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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. This looks really cool. As i said in the other Thread, Some Kaga craziness is good for the heart in limits however Let's hope the English vestaria Saga version generated enough interest so we can get the ''sequels'' too!
  2. no, i am not. Dismounting is a cool idea and horsies did need a nerf. The only thing that wasn't really that good was the Sword-lock, and even it wasn't that bad, some Characters (Karin, Nanna, Fergus) were as good when dismounted and they are when mounted. Fatigue: it never really bothered me. I needed like, 6 S-drinks the whole game? and only late game at that, as early and midgame do give you enough easy chapters where you can rest your strongers units and let your weaker units fight or just solo with OP unit who will have sit out one chapter where all your stronger units all available again. did you atleast try to play a few chapters to deem it so?
  3. I liked dismounting (although Sword lock wasn't cool) and didn't mind fatigue. What GBA removed: -Skills and weapon Skills -Capturing -STR/MAG split -Growth Scrolls -fatigue -Leadership/Authority -Non-static Con/Bld. God, do i hate GBA's con system. -The amount of prf weapons I am pretty sure there are more that i can't remember atm What GBA retained: -Obnxious enemy numbers -Same turn reinforcements (incase of FE6) -Gaiden Chapters being awful and then added slog maps, a Lord that is a seize button and has to be babied, shit hit rates and awful unit balance.
  4. let's go deeper. Everytime you fight a boss, it goes full Action mode and you have to fight Unit vs. Boss 1 v 1, Ys Style
  5. I may remember wrong, but didn't he fall into Lyon's trap that one time due to his recklessness?
  6. Tbh, instead of leaving everything to chance and then making Staff map wide and status last forever, just make them like in every other game (Range = Mag/2, Hit based on Mag/res, etc). Even then, staves that buff allies should never miss. Just imagine playing a RP session and tell the others players that for buffs/heals you have roll. See how that will come along. While ik the stave problem in T776 is fixed once you hit midgame (because of the 60 + Skl Hit Formula, which means once you hit 10 Skl everything is daijoubo), it was pretty annoying early game, and late game i just abused the hell out of staves. While that is kinda true, Jugdral also has some of the coolest mechanics around and gives the player enough tools to fight those obnoxious mechanics. ''Nothing is op if everything is op'' kind of thing. Unlike GBAFE that removes every cool thing Jugdral had and retained every obnoxious one. You really should play the game before judging it FE5 had good AI??? I don't remember the AI being any different from normal FE when i played it. how are those bad? Even CQ's Escape map was an everyone escape map. tbh, nothing so far is as obnoxious as FE4 trading. Also, while i do have aloooooot of problems with Kaga's game design, i respect the guy for trying something different every time. Even if the results vary. He just needs someone to control his craziness a bit and to test his experimenting. Infact, my fav. Gameplay FE (CQ) feeliks like a ''controlled''-Kaga gameplay. A bit of his craziness is definetly there (even if he had nothing to do with it). All the Enemy staff users give me a T776 vibe now that i replay CQ after finishing FE5. Even the escape map is a ''everyone must escape'' map.
  7. If it was only Charlotte it wouldn't be that bad. Camilla is just as bad or worse even. The random Ass/thong shots every General/Cavalier/Fighter has makes me want to throw my 2ds out. Dark Mages for some reason are half naked... Why a dancer is more decently clothed then a Princess i will never understand. I mean, i love CQ, it's my 2nd fav. game in the series due to awesome (&imo best in the Series) Gameplay, but i can't help but be annoyed everytime a thong shot from fighter and or Effie flashing me happens. It also feels like even the Creator of those Characters didn't respect their own Creations. Tbh, i don't mind the Maids/butlers, Elise is imo the single best Fates Character and one of the few well written ones, and Mozu is just a villager. Something like those 3 is always in FE anyway, i don't mind em. It's when random fanservice happens i get annoyed. Marriage & Kids: I love it from Gameplay standpoint (customization & replayability ahoy!) but please, no more Microwave chambers or Marriages that make 0 Sense.
  8. I hate it. I really do. Especially the Self insert worshipping part. Why can't Characters act naturally with each other anymore? Why does everything have to revolve around self-insert-sama? It's annoying. I said it somewhere before, but tbh, i don't mind the whole ''Waifu'' thing, since Waifus always existed. However, i don't even recognize Fates' Character as Waifus, because they are just mostly walking fanservice. This is for me is much more of a turn off then it is a turn on. Waifufags might not get crazy over SoV's or older Waifus for example, but to me, SoV's girls are much more of a ''Waifu'' than whatever Fates gave us.
  9. ^ Flying healer is super useful. FE4 Falcons never returned for a reason, and when they returned in Fates, they removed Swords to balance it. I also like that Staves differentiates em more from Dracos. And if you don't like Staves, you could go Kinshi Knight
  10. and you have ~16 units from which you should have someone with enough tankiness or atleast a filled guard stance.
  11. Swordmaster bosses don't need that to be annoying. And +2/+3 Def isn't thaaaaaaaaat much. (Except if we are talking about FE5 here, then i agree, +10Def is ridiculous). 30 Evo can get annoying, but you should've enough stuff nearby to save you (Healers or Horses for rescue drops). And you don't need Bowbreaker for Takumi.
  12. they aren't, i am just saying that reinforcements on seize aren't as cancerours or annoying as on rout maps errm, rout maps can have annoying bosses too. And Takumi isn't really annoying if you know what you are doing.
  13. wait, what? How's Seize not good? It allows you to play objectively and pushes you to finish the map by sending reinforcements that you don't have to kill. Rout you have to hunt every single damn useless piece on the board, and rout + reinforcements is one of the worst things to ever exist.
  14. His Loyal Lyn brigade from Different Dimensions, including Lyn, Lyn, Lyn, Lyn, Lyn and Lyn. However, once the Lyns saw Mark, they...
  15. I don't like Necro'ing Threads, but there's been an update: aiming for an english summer release according to people on reddit.
  16. In the case of Archers and Thiefs, i would like to point to 2 fangames where i liked what they did: Thiefs: FE7x https://imgur.com/a/I5u7G57 In FE7x thiefs can use Swords, however they get 1-2 range with them for the Price of lowered might. Makes them carve their own Niche and be useful while not stealing (which is usually the case in FE where Thiefs only Steal/Lockpick and that's it) Archers: The Lion Throne https://imgur.com/a/f4odAAU Archers in that Fangame were really scary, while still retaining their 1 RNG weakness. Made them unique, strong, while still having a niche, and being made of paper def wise. FE7x also had an Archer buff, although in a different form: in FE7x Bows always have advantage at 2 range, while always have WTD at 1 range. This way buffs could be applied without making Archer physical Mages
  17. Console Canto was one of the main reasons they were so op in FE4 and Tellius tho. I propose 3 versions of Canto: Normal Canto (GBA), Super Canto (Tellius, FE5) and Ultra Canto (FE4, allows weapon equipping after attacking) All mounts have normal Canto as a base ability. On Promotion, some Mounts gain Super Canto as Lvl5 skill (Valkyria for example, as they then can heal and then gtfo). One Mounted Class gains Ultra Canto on Lvl15/Ultra Skill (Great Knights for example). This will differentiate mounts between each other, as well as make them have less skills then infantry unit because they have to sacrifice a slot for Canto.
  18. No. Instead of removing Archers weakness, we should buff their strength instead. Making em Physical mages is a bad idea. Example: Their Range could be buffed (2-3 normal bows for example), or they could always have wta at 2 range, or etc. 1 Range Archers is one of the worst that can be done to em.
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