A Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord       11.45       27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  General    10/11/12.17 35  25  19  25  20  25  12  E Swords, S Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book, Energy Ring, Boots
    Tethys  Dancer     05.61       22  01  02  15  13  05  06  ---


    Final Turncount = 131/133?

    I think I've added up wrong because I'm fairly sure that it said my turn count was 133 in the Epilogue screen but I can't be bothered to read over what I've posted atm I'll do it later. Stay in school kids.

    Unit review:

    Eirika: Couldn't double Formortiis literally useless. In truth though she's not half bad, Sword lock is a little annoying at times but I never found it to be ruinous to any strategies as long as you plan around it a bit and Sieglinde is great for late game boss kills (when she doubles anyway). Her Durability was a little questionable at times but nothing awful. Battles = 211, Wins = 137.

    Artur: He's definitely a top tier pick in this or any style of draft, maybe even the first pick in this format. The fact that he secures both a good 1-2 range combat option and a late game Warper along with good availability in one unit is something that only Lute can match, which is I think what places him slightly above units like Ross, Garcia or Saleh who have some but not all of these traits. His durability is his main issue before he promotes but it's workable I found and the only other issue I can see with Artur is the fact that he can't Warp himself to do the late game boss kills so you may end up with a bad unit for bosskilling or have to rely on Eirika which could cost a turn, however the style of the draft means that even bad units have time to get up to speed as evidenced by Amelia so this probably isn't too much of an issue. Battles = 258, Wins = 219.

    Ameila: I'd say she's worth more than a bottom two pick to be honest, she's not good by any means but even in a bad class with mediocre join time the fact that she has 1-2 Range redeems her along with the free levels without those she'd be completely useless. The slow paced nature of the Draft insures that she has a decent amount of time to catch up especially with a powerhouse like Artur doing most of the work around her join time while she just gets experience. Battles = 173, Wins = 79.

    Tethys: She danced what more can you ask for? Battles = 11, Wins = 0.

    Ephraim: He killed two things in the desert. Battles = 28, Wins = 24.

  15. Chapter 12: Village of Silence, Turns - 9/97.

    Amelia promoted on turn 2 after she levelled up so that Artur could get a Mend use. Artur got danced ahead and he made his way to the top right while Eirika stayed at the bottom and Amelia went to the Barrier Village. Amelia rescued Tethys around turn 3 and gave her to Artur and he dropped her off near the middle so she could help out and she danced him again near the end so he could reach the boss on the last turn. I wasn't really thinking about the fact that there's no good way to get the Barrier Staff quickly without a flier so Artur only got to use two Mend uses over the whole map, this might be more difficult than I had initially thought.

    Unit    Class  Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00      32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Sage   20/06.77   40  23  20  18  12  11  24  A Anima, A Light, C Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord   11.65      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/11/1.53 32  18  17  17  16  19  11  E Swords, A Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book
    Tethys  Dancer 02.31      19  01  02  13  11  05  04  ---

    Chapter 13: Hamill Canyon, Turns - 2/99.

    Ameila and Artur stood between the gap in the mountains and killed most of the stuff on enemy phase then Artur went and killed Aias while Ameila rescued Tethys to keep her sage after she had danced Artur so he could get in an extra Barrier use.

    Unit    Class  Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00      32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Sage   20/08.78   40  24  20  19  13  12  24  A Anima, A Light, C Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord   11.65      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/11/1.68 32  18  17  17  16  19  11  E Swords, A Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book
    Tethys  Dancer 02.58      19  01  02  13  11  05  04  ---

    Chapter 14: Queen of White Dunes, Turns - 10/109.

    Basically just walked while Artur spammed Barrier with Tethys' help, also Danced Amelia twice iirc so she could keep up and rescue-dropped Eirika a few times. Artur Hammerned the Barrier on the last turn he's about a 1/3 away from A. Probably lost one turn because I needed to hold Artur back to spam staves.

    Unit    Class  Level      HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00      32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Sage   20/11.10   42  24  22  20  14  12  25  S Anima, A Light, B Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord   11.65      27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/11/2.68 32  18  17  18  16  20  11  E Swords, A Lances, E Axes Speedwing, Secret Book
    Tethys  Dancer 03.58      20  01  02  14  12  05  04  ---


  16. Chapter 9: Distant Blade, Turns - 12/72.

    Eirika lead the way to begin so she could one round the Mercenaries and clear the way and then Artur just full moved every turn, or at least that was the plan, but I couldn't get lower than 13 turns. Instead I tried having Artur clear the way for Eirika and it worked a lot better, it seemed counter intuitive at first because Artur wasn't using his full move but the trouble was that Artur couldn't deal with the Mercenaries from the south and Eirika can't deal with the two range enemies chasing her from the north so they just got overwhelmed around where Amelia is and had to waste turns thinning out the cluster of enemies. After Amelia was recruited Eirika went to deal with the Pirates while Artur ran to Binks, she finished off the last Hand Axe!Pirate just in time. If Artur could use his full move every turn he'd reach Binks in 11 turns but he gets blocked by two enemies at one point near the Bridge and Eirika obviously can't kill them both to clear a path for him so 12 seems to be the minimum possible with an unpromoted Artur. Amelia used the Speedwing for herself and Artur used the Angelic Robe in the prep screen. 

    Unit    Class  Level    HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00    32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Monk   19.67    32  17  18  16  08  06  17  A Light      Angelic Robe
    Ephraim Lord   11.65    27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/1.00  22  10  07  11  11  11  07  C Lances     Speedwing

    Chapter 10: Revolt at Carcino, Turns - 7/79.

    Artur and Eirika just went for the Thone, Artur had to land one Shine crit over 6 attacks to kill Pablo so Eirika could seize on turn 7. Amelia stayed near the Door and fought stuff for experience, she's actually stupidly tanky so she didn't have much problem. I had Eirika use the Iron Blade so she wouldn't double the Mymridons and Mercenaries therefore Amelia could finish them and then she convoyed all her weapons so only one unit could attack her when she opened the Door otherwise everything preferred to suicide on her rather than attack Amelia . Also Gerik missed two Soldiers and then he and Innes decided to just fuck off and leave Tethys to fend for herself against a Soldier and an Archer for about 3 turns fortunately she dodged enough.

    Unit    Class  Level    HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00    32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Monk   20.00    32  18  18  16  08  06  18  A Light      Angelic Robe
    Ephraim Lord   11.65    27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/5.30  25  14  07  13  14  13  07  C Lances     Speedwing

    Chapter 11: Creeping Darkness, Turns - 9/88.

    Artur promoted to Sage and used Tethys' Goddess Icon and he and Tethys went right so he could spam Torch while Eirika and Amelia went south. Amelia lead most of the time so she could counterkill the Bow!Bonewalkers and the Mogalls with Javelin. When they got to the corner Eirika went for the Chest Room as she could ORKO the Entombed with the Silver Sword while Amelia went back to deal with the Reinforcments. I managed to save one turn by having Tethys open the Secret Book and Short Spear Chest and Eirika opened the remaining one so that the Chest Key!Bonewalker reinforcement leaves or doesn't spawn, at least I guess that's what happens he was in the fog so I'm not absolutely sure. Artur also had to spend two turns healing and one turn to kill the Longbow!Bonewalker so that combined with Tethys' thief shenanigans meant he didn't get as much Staff Experience as I was expecting but it's not like he's rushed he still got to about C and a third anyway.

    Unit    Class  Level    HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Stat Boosters
    Eirika  Lord   20.00    32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords     
    Artur   Sage   20/03.78 37  21  19  17  11  10  23  B Anima, A Light, C Staves Angelic Robe, Goddess Icon
    Ephraim Lord   11.65    27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances
    Amelia  Knight 10/10.95 27  16  11  15  16  15  08  B Lances                   Speedwing
    Tethys  Dancer 01.70    18  01  02  12  10  05  04  ---

    :Eirika:= Still kills everything and she can survive better now her luck and HP are higher also has the Lancereaver now, Swordlock hasn't seemed to be an issue, yet.

    :Artur:= He's more or less a god at this point will probably roll over the rest of the game, he's still just slightly too slow to double the faster enemies but he can OHKO with Elfire so it's not really an issue.

    :Amelia:= She's actually good, although I feel like a filthy casual using Knight!Amelia.

  17. Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart, Turns - 7/40.

    Thanks Orson, you're the best, got both the chest keys with the Javelin.

    Unit    Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika  Lord   13.90  26  14  16  16  11  05  04  B Swords
    Artur   Monk   07.98  21  10  10  10  04  03  09  C Light
    Ephraim Lord   08.28  24  10  12  14  11  07  03  C Lances

    Chapter 6: Victims of War, Turns - 5/45.

    Artur could reach Novala on turn four but he would need to get two crits to kill him, although actually now that I think back on it Eirika could maybe give him vision to attack on player phase as well for a 4HKO, well it's not like he would survive getting there without a lot of rigging. He just sat on the Fort and got experience while Eirika went and got the kill.

    Unit    Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika  Lord   16.43  29  15  17  18  12  07  04  A Swords
    Artur   Monk   11.65  21  12  12  11  06  05  12  B Light
    Ephraim Lord   08.28  24  10  12  14  11  07  03  C Lances

    Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall, Turns - 7/52.

    Eirika walked across the River, Atur went east and trained, Eirka finally got some more defence.

    Unit    Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika  Lord   17.88  29  16  18  19  13  07  04  A Swords
    Artur   Monk   14.87  22  14  14  14  06  05  14  B Light
    Ephraim Lord   08.28  24  10  12  14  11  07  03  C Lances

    Chapter 8: it's a Trap!, Turns - 8/60.

    Artur killed the Knight with the Door Key and opened the Door so Eirika could run through and Rapier all the Knights, then he killed the Shaman and Eirika ran to kill Tirado. Epraim fought his way through the South so Artur could get one of the Chest Keys for the Angelic Robe, I forgot to hand over Ephraim's Elixir to one of the cavs but it only had one use left, hopefully I don't need it. Unfortunately there's only two uses remaining on the Rapier.

    Unit    Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika  Lord   20.00  32  18  19  20  15  07  05  A Swords
    Artur   Monk   16.39  23  15  16  15  07  05  16  A Light
    Ephraim Lord   11.65  27  12  13  15  12  07  05  B Lances


  18. This is far less sadistic than doing Radiant Dawn Desert Map.

    Prologue: The Fall of Renais, Turns - 2/2.

    Eirika used Rapier, it was super effective.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   02.45  16  05  08  10  06  03  01  E Swords

    Chapter 1: Escape, Turns - 5/7.

    Good news Eirika got two Strength/two Speed, bad news the Rapier is like half broken already.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   05.45  18  07  09  12  08  04  02  D Swords

    Chapter 2: The Protected, Turns - 5/12.

    I had Eirika use the Steel Sword to start so she didn't double meaning the Bandits wouldn't run away to heal, then switched to Iron Sword and finally Rapier to finish Bone and his friend, only used 4 Rapier uses which was nice.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   07.72  20  09  11  13  08  05  03  C Swords

    Chapter 3: The Bandits of Borgo, Turns - 9/21.

    After Eirika broke the second wall on turn 4 I had her move one south so that the Archer attacked from her right and the Hand Axe!Bandit attacked from the Pillar that way she could run past them instead of killing them which I think saved one turn.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   09.79  22  11  13  14  09  05  03  C Swords

    Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors, Turns - 7/28.

    Eirika killed the guys in the North while she waited for the Mogalls to suicide on Artur then she went south, broke the snag, killed the two near Lute's Village and then went back to deal with the reinforcements. Artur stood around in the Forrest using  Vulneraries as needed and then went for the Boss after he'd taken care of the Bone Walkers, he got a stupid amount of crits not that it saved any turns I think.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   11.68  24  12  15  15  09  05  04  B Swords
    Artur  Monk   06.97  21  09  09  10  03  03  08  C Light

    Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach, Turns - 5/33.

    Eirika went right and pulled Joshua on turn 2 so Natasha could recruit him then she walked to Saar. Artur went through the gap near the Vendor to get some experience and then went and got the Armourslayer which I thought would be better than the Dragonshield though both my units would appreciate a Defence boost, not having promoted Artur is probably going to hurt in chapter 9 but it would cost too many turns to get all the Villages for the Guiding Ring.

    Unit   Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika Lord   13.90  26  14  16  16  11  05  04  B Swords
    Artur  Monk   07.98  21  10  10  10  04  03  09  C Light

    :Eirika:= Strong as an Ox, she kills everything but she can't take hits against Lances if she doesn't dodge which is a bit concerning.

    :Artur:= He's pretty good already to be honest, he doubles pretty reliably, but he can only take one hit sometimes two barely and he can't dodge anywhere near as well as Eirika, hopefully I can get the Angelic Robe for him.

  19. Part 4 - Chapter 2: Silent World.

    Turns - 4/149+8

    R.I.P. bonus experience, 35,000/40,000 points used on Fiona so she can contribute as more than a rescue-bot with Canto, I was going to just level her up until she had enough Defence (one of her highest growths) to survive and rely on a max-might Silver Lance Forge to give her damage and accuracy which are her biggest problems (+25% hit from Tibarn's Authority Stars and Map Affinity Bonus was appreciated too) but I decided I'd just go all out and raise her to 20/20/1 to boost her Strength and Skill more for Endgame, it's more economical that way in the long term I think and no one else desperately needs Bonus Experience any more I think. She ended up capping HP, Speed, Luck, Def and Resistance at tier 2, Strength and Skill still leave something to be desired but they're OK, low Skill is offset by her high Luck somewhat and her Strength was enough to 3HKO which was good enough. I removed Tibarn's, Elincia's and Lucia's Skills as well as Daunt from Reyson and Shade from Oscar and gave Tanith Vantage instead of Provoke and also Forged two max might/+20 hit Silver Knives for Sothe.

    This one was a lot easier and quicker than I expected to be honest, I expected with only three units it would take longer but if Danved fights like ten men, Tanith fights like a hundred or so, not to say Oscar and Fiona weren't important, they definitely were. Fiona just went South with a Silver Lance and Forged Javelin and took care of everything down there as best she could switching to the Brave Lance on the last turn to ORKO a Warrior, she actually ended up capping Defence and Resistance and she's pretty close to her HP and Luck caps. Oscar and Tanith each killed a Warrior to the west near the Start and then Reyson refreshed Tanith, he couldn't go very far as he had to Canto out of the range of the Halbediers but it was far enough, Tanith killed a General with a forged Javelin and queued up a Storm Sword so that she could refresh her weapon using the Coin that's dropped by a Mage and she destroyed the entire North of the map with relative ease. Afterwards she killed one of the two General's near where the Blizzard mage is and then Canto'd in front of the General blocking the entrance to Valtome's area. Oscar made his way over the thickets with Reyson's help and killed the Blizzard Mage. On turn three Tanith headed into the Boss area and killed one of the Bishop next to the Taksh!Sniper and killed everything there except for the other Bishop and Halberdier that don't move while Oscar was again helped over the Thickets by Reyson killing the other General and a Falconknight before Cantoing south to kill all the one range enemies there. Finally Tanith finished the remaining Bishop near Valtome and Oscar killed the other before Reyson refreshed him and he killed the one-range General with the Brave Bow and then the Snipers suicided onto him, he made very good use of the Brave Bow here thanks to two-range locked units of just stationary ones as it compensates for his lack of Strength well allowing him to get 4HKO's the Generals and 3HKO the Snipers and Warriors.

    Unit     Class          Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level         Skills
    Oscar    Silver Knight  --/20/09.11  53  29  13  33  31  28  23  19  SS Lances, B Bows    Canto, Sol
    Reyson   Heron          17.62        40  06  14  14  24  32  16  34  ---                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto
    Tanith   Seraph Knight  --/20/11.65  43  31  18  34  32  24  28  28  S Swords, SS Lances  Canto, Stun, Adept, Vantage
    Fiona    Silver Knight  20/20/06     52  26  15  20  29  32  28  27  S Lances, C Bows     Imbue, Canto, Sol


  20. Part 4 - Chapter 1: Road to the Empire.

    Turns - 2/145+8

    Another pretty straight forward map to be honest, I had Jill fly around with the Torch so I could see where everything was first and then planned from there, there's quite a few enemies that don't move which was pretty helpful. I decided to give Paragon to Ike and Leonardo, both made good use out of it and I removed Celerity from Jill and gave her the Boots instead. Makalov went left destroying one of the Barricades and then Cantod so he could see the Priest and kill him on turn two, the two Halberdiers destroyed the other Barricade and everything suicided on him over the two turns, he ended up getting enough Speed to double the Swordmaster but Jill gave him the Brave Axe in case he didn't. Ilyana did the same thing on the right, I bought her an Arcfire tome to raise her Fire rank so she can use Tormod's Bolganone, she weakened the Barricade and the Generals suicided into her. Unfortunately there's one General that won't move unless someone is in his range so she had to take Pass so she could move through another General blocking her and she finished of the Barricade with a Meteor then Janaff traded her back to the Arcfire, Nailah was also deployed just to block Janaff from being attacked as she's the only unit strong enough to not be attacked over Ilyana. Ike, Leonardo and Jill all went South with Rafiel, they each killed an enemy and then Rafiel refreshed them and Leo and Jill each kill another so that Rafiel was safe, Jill then Cantod east so she could kill everything on the right that moved and clear the way for Leonardo the next turn, while Ike went and stood next to the left of the three Warriors that don't move next to the Priest and he killed everything over there. On turn two Ike and Jill each killed a Priest and Leonardo killed the remaining Warrior then Rafiel refreshed them, Jill then flew next to the one-range General near the boss and revealed the last priest who Leo killed from the middle of the enemies near the boss, all of them don't move so they all killed themselves on Leo on enemy phase giving him a lot of Experience which was very welcome, the remaining General suicided on Jill and Mist revealed the Horseslayer General who is passive so Ike could finish him off.  Overall got some pretty nice level ups here although Ilyana's could have been better, including a ridiculous four Resistance levels by Ike for some reason, quite a few of my unit's are starting to cap or getting near to capping some stats..

    Unit      Class          Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                         Skills
    Ike       Vangaurd       --/20/07.49  57  32  07  36  36  20  29  20  S Swords, A Axes                     Shove, Aether, Paragon
    Ilyana    Arch Sage      15/15/09.05  45  21  32  30  30  16  18  26  A Fire, SS Thunder, C Wind, A Staves Shove, Flare, Pass
    Jill      Dragonlord     20/15/08.62  50  35  10  28  32  34  30  20  B Lances, SS Axes                    Canto, Stun
    Makalov   Gold Knight    --/18/05.35  48  28  11  24  30  29  30  19  S Swords, B Axes                     Canto, Sol
    Leonardo  Marksman       20/15/07.57  44  32  10  38  30  30  24  22  A Bows                               Cancel, Critical +15, Shove, Paragon
    Rafiel    Heron          13.00        31  02  12  02  12  32  06  28  ---                                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove


  21. Part 4 - Prologue: Chaos Named.

    Turns - 2/143+8

    I gave Sothe three Bonus Experience levels to boost his Speed mostly but he also capped Resistance and got a few points of Luck and Defence. He was at 27 Speed and I was hoping he would get maybe a point or two more during the map seeing as he had already capped HP, Strength, Skill and Resistance but he actually ended up exceeding my expectations and capping both Speed and Defence. Sanaki used two Speedwings meaning she could ORKO the whole map except for Yuma who she needed to get two more Speed to be able to double (He ended up attacking Kyza anyway) and she also got Paragon to boost her levels in preparation for the desert and also Shade as I was hoping enemies would favour attacking Kyza so he could raise his Strike rank but it was probably a mistake as he's very unlikely to get to SS Strike anyway and also he would have run out of gauge if much more had attacked him, not a big deal I just hope no one else want's Shade in the next two maps. Kyza got Pass so he could move through the Warrior and Halbedier that block the bridge to the north of the courtyard and engage the enemies in the west on turn one and Sothe got Provoke so he would be prioritised over Naesala, Sigrun and Haar who I used to surround Leanne so she was safe from attack on turn one.

    The map was actually quite straight forward and pretty reliable despite only having four units, Sanaki really carried her weight here, with her huge Luck and good Speed after two Speedwings most enemies only had about 30 displayed hit on her plus a fairly high chance to heal herself with Flare when she did get hit meant she could take on most of the map without issue. The west side is filled with a bunch of stuff with one range weapons so Kyza was sent to deal with that side by himself which he did admirably, he's actually pretty decent now he has S Strike and actually decent stats. The others all went south, Micaiah and Sanaki Purged/Blizzarded the Paladin that's by the River while Sothe cleared the Halbedier that was in their way. Leanne then refresh Micaiah and Sanaki and Micaiah went to the spot where the Paladin had been and used the Rescue Staff of Sanaki so she could reach the the tile to the northeast of the Killer Lance!Paladin who she killed this forces the Longbow!Paladin to suicide on her at two-range as all the other spaces are blocked which is important as she needs to kill the Tempest Blade!General on turn two Player Phase as for some reason he doesn't attack. Haar then traded Micaiah back to the Thani so she could kill the Crossbow!Warrior and Hand Axe Paladin and he Sigrun and Naesala surrounded Leanne against the wall. The Majority of the enemy units then proceeded to suicide on Sanaki who got to level nine in one enemy phase with a handful suiciding on Kyza and Micaiah and a few units attacked Sothe. Turn two Sanaki moved to kill the Tempest Blade!General and Kyza moved up a bit and used an Olivi Grass while making sure he stayed out of range of any two-range enemies. Micaiah Physiced Sothe and he killed a Paladin he had weakened the previous turn and then Leanne refreshed them, thankfully the River meant she was safe from attack even though she was exposed in the middle of the map. Sothe then killed another Paladin with the Beastkiller needing an Adept or critical and Micaiah moved adjacent to him in the River and she hammerned the Rescue Staff then Haar traded her back to the Ellight and Naesala blocked the two Halbediers that could have reached Leanne or Haar so they would attack Sothe instead. In this position the Bow!Paladins were forced to suicide on Micaiah while the reinforcements had to attack Sothe so he got some extra levels and all the remaining units killed themselves on Sanaki and Kyza.

    Unit      Class        Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Level                        Skills
    Micaiah   Light Sage   16/16.34     31  10  30  19  23  30  13  30   S Light, A Staves                   Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Sothe     Whisper      --/17/01.00  44  24  10  28  32  28  22  19   S Knives                            Steal, Shove, Adept, Provoke, Bane
    Leanne    Heron        06.83        26  00  04  02  14  28  04  22   ---                                 Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto
    Kyza      Tiger        32.28        69  36  06  36  30  21  34  14   S Strike                            Quickclaw, Shove, Blossom, Roar, Pass
    Sanaki    Empress      --/--/10.65  30  07  39  29  31  38  12  31   S Fire, A Thunder, A Wind, A Light  Shove, Flare, Shade, Paragon


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