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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. yup. And wow, the psp version looks awful. No wonder you were confused with the S/M/L thing. Also, the PC is the original Version. Falcom used to be a PC developer back then. Actually... It was mentioned in the Bracer Notebook xD. Iirc The whole Tutorial is also in the Bracer Notebook if you need to refresh the basics ;) Re turn Bonuses: In later games you will get more tools to manipulate the Turn order. so it develops nicely then
  2. because it was OP xD I cleared the Penguin dungeon before even going to Zeiss thx to Chaos brand xD I just checked, while i didn't say in the Notebook, it did say on the Guild Board you see here Long and short Term quests. Short term should be finished asap! it's the same in SC. Thing is, you can use S-craft anytime and break the turn order/steal bonus from enemy, that's why it costs extra. To balance it. No no. S-break isn't a bonus xD. S-break = using S-craft when it's not your turn. You can use S-breaks for example to steal an enemy Crit or something. Yes. The battles are usually pretty easy, but they take alot of time because the Boss has too much HP. Also, i see you didn't use Earth Guard, if i have to guess xD It doesn't ;) you can also get em on Steam. You don't need a Powerful PC for them since the games are pretty old. Also, Ys 1&2 are quite different, as they use the bump System. While i love them (especially 2), i know it's not to everyone's tastes. Still, you gotta try em to know if you like em or not ;)
  3. Welcome to the Club :D Glad to have another Fan on board :D enjoy it while it lasts xD It got nerfed to the ground in SC (40 EP, 8 x Mirage requirement iirc, and everyone and their Mother resists it) XD You'll hear her name pronounced in SC. this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnlX39kvWwg or yes. Especially in Cold Steel. couldn't you just sell the old equipment? + End game you get alooooooot of Mira. Didn't the Bracer Notebook usually give you a time term? Short Term -> Finish asap. It's usually a good idea to do side quests before main anyway. I also see now why you had Money troubles. S-breaks ;) wrong actullay. 200 CP S-craft deals 1.5 x Damage 100 CP S-craft yeah, that's something i am not a big fan of as well. Sadly, it's a series thing with the Ton of HP final boss... Unless you are burned out, i recommend finishing 3rd after SC. Glad you liked FC and Welcome to the Series :D Btw, which Ys game do you plan to start with?
  4. I like FE5's the most, but tbh, aslong as it isn't FE4's, i am fine with it.
  5. IF. FE didn't do it right so far. And tbh, it doesn't fit in the Medival theme of FE. I mean, don't get me wrong. FE always had fanservice, but Fates took it to whole another level and instead of Character having Fanservice, they became Fanservice the character.
  6. inb4 isekai FE pls no pls no pls
  7. After playing Heirs of Fate, i vastly prefer Gen 2 units over their Parents. Alooooooooooooot.
  8. Gameplay aside, because we will have to agree to disagree there, i want the Gen 2 Story to be improved. While i do really love the Gen 1 Story and Characters, I feel like Gen2 really falls short there, especially since it goes ''here is evul Dragon, kill it'', with the 2 Thracia Chapters being the personal highlight imo and the redeeming Factors of Gen2 story. It doesn't help that alot of the kids feel like copycats of their Parents either. I will quote something i wrote on reddit a few Months ago:
  9. or they could do both and improve both gameplay and Story. Improving gameplay =/= making it a clone. As someone who plays games mainly for fun gameplay (except for Trails series), Story alone isn't enough to satisfy me. Even if you have the best Masterpiece to ever exist, if the gameplay is a bile of garbage, then so i will see the game as a whole. I can stomache bad Characters if it means i can get good gameplay (which is also why i love Conquest so much, for example). FE4 has alot of good/unique stuff going for, it's high point being the A+ Gameplay Story integration. However i can never in my life play the game again, no matter how much i love Gen 1 characters, because it's just not fun and a chore to go through, and the game is easy af, too. If they fix the gameplay problems (balance, enemy unit cluster and general weakness, ITEM MANAGEMENT.) i can see it becoming best FE very fast, but if one of those things even stays in the remake, especially the item Management, i am not gonna touch it.
  10. FE4 does not have a single balanced thing. The devs didn't put any thoughts into balancing at all. It's the most imbalanced game in the series, and the easiest one i played. Forseti and Sigurd aren't the only broken things lel. It's easier to count what is not broken. The only difficulty FE4 had were Holy Blood Bosses and the 3 moving Pegasus Bosses in the Finale.
  11. Because sometimes you get weapons/staves from villages/Bosses the character themselves can not use. Going through a shop everytime to trade those is a pain in the ass. Not to to mention poor staffers whose only source of money until lvl 20 are Thiefs, which again is a backtrack and a pain on the ass in itself. Honestly, i found the trading/Gold mechanic in FE4 so tedious, i almost dropped the game at chapter 9 because of it.
  12. No, it's not, because weapons and staves are a thing. It makes 0 sense that allies can't share weapons they can not use, and top of that the system is tedious af and adds 0 strategy
  13. and i see nothing wrong with that. Or you can do it like RD with Skill Scrolls (with +Stat Rings acting as Skills) where you can (un-)equip them in Base. However make em cost money, and kids will inherit the Skills/stats the Parents had.
  14. It's not really, considering unequipable items get thrown away somewhere. Stat (gain) + Holy Blood + Skills is enough for inheritance and is plenty already.
  15. Turning some Passives to Actives in General would be awesome tbh. However i am not sure HP as activation cost is a good idea. Some can stay Passive (Wrath/Adept/Vantage/etc.) while Luna/Sol/Astra/etc should become active How about making the skills have to (re-)charge, with charge speed depending on Skill Stat. For Example, Astra would've a Charge Time of 100, and if a unit has 20Skl, it takes 5 battles to charge.
  16. There is a difference between a mistake from player side (bad tactics leading units to die for example) and artificial ''Mistakes'' the player can do nothing about (Shit item Management in FE4, Same Turn Reinforcements in FE6/12/13). If i have to reset, it's because of a mistake of my own, and not something the game failed to tell me
  17. not if you play blind. After first Run, sure, but on first run, nope, you don't know what village gives what, and i am the type of player who likes to play his games as blind as possible. If i need to check an external source for something basic as item Management, then that's a flaw in the game design
  18. Desert. Makes ''close'' feel like the distance between Goldoa and Daein
  19. you forgot the villages. And the freaking item inheritance management that is ch5. Had to backtrack 2 hours across the desert to the castle to i can move items around how i want em to, because you don't get to do that before BBQ.
  20. That's still a few turns until the next Castle. + The Trade itself you have to: go to castle with first unit go to shop Sell go out move your unit away then move your 2nd unit into the castle go to shop buy (if enough money, if not, ARENA TIME (if you didn't already)-> more Actions) go out 9 Actions just to trade an item. And that's even not counting the fact that not all units will be at the castle at the same time (especially if you wanna Trade Horsey -> Footie). That's ridiculous. Especially with the bleh Town music not making things easier. Compare that to normal FE where trading an item is just a click.
  21. ??? I fail to see what battle prep has to do with trading an item you found mid-chapter.
  22. Archers should never be able to attack/counter at 1 Range. Give extra Range beyond 2 (up to 5 idc really) sure, but 1 Range Archers should be limited to Bosses/hard to come by abilities
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