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Eltosian Kadath

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Everything posted by Eltosian Kadath

  1. I don't use the true Roro tracking technique, but Ruben has covered the gist of it, send your biggest baddest promoted unit (probably promoted Palla) to charge at the back 3 Roro, arrange your units so you only have to take one Roro hit, if you don't find him early you might have to start pulling units into Horace's room and chokepointing the door with your beefiest unit (and hopefully you had a healer that could survive the turn 1 Roro hit to keep them going and/or physic the boss slayer, or have a few vulnerary ready).
  2. ...That was rather frightening. So Wendel is the Kenobi to Elrean's little orphan Annie. Does that make Merric Mace Windu? Palla is so good in this game it is ridiculous. Oh Frey, if only this was the first chest instead of the last, perhaps you could have been saved. You know you are going to have to play Rivers in the Desert for the desert chapter now, but I guess you got to deal with Legion/Roro first. Good luck against the most RNG map in the game, as which of the three is the real boss is randomized, and the infinitely respawning Roro clones cannot be spawn blocked. Also preemptive vote for James to wear the mask I am in the same boat as @Dayni, waiting for it to be complete to avoid the torturous withdrawals that would hit when I reached the end of the translated section, although I almost cracked back in late 2018 when there was that long hiatus that made me fear that would be the best we would get for a Berwick Saga Translation.
  3. I would put it more that you need to go out of your way to A rank before the late game, you will probably have a couple of A ranks by the last 4-5 maps give or take. As for accuracy, things get more complicated if you have hits to spare, for example if you just need 2 hits and double the enemy, the brave weapon will have a higher success rate than a bronze if your bronze's final accuracy is roughly between 25 and 90, and that is with a base 25 less accuracy on the weapon, you start comparing it to iron or steel, and you find a fair number of situations where having spare hits leads to higher effective accuracy. I could go on with examples, but the core thing is that the brave effect can let you more effectively trade damage for accuracy, which has a lot of uses. This one especially, seeing as Kaze is the only one that has the option to use it in his base class for Conquest (Laslow and Shura are the only other with it available with heart seal), and I don't even think you get one in Birthright where it might actually see use. The Brave axe sees plenty of use if you field a Berserker, which are far more numerous in Conquest. Seems about right, especially seeing as unless you are facing the calamity gate, the Dual yumi has higher effective might and accuracy than the Spellbane yumi against magic.
  4. Finally there is a Jugdral Legendary Hero, but with how long it took, things aren't looking good for how long it will take for when the first Thracian legendary hero arrives...
  5. Does one of the translations actually call him that? I thought it was either Yodel or Yoder, If so point me towards that patch because it sounds ridiculous. Sorry to interrupt your food rant with a food rant, but it really bugs me that they didn't mention the most obvious difference between wild and domestic strawberries, the size. Wild strawberries are really tiny compared to their domestic variety. As for them being "misshapen", wild strawberries tend to be more rounded and berry shaped, unlike that more distinctive wedge like shape of a lot of the domestic variety get, and the difference in color is more about how long you wait until you pick them. Vegetables on pizza are there to counter balance, and compliment the savory elements. If you stack savory on top of savory you overwhelm the palate and undermine the experience, but the right kinda vegetables can balance those flavors out. James knows exactly how that date is going to end. Yeah that's a trap every first time player falls into, as it really seems like there should be a way to deal with that other than the rescue staff. I really hope that Excalibur tome ends up in the convoy for next chapter, as it helps a lot against the far worse desert chapter that is chapter 11... Plus if you kill too many of them you will need to LTC for the gaiden. Then again 10x has a high chance for an unlucky death for very little benefit. I hate how they positioned those two shaver mages, that effective damage let's them threaten the flier that can deal with the swarmers the easiest, so you usually want to either dance, or use one of promoted infantry classes that can enter the water with a ranged weapon. Ouch...that went poorly, too bad you couldn't have physiced him before his attack, although if no one else could reach I guess that wouldn't have saved him in the end... KnightOfNohr, Ruben went into his New Mystery iron man run having completed it multiple times, and on harder difficulties, you've made it clear this was your first time emulating this game. That previous experience Ruben had to draw upon (most of which can't be learned by simply watching someone else play) gave him an extra edge you don't have, so don't feel bad or be discouraged that your units are dying earlier than his, or if you miss secret items or ending.
  6. To add a few things After Edda, Dozel's forces will attack both of your castles, so be careful not to overconcentrate your competent forces prior to seizing. After Dozel the game will warn you about an ambush that will strike as you assault Friege, but if you are careful about positioning you can cause the ambush to spawn before aggroing the other army, allowing you to deal with before the other, instead of facing both at once. Also do be warned the sleep staff users near Friege aren't destroyed when you seize it as they aren't part of the same army. Have you actually had them pull off a triangle attack against you? Their use of Canto always kept them from setting up the triangle attack against me, although their speed tier and skill combination do make them terrifying.
  7. Boy this board became a mess while I was away. Now there is another aspect to weapon uses to consider, their value as attack stance weapons. A lot of the downsides of weapons are ignored when used for an attack stance: debuffs like those caused by silver weapons do not trigger, the strength halving of weapons like the Crescent bow or Aurgelmir do not trigger (and in fact an attack stance hit can be used to clear the debuff away), even static stat decreases to otherwise important stats like defense and speed do not directly effect the attack stance hit, and thus can be either traded away after use or rendered harmless by blocking access. This opens up niches for those massively power weapons that have a defect that cripples either their Player phase, or Enemy Phase uses, plus it give more value to the brave effect for it is the only way two attack stance hits.
  8. I am in favor of the "irommanability" rename, as it sounds like what you were shooting for with that ranking.
  9. Who are you suggesting become a Bow Knight then? Selena that will on average deal lower damage due to E rank bow, slightly lower average strength, and lower speed: Laslow that never passes Niles defense averages by more than 1, and is slow enough to needs tonics and meals (and probably a speed pairup too) to avoid being doubled by chapter 25 master ninja (whereas the same help can push Niles into doubling said master ninja instead, and even average Selena can accomplish that feat if she caps out), or god forbid are you claiming shining bow Nyx is a better choice.
  10. B rank staff not only lets you use B rank staff, but also C, D, and E rank staff, which have plenty of useful staff to chose from, plus gives +1 healing (the equivalent of +3 magic) and +5 staff accuracy (the equivalent of +2 skill on top of the effective +3 magic when using a staff). Why you would consider a high staff rank a bad thing I can not guess. As for using Niles long term, doing so gives you access to many well loved captured units like the rally bots of chapter 23 or pass fliers of chapter 24, and his high speed, skill, and access to bow knight makes him a great Ninja and Flier counter. Maligknight Elise is useful. The most obvious places she would help is in chapter 21, but there are plenty of other places where the terrain would prevent magic users other than Maligknight from being able to help, and Elise is the easiest magic focused Maligknight you can get.
  11. The strike is completed, Camus only had one round of combat left in him at that point. I rather liked the old school art and BS Fire emblem references it showed in the background as it was showing off the finished Lore, it was such a nice touch.
  12. For the most part it is a mix of preference and tradition, but there are some thing grid and hex maps deal with better. Grid maps are a lot easier to use if you have a lot of dungeon or urban combat where rectangular buildings/rooms/corridors are fairly common, plus describing thing in cardinal directions makes it easier to transition from written or described scenes to what that means on the mat. Hex maps handle more rounded features far better, and minimizes the diagonal issues grid maps have when directions start moving outside the cardinal, and are more realistic overall. The exposure comment is more down to preference, as some people consider the grid diagonals adjacent, which means you could see either 4 or 8 sides on a grid vs 6 sides on a hex 1 space per 5 feet is the standard (aka 30 feet means 6 spaces, 25 feet means 5 spaces etc.). Three things to note for your FEH movement house rule, first if it is working for the group, than feel free to keep it, plenty of tables/DM have house rules they use regularly; second is that you probably want to keep the range/area of ranged attacks or spells consistent with movement, so have your conversion rules ready for when that question comes up; Third is you might want to think about how you will deal with reach weapons if that comes up in game.
  13. With Minerva being my favorite Archanean character this saddens me. As for the timing with the Heroes you should just barely have enough time if you don't use a rescue staff, but if you end up taking parts of it a bit slow you want either the staff use, use fliers to distract the leading heroes, or... I more meant it as this wasn't the desert chapter that has a reputation for its brutality. Honestly that other desert chapter was the most difficult chapter in the game for me on my first run, and I still despise it to this day. Oh the irony of those words coming from the future ruler of the continent. Despite your shipping preference Ryan and Linde are proving to an effective dynamic duo. Oh not one of them Axey Boys. Now both the triangle attack are broken forever :( I am going to go with the boring-est answer and say Marth, due to both villages and thrones requiring his presence. That clip is amazing.
  14. Second Strike report "only one enemy remains that is it" Bridal Marth managed to finish off his foe round 2, and after Merric revealed the second foe finished it off in round 3 Merric revealed the second to be a bow knight of the Sable order. Bridal Caede finished Lorenz in the second round, but didn't double Camus in the third. Young Tiki was poorly placed as she revealed her foe to be Camus. She gets taken down after her first strike in the third round, and Camus barely held on. With only Camus remaining, barely alive it is time to switch games for a moment, as Alm, Lukas, Clair, and Clive prepare to take on Zeke
  15. And yet his otherwise great offense is crippled because he's so god damn slow.
  16. Witch is a staggeringly broken class no matter who becomes it, Rinkah or otherwise. Corrin doesn't have to claim 2 unit slots, and even when s/he gets Nohrian Unity it is only really useful for cheesing more procable skills on the final Takumi fight, and you completely gloss over her/him getting the best lv 5 class skill draconic hex. His/her personal skill is one of the best support skills in the game, and you should get as many units you can to use it with attack stances. Despite your claims otherwise Corrin does have personal bonuses to several stats even at level 1, and some of those are determined by boon and bane (in case you are curious its +2 Hp, +1Mag, +3 Skl, +1 Spd, +3 Lck, +1 Def , The boon/bane add on top of these like so: HP, Magic, Skill or Luck picked as Boon/Bane: +3/-2: Strength or Speed picked as Boon/Bane: +2/-1; Defence or Resistance picked as Boon/Bane: +1/-1). The Yato starts buffing those stats soon enough, and Corrin has some great personal growths anyway. As for your class changing, Ninja literally has the lowest base strength of any physical class, and those that were given that class at base had to be given stupidly high personal strength bases to keep from being unusable, and most other units you found some way to force into that class would also have trash tier strength. As for reclassing to Cavalier or Wyvern, it depends on the bane/boon, for instance a speed boon luck bane Corrin on average is faster than any of the base class Wyverns (even if we don't start adding the stats for having the Yato in the inventory). You are vastly underselling Silas's speed, and if you think coin flip growths are bad let me list all the grows from Rinkah's base class that are coin flips or worse: HP, strength, magic, skill, luck, and resistance. Silas doesn't have embarrassingly bad speed like Xander does, and if Xander didn't have that amazingly broken sword of his I would prefer Silas. I find this comment ironic after the Xander praise. As for the question at hand, I think its time to throw in my two cents as someone that brought Rinkah to Birthright Lunatic endgame on a female only run. Now I don't generally squander many resources repeatedly reclassing units so I will mostly talk about what units can do in their base classes here. Rinkahs main niche is that she has amazing defense, and plenty of speed. Unfortunately axe/clubs do not have a weapon Rinkah can use to improve that, and with the guard naginata Oboro can generally reach a similar or slightly higher level of bulk. Oboro even has a more useful seal skill for the simple reason that more classes and units specialize in physicl attacks than magical (and that isn't even mentioning the speed seal that is better than both that she gets latter). The mixed attacking of Oni Chieftain gives her only one favor, and that is access to the horse spirit, so she can finally hit defense numbers higher than Oboro with the guard naginata, but getting there is a bit of a chore, and is either a fairly late game gain, or takes a lot of resources. That mixed attacking otherwise gives her mediocre physical damage, or mediocre magic damage after an enemy is sealed, and while Death Blow is nice, its not very significant without killer weapons, which are harder to come by in Birthright. Her main niche is to be a second Birthright unit that isn't made of wet tissue paper, and that makes her an alright unit to bring along.
  17. To my knowledge you can complete it at your own pace. I never let them fully chain entrap me to the boss when I did my female only run of Lunatic Birthright, so I think you are OK
  18. First strike report: "The foes are still going strong! Just keep at it!" I had Est in the first slot, she doubled her foe and revealed it to be a lance wielding cavalier of the sable knights Palla was in the second slot, doubled her foe, but got taken out by turn two. Catria in third barely took any damage, doubled her foe, and revealed it to be Lorenz (sword general with FE1impired art) Minerva doubled her foe Hopefully the bridal party can finish things off, with Bridal Marth in the first slot, his future brother-in-law Merric in the second, bridal Caede in the third, with young Tiki (the flower girl) taking the fourth.
  19. The bridal couple managed to "devise an ingenious strategy for investigating"... Getting the rest of the wedding party to help you search was truly ingenious. As for the strike with 4 slots its time for Minerva and the White wings to bring down the forces of Grust
  20. Fair enough, and nothing of value is lost in doing so. That being said you should probably update your Death counter with Bantu, but add an asterisk note that he was left behind instead of outright killed. That kind sucks but oh well. I'm liking this new Marth, he is petty and brutal, and does not give a triceratops about anything. I will now confusingly call him Shadow Dragon Gaiden Marth henceforth. Now that was a great use of a Rescue staff, and a smart move. That crude MSpaint level modification is perfect, and the Jeordin ship has been set forth into the world. I am impressed that you made it through that without having to take down any of those brutal generals. Don't worry its the easier Desert level, not the murderously difficult one.
  21. Marth and Legendary Tiki "gained a deeper understanding than expected"... poor Tiki she will outlive him, and then that understanding will start to hurt. Camus and Hardin "shared tales from home in the evenings" ... I am imagining these two sharing a bottle of wine beneath the stars (like Sigurd and Eldigan) talking about the past, and bonding over their part in the tragedy of Nyna's life. Cain and Abel "uncovered traces of a desperate struggle"... the remains of an unlucky iron man perhaps. Finally its time for Bridal Marth, and Bridal Caede to stride forth and finish scouting the Ageless Palace. A beautiful romantic end to the scouting phase.
  22. Oh boy the first warning of the Bad Things to come. Honestly if this were a worse star shard I would suggest you ignore it and run (as you have missed the star orb already). Its a good idea to setup a rear guard, but you have got to keep moving... I kinda like this strat, but you are playing with fire. Cain can only just barely outrun the rest of the reinforcements not to mention the heroes. A flyer could creatively avoid the danger here by moving onto the water, but you probably will want Palla's help breaking through the north. ...You've really got to keep moving, having Palla weaken the pursuit is a good idea, as she can move quickly and make escapes others cannot, but those infantry have got to keep moving north. Oh no... you ignored the second warning of Bad Things to come... this is going to be bad isn't it. KEEP MOVING NORTH...Oh Deinonychus this will be a slaughter. On a side note I do like this change in Marth as I always imagine an FE11 Marth that gets all the gaiden chapters has to be a lunatic like that. The third warning... and the army is right in the hero's range. This will not be pretty. Ok, the game is actually being a bit of a jerk with their pre-battle convos here, Marth can also recruit Jeorge, and it probably should have hinted at that fact somewhere. The game gave you plenty of warning for this one, but if you just aren't getting the hints its going to feel unfair (and in some sense be unfair) when the hammer falls. I am of two minds about this due to the concept of Ironman having two separate origins for Fire Emblem. On the one hand an Ironman was Kaga's original vision for how these games aught to be played, but I do not think he intended for there to be extra rules and penalties attached to game overs, so if this is an Iron man inspired by the way Kaga intended it to be then of course you should keep them. If you are taking after the more modern challenge run style Ironman, than you should retire Castor after the chapter (still use him in the chapter as there is no reason to hamstring yourself), as he died before the Hero's starting moving, or even became an issue. You can make it through this, just keep going.
  23. New Units: 14. Helbindi: Seaside Scourge 167. Mia: Lady of Blades 178. Ranulf: Friend of Nations 223. Yarne: Timid Taguel 285. Byleth(M): Tested Professor 286. Claude: The Schemer 287. Kronya: Gleaming Blade 288. Death Knight: The Reaper New Total: 288
  24. Now I'm imagining a scene with a convention taking place in Chiasmir, where Catria and Marth accidentally see each other in their seasonal outfits, and suddenly discovering that they have both secretly been cosplay fans the entire time.
  25. So Gharnef and Evil Tiki "stumble upon a beautiful stone along the way"... did Heroes just subtly depict Gharnef raiding the Dark Sphere from the Fane of Raman? Meanwhile Minerva and Hardin "spotted an abandoned weapon. Whose was it?"... The Hauteclure obviously, forgotten in the older telling of the Dark Dragon and Blade of Light, only to be remembered in Shadow Dragon. I am rather enjoying this event, but I suspect most of that is coming from my own imagination and over interpretation. For the next rounds of scouting I will have Marth and Legendary Tiki finish off Chiasmir, representing Marth awakening Tiki from the dark dream Gharnef entrapped her in. For Aurelis I end off with another BS Fire emblem reference, as Camus is delivering the beloved princess of Archenea into the protection of Hardin and his brother the king of Aurelis. To start the scouting of the Ageless Palace I think its time for original cavalry duo, Cain and Abel, The Bull and The Panther to open up the path for the last pair I have been saving... ...There are some serious implications there, I just don't know if they launch or doom the Catria Marth ship
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