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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. Chapter 3: The Bandits of Borgo.

    Turns - 6/18

    The first map that takes a bit of thought and isn't just going through the motions, in particular not getting blocked by two-range enemies that neither Garcia nor Gilliam can ORKO causing Eirika to not be able to proceed. Seth was helpful here, he blocked the gap in the second wall so the Thief couldn't steal the Chest Key from Garcia while Eirika took Gilliam's Vulnerary so the Thief attacked her and was finished by Gilliam for some nice experience. He also blocked the Archer from attacking Eirika which would have meant Gilliam couldn't kill the Mercenary in her way. 


    Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors.

    Turns - 4/22

    Garcia and Gilliam are very helpful here if you don't have Vanessa or Franz, probably one of their best contributions before the route split. Garcia ran as fast as he could towards the boss while Gilliam helped Eirika break the Snag so she could take care of the enemies around Lute's village before heading back to take out the reinforcements from the north west and Artur took out the Mogalls and Skeletons in the east. Eirika continues to get all the stats and Artur and Garcia also got nice level ups here plus more speed for Gilliam is always welcome.

    Unit      Class    Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika    Lord     8.91   20  09  10  15  09  07  04  C Swords
    Gilliam   Knight   8.86   29  11  06  05  04  10  04  C Lances
    Garcia    Fighter  7.96   30  11  08  08  05  06  02  C Axes
    Artur     Monk     4.16   21  08  08  09  03  02  07  D Light


  2. Prologue: The Fall of Renais.

    Turns - 2/2

    Seth kills an RN and Eirika gets the bloodlust and goes ham on three unsuspecting Fighters, R.I.P. O'Neill.

    Chapter 1: Escape!

    Turns - 5/7

    Eirika walks to the Gate murdering things on her way Gilliam kills some Soldiers and pokes the reinforcements. Eirka got one great level and one meh level, while Gilliam got a standard Gilliam level Hp/Str/Def, had to burn one RN before the boss fight or Eirika would have missed one of her attacks :rolleyes:


    Chapter 2: The Protected

    Turns - 5/12

    Eirika rolls over most of the Bandits while Gilliam takes the two reinforcements and Garcia and Ross take the Fighter and Archer in the east. I didn't technically need to move anyone else but it changed how Ross and Garcia acted for whatever reason, as did visiting the Red Gem Village, so I just stuck with what worked once I found it. I don't think I'll miss 2500 gold, famous last words. Eirika got another great level up, I would prefer if Gilliam got the good level up, as well as more of the experience, but he did get speed so can't complain.

    Unit      Class    Level  HP Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Eirika    Lord     6.35   19 07  10  13  08  05  02  D Swords
    Gilliam   Knight   6.18   27 10  06  04  03  10  03  C Lances
    Garcia    Fighter  4.00   27 08  07  07  03  05  01  C Axes


    @Peppy When it says Seth is banned from all use, is he still allowed to do stuff other undrafted units are allowed to do or is he strictly not allowed to do anything whatsoever?

  3. Chapter 4: Battle in the Lea.

    Turns - 7/24

    I was expecting this to be an ease up in difficulty after the first three chapters but it really wasn't, in fact I think it was the hardest chapter yet, I guess I just forgot how good Shiida's Wing Spear is. My team is simply not capable of dealing with the Cavalier group well, especially factoring in the threat of the Horsemen and Archers, the best I could do is take out two of them in one turn and sacrifice units to buy time. Fortunately however the very right corner of the river is just out of range of the Horsemen so Jagen re-classed to Dracoknight so he could occupy that spot while Cain ran towards Merric's Village this resulted in two of the Cavaliers going after Cain while the other's ran to Jagen who could only be attacked by one at a time so he kept them busy for several turns. This left the Archers and Horsemen to be dealt with as well as the fast approaching threat of the Fighters coming from the east. Barst re-classed to Pirate so he could kill one of the Archers at one range while the other one was forced to suicide on him on enemy phase thanks to the stationary Knight, as well as pulling one of the Horsemen. The other Horseman needed to be distracted though as I didn't have enough firepower to take both out in one turn, this was a job for Pirate!Ogma who ran up near the arena to pull the second Horseman, he was accompanied by Jullian who distracted the Hunter so Ogma could do his job, both died as a result as well as Draug who was left behind to hit the save point. Two attacks from Silver Lance!Jagen put Bentheon just in range for Steel Sword!Cain to finish while Barst took out the Horseman for some nice experience.


    Chapter 5: Champions of Aurelis.

    Turns - 4/28 

    Thank goodness the Wolf Guard are here because I needed to sacrifice my last two meat-shields Bord and Cord to the three Cavaliers in Wendell's group. Hardin joined and was immediately put to good use, his stats are not as good as Cain's but his access to Silver Lances is a big point in his favour. Wolf and Sedgar ran west to pull some enemies out of the way while Roshea distracted one of the Archers. Jagen flew as far north along the river as he could to pull the other Archers towards him, one was taken out by by Cain while the other was taken out by Jagen and Hardin who had a Javelin delivered to him by Shiida. The two Knights and the Cavalier didn't pose too much of a threat, one Knight being taken out by Barst while the other suicided on Marth. Cain got one of the Thieves fed to him by Hardin and reached D lances in the process. Merach was taken out by Steel Lance!Cain, Devil Axe!Barst and Silver Lance!Hardin, while Vyland went and bought a Steel Lance, two Javelins and a Hand Axe. Barst is still about a 1/4 to a 1/5 of the way from C Axes so I really hope he can get there in time to Hammer the boss in the next map, it'll be close.


    Unit    Class        Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Marth   Lord         02.67     19  05  00  03  08  08  07  00  D Swords
    Cain    Cavalier     07.44     23  12  00  10  11  05  07  00  D Swords, D Lances
    Jagen   Dracoknight  --/02.99  20  08  01  11  08  02  11  03  B Lances, E Axes
    Wrys    Curate       03.38     17  00  02  06  06  04  03  06  E Staves
    Barst   Pirate       07.12     25  13  00  08  10  07  08  00  D Axes
    Hardin  Cavalier     06.89     24  09  00  07  08  03  08  01  D Swords, B Lances


  4. Chapter 3: A Brush in the Teeth.

    Turns - 6/17

    This chapter wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Marth headed to the Village to grab Barst's Devil Axe which was almost immediately useful and is sure to continue being so. The hunters near the boss don't move if you stay further away than where Jagen goes to on turn one so everyone hangs back and lets the three Fighters approach, this doesn't cost turns as Marth is visiting the Village anyway and taking on all 5 units at once would be too tough. Once the Fighters approached I made a wall consisting of Marth, Barst and Ogma (Abel was also there but he wasn't needed for the actual formation) while Jagen and Cain moved ahead. This resulted in one Fighter attacking Barst who had equipped the Devil Axe so Cain could finish him off the following turn, the second was just distracted as no one was free to kill him and the third attacked Jagen who took him out with two Silver Lance hits over EP/PP. Barst could OHKO one of the Hunters with the Devil Axe which was fortunate as Marth needed to take his spot so that both he and Barst could reach the gate by turn 6 and no one else was free to chip in any damage, the other Hunter was taken out by Jagen and Cain. Abel was the only necessary sacrifice in this map as he needed to pull the two Fighters near the boss as they would otherwise have blocked either Barst's or Cain's route to the gate. Darros, Lena and Navarre held up the eastern group even though it wasn't really necessary but I need to kill people of anyway. Reynard is a scary guy and could ORKO Jagen, Cain and Barst, fortunately Devil Axe!Barst does enough damage to allow Jagen to use a Steel Sword instead of the Silver Lance reducing Reynard's hit on him and Cain to just over 50% and with the use of the second save point made killing him not too tough.

    Unit    Class     Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level
    Marth   Lord      01.40     18  05  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
    Cain    Cavalier  04.88     23  09  00  08  08  04  07  00  D Swords, E Lances
    Jagen   Paladin   --/02.15  22  07  01  11  08  02  09  06  D Swords, B Lances
    Wrys    Curate    02.36     17  00  02  05  06  03  03  06  E Staves
    Barst   Fighter   04.91     25  11  00  07  09  06  07  00  D Axes


  5. I don't have any Part II units aside from Geoffrey and Makalov so I had to take a penalty regardless :P:, (unless I waited for the CRK's to show up but that's obviously slower :lol:).

    Nephenee could kill Ludveck with a Wrath crit if you air lifted her in, although I don't know if it's actually possible to get her into Wrath range I'd guess yes, Ludveck hits pretty hard and the Mage attacks before him. Capped strength Marcia (Tier 2) can ORKO Ludveck with a double Killing Edge critical, she needs WTA so not on hard mode, again I don't know how feasible it is for Marcia to get the 8 or so levels she'd need to cap Strength (assuming you rigged it every level), I know this because I was thinking of cheesy strategy's for part 2 during picking:Lute:.

  6. Chapter 2: The Pirates of Galder.

    Turns - 5/11

    I knew Barst was a good unit but I had forgotten just how good he is, he's like the second coming of Jagen at least in terms of damage and doesn't have to rely on the limited Silver Lance either. His lowish defence is also a blessing in disguise as enemies tend to favour attacking him resulting in high damage enemy phase counters that Cain/Marth can pick off. The general strategy's the same as usual for these early maps, Jagen goes ahead Silver Lance in hand and weakens the two Pirates near the Start on PP/EP, who are then taken out by Barst and Cain respectively, while Marth gets into position for Darros to recruit himself. Ogma full moves west which has the result of pulling Castor and one Pirate but not their nearby allies. The next turn Ogma moves to pull one of the Cavaliers onto the southern bridge who is then trapped on there by Abel while the other is forced to attack Jagen who takes him out with two Silver Lances. The Pirate and Castor attack Barst and are then dispatched by Cain and recruited by Shiida respectively. Castor immediately joins his bow wielding comrade Gordin in the grave in order to allow the others a clear run to the Boss who is taken care of by a combination of Silver Lance!Jagen, Iron Axe!Barst and Steel Sword!Cain for Marth to seize the gate. Wrys' contributions though not so obvious as in the first map did mean that I didn't need to use the Vulnerary at all which could be a big help in the next map. I also made sure to save everyone bar Castor in order to have lots of units to sacrifice if it's needed.


    It's hard to say how many turns Wrys saved in Chapter 1 but I would guess more like 4 at least, the only reason the six turn strategy worked was that Shiida bought just enough space for Jagen to take on the Boss without the other units killing him, so even if he had only needed one turn on the Fort to have enough HP to take a hit from Gazzak the whole strategy would have fallen apart and a much more cautious approach would have been needed, basically the whole strategy hinged on Wrys' heal on Jagen.

  7. Chapter 1: Marth Embarks.

    Turns - 6/6

    The key to these early maps in my opinion is working out the enemies aggro ranges so you can pull just enough to advance but not get overwhelmed, I decided to take a gamble and not get the 10,000g village so Marth could advance with the rest of the crew, I feel like without forging it won't be too much of a hindrance, will have to wait and see though. Silver Lance!Jagen puts the Pirates just in range to be killed by Marth/Cain so he went to the fort and countered two which were taken out by Marth and Cain next turn. Then he advanced slightly so he could reach the southern Fort on turn 3 countering another two Pirates in the process one of which was finished by Cain. Marth had to use his full move though so he could reach the village by turn 5, fortunately Gordin the first of many sacrifices was there to distract the Pirates until the others got out of range. Shiida played a very important role here as she flew above the castle in order to pull some of the Pirates near the Gate away to the North, which with the help of Abel blocking the east side next to the mountains meant that the space directly south of the Gate was out of enemy range on turn 5, therefore Jagen could get two Silver Lance hits on the Boss on turn 5EP/6PP for Cain to get the kill. Wrys' two heals were also super clutch leaving Jagen with just 1HP at the end, honestly if he does nothing else for the rest of the run I won't even care.



    @Kebe how did you make the table of unit's stats?

  8. Part 2 - Endgame: Elincia's Gambit

    Turns - 1+4/74+4

    This map equals Elincia please just activate Stun. I ended up Bonus Experiencing her to 22 Skill because after trying countless times to get her to Stun and it not happening, I theorised that Skill activation rate rounds down so with 21 skill it would be 10.5% chance to Stun and then -10% due to bad Biorhythm resulting in 0.5% which rounds to 0% so she needs 22 Skill to have a chance to activate it, which she did after about 10 tries. It would be interesting to know if anybody's ever got her to Stun on that map with her base Skill, maybe I just got super unlucky. Nephenee and gang got a bunch of stuff to take over to the GM's.


  9. Part 2 - Chapter 3: Geoffrey's Charge.

    Turns - 5/73

    Pretty much just did what the map title says, Geoffrey charged followed closely by Makalov and the allies. They both got bonus experienced to 99xp , Geoffrey needs to have capped strength anyway to ORKO Tashoria with the Brave Lance. I Bought the Hammer and Horseslayer for Nephenee and crew to transfer to Ike's team as well as a Wind Edge and Killing Edge which Makalov needed to kill the Speedwing!Halbedier (Wind Edge Chip + Killing Edge!Crit). I sent the Brave Lance back to convoy as well as I think Oscar will make much better use of it, Geoffrey can just Killer Lance/Sol Roark anyway so it's not exactly necessary for him to have. The allies tagged along as they cannot usually ORKO enemies so that means much more BEXP from leaving the red units alive.


  10. Yeah what Kebe said is pretty much what I was talking about, I'd say just allow people to sacrifice the minimum amount of loan units necessary to access the gaiden. Also I'll start this soon, going to finish part 2 of Radiant Dawn first only Geoffrey's and Elincia's maps to do so I'll maybe start tomorrow if I have time.

  11. Part 2 - Chapter 1: Winds of Rebellion.

    Turns - 6/63

    It's possible to two turn this map if you rig a bunch of low percentage dodges and some Wrath crits with Nephenee but the chance of her pulling it off is extremely slim without Transfers to Speed and Strength so she can double everything with her Greatlance. The fact that you also miss out on Heather's Pass, a very useful skill, just makes it obviously not worth the effort. Brom could exactly kill the Javelin!Armour Knight with two times Iron Axe plus Steel Axe so I had him fight him on turn one while Nephenee went to get the Steel axe from the village, followed by killing one of the Rebels who was blocking the way, three of them survived though for some nice bonus experience. I had Nephenee unequip her weapon as much as possible to increase her avoid so it was easier to manipulate her into Wrath range for the Boss fight as well as to keep the rebels alive.  After that they ganged up on the Steel Bow!Archer so Nephenee would have a more reliable time fighting Yeardley as she only needed to dodge the Javelin Soldier while Brom got into position to recruit Heather. I tried to find a way to recruit Heather on turn 5 as soon as she arrived but even if Brom killed the priest which was possible he would get blocked by the Mage. Later after I had given up on that, I realised he could have gone down the ledge to reach her but for some reason that never occurred to me at the time and I was already half way through Lucia's map so I didn't bother to redo it.


    Part 2 - Chapter 2: Tides of Intrigue.

    Turns - 5/68

    This one was not nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I pumped all my accumulated bonus experience into Nephenee, who was my free unit of course, to get her as much strength as possible. Everyone moved up North out of the range of the enemies east of the starting position and Nephenee dispatched the Armour Knight and Soldier before Nealuchi traded her a Javelin to kill the Archer on enemy phase. Turn two Lucia advanced to give Nephenee vision while equipping the Wind Edge to deter enemies from attacking her, then Nephenee moved just in front of her to kill a bunch of enemies on enemy phase. Leanne had a free turn here so I had her use a Laguz Stone to transform which meant she was not doubled by the Javelin soldier, he only had about 25% displayed hit on her, so it wasn't really necessary but Laguz Stones aren't exactly in high demand for my team so I thought it worth it. Having the Soldier distracted meant Nephenee could keep advancing instead of wasting time dispatching him and she lured most of the non-stationary enemies near the Arrive tile on turn three killing them all easily except for the Crossbow!Warrior who she needed to crit. On turn four she moved in front of Maraj and killed him with an unnecessary crit on enemy phase while weakening the General before finishing him off for Lucia to Arrive on turn 5.


  12. Part 2 - Prologue: On Drifting Clouds.

    Turns - 8/57

    Not much to do here seeing as no one bar Leanne is a member of my team, I tried having Elincia spam mend so I could just BEXP her a bit to kill Ludveck without a Stun proc but it proved far more trouble than it would be worth. So instead everyone just cleared out the Dracoknights near the start and then Elincia went and dodge tanked Zeffren while Marcia recruited Haar and Leanne just spammed Galdr for pointless XP. I gave the remainder of Marcia's Javelin as well as Haar's to Nealuchi for Nephenee to use in 2-2.


  13. Part 1 - Endgame: Daien Arise!

    Turns - 4/49

    This one was pretty fun to try and get the four turn, I'd planned on trying to get five turns but when I played it getting five turns was more or less trivial thanks in most part to Jill who could almost solo it in five turns, so I decided to try for the four turn. I gave Fiona two levels of bonus experience as she needed 12 speed so as not to get double and destroyed by a Soldier, Jill got raised to level 20 before promoting and Micaiah got put to 99 XP though I shouldn't have done that as it was just a waste of BEXP. Ilyana got Celerity and Saviour as skills, Forblaze, Thoron, Pass, Hammer, Brave Sword and the Blue Gem to take with her, I also took off Shade although I'm not sure if it'll be useful for anything and Jill got Paragon. Sothe got one last Iron Knife forge and Fiona got an Iron Lance because she gets weighed down about 5 AS by Steel Lances :facepalm:

    On the first turn Sothe killed the Fighter and was then shoved by the Black Knight who was in turn rescued by Jill, Rafiel was shoved twice so he could refresh them and Sothe killed the Archer above the ledge so Jill could drop the Black Knight under the stationary Armour Knight. Ilyana ran up the stairs thanks to Celerity and Fiona rescued Micaiah so she could be rescue chained up the ledges. Turn two Fiona gave Miccy to Sothe who in turn gave her to the Black Knight and Rafiel was shoved once more so he could refresh Jill and Sothe who then rescue dropped him onto the middle area, this resulted in having Miccy, Sothe, Ilyana, Jill, Rafiel, and the Black Knight on the middle area by turn two. Turn three everyone advanced a bit and cleared the thieves and where then all refreshed to get up the final ledge, with Jill and Sothe once again rescue dropping Rafiel so he could Galdr again on the final turn. Finally on turn four Miccy broke the door and was then rescue dropped by the Black Knight and Jill so she was just in range to seize, Sothe grabbed the Speedwing, before Jill and Ilyana cleared a path for the Black Knight to obliterate Jarod and Micaiah to seize. Unfortunately this left no room for any chests aside from the Speedwing although the only one I care about is the Parity which is very useful in the Final map, hopefully not having it won't end up costing a turn there. Ilyana reached C fire at the end of the map so she should have plenty of time to work on getting C wind for Blizzard and getting her staff rank up after promotion for rescue in part IV, that should mean I don't need to buy too many Arms Scrolls if any.


  14. I'll take Bantu who shall most definitely remain in his village and Beck who will most probably remain in his village, also for some reason I had it in my head that Barst had Dracoknight as a class option which is why I picked him over Ogma and it dawned on me about 30 minutes ago that fighter and mercenary are in the same class set :facepalm:, I think I was getting confused by FE12.

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