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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Punching Armors to the face is always so satisfying XD
  2. Yes, he is a Warmaster. My mistake i thought the Master Class is Grappler. Grappler was the advanced one. I went Brigand -> Grappler -> Warmaster with him. I did hear about that, but i heard this game is one of the... less good ones iirc.
  3. yup lvl 34 Grappler or something along these lines me: ''COME THY DRAGON AND DESTROY THY ENEMIESE. PURIFY THIS WARUDO!''
  4. IKR? And he crits alot, too! (except when i want him to crit xD) He has 35 STR 29 SPD. Except for fliers and Cathrine, he is my fastest unit xD
  5. Tfw my SS Caspar is even more blessed than CF Caspar. omg XXXXXD
  6. iirc Eyvel can't even kill her. Also, merry Christmas everyone 😄
  7. In 1st gen you have the likes of Sigurd (who can solo any map in Gen 1 except Mage Bosses until he get's his holy weapon) and Lewyn. You can't really Player Phase when the enemies outnumber you 10 to 1 and move in swarms across the maps. The only thing you need to PP are the bosses, and it's usually ''bait their group and kill'' which isn't really PP. Everything else will get EP'd. Mob enemies have too low of a hit rate or deal no damage. This i agree with. Weak Enemy spam meaks for a pretty boring FE. It's my problem with the older games, and even my current fav (The Tellius games) have maps that are just weak enemy horde spam, which are the most annoying maps in the game. Generally high Atk and low def (for both enemies and allies) will focus the game more towards PP, as will do things like combat arts and Blow Skills. The New Evasion formula (AS (+1/2 LCK depending on game) instead of 2*AS + LCK like in the old games) makes evasion tanking also much harder (even if it still can be done). I am playing FE16 Hard/Classic (no grinding/no aux battles) atm, and my units except 2 or so getting 2 shot by everything the enemy has makes me play much much more PP focused, and i am having much more fun than alot of other FE thanks to that. I don't want to give the enemy the chance to attack because this 50 Attack unit will kill any injured unit i might have if they hit, and the 72 ATK boss will one shot even my tankiest 25 Prt unit. Yup Yup. Conquest gameplay is king. Especially on higher difficulties i found myself PP'ing much more because everytime i tried to EP i get rekt by said skills. Trying to take out as many enemies as possible and not getting hit by more then 2 enemies or sneaky lunge skills usually took a while to figure out.
  8. What? FE4 is the most EP focused game in the series, due it's super weak Enemy spam. The only thing player phase focused about it is moving your units in the Empte space to reach the enemy. I just put a unit somewhere and watch it kills quadzillion units in EP.
  9. Also, played some of Silver Snow, let's see, gameplay wise: Story wise Also, why isn't this a Meme yet XD Thanks! I wish that to you and everyone here, too!
  10. Ugh yeah, there i agree. Tbf though, almost all gaiden chapters series wide are fucking awful. They all land in my least fav., all of them
  11. Since i am doing next, i won't need to repeat part 1 There's alot of stuff i hate about FE6, so much i consider it my least fav. game in the series. But maps didn't strike as disaster bad. Everything else however xD
  12. at a very bad time, i am busy with FE16. Should've released a few weeks earlier before i decided to get a switch xD And well, there's the whole controversy Apparently they don't pay the indie developers they are contracted with https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/e054z4/publisher_dangen_entertainment_bug_fables_devil/ There's also a big post about it on regretera
  13. Welp... The final boss was pretty easy yeah but the Map was super though. I also got really annoyed by the movement hindering terrain. Making the final map half full of them was a bit annoying imo. And then come the Peg reinforcements (that i was able to deal with easily tbh thanks to Petra, but it always left me open to those fucking 4 range magic crit machines <.<) I hope the other Final Maps are better tbh. Anyway, full thoughts on CF Gameplay wise, i love this. I love the customization, alot of the maps (which are usually pretty Tellius like), and i actually enjoyed teaching the pipsqueaks. This also the FE where i have been player Phasing the most because if i enemy phased i would've died very quickly due to everyone having around 20 Prt except Edelgard (who had 25 lol until i decided to make her Armored lord where then started to get defence until 36 Prt end game), while The attacks of everyone where ranging from 40 to 70 post time skip, sometimes with Brave weapons. While i had a couple of evade tanks (Byleth, Petra, Bernie) i couldn't let them solo like i do in some of older FE, because almost every map had multipe objectives (be they optional or main objectives), which is something i really loved. It also meant i have to split my forces, take risks and focus on the whole map and not just camp. I also love Beasts and the fact that you can't one round them. Favourtie Maps are Unless the other routes are filled with FE4/13/BR/REV/15 Disaster like maps, i don't understand this ''Maps bad'' arguement. They are no Conquest, but it's pretty much Tellius with a dash of Jugdral. Now For the Story & Characters of Crimson Flower I have to say, i really enjoyed my time with it so far, but i still have aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of questions open, which i hope will get answered in the other routes^^ Definetly has the potential to be my fav. FE, but i need answers, some more gameplay, and an amazing hypefull final map first!
  14. Full thoughts a bit later xD. Just wanted to rant about those fucking crit machines xD
  15. Yup. I mean, if a sequel was on the horizon, i wouldn't have minded it as much, but with no sequel in sight, it just makes it very unsatisfying Thanks! I am still thinking over whom to pick XD Why are you letting me pick so early, game!
  16. ah that Marianna xD I thought you were talking about FE16 one xD
  17. I mean, unit wise i've been praising her since early game. She's definety one of my MVPs (and get's it pretty often). Her personal is super good, and the combat arts she learns + flying means she can Snipe then Canto, or just Lance shot them with LanceFaire and Presuction Complex XD. Or Just wait for Alert stance and super high avo. Or you mean S-support? She isn't my first choice i tell you that XD. Even if her achivements as unit deserve that much praise and she grew on me quite alot post time skip. Also, she's secretly a sadist or something? The Plants she likes XD yup yup. I needed to break through their armor and stun them anyway or my units would've been deded. They even almost killed Edelgard, and in combination with Dark Mages they were super scary.
  18. Are we sure Falcom didn't co-develop this with Koei Temco and IS? xD Also, Bernie's Encloser is a life-saver ❤️. Without it Ingrid would've been a super bitch to deal with. The Bern was able to keep her in place until everyone arrived and kicked her ass xD
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