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Posts posted by vikingsfan92

  1. 10 hours ago, Dayni said:

    As someone who recruited every student on NG, faculty training is complicated until you get A+ rank, I ended up using it totally only in Chapters 11+12, which was enough to get Caspar and Ferdinand, but it came to good use in Part 2 for sure. I'd say it's a little easier based on route as SS/CF don't have to deal with those recruitments, with others all possible to B rank cheese.

    The main reason I think it's viable is because of the access to gifts from the traders and flowers if you really spam it, but the real kicker is the Prof rank, imo that's the hardest thing to give up activity points for.

    Counterpoint in regards to CF: You have an additional support rank in the form of Edelgard to do in addtional to the all the out of house students. Sure its probably easier to rank her up since she is in house to begin with but its still one more support rank requirement than other paths have to worry about

    That is a good point that I forgot to mention that you lose possible prof rank level ups by using faculty training so you can't spam more activities with faculty training.  Obviously not a worry in new game + but in a fresh file yeah its probably going to be better to do other things until very late part 1 or early part 2 just to max out prof rank.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hazeel said:

    They have...no value at all unless they offer faculty training, and the only ones who do are free recruits anyway. You only need the 10 units you plan to use plus maybe one or two backups for 11-12 deployment maps. And there aren't that many characters worth going out of your way for. Recruiting everyone is a complete waste of resources.

    Wrong they do have value even if it is not always tangeble. For one thing there alot of exclusive items/paralouge missions that you can't get otherwise relics, battalions some really op like for an example Dorthea's parlouge in non-crimison flower gets you a dancing battalion that can't be gotten elsewhere.  Pretty much every recuritable student has a paralouge with them in it.   Then there is the more challenge aspect it provides as it most certainly is more difficult to do a run where you recruit everyone over a run where you don't. Is it a huge one no not really but all that matters is it a difficulty increase and some people are looking for all the difficulty they can get. And lastly there is the emotional aspect some people don't want to fight against anyone that is recruitable to there side. It may not a gameplay stat but there is value in that as well.

    Also I think the poster above me Anathaco put it pretty well why I also from a pure game play perspective I feel the students have it better than Byleth.


    9 hours ago, Ownagepuffs said:

    Buy gifts bruh.

    Gifts don't entirely solve the problem though. For one thing there is alot of overlap on who wants what and how many you can give out at any one time in the time the gift shops are up to the timeskip. For another that is still only working on one unit at a time in a tight schedule.  Gifts are a good way to supplement other methods of recruitment but they do need the extra push of activity point focused things too. Also its worth mentioning CF runs have to make sure to support up Edelgard as well so that an additional in house required support level to manage.

  3. 4 hours ago, Hazeel said:

    Yeah, but if you're going to recruit everyone, you've kinda given up on playing optimally...and at this point, you may as well just play on NG+ to save yourself the tedium and unlock more supports.

    Yeah I really don't like acting like that one play style is "more" optimal or not. Especially in regards to recruitment of people and the amount you recruit.  Whole units have more value than slightly better Byleth in a lot of people's opinion even if they just warm the bench.

  4. 1 hour ago, Hazeel said:

    I would say it's the exact opposite. Byleth is so much easier to raise skills for due to faculty training. Maybe it's different in NG+ if you're doing sauna 7 times on the first week or something, but even then I'd expect Byleth to raise his skills faster.



    I mean this is only Chapter 10 and he's more or less almost done.  Only needs a B in axes, S in Brawling, and A+ in Flying. The former two were both achieved by Chapter 13 and the latter of which is achieved between Chapters 15-17. That's around the time Lysithea finishes and one of her main traits is learning skills faster than other students. Most units don't even have their fully optimized skill set at Chapter 20.

    Depends a lot on your playstyle tbh if you are playing on a fresh file and going for recruit everyone runs it can be tight to fit faculty training in as getting support levels up is the easier way to do it then training all the skills you need.  Post timeskp yes it  is better but missing out on both weekend tutoring and the tutoring for goals most fridays is rough. I also value pre-timeskip time alot as that is what a lot of your game is built around.  It certainly is possible to do both its just a little harder to focus on properly faculty training byleth for what ever you want as Byleth is tugged in so many directions and alot of them mean Byleth is doing things other than working on byleth.

  5. So there is a ridiculous team comp for Blazing blade I can think of Tiki/Ninian, Lyn/Florina and Flying Ninan. Attack with Lyn use her duo skill to attack again then use Ninian Tiki duo skill to get yet another turn and then use bridal ninian to dance. A million turns for your flying team to use.

    Otherwise you can move all three of duo tiki, Duo Lyn and bridal Ninian twice in one turn as long as you dance Duo tiki. Moving 3 of your team twice in one turn seems totally fair and balanced.

  6. I think Byleth is also a 9.5 out 10 charcter. I said in the Edelgard rating I really like the crest of flames so thats a good start that Byleth is the main wielder of it.  I value the self sustain you can get out of it a lot more than sheer killing potential because there are always going to be units that the killing potential ends up just short of.  I also really value the ability to do pretty much any class alot and Byleth is THE character that can make any class work.  I am also probably a bigger fan of mixed magic/physical classes than most and Byleth's personal class being a mixed class that can do pretty much anything you want is something I greatly like.  Also the sword of the creator and its upgrade are both fantastic weapons that only don't get used to save durability for later fights because it is really really good.

    The one downside Byleth has is as the player charcter you can't tutor Byleth like you can anyone else so it can be a little harder to get skills to the levels they need to be. Also doesn't help seminars kind of suck imo. I feel like they need to give something else to be worth it as you can probably get more skill gains through exploration and a similar amount of weapon experience while also getting close to class mastery if you battle.

  7. I doubt that Alfador is going down without someone making a play for his position at the end I mean some villain has to covet the supreme god position its too high of a position for it not to be coveted by someone. That could easily what the book after this is about some baddie trying to become the new supreme god after Alfador's defeat/change of heart or what ever happens to him. Alternatively maybe it  takes a  book to get to the end game of Alfador with the upcoming book being a find away to get to his realm/defeat him focused more on Thorr and Loki.

  8. I have a run where I haven't even touched magic classes only physical classes for Lysethia on maddening and she is doing alot better than I thought she would.  One of my more consistent doublers and is able to one shot a lot of things with her sword combat arts.  Still doing the destroy the deathknight stuff and was able to one shot human form Miklan. Also been not as fragile as I thought she would be as a melee unit and is one of mvps of a mostly weird classes run.

    As a mage I don't think I need to talk about how she has a ton of offensive abilties. Yes she can be viewed as one trick pony but she is so good at the one trick pony role I don't think it matters. I give her a 9.5 out of 10.

  9. Its probably Trianda or Freyja more likely to be Trinda but depending on how the final act of the book goes we could see Freyja team up with us after the twist and after the rest of the book. Actually thinking about it Freyja could be the next book mythic if they continue the story as is. The fact she is telling us what happened kind of makes me think she is not a big fan of the Alafoor who is supposed to be the one who created so I could see her becoming an ally against him kind of like Loki.

  10. Everyone is talking about Dimtri and Fargheus going to war which I think is a likely happening if he learns of Aurndel but lets not forget that Claude is also likely to go into battle.  He is a schemer whos scheme was not able to be put into action only because another plan was further along in planning  stages.  Claude has his own issues with Rhea and the church as a whole as seen in his own route and I am not convinced that what ever his scheme was entirely benign or the TWSID wouldn't spin it in a way that also leads to war.  TWSID factor alone pretty much ensures that war happens somewhere at some place imo just a matter of where and when.

  11. I will be honest I really don't want fallen three houses mainly because I want actual three houses units that are actually different from the base game. Literally all the the three house lord units so far are entirely story based clasess brave/Legendary and base classes. So it would be nice to get something seasonal for them with future alts as it would offer something completely different for once than limited solely to Fodlan stuff.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    ell, of course Shamir works very well against him... but I feel @Vicious Sal was giving Boey as an option to counter him because he is cheaper to get, since he is a 3-4* unit.

    I am sure a lot of people have at least one Boey in their barracks, or will get one copy of him more easily than will get a Shamir. And Boey is someone I would also recommend to build, since he will help against a lot of threats in AA.

    Shamir is probably the stronger option, but requires summoning a 5* exclusive unit... and not everyone will try for her only because Dimitri was announced. I would not have a Shamir if wasn't for Flayn to be summoned before the spark.

    My point in not focusing on boey is that I don't think he is the only mage that does well against Dimtri. In fact I think you would be hard pressed to find a mage that doesn't do well against Dimtri.

  13. 8 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    Or you know, you don’t spend orbs, promote a Boey and give him TA and his refine. Which instantly gives you a Dimitri, Chrom, Azura and Leif counter. 


    Dimitri might take a while to kill, but because of lack of NFU effects he can be shut down easily in Arena Assault etc. 


    Nice unit. Blue and green are great. Colourless would be nice for me aside from Grima. 


    I have 1 orb since i was saving for the duo hero banner and then tried for Shamir fodder.

    Eh I don't think you necessarily have to be a green mage to wreck him. I am just pointing out Shamir because she is  being added to the normal pool once her banner is done and is a physical unit that is going to give him problems so it is not just mage/res damage units that give him problems. Brave Lyn is also going to be good against him for similar reasons with Sacea's blessing but she doesn't have color advantage. I just mentioned Shamir as A) she is a summonable unit right now that isn't seasonal B) is from the same game which is something I found interesting personally and C) isn't a mage taking advantage of his obviously low res stat.


    8 hours ago, Kaden said:

    Shamir does have to go around some hoops to prevent a counterattack with her bow. She needs to not be adjacent to an ally for Survivalist Bow's Atk/Spd Solo 3 and she needs to be not be adjacent to an ally and her foe's HP be >= 80% HP for its Firesweep effect to work. If legendary Dimitri has Distant Counter and is not at that HP range or if he has Null C-Disrupt over Atrocity for whatever reason, he will be able to counterattack. If she is adjacent to someone, then legendary Dimitri with Distant Counter would be able to counterattack and probably be able to double her since it would be his 42 base neutral + 5 from Areadbhar's Spectrum Boost when his HP is >= 25% Spd to her 40 Spd before buffs and debuffs. I'm not trying to come off as saying Shamir's not going to work against legendary Dimitri. It's just that there are some issues. Eleonora would have an easier Firesweep condition of having higher speed than her foe, but it's her 38 base neutral + 3 from Mirage Longbow Spd to his 42 + 5 from Areadbhar's pretty lenient Spectrum Boost.

    Vicious Sal mentioned Boey as a relatively cheap counter for a water legendary counter depending on how you view spending dew. 5* Arthur with his default Emerald Axe+ or his prf axe with its base or unique refinement effects active could probably take on legendary Dimitri and Arthur comes with Lancebreaker by default as well which legendary Dimitri cannot run both Atrocity and Null Follow-Up at the same time until we get a Null Follow-Up seal if that ever happens. That requires someone wanting to 5* Arthur. He wouldn't be able to counter against the ranged water legendary heroes or survive against legendary Leif for that matter. Darros with T-Adept 3 would work as well. Better than having a Boost skill as his A passive. Inherited Lancebreaker if you really have issues with him and other lance units. Darros's stats are similar to Arthur, but with less resistance, and Deck Swabber is a nifty weapon.

    Not being adjcent to an ally is a super super easy condition to meet as any unit who goes in first on the opposing side kind of has to be alone otherwise they probably are already in range of the enemy to begin with. Unless you go out of you way to make it so beforehand on the turn you are attacking Its kind of why I have an issue with Xane as he needs a lot more setup than the standard attacks take.  The hp threshold is also easy to get around as all units start above the threshold so unless you are using a chip damage team its not much of an issue. Also I don't think other b skills are going to anything more than niche for Dimtri so don't see much of a reason to worry about that.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    I really dont think he is that broken. A competent Green Mage or Green Melee unit shouldnt have much struggle to take him out. His base kit doesnt give him any form of autofollow up and doesnt prevent any form of autofollow up. Not saying he is bad, he is definitly strong, but he aint cancerous to deal with.

    I think he is kind of built like his brave variation in the fact he really doesn't like mages or units like Petrine who can hit for res instead of defense.  Should be a bit better than his brave form but its still is a sore spot for him. I also think one his best counters that you can get right now is on the other three houses banner that is around right now Shamir with her bow. Mainly because it can stop dc if the Dimtri has it and it has color advantage. Also she is an archer so she can get deadeye if really necessary to deal with damage reduction.

  15. 2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

    Dimitri looks like he will be a fine addition to the roster of broken water legendaries that will ruin everyone's day is Arena and AR. Though Eddie won the brave race, Dimitri came as the victor of the legendary one. A slaying weapon, +5 to all stats, damage reduction, pulse smoke, -5 smoke type of debuff, and extra damage (at least 15). He can be built to be everything, from a player phase nuke to an enemy phase tank. 

    Really good blue and green pool however, I was taking a break from feh and I don't have any orbs so I won't get him most likely. 

    Not quiet convinced that is true. Sure Dimtri can do alot in a single combat but Edelgard can do a lot more combats in a single turn as the initiator with raging storm which can take out multiple support units with ease (dancers/ flayn/Brave Veronica/Brave Lucina/ect).  I think they are pretty much equal if anything or just function too differently to compare tbh.  Where as the brave versions of both tried to be super similar in being great tanks that survive a lot of things so it was more natural to compare the two versions. I don't think a straight comparison between the two legendary counterparts is workable because there functions are pretty different even if they are both supposed to be kill the enemy heroes.

  16. My hot take is that she is the single best Blue lion character. Yes I have her slightly over Dimtri and Felix.  Don't get me wrong I think Felix and Dimtri are good its just Ingrid has impressed me more. For one thing especially with the dlc dark flyer class or in the base game a dancer/Dark knight I think Ingrid is one of the better mixed magic/physical charcters as she has a really good spell list. Might be just me but I really like when units are able to make more things work.  Probably because I like to be able to react to stat screw on important stats in some shape or form.  I also really like the fact she is one of if not the best flyer outside of Claude (who has a unique flying class) and Edelgard (who does have to work towards it but is better once she is there) imo alot more than I value the slightly higher strength of Dimtri and Felix.  The perks of pegus knight access and easy access to flight are really highly rate in my opinion and help her in role of being able to succeed at avoiding damage.

    Also doesn't hurt her that her personal relic is one of the best lances in the game for general use  with plenty of time to use it on all routes. I think Luin is just a hair above the lance of ruin with its reliably of hitting but it is really close.

    I rate her 8.5/10

  17. 1 hour ago, trainer_derp said:

    Book 4 is still on the same level as Book 3 for me, but if we get more than 13 chapters it'll automatically be the best book so far. 

    Not a fan of Kiran having a big story role though.

    I kind of feel like they kind of had to pick Kiran if they needed a character to swap in for Alphonse for the Alphonse revelation. They can't really pick any of the other askar trio or the faeries as they need to contribute too as it is expected. It being a random hero that hasn't shown up in the book at all would also raise question marks/problems.  Kind of had to be Kirian because they had no real options honestly.

  18. I think that Petra is also an 8 out of 10.  Being one of the hardest units to be doubled is a nice trait to have.  She also has pretty good bulk wise not prefect but good enough so she is not an easy kill no matter what.  She is pretty good as any physical as a unit. One of the better archers who doesn't start as an archer for an example. Also probably the female unit who probably makes the most use out of the war monk to use gauntlets other than Edelgard and  Byleth.  One is a lord and the other is the main character and are both in the top units of game.  Still sad that there are gender exclusive classes and it took dlc for there to be  class outside of fighter to specialize in gauntlets for females.

  19. I think she is 8 out of 10. Her passive is one of the better ones imo especially early game as its healing that doesn't require uses of a resources which is relevant as faith spells can easily run out of on maps and also doesn't take up her turn (yes it requires a bit of setup but still is very useful). Early game when you don't have a lot spells period on any unit is when this is helps a lot on higher difficulties.  Her spell list is awesome and actually a respectable physical unit imo.

    Although I will say I actually prefer her not to be a dancer which is pretty popular for her. I think she is pretty good offensively and she is a good healer so would rather have her doing other things.

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