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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. There are some good ones out there, but none that do her and Shirou justice together. There was a very good and popular one and that derailed in a weird way towards the end lol
  2. Tfw every homunculoli get's love except best one. you do that xD
  3. Rean about to research 2 homunculolis. Wait until Noire sees the Neppit. no...no mor.
  4. L-lewd Nepu taking all your favs eh? xD That post is now an adult xD
  5. lmao. that's cool haha Also, good music works wonders ingame
  6. honestly, piracy in that case is 200% acceptable you can also pirate them and then buy the console version to support them or something
  7. ''Rean is ours, fucker.'' -Lammy ''No, he is ours, mofo, gtfo'' -Sammy
  8. You aren't fond of action games i take it? You can thank the bad music for killing my enjoyment :p No... no mor
  9. I was mainly talking about pc version, especially since it got a couple fanfixes with more coming on the way. Japan only for now, and i very much doubt they will ever be localized.
  10. ah, i see. The fantranslation is quite serviceable though. I don't think the game will ever get an official translation. Too old. Too niche. Too much text. Most new fans don't care about it.
  11. Now that's some 👌 Music. Wait, you are already that far? O.o You are faster than me, and i finished that huge game in like 8 days lol
  12. >Be Shrimpy >Actually, for once, having a pretty good time with CS >Rean chilling in a dungeon with 2 Lolis >doing battles >killing Monsters >chatting >the usual >head to boss >Music plays >Alt + F4
  13. I just think timing itself can be used as a plot point if it now takes weeks, if it happens faster later, it can be a ''???'' moment
  14. @DragonFlamesthe one thing that made me go ''???'' is 'after a few weeks' seems a bit arbitary
  15. True, but even then i would like for the side cast to be developed and not completely forgotten
  16. More like a tragedy XD Yup. I guess having more of a split focus is usually much more fun than whole focus on one dude/dudette. atleast for me. Good luck^^
  17. Digitization and Germany..... XD I think it confirms something i always thought: Rean needed a co-protag all along. I don't think i would've liked the MCs of older games as much if they were sole protags. They always played each other off so well in older games. Even in non-Trails Falcom games dual Protags are 👌 Thanks^^ It's really good the fanbase is doing what Falcom doesn't
  18. Yesterday my brother was suppossed to attend one... VL-Skript was uploaded instead lmao. A 5 year old one. If they were, Ys 1 wouldn't have happened xD. Expect more jokes like that whenever possible xD Especially since it seems she's what Rean always needed... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .... Nah, seriously, even from the prologue i can already see she kinda makes him shine. She plays off him well, kinda like the co-protagonists of older arcs did. I hope that actually gets expanded over the game, and that she actually plays a co-protag like role. Speaking about CS3... I got a difficulty mode yesterday. Finally battles feel tense xD Might even lower difficulty to Hard because SC prologue Nightmare difficulty for whole game sounds a bit oof xD. Will see how Chapter 1 on Nightmare in this mod goes.
  19. Altina be like ''Bastard didn't even call once in the last few months. Couch penalty for the next 3 Months.'' Seriously though, ''We are gonna wreck you''' *proceeds to destroy them in 3 turns* ''See we destroyed you!'' already in the prologue... Please. Atleast Atlina seems fun And TITTTTTTTTTTAAAAA AGAAAAAAAAATEEEEEE yeah i know that stuff from the Demo already, but i need to vent after going through that again and especially after going through Crossbell
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