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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. The Lowest Hit rate i actually had so far, except for Mr. Blind Archer Sherlock. He has cool Abilities and all, but his hit rate will make me bench him. The other 2 Knights have that Supporter thing, making them have ~85 hit. Ward is Jagen'ing. And Deen has that +22hit skill and good AxSkl stat anyway Umu guide told me about this it's 10
  2. Well @Benice ... Hold your Breath... I AM... actually not having low hit rates even in chapter 1. Nice. The only one who is Blind in Mr. Holmes. But atleast he can evade
  3. @Benice So if i unterstood range right: 0: means 1 range, but you heading into the enemy's tile 1: Also one range away, but not heading into enemy's tile, hence they can only counter attack with ranged weapon right?
  4. WTF LMAAAAAAO Enemy weapon broke first battle LMAO
  5. @Benice Is Shield extra Def always active when equipped?
  6. >Bandits wouldn't be a FE game otherwise >Knightly talk definetly Kaga xD
  7. nope, thank you^^ Takes away the fun of knowing them myself, which is always a part of SRPG Although some spoiler less tips for Kaga's cryptic stuff would be appreciated! soon ™️
  8. Without stretching, right? If so, thanks! Imma finish something else then might play a map before i sleep (or start it tomorrow) Thanks @DragonFlames Also maybe you should get a PC instead of a Laptop?
  9. R O C K E T S C I E N C E O C K E T S C I E N C E xD
  10. I do have a good PC after all, even if it's a couple years old now. Now why does this run smoother than TRS is the real question XD Or maybe PS 2 emulators actually are better optimized than PS 1 one?
  11. The opening i viewed almost lagless! Yay although fire seems a bit glitchy And boy does the opening remind me of SoV Btw @Benice do you know if the game supports 16:9? And thanks @lightcosmo
  12. I was planning on doing something else first, but ya know what, imma try it right now
  13. next time ask them to share pics with the rest of the bus 😛 Seriously though, the nerve of some people
  14. Well, i will do the dishes and shower and see if i can run the PS2 Emulator First pics in a couple hours then, hopefully
  15. Kinda. Although it's a more of a ''Link System''. Where units in a certain range with each other can 'link' together and support each other, with Support skills mainly having a trigger condition. Let's take a healer/Light mage, as an example, when linked with another Ally: C-support skill: Auto-heal. Once/twice/thrice (depending on support level) per turn, auto heal attacked ally. Trigger condition: linked ally takes damage in battle B-support skill: Barrier. Res + X (depending on support level) for first magic damage taken on enemy phase. Trigger: take Magic damage. A-support skill: Status immunity. Linked Ally is immune to negative status effects S-support skill: Revive. Once per Map, if linked ally get's ko'd, revive them with (Mag + 10) HP. I wanted to write a full post about a proposed revamped support system, Story and gameplay wise, but dunno if i should, since people seem to really love the current system. And Armor unit could've ''Dual Guard'' as a A-Rank skill, to completely nullify first damage the linked ally takes during a turn, as an example
  16. I will play a bit, if i see i can migitate the hit rates well, i will continue, if not, i don't think i will be able to enjoy it much, sorry. I am the kind of person who doesn't like to win/lose due to RNG much (especially the latter xD), and if the whole combat is built upon luck, i don't think it's for me. I will give it it's fair chance though and see what i can do. If it's for example like FE5, where Charm and Supports can raise your hit pretty reliably, and you have high hit PRF weapons with many characters, i can roll with that. If it's more akin to FE6 i don't think i will enjoy it much. I don't mind that if the game is balanced around it 😉 That's something i find pretty good!
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