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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Raw cashews are toxic. Hurts so good.
  2. The revenants do not forgive. They get a foul shot. Everyone likes Touhou music. (I think.)
  3. Hive mind monsters always hit you? What luck.
  4. They decided to pick that bone. With the slashing of claws and gnashing of teeth.
  5. Monsters and revenants have a bone to pick with you.
  6. The boldness only covers what I have heard up to that point, but I stand by my statement. It has to sound new to me to leave an impression. It goes without saying that it being the best is subjective and relative to my standards. It is the best because my senses tell me it is. I meant that I do not keep a multitude of similar sounding bands in my collection. I keep the best and most unique artists and consider the rest cheap knockoffs who cannot create things without a formula.
  7. This is a loaded question. I dislike most artists who fit into the genres I listen to; especially artists who aim for a genre or niche fanbase. You could say that I dislike all kinds of music, for being generic. I tend to like the exceptional in quality and style, but I would not be able to tell you what most of my music is unless I looked it up. I listen to what I get from friends or hear in other media. What do you think? of Montreal Andrew Jackson Jihad Bad Religion Infantree Modest Mouse The World/Inferno Friendship Society Black Sabbath Parov Stelar Arcade Fire Radiohead Electric Light Orchestra The Antlers Thieves Like Us Queen David Bowie Tom Waits Michael Jackson Mastodon Underoath Nim Vind
  8. I was on another forum and found a spriter who came from this place. I checked it out, and here we are. Oh. My mistake.
  9. I think it's the sprite. You might have been the one that led me here by proxy.
  10. I feel like I know you, but I'm probably wrong.
  11. Oreimo is the first I have seen of the kind, so I'm not sure where you're coming from there. I don't watch much moe anime.
  12. Get that genre bias out of here.
  13. The Commonwealth of The Kingkiller Chronicle. Have some sympathy for me and my dreams.
  14. I mean the BBCode fix. The one Balcerzak responded to was the post loss prevention script.
  15. Should I do the same thing with this one?
  16. I got one from Balcerzak today. He said he will bring it before staff and keep me posted. I forgot again.
  17. @Marthur: I got Smilies and Special BBCode working.
  18. I can't find it, so can you tell me what 'cheesing your way' means? I want to be sure.
  19. A friend and I were swamped and needed a way out of an excessive workload. We learned of a planned fire drill and knew what we would do. When it came close to time for the drill, we asked questions until it happened, believing that this would throw the teacher off and make her forget to ask for homework afterwards. It worked.
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