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Everything posted by Lau

  1. God, I hope one of those banners is Archanea. It baffles me that we haven't gotten Julian and Lena yet. That Dimitri and Edelgard banner is going to kill me, I need them both. I predict that Mercedes will be the third focus unit due to originally being from the Empire, only to join the Kingdom later. If they don't give Est a spring alt like they did Catria and Palla, heads will roll.
  2. Aw, no Felix ;( Anyways. FERDIE AND ANNIE!! Ahhh, I'm so glad they're here. Bernie and Lysithea would be nice to get, but I don't really care, hahah. Also, I haven't seen the English trailer so idk if it happens, but if Ferdie doesn't say "I am Ferdinand von Aegir", then what's the point? As for the Flame Emperor...I'm not interested, so I'll be sending them home.
  3. I voted for Leif, but I'd be fine with anyone winning, except for Winter Sothis as I already have her. I just went with Leif because his art is beautiful.
  4. I think it's pretty likely. If we do get a sequel, they better keep the Archaneans. If they cut them, they'd have to be very specific about the Three Houses roster to get me to buy it, as in including Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid, as well as Ferdinand and Seteth. Roy would also be a big selling point, but if they include Ike and not him, well...it's a no from me. I can't see them cutting anyone, though. It should be easy to just port them over, right?
  5. Honestly, I can't bring myself to go back to Fates. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of the characters (the Nohrian siblings, Azura, Kaze, Saizo, and Rinkah, as well as the Awakening trio and Niles off of the top of my head), and Conquest had some really fun maps, but that's just one game out of three. Birthright felt like a slog to play through, and Revelation was too gimmicky for me (that map where you had to break the ice...ugh). Fates story was terrible all around, and the less said about Corrin, the better. It's a shame, because I respect the idea behind Fates, and I can definitely see what it was going for, but unfortunately, it missed the mark by a wide margin. I also didn't like how they split it into three separate games, but it is a business, I guess. Music wise, like all FE games, it had a great soundtrack. I really liked the changes to the pair up mechanic, although Awakening's will always be my favourite due to the sheer broken-ness. The animated cutscenes were really nice, I liked that they kept the same studio that did Awakening's, and they helped make certain events even more impactful. The inventory is definitely better than Three Houses' though. On the other hand, Three Houses... Byleth is better than Corrin. Being a silent protagonist means Byleth doesn't grate on my nerves like Corrin did, although I wish they'd drop the avatars already. I prefer the music in Three Houses more than Fates. Edge of Dawn, Apex of the World, God Shattering Star, Between Heaven and Earth, Fodlan Winds...I could go on, but there's just so many fantastic tracks. The voice acting is really good, too. Jeralt's voice is really soothing, I love hearing him narrate inbetween chapters. Chris Hackney knocked it out of the park as Dimitri, and Joe Zieja as Claude...<3 Story wise, it's miles better than Fates. Does it have its flaws? Absolutely. CF doesn't deal with the remnants TWSITD until, like, the character endings. AM doesn't bother with any of that. How did the Agarthans come to be? There's a lot of unanswered questions, but they don't bother me that much. I admit, replaying White Clouds four times to get all the routes is a slog, but i try my best to shake it up. Gameplay wise...the maps can be boring, but I play with animations off anyways, so it goes relatively fast. Cindered Shadows is a completely different story. I never want to play Chapter 4 or Chapter 7 ever again. I enjoyed the teaching aspect more than I thought I would, to be honest, and exploring the monastery is one of the parts I look forward to most. The Three Houses cast is definitely my favourite, shout out to the Blue Lions for being the house where I absolutely adore all of the characters. Seteth was also a massive surprise, and Cyril is a sweetheart. My major problems with Three Houses are...relatively few. I don't like how Silver Snow is basically a rehash of Verdant Wind, just without Claude. Seteth is great, but when Byleth, a silent protagonist takes the centre stage...it kinda falls flat. The final boss is good, though. The inventory annoys me. Why do I have to put my stat boosters into my character's inventory to use them? Why can't Felix use an intermediate seal while Sylvain is holding it? Honestly though, Three Houses just appeals to me more than Fates, not to say it's all bad, it has some great characters and supports.It's all about preferences and opinions. And while I have a different opinion from the OP, I greatly respect theirs.
  6. If March's Resplendent Hero is Marth, you can bet your hat I'll be buying the FEH pass. ...God, I'm easily pleased. Anyways. I really want Nils. I've always liked him, so it's great to see that he's finally here.
  7. Hahah, this is great. I don't have any of these units except for Christmas Sothis, so I'd be happy with any of them, even Edie. I didn't even bother voting because I hate the way they're doing this, but it seemed to work out. Plot twist, those who didn't vote aren't allowed the winning unit It's a shame Christmas Marth-Elice and Legendary Marth didn't make it, I want more merges.
  8. 1) Xane 2) Nyna 3) Felix 4) Sylvain 5) Ingrid 6) Julian 7) Lena 8) Dorothea 9) Seteth 10) Ferdinand 11) Inigo and Severa 12) Basilio 13) Rhys 14) Artur 15) Pelleas 16) Erk 17) Rinkah 18) Midori 19) Tatiana 20) Jeralt
  9. Honestly, fanservice doesn't faze me at all anymore, I've spent years watching anime/reading manga, I'm confident in saying that I've seen it all. In terms of "sexual" fanservice in FEH, I don't mind. Honestly, you see worse in real life than what is actually seen in-game. I do think there comes a point where you have to draw a line, like, if it is very OOC for a character to be showing a lot of skin, or acts very uncomfortable about it, then yeah, lets not do that. Do I play FEH for the fanservice? No. I play it because it's FE. If I get to see Marth dressed as a groom and Caeda in a bridal dress, that's a bonus.
  10. Was this necessary? "Not that popular"? He basically came second in CYL 2 if you combined his votes, which IS should've done from the start, he reached top five in the first CYL if we combine both Ikes, and has been consistently top three ever since. Not popular my foot. If we're really going into the whole "face of the franchise" debate, then lets put it this way. He was first pick out of all FE characters for Smash, was chosen to represent FE in Dragalia Lost (the only others being FEH OCs), he has been present in both FE spin-offs, basically, he is like Pikachu. Yeah, there's more popular characters (Ike, Lyn and Lucina), but at the end of the day, he is probably the most recognised FE character.
  11. If I may add my two cents... I vote for Marth simply because he's my favourite FE character (plus he was robbed in CYL 2, you can't deny that), I don't care about how many alts he has, he could have ten alts and I'd still vote for him, because he's my favourite. I'm not bothered if he gets first or second, as long as he places in either spot. I just want him to get a new costume (preferably his original design). That being said, I don't agree with expanding the winners to the top three. It means it'd be a six person banner, there would be colour overlap. That would be awful for a banner as hyped up as CYL, if that makes sense.
  12. Don't say that, don't give me hope. I reckon we'll get the results on Friday, since IS doesn't seem to work weekends.
  13. Marth is in third! I hope he can do what Eliwood did to him last year and overtake Claude! God, I love Dimitri and Claude so much, and Edie too, but to see this become a Choose Your Houses poll is just disappointing. Chrom is holding on to fourth for dear life, but at the cost of being separated from male Robin... It's really good to see Felix in sixth, he's my favourite from Three Houses. My lord, is that my boy Itsuki in 20th? People say he's bland, and he really is, but I love him so much, I get really attached to the characters I play as, so it's great to see him there.
  14. Voted for Marth again~ I wonder if Chrom and male Robin are going to rank next to each other yet again?
  15. Oh man, here we go! First vote goes straight to Marth. TMS is being included? I really hope Touma places well, the poor sod keeps getting pushed to the side. As for Three Houses...I reckon the BL childhood friends will place very well.
  16. I got into FE through Smash. As soon as I saw Marth in Brawl's Subspace Emissary, I did my research on him, found out his backstory, and formed an attachment to him pretty much immediately. In terms of characters in an actual FE game...I'm gonna have to go with Chrom. Awakening was my first FE, and Chrom, being the main lord, was just so prominent and ticked all the right boxes. I liked his design, I liked his character, his voice was amazing (bless Matt Mercer), so I ended up S-supporting him. Him, alongside Robin and their two kids, just tore through the maps, and it was beautiful.
  17. For the fourth year in a row, all of my votes will be going to Marth. I'm not expecting him to win, I mean, he's up against Dimitri and Claude, but there's a chance he could just scrape by.
  18. I am not ashamed to admit that I shed a tear when this was announced. My most wanted port, yet I never thought that it would happen. Definitely a day one buy for me.
  19. Ahhh, Berkut and Rinea! Finally, a good banner.
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