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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Banned because the only Kaga games i like are FE4 and FE5 xD
  2. I unlocked them looooooong ago xD Like, before i put the game on hold for the crossbell games Umu. Even then bears aren't a cake walk. Currently she has highest attack on the team (~215) and friendship locket with 30% extra assist damage She can combo like 1.5k damage or something lol. Party is currently lvl65-70 (Hard mode), Alchemy lvl36, end of chapter 8. Doing Alchemyriddle stuff. Like the 15 times use heal bell stuff.... Btw, when does the 'normal' Boss theme play? It never plays, i noticed
  3. Anyone: uses an attack skill Piana: it's free real estate And finally i can defeat the damn bears yay! Spent a few hours upgrading the whole Party with high level high quality gear 😄
  4. That's the problem time to sell all my low quality stuff i don't use anymore xD
  5. F Time to sell a 1000 items or Mass craft or something...
  6. My Mia was better than Ike for half the game in PoR :sip:
  7. Umm, Atelier experts, i need your Alchemy knowledge I am about to fill my Inventory, 4600/5000 atm What can i do lol Is there a way to increase inventory size, or do i need to start selling stuff...
  8. Tutturu.... XD I guess imma play some Atelier in a bit xD
  9. Tfw you take a nap until... *looks at clock* 00:30 Nice.... Delete poll -> Save Thread -> add poll again
  10. I honestly don't mind politics, but i can understand why some people would rather not, since it's can get pretty heated
  11. I was about to write something political as well, but out of respect for Castko, i shall leave it Have Ryza instead https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76274014
  12. One day, one day, Social bondings and stuff like that will dissapear from games
  13. Np. I am honestly doing this for myself to forget Falcom for a while someone i know is playing Ayesha, he is enjoying it
  14. The problem with Corrin and Rean is that they both suffer from the Black Hole syndrome Everything must be about them. Everyone must follow them. Everyone must love them. Everything is just a Checklist for player instert/worship Their existence alone makes the rest of the cast much worse. anyway
  15. a revamped support system, but i doubt we will ever ditch the current one...
  16. same here since i usually can'T self-insert anyway lol hmm Res His ADF wasn't so hot iirc. I have same disgust towards both xD Good Morning btw!
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