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Posts posted by vikingsfan92

  1. I think Seliph and Sigurd make way more sense in August then now.  First off it gives time for the red pool to catchup with the amount of heroes needing to be rerun. Second it it would be an attractive legendary banner for the people who don't care about 3H during August. Because of how the CYL banner shaped up its either you are going super hard on the banner or you are meh on it if 3H isn't your game and from the standpoint it makes sense to give popular alternative game request in August for people who don't want 3H stuff.  I don't think they want a lame duck legend banner in CYL month and those two might be the best way to avoid that.

  2. 8 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

    I was just thinking, is there anyway TMS would have a Legendary and if so who would it be?  TMS is in Feh so they could have one, but I feel like it is unlikely to happen.  Anyway I am going to guess Claude since he seems like a good fit and could be made any color IS wants.

    Haven't got super far in tms (joycon drift is problem for me) but it probably would be Itski (spelling is probably wrong) or Tsbusa. Both already have normal versions in the game though and not sure if they would do either without Chrom/Cadea so not sure how they would make the legendary version feel more unique

  3. 3 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I don't know why but I kind of want to guess that the legendary will be someone no one is guessing. The only thing I am sure of is that it will be earth and/or wind season so the legendary should be one of those two elements.

    Wind has a pretty obvious one one in the form of Claude. His route is called Verdent Wind and he has a unqiue combat art called wind god.  Kind of seems like a no brainer that his Legendary alt will be wind like it was for Edelgard to be a fire legendary. Even if he doesn't show up here he still is likely going to be wind legendary at some point.

  4. tbf you can honestly ignore a lot of the items and what not if you want. Just because you get them doesn't mean you have to use them. So I think that the big question for you is the 4 optional charcters make it easier in your eyes? and if so does the fact you get to see more dialogue and stuff make up for it enough to be worth the price tag.

  5. 1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

    Am I the only one that thought Miklan's chapter was fine, but just didn't like how dumb Gilbert's AI is?

    Actually, the more I think about it, the more I didn't really like it. I guess its only redeeming features for me were the bottlenecks and the different elevation making it that archers could safely shoot at my units. I enjoyed baiting the archers with my tankier units and then bringing them down with my own archers. 

    Gilbert's Ai is kind of high varinece imo. Sometimes he does some really good things other he does the worst possible move.  As for the map itself  I think the design is mostly fine its just the size that really makes it a slog.  Even high movement still can take you several turns to get to the action.  Even a tiny bit smaller and the map is better.

    I always go the boat route in Capturing Deridru as I like allowing both Hilda and Claude to live. It can get intresting at times when I have to beat Claude before Hilda forces combat on me. And having to deal with the reinforcements from the city as two of the reinforcment points are hard to snipe without fighting Hilda.

    As for the main topic: I think the last battle of CF is one of my favorite battles in the entire FE franchise. The setting and atmosphere are amazing. And the final showdown also feels like it has weight and a sense of accomplishment when done.

    To give the dlc a bit of a shout out I think the last battle of the dlc has one of the most unique gimmics and actually can be fun challenge.

  6. 5 minutes ago, XRay said:

    For her debut Focus, her color has no influence on hard it is to get her. The only time color has an influence on a Focus unit is if there are multiple Focus units of the same color.

    I do not think anyone is going to try to get a unit if they are not a Focus unit, so her being harder to get off Focus does not matter in my opinion.

    I am not the greatest with focus/Unfocus math but I know red has a lot units in it and as such there is a lot of pity break units in the cyl pool if no changes are made.  It still at the end of the day luck based on who you get and having more units in a color has to take effect somewhere.

  7. I think I see Brave Edelgard color wise being: Red, or colorless. I doubt they are going to make her green yet again and I think her next most likely color is red. I see her more likely to be a sword or bow unit than a lance unit if she is using a physical weapon. Colorless is second in case they decide to make a staff unit on this banner like the last two cyls. I can see staff Lysethia too and that might be more likely but I can see them going for staff Edelgard too. I also kind of want her to be not armored simply to diffrentate her from Legendary Edelgard. It would hard to make an armored unit of Edelgard better or even close to her Legend version.


    To be more cyncial they are probably making her red the color as the red pool has issues and since she got the most votes I can see them making it slightly harder to get her.

  8. Just had a random thought about this years cyl if they are ever going to go with duo heroes for a cyl this year would probably be it. Why you might ask because three houses offers a pair up partner no one would object to that much pre-timeskip/post timeskip of the same charcter (i.e academy and war arc lysethia). It would be a little weird but if they want to turn up the power dial for the cyl units making them duo heroes would probably be the least power creep way to do it.

  9. I got summer lyn dupe as my free gift hero which I am more than ok with. Also went for a  bridal Micaiah dupe to fix my minus attack Iv but got Bernedetta instead (who I didn't have).

  10. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    This is literally the exact same thing they did with Kaze a long time ago. Kaze was released as a quest reward unit and then was added to the summoning pool on a later banner.

    The fact that Emmeryn's first banner happens to be a Legendary Hero banner is of zero consequence.

    Its more of me saying we have a new non-five star added to a legend banner than anything. Legend banners are always the new legend and a bunch of repeats as the banner is about the new legend more than anything. They go out of there way not to do new units on Legend/Mythic banners to make the new legend feel special and here they are kind of breaking it a bit with it being the first chance to get the merges to get Emmyrn +10.  Its kind of rare that they would deviate from it and I think that is a cool thing. Does it mean anything colorwise arguable does it mean things for future legendary banners? That I think is more likely to be a yes and interesting thing to watch going forward.That being said I still think that they are going to do it on very rare occasions.


    To put it another way people view legendary banners only to chase certain 5* locked characters and if the now start giving 4* heroes to the pool during these events it gives another less exclusive reason to look forward to future legend banners.

  11. The fact they are adding Emmeryn as a 3/4 * hero to the legendary banner is interesting. The notification for her says she will be added from the legendary hero summon event onward. First time they give us something new on legendary hero banners that is lesser rarity. Kind of gives another reason to go colorless because even if you miss out on a 5* you could get Emmeryn merges.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    On the contrary, it's also possible that they couldn't find a good way to fit Mirabilis into the schedule with red being so full, so they had to add her in on a different banner to put another red unit on the regularly scheduled Mythic Hero banner.

    We really won't know until they announce the banner.

    While valid I think red is still too backed up atm for it to appear for a bit.  I still think August is much much better for a new red unit over now. Green and Colorless in particular are so close to being caught up that it looks like they are going to have to repeat things soon. And if they are going to repeat things I think it makes sense to repeat a newer thing. Just look at how many colorless slots are open until August there are more slots open then things we have to catch up on. 4 slots open and three heroes to catch up on.  And even the month after that has two slots open. They need something colorless to fill the gaps otherwise going to get a lot of repeats on colorless for a while. And the problem with doing colorless in August is they don't repeat the new mythic/legendary on back to back banners. So it still leaves slots open until then.

    Also I don't see anyone really talking about green what makes the most sense as the next green option? Edelgard was probably the the most clear green left (axes) for a while. Probably going to have to be some mage or dragon character to be the next one.

  13. So what do you think Marebils showing up does to the June Legend banner? Personally I think it slightly detracts more from the red Legendary hero idea. Also think she might sneak on the legend banner despite her banner probably still being up.  Mainly because the whole  introduction is weird and kind of feels like they are doing it with a purpose that she can show up some other place soon.  Its either to set up for the upcoming legend or the next mythic banner imo.

  14. Took me a lot of orbs but finally got Byleth of the the three houses banner actually went on a fairly rough no 5 star drought.  Still want Base Edelgard though. Got a minus attack Bridal Micaiah a while back makes me sad that she is minus attack. Also got a Leanne off that banner who is new for me. Mila is only unit I am really intrested on the legendary banner so skipping that.

  15. 10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    Okay but why?  because of Edelgard? or just 3H-CYL?
    because again. if it's just the Edelgard connection then why was Alm in April, and Celica (again almost an entire year and a half after CYL) - to debut in December.(April, being Golden week, and a heavy hitter literally) in Alm, and Christmas being their "pulling out all the stops."  for Christmas. 

    If we're doing connections why don't we have Legendary Xander (to match Ryoma?) Why did it take almost 2 years between Lucina and Chrom? 

    and again for me - personally - and it's nothing against Grima (or Duma, even though i don't like the 2nd very much)  - Does Grima or Duma really seem like the two units they'd release a Debuting legendary for? Claude's Prf weapon is a bow,and I realllllyy don't see them making it a Red one. And while he also gets 

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    that sword from that Saint in his exclusive route paralogue

    I simply don't see them making doing Legendary Edelgard with her well known prf, and Claude not with his. 

    I've been saying this since Edelgard debuted. that made a whole lotta sense because of the anniversary, and golden week and Edelgard SELLS. even outside 1/2 Anniversary, IS's biggest BRING ME ALL YOUR ORBS AND/OR YOUR MONEY is Christmas. 

    now again.I could be wrong  and if i am i'll totally eat humble pie on this. but with everyone they could make legendary (outside of the super popular lords). I just logically don't see them doing back to back to back 3H (and simply because of CYL either). we'll see though. it just doesn''t make sense (due to the colour share), and it doesn't make sense.logistically when they could have them headline stronger banners. 


    this is true. i'll modify those predictions. 

    I think another reason for Calude is the fact Three houses itself is nearing the anniversary of the release (end of july which is a mythic month) and this is probably the closest to release Legendary banner other than August which is cyl which is probably not ideal for the release of three houses legendaries given the fact it is an all three houses cyl.  Also I really don't think this month is going to be red and Claude is one of the more logical colorless options.

  16. 19 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


    but that's the thing. 
    they don't need to. 
    I simply don't see why IntSys would release all the Lords before CYL.  Legendary Celica came a good year after her Brave (not before). Micaiah isn't a Legendary yet, and so on and so forth. 

     I think at least one of the next two legendary banners will be a three houses lord and this month makes more sense than August when CYL happens.  Also colorwise it makes more sense to me for it to be colorless over red given how many units in red there needs to be put out.  And from the Colorless options Claude stands out the most to me. Micaiah just got a bridal alt on a banner right now and she probably would be one of the next most thought of as colorless options so she is a little more unlikely to me right now.  The only real thing against it is Mila also being colorless.

    11 minutes ago, Othin said:

    They can't get them all out before CYL, this is the only legendary banner before August.

    The Double Special Heroes banner will almost definitely have some New Year's units, rather than having the Winter ones be the only Book 4 ones.

    Its more that I don't think Edelgard will be the only one released before cyl. I just have a feeling at least one is going to happen.


    Also I think someone like Seleph makes more sense as the August Legendary when CYL is out.  They probably don't want to do a Legend and a brave alt of the same hero in one month. And he is a popular request so it probably makes more sense to do red that month then it does this one.

  17. 1 hour ago, eclipse said:

    Mila, a dragon deity of love.  Legendary Edelgard had issues with that.  So much so that she booted one of the Azuras out of my Leon dance squad.

    Team was Leon, Legendary Edelgard (+Res/-Atk to add insult to injury), Legendary Azura, and Flying Olivia.  Absolutely needed every single unit for this nonsense.

    Leon's job was to snipe the right side and remove The Cleaner.  Edelgard took damn near everything to the face, and thanks to a lot more turns than a unit should have, was able to manually hack and slash her way to sanity.  Needed the QR seal to get rid of the initial lancer.  Flying Olivia was used for Guidance shenanigans, which allowed a badly-wounded Edelgard to run from Mila.  Legendary Azura's buffs allowed Edelgard to survive the initial onslaught.

    Something told me to pull for Edelgard, and I don't regret it.

    Edelgard is so good and also so fun to use. Wish I could put heavy blade 4 and higher merges on her to truly break the game.

  18. I used three of my favorite ladies (Lyn, Edelgard and Micaiah) to win one of them being my newest 5 star Bridal Micaiah who is sadly minus attack. One turned  Mila so Isolation wasn't an issue for me to deal with.  The side reinforcements were the real issue for me though. Took for ever to figure out how to not die to them.


  19. 45 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    What you're saying would have merit if it weren't for the same people taking every conversation and turning it into CF/Edelgard every time. I point you to basically every discussion not explicitly about gameplay that's on the 3H forum. Go read them and see if the same people talking about the same points don't keep popping up. That's the part that's annoying. CF has just as much merit as any other route... not more.

    Here is a couple questions for you: Why does that matter to the topic at hand? And if every route matters why are you picking points about one route to bother you? Is that not a form of bias itself?  I don't care to to try to change your mind on things just pointing out that I don't think the route you are going about this is going to get you to where you want to go.  And it is a bit too hard on the anti-side for people to be willing to move on to the other sides. There are better ways to steer towards more vw and am centeric discussions than making negative remarks about other routes.

    And I also think for this particular topic cf is going to be a discussion point because in order to do the all routes consideration things it is probably the one that needs examining the most simply because the difference between going into AM and VW isn't all that big tbh.  Both sides have only Dimtri and Dedue as unique to BL and only Claude unique to VW and on both sides you have the church big wigs as allies. Smaller differences in factions tend to make it more of a meh discussion point. Its not without merit but I think it a lot more open to interpretation of people than other similar topics.  Personally I think more people would join Claude over Dimtri but I think the topic is way way more open to subjectivity.

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