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Fire Emblem Addict

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Addict

  1. Granted, but now you just make typos without having to fix them. I wish I could copulate with Dr. Alice Roberts (the one from BBC"s The Incredible Human Journey)
  2. Granted, but you are not allowed to make another wish. I wish that I don't have to go to school. EDIT: Oops I might have misread that.. ^ was read as: "I wish my next single wish to be uncorrupted." But if its: "I wish my next single With to be uncorrupted" or "I wish my next single with ___ to be uncorrupted", then the response should be: "Granted, but it will not be well received".
  3. Granted, but it is only better by Renaissance standards, thus making you morbidly obese. I wish to know how the universe came into existence.
  4. Granted, but now you become completely indecisive. I wish that I would win a Nobel Prize in physics.
  5. Granted, but you cannot access them. I wish that I was an astronaut.
  6. Knows that I am jealous of his Sigrun badge
  7. Granted, but its moldy. I wish I could discover what love is.
  8. Granted, but you have no fighting skills. I wish that I could be god.
  9. Granted, but you stopped wanting it as soon as you got it. I wish I could be happy all the time.
  10. Granted, but only by me leaving others to corrupt your wish. I wish that I could fly.
  11. Granted, but it crashes on the loading screen every time. I wish I was omniscient.
  12. Granted, but now she has dementia. I wish I could go back in time and meet Charles Darwin.
  13. Lucky you... All I've ever played during my lessons with my tutor was Suzuki...
  14. The main thing I miss about DAO was the characters and character interactions. Awakening and 2 did not come anywhere close to DAO in that regard.
  15. Catch it as it runs down your face and then saving it up to use as skin lotion!
  16. Haha nice! I actually felt sad after finishing Dragon Age the first time... It was a bit of a bittersweet moment I guess since there does exist that since of closure. However, there is also a bit of sadness in knowing that I won't be seeing any of the characters again anytime soon... Also Awakening is inferior IMO since there isn't even a romance option... I mean they give you this really hot elf as a companion but they won't let you pursue any romances! Why must Bioware torture us so.... Anyways, Awakening is still a really cool story and I hope you enjoy it!
  17. It depends, do you then catch it in a cup and rub it all over yourself? If not, then no, you are definitely not normal.
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