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Fire Emblem Addict

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Addict

  1. He is one of the exceptions it seems. If you see the video of him playing Chopin's Nocturne, you can see that he connected with the music. But the people who are forced to just sit there and hammer (or saw in the case of the violin) away for hours a day are not like this at all. One of my friends started playing piano at age 3 (yes he was forced into it) and I've seen him play Winter Wind (when he was about 12 years old) without emotion of any sort. He sits there, stiff as a brick with a blank expression and hammers away at the keys until the last note is played. Yes, it's impeccable but it sounds so... empty. Now however, he has become a VERY competent musician and is looking into a career as a composer.
  2. Hmm I've never done music competitions but I do know a lot of kids whose parents have forced them to start playing instruments and practice 3 hours a day. When I hear them play pieces like Rondo Alla Turca, it sounds flawless. So flawless in fact that it sounds EXACTLY like a MIDI. During the ABRSM testing, I've noticed that the really good players (some of them are no older than 8) are the ones who put emotion into the music.
  3. Haha yeah I know what you mean with the noise pollution thing. One of my neighbors (I live in an apartment) frequently practices his/her bagpipe even though it sounds terrible. However, I don't really hold anything against him/her since they only play during the day and its the only way for them to get better! That being said, I've always played during daytime only (even if it's a piece that I can play really well) since I don't want angry neighbors knocking on my door and ruining my day.
  4. Well the most recent piece that I've learned to play fluently is the 1st movement of Mozart's 40th. I can also play the 2nd movement of Dvorak's 9th as well as Bach's Air on the G String. I think I'm going to try fiddling next :)

  5. Yeah but I'm worried about forming really bad habits through practicing by myself that might inhibit my progress as I begin to play more advanced pieces. In fact, before I got my current violin tutor, I had another (rather crappy) tutor that didn't catch all the little mistakes that I made when I play (how my fingers were straight when I hold the bow for example) and my current tutor spent the entire first lesson that I had with her pointing out all my little mistakes to me. And after a year of playing with mistakes, they were HARD for me to fix. Even now (another year and a half later) I still make the same mistakes occasionally.
  6. So I've recently decided that my instrument (violin) was very boring so I decided to try to learn the piano instead! I got myself a book called Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course Level 1 or something like that and it came with a CD that has all the practice music and melodies from the book on it as reference. The thing is that I don't want to get another private tutor for the piano because I want to go at my own pace and not be assigned "homework" every week. I want to enjoy playing the instrument and I don't want it to become a chore (in fact, this is one of the reasons why I don't like playing the violin much anymore). So my question, for all you piano players out there, is whether or not this is possible to do (learn to play without a private tutor). I don't want to become a professional musician or anything like that but I do hope to be able to eventually play some of my favorite compositions (Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, and the like). The thing that I'm worried about is my posture since that's not really something that can be learned from a book and may require some scrutiny from a tutor (even now, my violin tutor still points out the occasional mistake that I make in bowing or fingering that I was not even aware of). Anyways, thank you in advance to anyone who replies!
  7. Wow a 19 inch widescreen? Can't say I've heard of those before! Anyways, I'm sorry for your loss and I will be sure to make an extra sacrifice of sheep tonight in its honor so that it may find its way into the Technology Afterlife.
  8. You could try spybot search and destroy, although that's only for spyware.
  9. Welcome to SF! Oh, and please ignore this kitty business that seems to be getting around!
  10. Haha my favorite Zevran dialogue was the part with the Antivan Milk Sandwich. It was only after playing Awakening did I truly understand that it was a sexual innuendo.
  11. 10/10 in terms of cuteness but 6/10 in terms of music
  12. *SPOILER WARNING* EDIT: did it work? EDIT: Sweet! never knew that this could be done! Thanks excel!
  13. Hello and welcome! Although I must say, I do not know how it came to be that you were corrupted with "kittyness" before you even joined the forums... Have you been lurking, or has this mental disease spread outside Serenes Forest? If the latter, then we must take any steps necessary to make sure that it does not spread further. And yes, this may include extermination of contaminated units.
  14. Haha if I only read the title, I would've bet the lives of every one of my future descendants that eclipse was the one to start this thread.
  15. I LOVED her voice! Especially the part where she called Sten a "softie". The way she said it made me melt. Leliana > Morrigan in my opinion
  16. I'm afraid I did cry during the first pokemon movie... Damn that was a touching moment... Anyways, there are people crying during some scenes in half the movies that I go to. It's no big deal to get a little emotional at times and let our empathy show.
  17. I don't...And from what i see here, 'tis for the best.
  18. Whoa what? Why does facebbok friends have to do with sending suggestive pictures or cybersex?
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