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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. Part 1 - Chapter 8: Glory Unwanted.

    Turns - 4/41

    Finally got this chapter done, this one killed my motivation to be honest, mostly because of enemies doing things differently than what I expected but also due to my own stupidity at times, what can you do? I sold Vika's Shriek and the Ashera Icon for some more cash and bought another Light tome with +5 might called Aureola for Micaiah, I got the four bonus coins reward so that's nice, only problem being Ilyana doesn't have room to transfer them, oh well. I know Micaiah gets a Thani from Fiona before part I Endgame but I think she's going to be doing most of the combat in 3-12 so I wanted another tome in case it runs out or to potentially save Thani for part IV. I also gave Ilyana the Arms scroll to boost her Fire to D so she can use Tormod's Elfire for more weapon experience, I want her to reach C for Meteor as soon as possible after she joins the GM's as it could have some neat uses, as well as forged her a + 5 might Fire tome called Forblaze with +1 bonus might from the coin.

    The map itself is more or less split into three separate areas, the boss and his cohort in the east, some bandits south of the starting position and the soldiers and mages in the west. Conveniently my team has three 'able' fighters in Sothe, Ilyana and Micaiah. It's pretty obvious that Sothe has to go to the boss area as it's the furthest away and he has the best movement as well as durability, though Ilyana's combat is actually somewhat better mostly due to her hitting resistance. Micaiah's low move and fixed starting position means she is pretty much forced to take the area to the south, leaving Ilyana to take the west. If these were the only issues this map would not be too tough, however the bandits running into the swamp after the prisoners and the lone Dracoknight flying about, easily staying out of everyone's range, make this much harder.

    I tried for quite a long time to think of a strategy but the bandits and Dracoknight seemed to make getting a good turn count impossible, that was until I had a sudden eureka moment (I can't believe it took me so long to think of it to be honest) and realised that I could attempt to rescue all of the prisoners thus making the bandits change course and head towards my units instead of into the swamp, where I could deal with them. It ended up being a pretty good plan, although I did have to waste some money on the Olivi Grass so Vika could transform by turn three to rescue a prisoner. Unfortunately it wasn't all clean sailing from there due to the Bandits having ridiculous stats for some reason, Micaiah barely matches their speed even in Resolve range let alone doubles and she only 3HKO's and barely at that. Fortunately she is in best bio for this map as well as spending almost all the time in thickets which meant she could fairly safely use Wrath to get OHKO's with crits. Sothe also lacks the damage to ORKO and needs either a crit or Adept proc to do it. The hand axe bandit near the north east at the start was actually an unwitting ally, as sufficiently weakened he would retreat which would pull the priest closer to Sothe allowing him to use the thicket for cover which increased his chance of survival from around 50% to near 100% as well as allowing Sothe to keep Adept instead of having to use Celerity so he could reach the priest after getting the Arms Scroll which massively increased his chance to ORKO the two Bandits near the boss, good job generic Bandit. Ilyana had the easiest time as she was supported by Rafiel as well as having the most reliable time killing the Bandits thanks to hitting resistance with much better attack than Micaiah. Honestly I'm pretty glad this map is over though beating it has given me new motivation so that's good.


  2. Oh we're playing hard 3, I maybe should have read that... I probably would have taken Ogma, fuck the second and third maps. Well as for my actual picks er... Wrys I guess and Caesar. Tfw 2/3 of the characters still to draft and you're trying to determine which ones are the least useless, not which are the best.

  3. Part 1 - Chapter 7: A Gathering Hope.

    Turns - 5/37

    A pretty straight forward chapter, at least compared to the two chapters before and after it. I sold Zihark's Killing Edge and Tauroneo's Silver Lance as no one can use them (Fiona's not getting A lances any time soon) and they're worth a bit of money. Sothe got Fiona's Saviour and carried Micaiah through the lower area toward's the objective, dropping her just in range to seize on turn four while the others, lead by Jill, made their way through the upper area. I managed to free four out of the five prisoners for a bit of bonus exp on the last turn and Ilyana found the master seal in case I need to promote Fiona for the extra move or something (I think it took her longer to find the master seal than it did to play the rest of the chapter:>_<:). Also Fiona actually did something by rescuing Micaiah and giving her to Sothe which freed up the others to go and murder things straight away instead of Jill or Leo having to wait around, so I guess that's a thing, good job Fiona.


  4. On 01/07/2017 at 0:17 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Of course I couldn't get the Crossbow, but I would have really liked it.

    Before I start 3-1, which looks nightmarish (and I dislike that I can't drop my non-draftees on the map), is Gatrie potentially free? I see the draft rules says 7 move unit is free- Gatrie is 6 Mov. Does the rule actually mean no unit with more than 7 Mov, aka Titania/Oscar stomping?

    I think the crossbow gets sent to your inventory if one of the Laguz kill Silvano, not 100% sure though.

    I noticed that about seven move only units too, personally I think using Gatrie (or Rhys/Soren if you wanted to for whatever reason is fine), I think it's just supposed to stop people destroying the map with Titania. So yeah use Gatrie unless others can think of a reason not to use six move units.

  5. Part 1 - Chapter 6: Raise the Standard.

    Turns: 5 (3+2)/32

    In the base I used most of the bonus experience I'd accumulated up to this point to give Micaiah and Ilyana a level each (more on that later) and boost Jill up to 89xp, made a support between Leo and Ilyana because why not and fed Jill the Energy Drop and the Seraph Robe (saved the Dracoshield for now). Micaiah traded Wrath for Resolve, which will likely stay with her for most of the game and Sothe got Adept for a chance to kill Armours which he cannot usually ORKO.

    In addition I forged:

    • Garm: +5 might/ +10 hit/ +15 crit Iron Axe with coin for +2 might.
    • Iron Knife++: +5 might/ +25 hit/ +15 crit Iron Knife.
    • +5 might Iron Knife.

    With the arrival of Jill my team now has five members which, while maybe not sounding like a lot at first, was immensely useful for the first half of the map (especially when the newest member can fly). The east and centre areas of the map were not too hard to take care of leaving only the north east group and the eastern reinforcements to deal with. Jill and Sothe are the only people who can reach the north east in a timely fashion and Jill is too weak to take care of the Armour Knights with a Hand Axe, so Sothe is the only candidate, however he needs three shoves to reach the priest on turn three, in itself not a problem seeing as I have two people who can shove Sothe (Leo and Ilyana). Ilyana however needs to be a Sage to have enough con to shove him, if I had known I'd need to promote her for this map I would have fed her more experience in Chapter 5, anyway I topped of her level with bonus exp (rigged for magic and speed). Jill took care of a lot of the centre enemies and the eastern reinforcements, with a bit of help from Sothe and Ilyana, which left Micaiah to take care of the north east reinforcements with her new Resolve skill. Surprisingly her magic was actually one too low to ORKO some of the Armour Knights so she needed a bonus exp level (I also thought she needed one more HP to take a hit from the steel sword Armour but he ended up rolling low on strength so it didn't matter in the end).

    Part two as a boss kill map was a lot easier, I'd planned to promote Jill and have her take care of Laverton but in light of having to promote Ilyana early, I decided to hold off on Jill's promotion so Ilyana can use Paragon for the next two maps and hopefully get a few levels. Therefore Sothe did the boss kill from the low ground (his durability, or lack thereof, is kind of starting to show though, even now)


  6. 17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Would Resolve or Paragon be better for him for the chapter? 

    Hmm, tough choice, forgetting Beasfoe is rough that being the obvious answer. On the one hand he probably needs Resolve to double but he might be too tanky to get into Resolve range easily, on the other Paragon will almost certainly get him to level 20 considering how much experience Laguz give and the fact he's your only unit other than Micaiah and Sothe. I think I'd err towards Paragon myself.

    11 hours ago, StrykerZ said:


    I was just browsing YouTube vids and your videos of this draft appeared in my reccomendations list, how ironic.

    Clearly YouTube recognises high quality content :Kappa:.

  7. Part 1 - Chapter 5: The Lost Heir.

    Turns - 6/27

    A nice defend chapter to earn some much needed experience (although I wish Ilyana could have gotten a bit more). I bonus experienced Leo to 6.99, sold Volug's Howl for some much needed cash and forged the first of likely many Iron Knives for Sothe (+5 might). Having 5 units here meant I could make short work of the enemies at the start, after which Miccy and Leo made their way to the eastern ledge as fast as possible with a bit of help from Volug. Sothe went south towards the boss, stealing the Master Seal on his way and Ilyana went North. Sothe also stole the Shine Barrier on the last turn which might come in handy and Volug found the Concoction.

    Miccy decided that getting speed every level was a bit much with a 35% growth and got two bad level ups (one did contain defence though), Ilyana followed suit getting a typical Ilyana level containing strength, but no magic (I wish I could have bought the Spirit Dust for her but you can't have everything). Leo made up for it however by getting two very good levels and one decent one. Jill arrives to carry the rest of the game :awesome:.


  8. Part 1 - Chapter 4: A Distant Voice.

    Turns - 4/21

    At last we reach the base, I gave Miccy Wrath and then sold my entire inventory with the exception of: stat boosters, important skills, a few Vulneraries, a Door Key, and an almighty KappaRoss.png.7370eac660cdebfb77755f5bcc21c7c1.png Hand Axe. That left me with a bit under 14,000 gold with which I bought:

    • Beast Killer
    • Murgleis: +5 might, +15 crit Iron Bow.
    • Thoron: +5 might, +10 hit, +15 crit Thunder.
    • Ivaldi: +5 might Light

    Leaving me with a whopping 116 gold.

    On to the chapter itself, Sothe handled the south and east by himself while Ilyana led the way north supported by Miccy and Leo. After Agony and his group were taken care of Ilyana went west to get the Beastfoe while Miccy headed east for the Seraph Robe. One unforeseen consequence (at least to me) was that I couldn't get both the 3000 gold chest and Seraph Robe chest due to not having the other chest key from chapter two, Sothe could have reached the Seraph Robe but was blocked by the last cat. Perhaps if I had looked at it in a completely different way it might have been possible but it's not like the DB is super strapped for cash (I did briefly think about sending Ilyana south but that obviously wouldn't work given she can only just take a hit). In other news Micaiah's speed is equal to her magic I can't say I'm upset about this.


  9. Where have you been man :lol:? We started another draft, thought you'd forgotten or something. Well, may as well play another if everyone else is still up for it, why the hell not. First pick again huh, I'll go Titania this time. (I might finish the other one first though and then do this after, though I'll see how I feel).

  10. Part 1 - Chapter 3: A Faint Light.

    Turns - 4/17

    Wow, this map was hard, lots of trial and error involved to make it work. My general idea was pretty obvious, to have Sothe carry Micaiah towards the escape, but making it happen was tough to work out. Everyone except for Eddy and Laura did something useful here (although Eddy blocked Laura from being attacked and Laura recruited Aran if you count that). At the start Leonardo and Sothe rescue dropped Ilyana on turn one so she had enough move to reach certain enemies she had to kill for the team to advance (she and Micaiah actually ended up doing most of the combat, instead of Sothe), in particular she needed to kill the archer on the other side of the door on turn two, who would otherwise have blocked the way, meanwhile Nolan rescued Aimee and dumped her in front of the wall to bait the other archer. Turn three Leonardo gave Micaiah to Sothe who with a shove from Leo was just able to drop Micaiah on that specific tile which was important as it made the enemies attack in such a formation that Ilyana had a path through to kill the Armour Knight on turn four with another shove from Leo (Micaiah did have to crit one of the Soldiers though to clear a path).

    As for Aran's recruitment that was pretty much just trial and error, to work out where to direct Kurth so the enemies would end up orientating themselves in such a way that Laura could reach Aran for the recruitment, I'm not even sure where I'm going to use the Sleep Staff to be honest but at least I have it, if it does end up having a use.

    Not only was the strategy hard to figure out, but also to make it actually work. Ilyana is just shy of being able to ORKO enemies so she had to rely on crits, luckily she had the Elthunder for the crit bonus so that wasn't that bad. The tough bit was turn three enemy phase where Micaiah had to not only dodge all three attacks but also crit one of the two Soldiers and she couldn't even use the hedges to help her dodge, luckily her support with Sothe in particular her Bond Support giving her +10 crit was invaluable. Overall it took quite a number of resets to make the RNG align but It worked in the end.

    Leo is really surprising me with how valuable he's been so far, he didn't do any combat in this map but he was invaluable for being able to rescue drop the girls with Sothe and also for shoving, I was dubious about picking him when I did but he's definitely proved his worth so far.


  11. Part 1 - Chapter 2: The Dispossessed.

    Turns - 5/13

    Leo was actually super useful here as he could combo with Nolan to kill the enemies on the upper area in a timely fashion while Micaiah handled the two soldiers in the south. This allowed Laura to use her full move every turn, other than turn three, when she had to wait for the way to be cleared. Eddy was on hand though to give her two shoves on turn four and five to put her just in range to seize on turn five. It also freed up Sothe to go for the Energy Drop without costing any turns, as without Leo, he would have had to help Nolan clear a path for Laura.

    I didn't get the Thani but I think I'll be fine without it. My logic was basically that it would cost at least a turn to get (maybe two?) so even if it saved a turn later I would be breaking even anyway so I decided it's not worth it.

    Oh and Leo got an :awesome: level up. I was going to rig a speed level (11 speed doubles all the untransformed Laguz in chapter four, which I thought might be helpful) but then he goes and gets a seven stat level up, I'll take it.


  12. Part 1 - Chapter 1: Maiden of Miracles.

    Turns - 4/8

    This one took a bit longer to figure out than I initially thought, at first I was just going to kill the fighter adjacent to Isaiya and escape from that square. However I noticed that Nolan and Leo were exactly one damage short of killing Isaiya, so considering how hard it is to feed Leo exp I wanted to try to get Nolan a level up with strength so I could feed the boss kill to Leo. Getting Nolan a level up in so short a time was not so easy though, especially as enemies tend to favour attacking the others over him. The solution was to use Eddy to block the fighters from attacking Leo on turn two and allowing Nolan to just barely level up as a result on turn three EP. As for the fighters attacking Nolan over Eddy that seems to be quite random, my guess would be that while Nolan is stronger, Eddy has WTA and also is in better Biorhythm so they don't really favour attacking one over the other. Anyway the result was a nice 70 exp for Leo :newyears:, #worth.

    On a side note, it's kind of funny to think that were this hard mode Nolan and Leo would be able to kill Isaiya at base due to Nolan not losing one damage because of WTD, sort of a curious quirk that he would actually be easier to kill on a higher difficulty.

    Also does anyone know how you make the nice tables with the unit's stats?

  13. 13 hours ago, Soul~! said:

    That is such good quality. Can you teach me how to process with such quality in Dolphin.

    I recorded the video using OBS not Dolphin's recorder thing, which seems almost unusable unless you have some form of supercomputer. Here's a pretty decent guide on how to set it up it's nothing complex and then I just put the two parts together (before and after the battle save) using Windows Film Maker.

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