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Fire Emblem Addict

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Addict

  1. I agree with the establishment of all female teams when it comes to physical sports (soccer, basketball, etc.) because women do have lower levels of testosterone than men and (on average) also have lower muscle mass. That being said, there doesn't need to be a "women's" or everything. One example of this being the title of Women's World Champion and Women's Grandmaster in chess...
  2. I agree that they should both be jailed. Hacking other people's private information in order to sell more papers and make more money is disgusting to say the least.
  3. I wasn't lurking, I was just stuck in Ohio with my dad's terrible 3kb/s internet connection
  4. Unfortunately I'm kinda new here so I probably don't know you from before. Anyways, welcome back nonetheless!
  5. Oh, what is this.... Now they're corrupted with Kittyness before they even join! Something must be done about this! That being said, hello and welcome!
  6. Woot! Huzzah for Canada Day! I just got back from watching fireworks and it was AWESOME! Here's to us surviving another year with a Harper government! : ]
  7. this kitty thing is spreading like a wildfire through the Forest! Those who are untouched by this taint must save those privileged few who are still uncorrupted! It is with this goal in mind that I am starting an Order dedicated to eradicating the Kitties and restoring peace to the Forest. Please, if anyone out there is still resisting this intellectual plague, join me and we shall purge the evil from this place!
  8. I'm just familiest towards the family of Felidae. They annoy me for some reason
  9. hello and welcome to SF! you came at a bad time with this kitty thing going on.
  10. Hello and welcome to SF!
  11. Haven't been to any orientations yet but I have been to several campus tours (U of T ftw) and I'm really excited to go to university. Just one more year for me! Anyways, have fun at your orientation!
  12. Religious laws are supposedly the word of god(s). If these laws are to be followed for any reason, then it must be assumed that they are always relevant (since to the best of my knowledge, there is no passage in any holy book that says "disregard these laws if a certain degree of technological or cultural proficiency has been obtained") or not to be followed (since some of the laws do contradict the current moral zeitgeist). Basically, what I'm trying to say is that by following these laws because they come from god, then you are assuming they are the words of god. If they are, then you must follow all of them (because any holy book says so), and if not, you don't have to follow any of them. It doesn't make sense to say "I condemn homosexuality because the bible says so, but I condone working on the Sabbath even though the bible says that is a sin as well". Of course, the exception to this would be people who follow religious laws not out of belief in god.
  13. Welcome to SF and may the Maker watch over you!
  14. A very warm welcome and please enjoy your stay!
  15. "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx "Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies." - Voltaire, being asked on his deathbed by a priest to renounce Satan and follow the word of god
  16. To use the word "I" in I think already assumes that "I" exists. Therefore, I think K is saying that there needs to be evidence to justify that it is "I" that is doing the thinking.
  17. basically K is breaking Descartes argument into: 1. Something thinks 2. I am that something 3. Therefore I think 4. Therefore I am
  18. Welcome! Welcome! I hope you have fun here!
  19. I think it comes from the focus on this "academic performance". People should be learning because they enjoy acquiring new knowledge and satisfying their curiosity, not because they're afraid of the repercussions from not doing well in school. I remember that some of my friends at school were once very curious kids. They were always asking questions about how this or that works to be teachers after school (I would engage in the same thing much to the teacher's dissatisfaction). In contrast, all they do now in high school is stay after class and ask their teachers how they can squeeze out an extra 3 or 4 % on their report cards... So disappointing to see the path that school has led them down.
  20. I think Kierkegaard (not sure on this) refuted Descartes' claim by pointint out that Descartes presupposes the existence of "I" when he uses the phrase "I think". Therefore, all Descartes is doing is trying to prove a postulate that he implicitly made at the start of his argument (or something to that effect, been a while since I've learned this stuff).
  21. Another Sigrun badge.... I must be really unlucky or something cuz I've gone through around 5 of these in about 2 months and I still haven't had a Sigrun badge.. Looks like its time to resume those animal sacrifices... EDIT: Ah great, now I get Nolan..... grr at these random badge assignments
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