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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Why am I so picky? I'm going to accept whatever levels I get, dammit!
  2. Because he sticks around despite bad rep.
  3. Holding conversation. What word defines you the most?
  4. I don't get what you mean. What other avi are we talking about?
  5. How does one have an 'SF avi'?
  6. I see what you're doing, and it won't work. I'm doing one run with each.
  7. I just got Donnel. Thanks for the tip. Don't have any of them yet... On Chapt. 4 though.
  8. I did. Also a big fan. It's not a mistake, it's just irregular. What is your avatar from?
  9. Because of the characters and story structure. It's my kind of world. Everyone is a main character. Why did you use spaces and lowercase?
  10. Yep. I'm being casual, playing a chapter and then breaking. Not like me at all.
  11. BRILLIANT. >supports all the people I have no idea who to S support, though...
  12. I am alive... And I have Awakening. As usual, I'm being stingy about supports because I don't know how they work. Is there a limit on how many I can do? Is there such a thing as a bad choice?
  13. I Lost Something in the Hills by Sibylle Baier
  14. That depends on his parents and the law. He can probably get involved in a local homeschooling co-op or move to an online school to take the burden off of them, but they would still have to become far more active in his life. I hate to say it, but they might not be willing or able to go that far for him. All in all, no matter what he does, he will be relying on others. There is some risk. Is he, as a person, willing to take it? Rapier is right. He might need therapy even if everything calmed down at school.
  15. I disagree on the grounds that you are too close to tell, but I am certainly no better a judge. I do not even know what country you hail from. My point is that saying 'what would happen' doesn't mean anything to me if it gets no results, and it doesn't mean anything to the victims, either.
  16. I have to take this with a grain of salt because I know that if I were working for an organization, I would want to believe that things were different there as well. I am going to assume that the other workers at your place do the bare minimum to get by, and that few parents complain because the children are like our Dandragon here. They don't want to bother them or feel that they are just like the counselors. It is one thing to have a good policy. It is another thing to get results. I understand your feelings, but I will sift through them to good advice all the same.
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