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Posts posted by vikingsfan92

  1. 2 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    In fairness, the one week CF gets in chapter 13 is one more than any other route gets, although as you note it is offset by two missing weeks in chapter 12.

    That said most consider Reunion at Dawn / Hunting by Daybreak the hardest fight in this sequence (especially if you've benched certain house members) so CF not having it makes it a bit easier.

    Thing is that doesn't just apply to the first map it applies to the whole campaign.  You have two weeks less of training time (which is up to 6 training battles with max professor level) for the entirety of part 2 and less time to prepare for the end because its upon you quicker. It is also at the time where the difficulty jumps up the most (the timeskip) that you miss out on those two weeks.  Difficulty is not just about map design and maps the build up is important too and I think that often goes undersold in favor of maps. Maps are much much easier to notice and point out than this as they are more memorable than grind time but I still think it is a thing that very much is a factor.

    I also think 13 cf is a little undersold difficulty wise personally. Sure sure you can say 13 is worse in the other routes but that doesn't mean 13 cf is super easy. Bear in mind not all players like to go for the fastest win possible even if it makes the map easier.

  2. Don't know about the hardest but I do think the fact that CF is the shortest get underestimate as a difficulty thing that it is.  The fact you don't get a month between chapter 11 and 12 is also a thing. Oh and you only get one week between chapter 12 and 13 which especially for new playthroughs is spent exploring the monastery since its the first post time skip monastery time.

  3. 9 hours ago, AxelVDP said:

    I do believe you can have fun with it, but I honestly don't want to be stressed out by having to always remember ambush spawns locations and never being able to try risky plays


    I like these 2 suggestions but I think I'd need monastery to make them really work

    Tbh once you get to the initial starting point you get a fair amount of exp for weapon  skills just playing the game.  And alot of the exp you get for weapons is on the weekends on non-activity point days and you can pretty much set goals and forget it mostly and use auto instruct.

  4. 5 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

    I know a lot of people didn't care for this banner, and in all honesty I have mainly been pulling for Edlegard, but have 3 Hels and 2 Thrasirs. Argh! But, I didn't have either unit and got a Fallen Corrin, so that is cool too. I shouldn't complain...but when you are just drawing for one unit and you seem to get everything you don't want...

    I have also been going for Edelgard. Haven't spent that many orbs but I have pulled two Hels and no Edelgards yet.


    Edit: Just got an Edelgard still looking for that attack boon though. Still have 8 merges needed anyways so hopefully one of them is plus attack

  5. 13 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    Why? I mean. all it means is Legendary Claude is a thing. So you can wait. (Not to mention CYL Claude will have a Hero Fest at some point in the game). 

    Its still worse for Claude then both Dimtri and Edelgard if he comes out this month. Dimtri isn't out yet but at least people who like him will have at least two months time to recover and farm orbs between cyl and his Legendary version.  Dedicated Claude fans would have to spend far more orbs in a shorter period of time.  Even if you are not a whale and only going for one copy of each can cause you not to get one or the other.  That month or twos time is more wallet friendly both for IS and the user.  As the company IS risks losing the income they would get from the people going for + 10 of both if they tap there wallets without giving more pay periods to recover. The same applies to unlucky people who are just going for a single copy of both on a smaller scale of course.

    And sure reruns are a thing but a lot of people like getting copies of units on there initial release not waiting for a rerun. Also just saying the three houses leaders are money makers. August is a money making month from CYL it makes more sense to me to make another month have a big time money maker in it than pin all your hopes on August.

  6. I think Claude fans would have a very very legitimate reason to be upset if he is the Legendary of this month.  Having to choose between your favorite character two premier versions in the same month? I think there is to much pr backlash potential from this that it really makes me think it shouldn't happen. Also I think IS knows this so my guess for colorless is we finally get a staff unit of some kind.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    Yeah but in recent months it has been the Edelgard fans being the worst. And if it seems like I'm not going to support that it's because I'm not. No amount of nastiness your favorite lord receives is a justification for you being nasty in return. They're fictional characters and people need to get over taking criticisms of fictional characters so personally.

    That's kind of my point.  People turn a blind eye towards the hate that the group they are not in receive and this applies to all sides of this.   I don't think being nasty back helps anyone but I also don't think it helps anyone to not act like this problem doesn't in large stem also from nastiness they have got.  I dislike all the hate the lords get honestly but I think a large reason it doesn't stop is because other sides antagonize each other.  All sides have gotten there share of antagonize towards each other.  All that trying to blame one group does is turn it into a vicious cycle of blame that doesn't end the root problem of being rude and its not just one side that is at fault for this.  


    Basically I think it is more of a larger picture problem of people being not nice towards each other.  The fix to this isn't to label or attack parts of the community but to just encourage people to be nicer to each other in general and more overall open mindedness.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    This has gotten bad because of Edelgard fans continually bashing other characters in their defense of Edelgard while also making excuses for most if not all of her actions. That makes her fans look bad and reflects badly on her character as well. Edelgard is a well written character that is taking a pretty hard knock because many of her fans refuse to allow people to hold even a somewhat negative opinion of her. They'll claim that it's because people always talk crap about Edelgard but that hasn't been a thing since the first couple months after the game came out and now even legitimate criticism or disagreement with her character and actions are "Edelgard bashing". That's why her fans are catching so much crap.

     There have been people bashing all three lords not just here but pretty much everywhere on the internet.   It really doesn't help to act like its exclusive to any one of them when that is not the problem. All that does is make it look like you are not going to listen to people who support that lord who have also been on the receiving end of some nastiness.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Anathaco said:

    With Edelgard I don't really know her route well enough to comment: I know that the coup is never instigated in CF, but I have no idea why that is.

    There is quiet easy answere for this: Rhea. The kingdom becomes her new base of operations after the battle for gareg mach. I imagine all of Rhea's direct forces being in every major Kingdom city would make it quiet a bit tougher to stage a coup.  Heck Rhea herself may have stayed parts of the timeskip in Arianrhod and moved to the capital later on.  If not her Gilbert, Seteh or Catherine may have stayed in Arianrhod while they may not be as fearsome as Rhea herself are strong and Rhea probably would notice if something happened to either of them.

  10. 2 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Mortal Savant Lysithea is not at all bad. I can't speak for sword-exclusive classes for her though (I only put her in MS because she had mastered Gremory and this was before the DLC). 

    I am currently doing a maddening new game plus run with Sword Lysethia and she still puts in a lot of work with her magic damage sword combat art. She did enough damage to one shot human form of Mikilan with it for me in intermediate classes for me. She also still does a fair amount of damage to mister death knight but may need others to damage him  first.

  11. I got Byleth and rhea but sadly minu attack ivs


    Edit: Update I got a merge to fix the minus attack and now have a plus speed byleth and also got a Doretha. But sadly she is minus attack.

  12. 4 hours ago, Moltz23 said:

    Is it possible to see Hilda's Goddess Scene in the Black Eagles route? I''m aware she can't be recruited there unless you go Silver Snow in Chapter 11, but I haven't found any info about her Goddess Scene being doable there.

    You can't support Hilda period in Black eagles route. You can't gift her anything or give her lost items. After the route split you can do things with her though


  13. On Maddening  this chapter actually makes me happy I like going Dancer Edelgard. Sword avoid  on who ever your dancer id/axe breaker are your friends with so many axe units.

    Nader is the easiest part of the chapter even on maddening thanks to the terrain surrounding him making his hitrates bad.  I had him have zero hit rate on Byleth and Edelgard during my no new game plus run thanks to the forests around him.  The biggest problem is all of the wyvern reinforcement spam going for the goal (its a defend an area map). Not sure how a low man of this map would go or if you need at least one more body to deal with the spam.

  14. 12 hours ago, Hilda said:

    Actually Alfonse is not locked on Sword for a Legendary alt. He could use a divine version of his fathers axe weapon Glitnir.

    Even if he does switch colors weapons one of the other Askar trio members will probably take his place with a Sword/red weapon. I don't see IS wanting weapon color overlap for the Askar trio if they get Legend forms. And I don't really see them making any of the trio colorless unless the decide to make one of the trio a healer.

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