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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. It would, which is why I said it. I can only make features from the user side because I am not an admin.
  2. I can do that, but it will only appear for people who have the add-on.
  3. I love Modest Mouse so much. I need something to do. Does anyone want a forum feature that they do not currently have?
  4. Honors British Literature Literature classes are always my favourite. So many memories...
  5. Laws and rules are meaningless without money and power, aren't they? Hence, they differ from place to place and era to era... Unless you mean the observed limits of the universe (the laws of physics).
  6. Right back at you. Peter, is that you?
  7. I want the power to control everything, but that power brings responsibility. I would be fine if I did not love anyone, so it is a combination of things that creates it.
  8. Who is your favourite female FE character? I am well. Kind of bored. Good answer.
  9. You have a passport? I'm broke. Mentioning something and not following up on it? Bad show. Being a child is unforgivable. That, and what Pride said. Strength of spirit defines true strength.
  10. Poor Nightmare. Enemies within, enemies without. My regards. What are those other reasons, if you don't mind sharing?
  11. What country does Nightmare hail from? I respect that. I would consider you too trusting if you sent it to me on a whim.
  12. Yes, there is. If you cannot create a copy of it, then the copies are limited to the number that the manufacturer produces and can never go higher than that. But that's beside the point. What is stopping you if not the physical copy problem?
  13. I saw that. I would have picked Alex on my own, but Alice is just as good.
  14. It would be nice, wouldn't it? If only it were broken.
  15. You haven't read Dorian Gray?! Get on that. (Now I notice you didn't say that you didn't read it.) I need to justify spending finite resources. Read: Currency.
  16. I used to consider myself fearless because I can let go of things to handle situations calmly. I have a reflexive fear of the open ocean because I almost drowned a few years ago, but even that only scares me until I register what is happening. I changed my mind when I got close to others. I started fearing the consequences of my actions. I feel responsible for every situation I have a hand in. I fear doing something I will regret because I do not know what I am capable of. I fear myself more than anything in the world.
  17. Sorry about disappearing forever, Marthur. I didn't except you to use me for anything. _| ̄|○
  18. Hm... Not really? I got stuck on Dragon Maleficent in Kingdom Hearts. The first boss I haven't been able to beat on my first try. I really want to get The Last of Us, but I can't justify the expense. So tempting.
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