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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. ...I think that's just @Zemuriabeing unlucky xD Leif, for me, has been one of my better lords stat-wise, and from what i've seen from other people and streams, Leif usually turns out to be pretty damn good. Especially early on he was the only one i could tank anything with (before my whole team just started evading everything). He also has support with alot of strong peeps, which raises their hit and avo by quite alot. Reminder that i once had this Ike
  2. Totally understandable. Not every FE game is for everyone. Do not let me start on GBAFE, for example, because for the love of me i can't understand why the fanbase loves them so much. Going from FE5 to FE6 was like....''Where are all the features?'' They removed everything and only kept the basic math and everything i hated.
  3. Because, imo, it has alot of features that are pretty damn fun to play with. Some of them to never make a return. Not to mention the map design is pretty damn good as well, especially the Manster arc. I can see why people would hate, and the faults are certainly glaring, but for me it's positives outweigh it's negatives. Story is ok. Like FE4, FE5's story is really hurt by the existence of the Loptyr cult.
  4. depends on game really. FE6 being a horrible game aside, hard mode makes it even worse due to horrible hit rates of everything not named Iron sword or Marcus. It turns into an unfun RNG fest FE7 limits deployment slots FE8 and FE9 Hard were too easy FE10 Hard (Maniac jp) removed range markers and weapon triangle FE12 adds ambush spawns Awankening stat inflation Conquest. This one does it right. There's no stat inflation here, infact, iirc, Lunatic has the same stats as hard (or atleast close to it), with the difference being the skills, enemy placements and Dragon veins. Sure, Late game the skills do get kinda obnoxious, but you can still think your way around it and it's much better than stat inflation. Much much better Lol rest of Fates Echoes makes enemies way too tanky iirc And FE16 returns to Awakening style stat inflation in it's highest difficulty and FE12 ambush spawns
  5. Nah, not at all. I already play alot FE fangames, including SRPG maker ones. What scares me away however: Dangen controversy Kaga surprises
  6. ...that has to be the worst Leif i've ever seen
  7. So i tried a bit of maddening mode last night... What a tedious, slow, boring and unfun mess. It isn't even difficult, it just forces you to play slow, use bait and switch, focus on tanking and group your peeps together so that guy with pass and triple your AS doesn't one shot your squishy dudette. And getting 0 exp for killing non boss enemies isn't my idea of fun. Maddening turns the game from a fast paced player phase focused game to a tedious "bait enemy one by one in EP then kill" thing. I want Conquest lunatic back. Now that was a fun highest difficulty mode.
  8. She'll steal the Protag role and powers from Byleth before s/he can do that 😛 yup, yup. That came to mind as well.
  9. So i decided i want to see another S-support, so i went to final map, lowered the difficulty, rushed and rekt the final boss Did Rhea do all of this for nothing when the solution was so easy? xXXD
  10. Nep in Golden Memes Vert in Boy's Love Noire in Bloody Eyes Blanc chilling in the Library.
  11. ...It all makes sense now! Byleth is a male CPU! *angry Neptunia Fanbase noises* Honestly though, Flayn's S-support is hilarious. Best thing since grilled Fish. Worth playing the Church route for that alone xD So, as you might've guessed, i just finished Silver Snow. While i did enjoy it, i will say i liked it a bit less than Crimson Flower, mainly due to 2 Big Story OOFs i will speak about later, but first, let's start what i liked: Now, let's view the oofs, including the 2 big oofs And now i have even more questions that i hope will get answered in the other routes xD Still, CF and SS were both enjoyable, even if not completely satisfying, let's see of the other routes can fill that.... after a break, even if my curiousty makes me want to start the game now xD
  12. @DragonFlamesThat's the plan. Will do BL then Golden Memes But honestly, will take a break first, play something else (probably action oriented), do some real life stuff before i return to FE16
  13. It's a SRPG made by Kaga. Just got released yesterday on steam. You can equip them like any other item, however, they level up and give stats and abilities On other news, i am on Silver Snow Final Map atm
  14. Best: Almost everything getting ported As a mainly PC gamer, playing jrpg used to be limited, nowdays however that usually isn't a problem anymore Worst: Gacha and MTX Worst thing to ever happen to gaming and needs to be exterminated. Disappointing: Social/Dating Elements I really don't like this. Even if i am mostly fine with FE16 (since FE always had supports anyway), i don't like how every other jrpg is trying to become Persona. I just want my old classic adventure tyvm. No dating, no hub, no school. I wanna travel around the Country/World.
  15. @DragonFlamesMy Caspar and a Bonus Dorothea Also man, Edel's chapter is gonna be a bitch Such a op ability should be rightfully limited, and on that map where you can get the repair materials it gives you enough to repair it multipe times iirc.
  16. Really? I find Aymr to be too freaking op, especially it's combat art which is basically a free Galeforce, and Sword of the Creator helps alot, especially against enemies with high res who resist Levin Sword and Magic. And honestly, it's better this way than another FE4 where only holy blood units are useable and dominate the game
  17. I disagree with that. Bosses being too cheeseable makes games boring
  18. because being fat is a state approved illness tips tinfoil hat Why are dads in FE either ded or evul?
  19. I love it because it makes it so you can't snipe Bosses. With the range options in this game such a thing is really needed. The only one i hate it on is Death Knight, really, because he can move and is one a horse
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