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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Only one post all of those you countered offered no advice with its criticism. Have you tried responding to it minimally? Do you know anyone who has gotten into trouble for doing so?
  2. In my experience, this is a bad idea. Churches offer a specific brand of counseling and have been known to explain abnormal personalities with spiritual problems (depending in the church). Furthermore, churches encourage faith, which is a form of emotional co-dependence focused on beliefs. Not that psychology is an exact science by itself, but still. Don't want to bring in those factors if you can help it.
  3. Your emotions are getting in the way of sound reasoning. The minute someone says something that is not 100% supportive, you shut it down. The OP may have an easier time dismissing it as a result of your defense, causing the advice to become null. You are discounting other attempts at helping the subject. My bad on the third point. It seems easier to hire a private therapist than to go through all of that trouble, doesn't it? Unless money is the issue?
  4. Flaw #1: He/she is implying that being told at an early age is something they have in common. He/she did not imply that it went away. Flaw #2: His/her post was for the most part neutral. At no point did they express the notion that compassion cannot be allowed. They expressed that dissenting opinions were being shut down by people like you. You condemn others for being heartless at the first sign of criticism. Flaw #3: Having been diagnosed with Aspergers, you should assume that they will understand it at a far deeper level than a Wikipedia summary. /late
  5. I think you're confusing attention seeking with attention whoring. You posted it 'in a public place' so that 'people would find it'. That falls under the definition of trying to get attention. Don't let your negative associations with attention seeking scare you away from the classification.
  6. Because they made use of the height glitch on IPB.
  7. Because they made a reference that I just barely got.
  8. Because he does not know any other undeads.
  9. Chane Laforet Ava: 7/10 Sig: 6/10
  10. Why do you guys always strikethrough everything?
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