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Everything posted by Silverly

  1. The galeforce is with me
  2. When are supposed to get a Caster rate up by any chance?
  3. Notable people I want include Ishtar, Illya, Ereshkigal, Summer Artoria, and Okita. In terms of non-SSRs, I’d like to finally get Umu-chan (Nero), loli Medea, and Saber Alter though they’re all story locked so rip that dream ever happening. Then... there’s vanilla Medea who still hasn’t come home since the beginning and is the only 3* that I’ve never gotten outside of Romulus who idgaf. Please game, I need my mage mom!
  4. I ended up getting Jack. Would’ve preferred Jeanne since I like her more personally but I can’t complain since I badly needed an Assassin.
  5. With Fjorm, Azura, Gunnthra, and Camilla already boasting wins and not caring much for Corrin, Takumi, or Laevatein, I’ll give my support to Hrid even though I don’t particularly want his alt. Now his vanilla one, on the other hand...
  6. I went on team Hector three times in a row. Bah. I hoped I’d at least be on Lyn once, even Eliwood simply for a change of pace. But nope, just Hector. Thanks RNG.
  7. Remember that eligible receiver trick he pulled years ago? Think it was the same year we ended up winning against the Hawks in the SB. You never know what Bill has up his sleeve. Though... I’d be lying if I said I was confident in them for the playoffs. I’m not feeling like this is our year this time.
  8. So this thread exists. Nice. I’m a relatively new player (started around early December or so), and so far I’m level 89 and at Camelot thanks to the fact that I joined during the time that AP halfed. I’m so far pretty impressed with the game and enjoying myself. My only gripes are that materials are annoying as hell to collect, and the summoning rates are pretty unkind though I was aware of such. I also really want Medea but she won’t come home. Even Merlin showed up before her. My friend code is 897,617,159. Feel free to hit me up though just me know who you are in case your ign differs. Also unpopular opinion: I liked Septem.
  9. I love how the character I prefer (Fjorm) gives weaker items while the one I’m indifferent to (Laevatein) gives desirable ones. Even better, neither are the one I actually wanted (Gunnthra)! Le sigh.
  10. I can’t complain about this change. It pretty much does away with banes... I mean flaws (yeah I don’t really like the new term). Though, I will say that unless someone is very unlucky, the second copy just might be better than the crummy first one they might have pulled so they just replace the old one and get a boost in something meh like Res or HP. Still, it’s helpful and incredibly handy as now it emphasizes boons rather than avoiding banes.
  11. I think I'll keep my free Eir in case there are guides for Abyssals and such that she'd be useful (you never know what PM1 comes up with), even though I'm entirely null on her. Now any other copies I get of her will definitely be sacrificed.
  12. A Fire Emblem H-game, now there's an idea. Nah, I may be shameless, but not to that degree.
  13. @Just call me AL Okay, jeez, we get it. We all know how much you adore Lyn and Hector and pretty much hate any other possible pairings they may have and will go to any lengths to defend them. But must you really respond to everyone who mentions anything contrary to your beloved OTP? Some of them don't even seem that invested in the pairings anyways. What's the point in arguing every single damn time they're brought up in a way you don't agree with? This is getting so old now. I may dislike Eliwood and Ninian together, but I'm not going to beat everyone with a stick and go over every subjective detail on why I don't like them as an item. Just let others voice their opinions in peace instead of antagonizing them.
  14. It definitely caught me by surprise. As for the music itself, I’m mostly indifferent to it, though I will say it’s not particularly pleasant to listen to even if that’s the pint of the song.
  15. I think I voted for Cynthia (4 times), Sumia, Ilyana, and Katarina. One was already in the game, Sumia eventually joined during the summer, while Ilyana and Cynthia are still holding out. So one. Considering she’s my waifu, I’ll take it.
  16. I don’t have a clue for the theme, maybe it focuses on Eir?? Just hoping for good seals. I wouldn’t even be too annoyed by a MM repeat if the seals are top notch.
  17. Finally I can put my 450ish coins (and counting) to use, unless all of the sacred seals suck, but I remember having some of the most best seals come around the end of the year like Quick Reposte and Heavy Blade, so I’m hoping they’re great.
  18. As long as they don’t scrape at the bottom of the barrel for nobodies or characters that hardly anyone cares about, I don’t really mind who becomes one.
  19. We all know Edward Bosco for “Gotta love the Luke!”, but I wasn’t too familiar with the other two. So after some research it appears that Lizzie Freeman (assuming this isn’t a coincidence) has only voiced two characters ever, so there isn’t much to go off from her. Xanthe Huynh, on the other hand, has more history to her. Looks she voiced Sachi from SAO as well as some Persona characters.
  20. I don’t it’s an issue strictly with Hrid. There’s a select group of people whose opinions of OCs (original characters) range from indifference to active dislike. I won’t name names though. I personally don’t mind any of them myself, as the one I don’t care for at all is Surtr. In fact, I quite like Sharena, Fjorm, Hrid, and Ylgr. However, I can see why some people might not like them (especially those from Book 2), because to be honest, they weren’t given much to work with aside from Laegjarn and perhaps Helbindi. The Askr trio has shown flashes of character but haven’t really capitalized on it. In Hrid’s case all he got the the fact he went toe to toe with Surtr and ultimately failed, but it was presented in a “tell but don’t show” fashion which was something of a missed opportunity. Overall they lack the nuance of other characters like Marth, Lyn, Ike, Eirika etc because they had an entire game where their personalities could be explored . Original characters are needed in games like these because otherwise if it was just left with the poster boys/girls of the FE series then it’ll likely result in some messy, nonsensical fanfiction. At the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to attempt to give such characters some depth and material. As such, I think they’re fine for what they are, though it certainly wouldn’t hurt to take the next step forward with them.
  21. I completely agree here. 5,000 seems to be the magic number here. I rarely go out of my way to grind for feathers outside of TT and Forging Bonds, in fact I only used the Rival Domains method only a couple times and that had to have been several months ago. Speaking of grinding, a good number of people exploit the feather system and use 3rd party software to automatically repeat the process which honestly annoys me. For me it feels cheap, and I’d argue it borders on cheating. I’d much rather not have such people rewarded by raising the cap. We’ll always be getting new units anyways so it’s not like people will run out.
  22. We’re in same hell, but Fjorm has the considerable lead, so she’s a lock to win.
  23. I don’t think Book 3 will come any later than Tuesday. By that time, the Fire and Ice banner is supposed to end so we should anticipate a new banner to coincide with it. It’s likely we’ll also have a Feh channel on Sunday or Monday.
  24. Actually, all three are considered to be under one archetype, which is the Cornelius (father of Marth). Basically, any family member or mentor that happens to croak early to halfway through the story is considered to be part of the group. Hector (in Binding Blade), Elbert, Fado, and Greil are such examples.
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