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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. There's gotta be something better than this.
  2. What is your favourite non-Fire Emblem game? My favourite film? Into the Wild. He stole that from Flight of the Conchords...
  3. Marth, Link, Capt. Falcon, Fox, Ike Favourite film?
  4. My, how specific. Cave Story (I don't play many and haven't beaten this one.) What is your favourite puzzle game?
  5. What is your strong suit? The characters and setting.
  6. I've only posted about ten times outside of this section.
  7. I think of him that way, too. Courtesy of Gaoh.
  8. Good choice. It wasn't even a question. XL annoys me anyway.
  9. How American. Most tedious boss... So far, it's the Minotaur boss in God of War. Same question.
  10. 3D Ultra Radio Control Racers<h1 class="article_title contentPageHeader" style="margin: 0px;"></h1> Favourite James Bond movie?
  11. It's an open source port of Chrome. It's designed to work just like Chrome except for not sending data to Google.
  12. Chromium would be clearly preferable, but it's more buggy.
  13. Rapunzel (Tangled), Scar (The Lion King), Silver (Treasure Planet) What do you think of yourself?
  14. That was pretty badass. Wish I could do something like that.
  15. I don't even have the game because I don't have the funds. Hence my complaint.
  16. Cheap? There is no such thing when you're broke.
  17. That sounds about right, but with too little condemnation on undeveloped individuals.
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