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Eltosian Kadath

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Posts posted by Eltosian Kadath

  1. 38 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

    What about dead characters like Elena and Rajaion?

    That seems fine, and they already set the precedent with noted popularity with Greil.

    11 minutes ago, DemolisherBPB said:

    Prince Zephiel I could with as at least he actually does combat in a chapter.

    Ugh I see your logic, but adding the incompetent shoto green unit version of Zephiel would irk me.


    16 minutes ago, DemolisherBPB said:

    For me I don't really care to see someone like Asugi and Celdori, they're already in the game basically so they add very little. Other than that Xane. I'm scared how they'll do him and expect the worse.

    For Caeldori I find that with Selena as a mother (a revelation only option I know), all my issues with her fall away. Her being the spitting image of her grandmother isn't as silly, and their support ends on this sweet reconciliation that emphasizes the differences between Caeldori and Cordelia.

  2. 6 hours ago, Dayni said:

    though not the freezing glitch (I've had something that was somewhat similar (the screen glitched, but no crashing and the losses all got turned into the same number)) after killing with Seliph (but that's the canto bug, this is something new to me).

    I think the freezing is still a part of the Canto glitch, you just have to wait for the distorted audio to cutout before changing the music in any way, and then when it does change the game softlocks like he described.


    On 3/5/2019 at 9:29 AM, starburst said:

    When I was about to take on the roof, I faced a difficult dilemma: Taking the western stairs was suicidal even to my bulkiest front-liner, and removing a Basara from an eastern stair would leave me with less Entrap charges for Ch 25 (and I had planned my budget and strategy around it.)
    In the end, my fear of Ch 25 prevailed [1] and I decided to find a way to assault the roof through the western stairs.

    I did not have many options: it was either Noble Cornflakes or Hero Silas. The former had an edge because she was faster, had reliable 1-2 attacks and would de-buff all enemies. The numbers told me that she would not survive an Enemy Phase, and even if she did, the Lunge Lancers would block the stairs. Now, I had been saving a Rescue staff for Endgame, I was not sure what my strategy would be, but just in case. I decided to use it here and focus on the Lunge Lancers. I would go in, try to kill one Lunge Lancer at a time and let Elise Rescue Cornflakes. There would still be one Lunge Lancer alive and all the fucking Basaras and Snipers, but I had to take my chances.
    After the Rescue Infiltration, I separated all my units and prepared for a full-on charge to kill as many enemies as possible on a single phase. I was not easy with only two mounted units, and I must say it was more about faith than maths, but the party survived and got ready for Oboro's team.

    That is costly as Rescue staff uses are the only way I have even gotten close to clearing end game with so few troops (then again defense stance may make survival on some parts easier). That roof really costs quality staffs to survive it seems.

    On 3/5/2019 at 12:59 PM, Tolvir said:

    Sounds like an interesting challenge run, I might give it a go. Ive been looking to go back and play various FE games with 3H around the corner, and would like to spice up Fates, Awakening, and SoV specifically with some challenge runs considering how much Ive played them.

    Not sure who I will use yet, Ill have to come up with that.

    If you are lets playing/streaming/creating a write-up of the run keep us posted.

    Part 8: Only Endgame Remains ch 25-27


    Chapter 25- This one is a bit too tricky to split my forces like the last couple maps. I started by working on Kagero's half, and found a way through far easier than I expected, Saizo's half took a bit longer to figure out, but with clever staff use it worked out. The key preps are a meal that adds +1 strength, +2 defense, and +2 speed to males, a defense tonic on Corrin just in case, a strength tonic on Niles to make ninja kills easier to setup, buying a few vulneraries to make sure Corrin stays healthy, and filling Azura's inventory with exotic staffs to be the faux convoy for this map. I start with Kagero's side as it was the first I figured out, and after clearing Saizo's half my attempts to use Camaraderie to make Corrin invincible ended up leaving my army just unpowered enough to fail the Kagero's half, and it showed it to be a little dicier in a few places.  I strat by having Niles lure the ninjas from the second room on Kagero's route (as the man-at-arms and ninjas in the first are more reluctant to act), and spend a few turns luring out and killing them until he starts baiting the ninjas from the back of the first room, that finally convinces them to move and attack people that are in their ranges. After finishing them I must face the corridor of death, and my first step is to rile up the troops clogging up the corridor by using Effie's Armored blow to chip one without taking damage, shelter her with Peri and dance them with Azura  (and then use more shelter dancer shenanigans to get her out of Spy shuriken range), and separate Effie and Peri in such a way that they choke the furthest point Effie can, while Peri equips a sword and lures the further out sword catcher man-at-arms to convince the ninja to use its spy shuriken to get his effective attack stance on Peri instead of wrecking Effie with his doubling silver shuriken. After dealing with these I need to lure the spy shurikens from the two rooms into spaces they can be killed, and Nile's shuriken breaker is the way to go. The western one requires a lot of defensive boosts to prevent the Great club wielding man-at-arms frequent attack stance crits, but after luring one individually to the right place, Niles can one round it and be sheltered and danced to safety and healed up to lure the other side. After the spy shuriken are dealt with I break the eastern wall (and dance them to keep from being attacked from the other room and get more power into the eastern room) but there is enough difficulty reaching and hittting that last ninja in the east that I have to take an enemy phase from it. After the east is dealt with the western room is easier to deal with due to the extra space in the eastern room to stage attacking troops in. After that Niles lures out the ninja's from Kagero's room and we steam roll the rest of that side and grab the gold. The long trek back to the center  gets me close to the 20 turn mark so during most of Saizo's half Corrin is dragon tanking Ryoma and chugging vulneraries whenever he has more than 10 lost health. The first step on Saizo's half is to enemy phase the three ninjas in the first room with Niles. Next turn I give Silas all the rallys, the dance boost, and station Elise on the stairs in the corner to help him tank the 2 ninja and 1 swordmaster just to the west of the door to the next room with a Javalin to chip as he will be double anyway after the first ninja debuff (and they always double him). If the enemy sets up their attack stances right he needs one aegis proc to live, but with 30 skill and how many shuriken hits he is taking I have never seen him fall here, but he is debuffed to point of incompetence.  After surviving that we wipe away this group on player phase. The next step is to wipe out the ninja in the western most corridor (and shelter them out of the lunge blender range) and entrap the further of the two lungers in that next room (with Ophelia pair-up and skill rally or dance boost Elise gets over 90% accuracy with the entrap), and wipe it out. Next I break the wall and use shelter and dancing stats to leave only Effie at the furthest point of the nearest lungers range, with only a Life and Death swordmaster's attack stance to worry about she should be fine, and both can be killed relatively safely. Next I use Calamity gate to lure the ninja with the room into a range battle and after they are dead I lure the two sword masters between that next room and Saizo's room into death range. The pair-up sword masters have yet to move, so I pump enough range attacks into them (plus one final melee attack stance) to finish them without entering the next lunging range (and then loot the chest). I then use another entrap to kill the nearest lunger and prepare for the final assault. With as many cavalry as I can station outside lunger range, and a freeze staff on the sword master for safty (and shelter Felicia with the still slightly debuffed Silas) I lure in the lunger with Niles, and the ninja do not bother to attack him, after that I just push enough cavalry into Saizos room to finish his 3 defenders and the lunger. Saizo falls easily just as Corrin is two uses into his second vulnerary. I end up using Beruka's dual club swordbreaker combo to deal with Ryoma, but Corrin still has to tank 2 hit after the floor changes before he falls.

    Chapter 26 - Lets start with the preps, we have a +1 strength, +1 defense, +1 luck meal for all Nohrians, a strength tonic on Effie to break doors with Javalins, and magic tonic on Ophelia to let her one round stoneborns with lightning before leveling. The first step is to have Effie break the door and use shelter and ancingg strats to drag everyone out of Hexing rod range. The 4 heroes are charging so I have Effie and Silas hold the chokepoints created by the torchs, and have Beruka's dual club swordbreaker combo to lure in some of the wyrmslayers and block off an extra space in the back of the room. After surviving that they are no longer protected by the hexing rod and we wipe them out on player phase. Next I use Niles to kill the hexing rod on one of Iago's silence staff turns, and try to shelter staff everyone to safety, but Effie has to be left in both Iago's staff range and a Hero's range. This draws in the last of the Hero's who die on the turn after as I do not want to have to deal with staffs. The next silence staff turn is the next time to act as Effie Javalin's the door to the eternal stairway part 2: curse of the eternal staff, and Peri trades equips her a blessed lance to enemy phase the first faceless, and everyone piles in behind those two to get past Iago's staff range next turn & Ophelia gets danced to avoid Iago's silence and hide just north of Effie. Next turn the other faceless dies, Ophelia lightning kills the stoneborn (thankfully those inside the next room do not move til the door opens) and get everyone outside Iago's staff range and the non moving stoneborn range. The next phase was such a delicate maneuver that I had to map it out on paper, The big things are Corrin uses 2 turns to Dragoon hex debuff the 2 nearest stoneborn from their range before we start the maneuver (to prevent the scenario that they set up their attack order right with the 2 poisoners striking first and have all the stone born hit Corrin they could kill him). On a Iago freeze turn, first Beruka rally's everyone that will stay in stone born range, Corrin blocks the stoneborn reinforcement and ensure that 3 of the stoneborn will head north and be 2 turns behind the charge of faceless, Effie Javalin's open the door, Silas shelters her, Azura dances Silas, Peri shelters Azura, Niles transfers then swaps to let Azura dance Peri, Felicia transfer Niles away from Azura switches and seperates such that Niles could possibly receive 2 debuffed stoneborn hits with demoiselle plus Inspiration plus defense rally boost, and Felicia could face one with lilypoise, inspiration, defense rally boost. Peri goes back a few spaces and shelter Azura again (Peri's final position has potentially 2 debuffed stoneborn hits with defense rally plus inspiration boost), then Opheila trasnfers and seperates Azura to safety leaving her in range of 1 debuffed stoneborn hit with defense rally and horse spirit. With only Niles in stoneborn kill range (and only if the poisoner acts first, and both him despite his effective 77 avoid with supports, but make a note to give him a defense or health tonic if I reset), they split their fire anyway, and next turn we flee through Iago's silence staff and the following turn back to the starting room to prepare my defense. The first step is to draw the only stoneborn that is keeping pace to enter the nearest space he can killed from range inside the room, and them killing him with Ophelia. With that dealt with I use Effies to enemy phase 2 of them with the blessed lance with solid attack stance and some defensive buffs, and then finish the rest off on player phase. I bait another Stoneborn into a ranged Ophelia death (with sheltering strats afterward to keep people alive), the rest die to my team dog piling them. To deal with the entrap staff in the corner, I get enough cavalry to the other side of her range that I can slay the door the staff and the faceless on one player phase, while starting outside staff range. The next step is to breakdown the door to the berserker and general room. I know reinforcements are coming, but much to my frustration, despite a thorough searching of youtube I cannot find any footage of anyone taking this route on lunatic conquest, so I have to rely on questionably accurate wiki descriptions for what is spawning where and for how long. I split my forces, Effie the master of unlocking, the shelterers Silas and Peri, Azura the dancer, and Felicia in case I need healing will breakdown the doors while the rest wait to ambush reinforcements. The entire reason I took this route is to take advantage of the difference in enemy movement rates to create a comfortable gap between the berserkers and generals. I start by breaking the door on an Iago hexing rod turn, and shelter start everyone out of freeze range. Next turn my team to deal with reinforcements wipes out the 3 faceless and stoneborn that spawned near the northern stairs, while the door breakers are fleeing (and drawing an enfeeble staff as the outpace the enemy). Next turn is a little tight for spacing as my whole team re brought back together and avoid the range of the enemies from the south (including 3 new faceless and a stoneborn from the stairs near the middle) and Iago's freeze range. Finally we flee through the silence staff use and the following turn reach the safety of the starting area, and its lack of staffs. As the enemies approach I lure the stoneborn into that same nearest space so many have died at this chapter, and freeze the general that sarted near the healers to let him join the other generals. As the group is partway into Iago's range I bait the lead berserker with a Tomahawk to die to Felicia's flame shuriken (with a Corrin attack stance, plus defense rally for survival), and the next turn I bait in the next berserker into an enemy phase death to Corrin's dragon stone with a solid magic attack stance, before finishing off the other 3 Berserkers and 3 faceless on player phase. Dealing with the generals takes a bit longer as I trick those with range into dying from the other side of a wall with a defensive lure, and magic range plus dance and/or shelter on player phase. The generals die before too long. I have saved the last entrap staff for Hans, and with it he is trivial to defeat (although I save a shelter use to pull Elise out of the range of enemies on the other side of a wall that she entered to entrap Hans). Hans friends charge and are easily dispatched, and with 2 Berserker and General reinforcements I almost take them in the faceless/stoneborn room, but end up playing it safe by returning to the chamber in which I do not have to worry about staffs just in case. With everything else I have to deal with immobile the rest is easy, although I do bait in two of the mages into range battle into Iago's room to cap my last units level (plus I needed time to loot the room anyway), until seizing with an entirely cap level party.

    Chapter 27 - For preps I have Peri take a luck tonic for crit avoid, Effie take a skill and luck tonic for accuracy, and give Corrin and Ophelia tonics for any stat relevant to the Garon fight (just in case). I also use arm scroll to get Ophelia with S magic, and Felicia with S staffs. I have Silas paired up with Effie with Azura next to them start in the Sword master's room, I have Ophelia and Peri start in the spear master's room, with the rest starting on the outskirts of the southern starting area. First Effie drops Silas next to the pillars, then Azura dances her, and Effie tanks chokes the point just outside the door where both sword masters can target her. Ophelia kills the lone spear master with Calamity gate, while Peri just sits next to her. Corrin rides with Niles into the Sorcerer's room entrance, while Felicia hitches a ride with Beruka into the Ninja's room entrance, with Elise just behind them. This leaves no one targetable by the entraps, Effie takes negligible damage, and Peri has a chance of crit death. This is the diciest turn as Effie has to hit a lot with her brave lance, and depending on the circumstances the accuracy could be between 66-86, as generally Effie kills 2 with a brave lance, and Silas kills one with a javelin plus Effie's brave lance attack stance (the exact details of how this plays out are a bit variable based on whether Effie hit both enemies, if she proced Luna on any of them, and what space the healer moved to). Note that all three sword masters must die and all three allies must be fully in the room or the mobile group will turn one of them to swiss cheese. Ophelia then uses Excalibur to kill the paired-up one, then Peri trade switches her weapon to the Calamity gate and chugs a Concoctions (note if Ophelia misses either of 86 hits on the Excalibur it isn't game over just yet, next turn Ophelia kills the healer with Calamity gate, Peri gets out of range heals with concoction and Blessed lance and we whittle them down more slowly and have a close call with the mobile group as we finish it off). Then Niles enters the Sorcerer's range with Corrin attack stance, and Beruka uses a handaxe and lilypoise inspiration boost to get the ninja to move forward without bothering to attack. Next turn Azura pairs-up with Silas, so that Silas and Effie can escape the mobile groups range by hiding on the stairs and now open door space. Ophelia finishes the last spear master with Calamity gate, Corrin kills the Sorceror if it lived, the Niles kills the first entrapper. Beruka hits the ninja with a brave axe, and Felicia finishes with the flame shuriken, and Elise kills the entrapper (note that if Beruka misses one of her 71%s Felicia needs both her attack stance hits to finish, and if that fails Elise will need to Physic to keep things from going south). Next turn Silas and Effie flee to Ninja room while Ophelia and waits a little to bait some of the mobile group before fleeing to sorcerer room. Then there is a  little waiting as the Berserker and Sniper approach the two southern rooms with their entrappers following. To make things slightly faster I bait the sniper into attacking Corrin, and the turn following kill him with Corrin while Felicia with attack stance (plus Elise if Felicia misses) kills the Berserker, and then Azura (possibly after sheltering Felicia out of the way) dance Elise to kill the Berserker's entrapper, leaving her as the only target for the other to waste its entrap on, and with her easily able to escape danger, I then turn my attantion to Garon. Corrin and Ophelia together remove Garon easily leading to endgame.

    I have tried endgame a few times, and have gotten kinda close so this might be doable (maybe)

  4. Seems kinda similar to a bug I ran into (not the Sigurd part, but the other one), I think I will copy my old post about it for you to compare notes.


    I have run into a strange bug while playing this game with this translation. If someone is able to Canto after killing Julius, after the events that occur if both Manfroy and Julia are still alive and enemies, the chapter's sound track becomes a distorted version of the the chapters theme (although the no enemy theme should be playing), and some inconsistent graphical bugs appear too. After a little messing around here are some things I have noticed about this bug:

    I am fairly certain it involves Canto, I am able to trigger it with both a Mounted Seliph and Ares, while a dismounted Seliph and Faval will not

    The distortion in music seems to specifically effect the chapter music, using a Staff, or having someone enter a castle, or participate in the arena seems to have the normal sounds play but even when it returns to the map, the music seems to still be distorted.

    Ending the turn seems to fix this as long as the sound errors have not hit the point where the sound track cuts out or becomes static.

    If the sound cuts out or becomes static, anything that changes the music that I have tried (using a staff, entering a castle or ending the turn and letting the NPC turn start) seems to soft-lock the game.

    Edit: I have found another very strange effect of this bug, it seems to have the lingering  effect of setting every character's loss record to 132


    I have included a .srm file for the save with the following instruction for reproducing the bug:

    Start from the turn46 save for the epilogue chapter

    Have Sleiph besiege Julius with the Tyrfing then Canto over to the other side of Lene

    Have Shanan besiege Julius with the Balmung

    Have Lene Dance in place.

    Move Shanan away from the Castle entrance

    Have Ares besiege Julius with the Mystletainn and Canto away*

    From here Seliph can kill Julius if besieged with Tyrfing (Note that if Faval attacks Julius with the Yewfelle or if Seliph dismounts before besieging they will still get the kill but the bug will not be triggered)

    After the clearing the dialogue boxes the bug is evident

    *For Ares to kill Julius have Seliph besiege with Tyrfing, Canto away and then have Ares Besiege with the Mystletainn


    Fire Emblem - Geneology of the Holy War.srm


  5. On 3/5/2019 at 12:54 PM, mangasdeouf said:

    seals (OMG these skills just shouldn't exist, they're the paragon of bad design: high stats ennemies more numerous than your troops and sending your stats down a giant pit!).

    Imagine -4 seals in TSS the game would be barely playable for most of the cast, prepromotes would be largely weaker since they lack dodge and def or res and many of them have weapon weaknesses, be it bow, horse or armor)

    The seals have one obvious counterplay that makes them easier to deal with, if the enemy dies they do not trigger. If you aren't one rounding enemies that limits the number of enemies you face on enemy phase and likely makes it survivable, and if you are you don't have to deal with it. On player phase you may have to choose who takes the debuff to chip, and you may have to cycle people through your lines to let them recover, leading to interesting gameplay options and keeps you from relying on just one unit to make it through the game.


    On 3/5/2019 at 12:54 PM, mangasdeouf said:

    I think no game should revolve on temporary effect consumables (except pure water which was close to balanced, except non boss magic units were trash so it was still over powered) in order to reach higher stats than they would need in a normal situation just because they get debuffed into oblivion.

    It doesn't all that much, if I weren't limiting myself to not using guard stance on the defense on my 10 man run of Lunatic I doubt I would need them, and as it is I am fairly minimalist in their use, not having bothered until chapter 21, and even then the most I've used a chapter is like 6. They are there to help but aren't needed.


    On 3/5/2019 at 12:54 PM, mangasdeouf said:

    The children are funny to build but their recruitment chapters are completely not for the pre-ch11 soft cap

    As someone who got through the Ophelia chapter before chapter 10 I will disagree partially, they are hard but not unbeatable.


    On 3/5/2019 at 12:54 PM, mangasdeouf said:

    there are 4x to 6x more ennemies than units you can bring

    That is a bit of an exaggeration, even on the maps with the most enemies to start you don't hit that 4x mark, and you always have ways of limiting the number of enemies that approach to notably less than your starting troop numbers. Even in the 10 unit run you rarely are in a position where you have to face more enemies in a single turn than you have (unless you want to).


    On 3/6/2019 at 10:27 AM, mangasdeouf said:

    the trap staff which can simply get your units killed in 1 turn without other counterplay than not being in range)

    I will point out that there are counterplay options for all of the entrap staffs (in Conquest at least). For example the entrap staff room in Bitter intrigue can be entirely defanged by Lunging the one attacking pair-up unit in the room with a handaxe to the other room. In Voice of Paradise you can reach and kill the entrap staff user before it can act fairly easily, and even if you have a miss you can kill the archers (or lunge one out of being able to attack or aid with attack stance) to make it fairly survivable. On Treason you could use the silence staff, or just ignore it as that entire half of the map is entirely optional, or far more common just let it grab your best mage killer and have them go to town. Even on the Empty King the AI has two ways of keeping it fair (even with the inf range), first off they only target people in the main corridor, anyone that even enters the pathways to one of the rooms gets ignored, and second the entrap staff users always act after their allies to always give you a chance to respond.


    On 3/6/2019 at 10:27 AM, mangasdeouf said:

    (-5) spd javelins/throwing axes/ranged swords while you already can't double so ennemies double you for free ORKO,


    On 3/6/2019 at 10:27 AM, mangasdeouf said:

    Nosferatu being less than bad with the throwing weapon treatment

    Both of these weapon types were in desperate need of a nerf, and they were. They are both still usable, but they aren't the best weapon to equip in 90% of situations anymore.


    On 3/6/2019 at 10:27 AM, mangasdeouf said:

    Like I just wrote, magic units don't feel good to play, because their base stats are like 10 points lower than any physical unit. Nyx is Tharja but without any of Tharja's strong points (def, nosferatu being good, knight and sniper reclasses for def and skill and hit +20, acceptable base spd), Owain is Henry but without anything good in Henry (to begin with humor, then mag, lck, def, only his res starts decent+no despoil, samurai is good but base stats kinda suck for CQ, he still get nearly OHKOd by anything not magic as anything else than dread fighter, and no +1 mov access or locktouch or lucky seven, or anything enabling him other than your god unit not killing an ennemy in 1 round and letting him get the exp), Birthright kid has so little skill he won't ever hit anything without serious favorism, Orochi can hit and chunk but her spd is abysmal and without a speed boost/duo she can even get doubled at some point by ennemies not called Slowpoke (Pokémon (tm)). Good luck with any non royal mage, they're hurting you more than they help.

    Best mage Ophelia would like to be the noted exception to this assessment.



    5 hours ago, joshcja said:

    So, this guy tried playing CQ with the Reddit list?

    Just out of curiosity which list are you talking about?

  6. 20 hours ago, DemolisherBPB said:

    Q: Has no character
    Me: Wait is the only character in the series to have a name starting with Q Quan?

    The only other one is that Quatro is in the list of randomly generated names that the generic replacement units can have in Shadow Dragon. If you ever have less units than deployment slots the game will force these character upon you, although I suspect the only people who see them are those trying to get all the Shadow Dragon gaiden chapters you only get if have 15 or less units (or trying to solo or low man the game), so they tend to be annoying. I can understand people not counting them as they do not have faces, are of random classes, have one of 31 random names, and if you manage to go through over 31 of them the names will start repeating.

  7. A = Altena

    B = Bramimond

    C = Ced

    D = Dheginsea

    E = Ephidel

    F = Febail

    G = Galzus

    H = Homer

    I = Igrene

    J = Jill

    K = Kris

    L = Langobalt

    M = Mareeta

    N = Naga

    O = Orsin

    P = Percival

    Q = Quatro  (sorry Quan you are already in the game, and having a Shadow Dragon replacement character would be funny)

    R = Rinea

    S = Shannan

    T = Travant

    U = Uhai

    V = Vanessa

    W = Wendell

    X = Xane

    Y = Yashiro Tsurugi

    Z = Zeke

  8. @Azure in a Roundabout

    The availability of seals may be helpful for your planning (although if I were you I would just start playing, and which ever class changes I wanted the most I would dedicate seals to first , and those I don't have the seals to change I wouldn't worry too much about)

    Friendship seals (A+ support reclass)

    Shop lv1 chapter 6+: 1 for 2000 G

    Shop lv 2 chapter 13+: 2 more for 2000G

    Shop lv 3 chapter 20+: inf for 2000G

    Paralogue 4 (Dwyer ch6/15+): keep green units alive

    Paralogue 17 (Ignatius ch13+): from enemy drop

    Paralogue 21 (Soleil ch 12+): keep green units alive



    Heart seal (personal reclass)

    Shop lv1 chapter 6+: 1 for 2000 G

    Shop lv 2 chapter 13+: 2 more for 2000G

    Shop lv 3 chapter 20+: inf for 2000G

    Chapter 9: 1 from enemy drop

    Chapter 16: 1 from enemy drop


    Partner seal (S support reclass)

    Shop lv1 chapter 6+: 1 for 2000 G

    Shop lv 2 chapter 13+: 2 more for 2000G

    Shop lv 3 chapter 20+: inf for 2000G

    Paralogue 5 (Sophie ch7+): keep green units alive

    Paralogue 15 (Siegbert ch16+): from enemy drop

    Paralogue 22 (Nina ch8+): from chest



  9. 11 minutes ago, Azure in a Roundabout said:

    Ok, so I need to know: what benefits do S-supports give in terms of attack stance?


    That page from the main site covers that information for the Nohrians, you can hit one of the tabs for characters from other routes (Note that the 1/2 damage floored attack that the supporting character gets do not have any of these attack stance bonuses, for example a generic enemy that attacks gets +10 hit with an attack stance partner, but the attack stance hit from his partner does not)

  10. On 3/2/2019 at 11:32 AM, starburst said:


    You know, I have died various times here after more than half an hour in, when facing 'extra-Experience' enemies. And thus I no longer take my chances and just start the map with all ten units on the west side and march north.

    My first attempt was concentrated all in the west, but when I realized I would have to face Hana's group with debuffing shuriken towers and Sakura's staff making things worse, I decided to split up to use the Dragon Veins next time.


    Part 7: Shelter Shenanigans Ch 23-24


    Chapter 23 Shelter Shenanigans - Lets start with the key preps, we start with a +2 defense +2 speed meal (i forget what random stat was added), Niles gets a defense, luck and skill tonic for survival and accuracy reasons; Elise gets a magic and skill tonic for staff accuracy; and Ophelia gets a skill tonic for higher accuracy & crit. I start by tempting the enemies furthest east across the gap into a range battle, which gets 2 pairs and a solo master-of-arms to spawn and start approaching, and the enemies on the other side of the gap to start charging. I use Beruka to troll the ai's path-finding by having her fly across the gap every now and then to draw some of those enemies back her direction, and kill as many of the physical enemies as can be drawn in this way. Corrin can tank and cripple the master-of-arms, which are then easily dealt with on player phase. Those enemies from across the gap that weren't killed by Beruka are charging towards their own easily arranged player phase deaths. Onve dealt with I have Beruka cart Ophelia across to kill the reachable ballista, as that needs to be gone to survive the next phase. After that first phase is dealt with I prepare to bait in the Lunging archers. With every possible defense boost I can give him (defense rally, supportive, lily poise, demoiselle) as well as the dance stat boosts for good measure, Niles will survive and kill the two archers (with their attack stance, and after a strength rally of their own) that can be drawn in at the edge of their collective range (with 3 hp if everything hits him). This trigger the next round of reinforcements from the forts, and with two of the southern group having headed north to rally the archers, and the others heading south around the lake, I carefully kill the other two archers from outside other enemy ranges, heal up Niles, and prepare the rest of my army to deal with the two heading around the lake next turn. For the next two turn I use similar strategies of ambushing isolated groups outside of other enemy ranges until all of them are gone. I consider ignoring Hinata's crew, but there is one of the Lv 35 skills that will make surviving the climbing of the walls far more manageable, and the xp from Hinata's crew will make the difference. With their reluctance to attack people they cannot overpower, and being far too numerous to alpha strike with only 10, I have to get creative with some shelter shenanigans. I start by noting these 5 spaces that are outside of ballista and Hinata's group's range on the other side of the gap, and I have Beruka ferry Niles, Silas, Peri, Azura and Elise across. With a strength rally Nile's crecent bow will exactly kill the sniper on the end if everything hits and the enemy doesn't crit (hence the skill and luck tonics), then Silas shelters him, Azura dances Silas, Peri shelters Azura, the Elise transfer and switches to Azura to dance Peri, which allows everyone to pull out of enemy ranges safely and separate them. If Niles does have a miss but survives that is still all right as we have pulled back enough that their reluctance to charge kicks in and Elise can finish him next turn. That clears enough space to ferry the rest of the troops over. The strats for dealing with the paired-up spearmen are very similar, but ending it off with a transfer to isolate Azura again to allow Peri to shelter her a second time and a second person to separate her so that everyone can return to the same position to repeat the maneuver next turn to keep the enemy's healing or debuff recovery from further delaying the kills I need, note that while one ally will be at the edge of their attack range they do not charge him. The first one is dealt with by Elise with Calamity gate to finish it in two turns. For the second I use Ophelia having gotten the calamity gate back. Similar sort of idea with Hinata, but I start by having Corrin debuffing him from range. The following turn I use a skill rallied Ophelia with Lightning as my best bet to finish him. Either one needs to crit or both need to hit to finish him. This could take a few passes as even with the tonic the odds overall come out to roughly 25%, and if she has a single hit without crit she will need healing. After Ophelia kills Hinata the rest are willing to charge if anyone enters their range so dragon tanking draws them, and I feed the xp I need to give Ophelia bow breaker. For breaching the walls safely my strategy is to first entrap the enemy blocking the furthest staircase, with the tonics on Elise plus skill rally, dance bonus, Ophelia pair-up and an enfeeble use she can just reach a 91%, and with it entrapped it is easily killed (and I use an attack stance to clear Nile's debuff). The next step is to lure the archers into killing themselves on Ophelia, while staying out of the spearmen's range to give an attack stance, and get as many people that can avoid enemy range onto the wall. I did have one restart here where the dancing speed boost got Ophelia's avoidance high enough that the snipers wouldn't attack her, but as long as she can thin them out that should  leave the Basara that was guarding the other stair (thankfully his dual weapon keeps him using magic), the sniper on the ballista, and three of the lunging spearmen that need to dealt with next turn, unfortunately twp of those cannot be hit without entering Oboro's group's range. Once again shelter and dancing lets me pull this off without having to take a hit from Oboro's squad, and I have just enough power in my army to take her group out next turn (with Oboro easily dying to magic at range). Now the approach to Takumi, I first use Corrin dragon tanking to survive the lunging combo with a defense rally and Elises auras to protect him (on the first hit at least), and on the following I start by having Beruka lunge the lunger down to the lower section with a handaxe, and with the one in defense stance more easily reached, and plenty of cavalry to swarm Takumi's tower, they easily fall. I take the safe route for Takumi and use Ophelia's bow breaker to deal with him.

    Chapter 24 - For my key preps I had a meal that gave +2 speed +2 defense and +1 resistance to ladies, Felicia gets a magic tonic for damage, Elise gets a resistance tonic to further push her staff evasion, Effie gets a skill tonic for accuracy, Beruka gets a speed tonic to make some of the kinshi knights not double her, and a speed tonic on Peri (although as my tactics on this chapter evolved this proved a bit redundant) and swapped camaraderie for air superiority on Corrin. I start by splitting my forces, Felicia, Corrin, Silas, Beruka and Azura will start heading west while Niles, Elise, Peri, Effie and Ophelia head north. First turn Felicia gets danced to block off the Onmyoji on the ssouthern part of the western island, while being out of other enemy ranges; Niles enters the range of the nearest Kinshi Knight to the North with Elise and her Lily Poise, Demoiselle, and Inspiration boost (she picked that up near the end of chapter 23), and Beruka temperarily headed north to give him defense and strength rally. Unfortunately one of the Onmyoji didn't have the accuracy to kill itself on Felicia's Tome breaker, and the Oni on the northern half of the island have blocked her off from escaping the Kinshi knight's range from the corner, so on the first move I take advantage of Hinoka's Dragon Vein use to get Beruka into range of Lunging the Oni blocking her out of position with a handaxe. Then I focus on clearing the way to the Dragon Vein on the northern island, as the Onmyoji there have moved themselves in the way. I have more than enough troops to accomplish this, and thanks to Elise's brand new pair of boots she reaches (and uses) the dragon vein, and while she is in range of a bolt naginata she has enough Resistance that they do not try to attack (no matter how much a physical attack stance would hurt). Next Corrin finishes the Oni right in front of him, Felicia move back to kill one of the Oni, Silas chips the last Oni, Azura dances Beruka to get her out of Kinshi knight range and finish off the last Oni. Beruka takes a hit from the Onmyoji, but her abnormally high resistance keeps that from being a problem. Next turn on the western island first Beruka gets out of the way (and rallys just in case) so that Felicia can bait in the Onmyoji further north while killing that last one, then Corrin easily one rounds a kinshi, and Silas can as well with a Corrin attack stance, and Azura dances to give Corrin the kill on the third, while in the north most of the troops pull back to wait for the flyers to get out of the water, and Niles kills the bolt naginata wielder (with a solid attack stance in case of a double aegis procs) that tries to sneak through the trees. The turn following in the west we ensure the three Oni will die by next turn and make sure either Azura and Corrin are placed right to reach the Dragon Vein next (although just in case make sure Beruka is within 3 spaces of Corrin)  while in the north Niles can kill one of flier, and after being traded the Crecent bow, Ophelia can use its attack stance to kill a second with the calamity gate, while Effie slays one with the beast killer (although with less than ideal hit rate), and Peri can use her to get the attack stance kill on the last, with Elise there to either get an attack stance with one of the effective weapons in the event aegis procs or misses leave one alive (or heal otherwise). With the massive movement advantage my group has over the purely flyer threat, the western army should be able to deal with the one approaching from the north and 2 kinshi from the south next turn, while the northern army can bait the one heading from the west while waiting for the rest to clear the waters. Next turn the northern army should have no problem dealing with their last group while the west can bait one into dying to Corrin leaving the rest within kill range next turn. The next flyer don't appear until we lure Setsuna, so we regroup in the center. Next I use Elise to bait out Azama 6 hexs, with the dance boost its accuracy is down to 25%, and I was lucky enough to have him waste all its uses on her.  Next I wait till a normal move turn to use Ophelia with all the buffs I can give her to draw in Setsuna, her 2 Onmyoji, and the attack stance Oni (I bait her far enough north that the other 2 Oni don't move) resulting in a crippled Setsuna and her attack stance Oni remaining. Next turn I activate the dragon vein, kill Setsuna, all 3 Oni, use Felicia to block the Onmyoji reinforcements from doing anything and set up to kill all 4 of flyers next turn. The following turn everyone who didn't have to head west to kill a flyer is heading back towards the center of the map as fast as possible to get on an intercept course with the last sets of flyers. On the normal move turn I send Felica with a Corrin attack stance to bait in the kinshi who were north of the lake, the majority of my army in the center of the map kills one of those that spawned south of the lake and freezes the other because killing it would put more targets in range of the Kinshis (and enough of my units are only just reaching this staging area that I can't pull off any shelter shenanigans), and I try to pull some of the southern reinforcements (while they move towards me none take the oppotunity to attack. Felicia takes a hard hit, but can finish the Kinshi on player phase, and thanks to the power of Crecent bow attack stance and a well placed Niles both before and after moving, the rest of my army manages to finish the rest of the flyers off despite the movement penalty. Now for Hinoka's last stronghold. I start by sending Felicia, Ophelia, Niles, and Elise to wipe out the units that can move quiet comfortably, and make sure there are a few allies nearby to help the, escape kinshi range next turn as I let Hinoka keep her Dragon Vein use active to lure a Kinshi into suicide by Niles without having to worry about the Oni that spawned. Next turn I activate the last dragon vein and kill off the rest of the Kinshi and Oni. With the winds in my favor arranging comfortable kills of the other flyers that spawn is fairly easy. Azama's death occurs and now I have to figure out how to deal with Hinoka. With a strength rally (in retrospect the Corrin debuffing would have been enough to have Effie one shot, but the strength rally comes with the defense rally anyway) Effie is able to one shot her with the effective damage of the Beast Killer, and after a skill rally, debuffing from Corrin, attack stance from an A support Corrin, and supportive she has a hitrate in the high 70%, and with armored blow Effie only takes damage is on Luna procs, First try Effie misses and Hinoka only gets one Luna proc, so I shelter Corrin, dance Effie, shelter Azura, seperate them heal up wait for the guard gauge to fall and try again. The second try does it for the win. In retrospect I could have used heart seeker to push the hit-rate further, but if I still had a miss I would be too committed to salvage the run like I did. Also of note everyone has their level 35 skill by the end of this chapter.

    I am on the verge of finishing Ryoma too, I have strats down for each side, I just need to combine them in a run, buy healing items for Corrin, and safely kill Ryoma.


  11. I've maxed out 13


    Alfonse: Prince of Askr

    Sharena: Princess of Askr

    Fjorm: Princess of Ice

    Minerva: Red Dragoon

    Camus: Sable Knight

    Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist

    Eliwood: Knight of Lycia

    Dorcas: Serene Warrior

    Ike: Young Mercenary

    Sothe: Zephyr

    Corrin: Novice Vacationer

    Azura: Celebratory Spirit

    Gunter: Inveterate Soldier

    And 15 with 0 hero merit (all are 4 * units)


    Jagen: Veteran Knight

    Seth: Silver Knight

    Lissa: Sprightly Cleric

    Sully: Crimson Knight

    Cordelia: Knight Paragon

    Libra: Fetching Friar

    Donnel: Village Hero

    Henry: Twisted Mind

    Tharja: Dark Shadow

    Virion: Elite Archer

    Jakob: Devoted Servant

    Setsuna: Absent Archer

    Oboro: Fierce Fighter

    Sakura: Loving Princess

    Arthur: Hapless Hero


  12. On 2/12/2019 at 12:29 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:
    1. Alfonse: Prince of Ask
    2. Alfonse: Spring Prince
    3. Sharena: Princess of Askr
    4. Anna: Commander
    5. Veronica: Brave Princess
    6. Fjorm: Princess of Ice
    7. Fjorm: New Traditions
    8. Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams
    9. Hríd: Icy Blade
    10. Surtr: Ruler of Flame
    11. Laegjarn: New Experiences
    12. Eir: Merciful Death
    13. Marth: Altean Prince
    14. Marth: Altean Groom
    15. Cain: The Bull
    16. Able: The Panther
    17. Draug: Gentle Giant
    18. Gordin: Altean Archer
    19. Roderick: Steady Squire
    20. Caeda: Taltys's Heart
    21. Caeda: Taltys's Bride
    22. Ogma: Loyal Blade
    23. Barst: The Hatchet
    24. Linde: Summer Rays
    25. Jeorge: Perfect Shot
    26. Michalis: Ambitious King
    27. Minerva: Red Dragoon
    28. Maria: Minerva's Sister
    29. Palla: Eldest Whitewing
    30. Catria: Middle Whitewing
    31. Est: Junior Whitewing
    32. Merric: Wind Mage
    33. Hardin: Dark Emperor
    34. Camus: Sable Knight
    35. Sheena: Princess of Gra
    36. Tiki: Dragon Scion
    37. Tiki: Beachside Scion
    38. Tiki: Legendary Dragon
    39. Katarina: Wayward One
    40. Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark
    41. Legion: Masked Maniac
    42. Navarre: Scarlet Sword
    43. Athena: Borderland Sword
    44. Gharnef: Dark Pontifex
    45. Alm: Hero of Prophecy
    46. Lukas: Sharp Soldier
    47. Tobin: The Clueless One
    48. Clair: Highborn Flier
    49. Clive: Idealistic Knight
    50. Celica: Imprisoned Soul
    51. Mae: Bundle of Energy
    52. Boey: Skilled Survivor
    53. Genny: Endearing Ally
    54. Mathilda: Legendary Knight
    55. Delthea: Free Spirit
    56. Berkut: Prideful Prince
    57. Sigurd: Holy Knight
    58. Arden: Strong and Tough
    59. Arvis: Emperor of Flame
    60. Tailtiu: Thunder Noble
    61. Quan: Luminous Lancer
    62. Ethlyn: Spirited Princess
    63. Jamke: Prince of Verdane
    64. Lewyn: Guiding Breeze
    65. Eldigan: Lionheart
    66. Lachesis: Lionheart's Sister
    67. Silvia: Traveling Dancer
    68. Seliph: Heir of Light
    69. Julia: Naga's Blood
    70. Ares: Black Knight
    71. Lene: Yearning Dancer
    72. Julius: Scion of Darkness
    73. Ishtar: Thunder Goddess
    74. Finn: Lance of Legend
    75. Nanna: Nordion Princess
    76. Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist
    77. Reinhardt: Thunder's Sword
    78. Olwen: Blue Mage Knight
    79. Olwen: Righteous Knight
    80. Saias: Bishop of Flame
    81. Roy: Young Lion
    82. Roy: Youthful Gifts
    83. Roy: Blazing Lion
    84. Lilina: Delightful Noble
    85. Gwendolyn: Adorable Knight
    86. Raigh: Dark Child
    87. Cecilia: Etrurian General
    88. Cecilia: Festive Instructor
    89. Klein: Silver Nobleman
    90. Clarine: Refines Noble
    91. Zephiel: The Liberator
    92. Narcian: Wyvern General
    93. Shanna: Sprightly Flier
    94. Bartre: Fearless Warrior
    95. Fir: Sword Student
    96. Sophia: Nabata Prophet
    97. Fae: Divine Dragon
    98. Eliwood: Knight of Lycia
    99. Eliwood: Devoted to Love
    100. Lyn: Lady of the Plains
    101. Lyn: Brave Lady
    102. Lyn: Wind's Embrace
    103. Hector: General of Ostia
    104. Hector: Marquess of Ostia
    105. Hector: Brave Warrior
    106. Matthew: Faithful Thief
    107. Serra: Outspoken Cleric
    108. Raven: Peerless Fighter
    109. Lucius: The Light
    110. Rebecca: Wildflower
    111. Priscilla: Delicate Princess
    112. Dorcas: Serene Warrior
    113. Dorcas: Pumpkin Smasher
    114. Florina: Lovely Flier
    115. Canas: Wisdom Seeker
    116. Karla: Sword Vassal
    117. Hawkeye: Desert Guardian
    118. Ninian: Oracle of Destiny
    119. Lloyd:White Wolf
    120. Linus: Mad Dog
    121. Jaffar: Angel of Death
    122. Ursula: Blue Crow
    123. Nino: Pious Mage
    124. Nino: Pale Flower
    125. Legault: The Hurricane
    126. Eirika: Restoration Lady
    127. Eirika: Anamnesis Lady
    128. Eirika: Gentle as Snow
    129. Ephraim: "Legendary" Lord
    130. Ephraim: Sparkling Gallantly
    131. Lyon: Shadow Prince
    132. Valter: Dark Moonstone
    133. Amelia: Rose of the War
    134. Joshua: Tempest King
    135. Marisa: Crimson Flash
    136. L'Arachel: Princess of Light
    137. Myrrh: Great Dragon
    138. Ike: Young Mercenary
    139. Ike: Brave Mercenary
    140. Titania: Mighty Mercenary
    141. Titania: Warm Knight
    142. Soren: Shrewd Strategist
    143. Soren: Addled Strategist
    144. Oscar: Agile Horseman
    145. Elincia: Lost Princess
    146. Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier
    147. Sanaki: Apostle in White
    148. Black Knight: Sinister General
    149. Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn
    150. Sothe: Zephyr
    151. Mia: Moonlit Witch
    152. Ike: Vanguard Legend
    153. Tibarn: Lord of the Air
    154. Reyson: White Prince
    155. Leanne: Forest's Song
    156. Naesala: Sky's Shadow
    157. Sanaki: Begnion's Apostle
    158. Oliver: Admirer of Beauty
    159. Chrom: Exalted Prince
    160. Robin(M): High Deliverer
    161. Robin(F): Mystery Tactician
    162. Frederick: Polite Knight
    163. Frederick: Horizon Watcher
    164. Sumia: Maid of Flowers
    165. Cordelia: Perfect Bride
    166. Lon'qu: Solitary Blade
    167. Olivia: Sky-High Dancer
    168. Henry: Happy Vampire
    169. Tharja: "Normal Girl"
    170. Aversa: Dark One
    171. Walhart: The Conqueror
    172. Cherche: Wyvern Friend
    173. Tiki: Naga's Voice
    174. Nowi: Eternal Youth
    175. Panne: Proud Taguel
    176. Lucina: Future Witness
    177. "Marth": Enigmatic Blade
    178. Lucina: Brave Princess
    179. Owain: Chosen One
    180. Gerome: Masked Rider
    181. Morgan(M): Lad from Afar
    182. Noire: Shade Seeker
    183. Corrin(M): Fateful Prince
    184. Corrin(M): Enjoying Tradition
    185. Corrin(F): Fateful Princess
    186. Corrin(F): Novice Vacationer
    187. Azura: Lady of Ballads
    188. Azura: Celebratory Spirit
    189. Azura: Young Songstress
    190. Azura: Vallite Songstress
    191. Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
    192. Felicia: Maid Meyhem
    193. Ryoma: Peerless Samurai
    194. Ryoma: Dancing Samurai
    195. Kagero: Honorable Ninja
    196. Kagero: Spring Ninja
    197. Hinoka: Warrior Princess
    198. Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior
    199. Takumi: Wild Card
    200. Takumi: Prince of Soup
    201. Takumi: Empty Vessel
    202. Kaze: Easygoing Ninja
    203. Garon: King of Nohr
    204. Xander: Paragon Knight
    205. Xander: Spring Prince
    206. Xander: Student Swimmer
    207. Laslow: Dancing Duelist
    208. Peri: Playful Slayer
    209. Camilla: Bewitching Beauty
    210. Camilla: Flower of Fantasy
    211. Camilla: Steamy Secrets
    212. Selena: Cutting Wit
    213. Beruka: Quiet Assasin
    214. Leo: Sorcerous Prince
    215. Niles: Cruel to Be Kind
    216. Effie: Army of One
    217. Silas: Loyal Knight
    218. Charlotte: Money Maiden
    219. Kana(M): Dragon Spawn
    220. Shigure: Dark Sky Singer
    221. Shigure: Uplifting Artist
    222. Siegbert: Future King
    223. Soleil: Adorable Adorer

    New units:

    10. Surtr: Ruler of Flame

    18. Gordin: Altean Archer

    19. Roderick: Steady Squire

    83. Roy: Blazing Lion

    143. Soren: Addled Strategist

    155. Leanne: Forest's Song

    175. Panne: Proud Taguel

    217. Silas: Loyal Knight

    New Total: 223


  13. 4 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Also, how would you guys rank these tacticians from best to worst? I'm not going to bother because I'm not familiar with most of them. 

    Below are my ranking of them, although my reasoning is hidden within spoiler tags for those that do not want the exploits I judged them on spoiled from the game.

    1. Saias


    The guy has 10 leadership stars in Thracia 776. 10, that gives every unit in his army an extra 30% hit and evasion due to his tactical brilliance. His biggest weakness is that those that protect him insist he leaves the field at the first sign of personal danger. They unfortunately scale the leadership stars down a bit when you recruit him, but even then he still has the highest leadership stars of any player unit.

    2. Cecilia


    She out maneuvers the Bernese army to save Roy and his Lycian alliance, and even when she is massively outnumbered during the Etrurian conflict she manages to be a thorn in Bern and Narshen's side holding out until Zephiel himself personally duels her.

    3. Soren


    Soren give some sound and rational advise throughout, but Radiant Dawn is where he  really shines. With his tactical advise the Laguz Alliance pushes Begnion to the brink, although Zelgius does manage to turn the tables by baiting Skrimir into a duel that drives that momentum back, and with the timely arrival of the Daein army that momentum drives them all the way back to Gallia. This isn't to downplay Soren's ability, multiple times his tactics allow the Laguz to overcome defensive works that would have ended their campaign and out maneuvered Zelgius before, the deck was just heavily stacked against them.

    4. Innes


    While there is some vague sense that he acts competently in Frelia's defense, the poor guy gets massively out maneuvered twice, first in letting Caellach and Selena's army get a surprise attack that destroys Frelia's Sacred Stone, and second when he is surrounded in Carcino with nothing but a handful of mercenaries to make a last stand with. Fortunately Eirika manages to save him from that tactical blunder.

    5. Lewyn


    While Lewyn's tactical advise to Celice is all sound, it is also very general. This isn't helped by him always aiding the player, and without any major story based moments for his skills as a tactician it is hard to judge his ability. Although I suppose he does see the need to shore up the defense of Leonster when the main army is based in Manster, anticipating one of the main avenues of attack that Blume enacts.

    6. Jagen


    Much like Lewyn his advice is vague and hard to judge for the same reasons. He falls below Lewyn mostly due to Marth (or Kris) at least once having sounder tactical advice than Jagen, and in New Mystery he gets some of his screen time stolen by Kris.

    7. Morgan


    If this were Robin like it should have been for the theme he/she would be rated higher. As it stands she might have learned a few tricks from her father, but I would hardly qualify her as a tactician.

    8. Katarina


    She just impersonates a tactician to try and assassinate Marth, and even admits to Kris that he/she hasn't really needed her help.


  14. 1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

    Poor Lester is in a really bad position between lack of bows and lack of Pursuit.

    One of the only benefits of Arden as a father (over Lex) is that he gets B rank Bows on promotion, so he can pass the Hero Bow and/or Killer Bow on to Lester.

  15. I will point out there is a secret event that only occurs if Arden has a wife on his final chapter that gives him 5 skill, that not many people trigger. As for the Lewyn, I must warn you that pairing him with Tailtiu trivializes a lot of generation 2, due to how early you get Arthur (and thus Holsety).

  16. Genealogy's arena is the best arena Fire Emblem has ever had. Its limit of 7 rounds keeps it from being overly abused (unlike some versions of the arena), and the lack of death and consistent enemies makes it usable and lets you make informed decisions (unlike some versions of the arena). The Genealogy arena is clearly meant to be used, and while some units may not need the money it gives, some need it desperately, and the restrictive money system makes it hard for those that don't need that kinda cash to abuse it (outside of one fix your post has made clear is needed). There might be a better balance of enemy level and arena xp gain, but its not too far off if you are spreading xp (and not massively abusing the paragon band). The risk of being sent to 1 hp while a minor penalty on one or two units can become dangerous if too many units fall victim to it, and the time spend delaying to heal can also be seen as a penalty in the maps that place an incentive towards moving out early. That being said it is clear that there is an issue, and it is called the paragon band. It allows your army to get far more experience from the arena than the game is designed for at the cost of gold that the arena provides. If the paragon band were more limited it would not appear as broken as you have made it out to be. Another minor fix would be to give Wrath the same restriction Prayer does in the arena (in that if you enter with 1 hp it doesn't trigger) as otherwise Wrath user can cheese their way through the arena without worry.

  17. 22 hours ago, starburst said:

    Flight is the decisive variable when planning the approach to this map, but my parties seldom include various fliers. And the narrowness of the path heavily restrains the movement of infantry and cavalry. My party comprised eight infantry units and two horses (Pal Sophie and Str Elise), so it was going to be tricky.

    Going through the whole game without any flyer support is impressive, having even one flyer opens up so many interesting options.

    21 hours ago, starburst said:

    - You focus on Blessed Weapons; I, on Killer ones. Since the Faceless and Stoneborn have zero Luck, this is one of those rare occasions when even Elise and her terrible Skill can land critical hits, and it is Disneyland for Berserkers! Whenever a unit cannot one-hit an enemy on this map, I take my chances with a Killer weapon. I win the bet (way) more often than not, and that is why Odin, Ophelia and Snipers are also outstanding here.

    Killer weapons are a lot more generally useful, so grabbing the blessed weapons may be a bit short sighted, but they did make that chapter easier. Although there lack of crit dodge is interesting to note.

    21 hours ago, starburst said:

    - You forgot Skill and Luck tonics! Their influence might be less direct, but for 150 G a piece, I have faith. I cannot afford misses here, and every chance of landing a crit or dodging an attack has a huge impact on the run. Only Azura should pass an anti-doping test, mate.

    For this chapter the only accuracy issues that tended to crop were from enemy weapon breakers, so it didn't feel necessary, but with your focus on criticals for this chapter those were probably vital. A couple of Luck and Skill tonics have been incorporated into my Ch23 preps, although I am perhaps too conservative with my tonic use.

  18. 1 hour ago, starburst said:

    And I think that it took you many turns because you were ‘surviving’ the winds instead of using them to regroup.

    That is spot on. Honestly there are just enough oddities that I only kinda understand with regard to the wind, that I find it hard to incorporate into an aggressive strategy, and the slower approach I took consistently avoids the edge cases that I am uncertain of. I should try to use the winds more aggressively next time, as your approach sounds far less tedious.


    1 hour ago, starburst said:

    Fuga’s Playboy penthouse (seriously, a naked old guy surrounded by young Maidens?)

    Ha, that's a head canon that will stick with me.

  19. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Why would "foregoing the limelight" mean Renning lost? I don't see any indication in those words. Besides, as I said, Renning is far more seasoned and is more of a veteran. Geoffrey should be strong in his own right and put up a fight, but in the end, I just can't see Renning's veteran status letting him down.

    Geoffrey makes it sounds like this duel will decide who will be the head of the Royal Knights, and Renning foregoing the limelight makes it clear that he didn't become the head of the Royal Knights in the end. Geoffrey's ending is the stronger evidence for this, but Renning's ending supports this conclusion. Additionally Renning having his mind broken for the previous three years (and being presumably imprisoned/restrained for a significant portion of that time) with days at most to recover, would leave him at a severe disadvantage. That being said I chose the word implied for a reason as there is plenty of wiggle room for interpretation, for example Rennings could have easily given the position back to Geoffrey after the crisis ended to retire in obscurity (despite winning).

  20. Geoffrey's normal endings has him being the captain of the Royal Knights and Renning's has him avoiding the limelight such a position would hold, so that kinda implies Geoffrey won.


    Protector of the Realm – Geoffrey

    As captain of the Royal Knights and a model of chivalry, Geoffrey served his queen and country all his days.


    Grim Cavalier – Renning

    All Crimea rejoiced at Renning’s return. He chose to forego the limelight, helping the queen to keep the peace.


  21. On 2/20/2019 at 5:58 AM, starburst said:

    Anyway, keep us posted of your progress. In the meantime I will continue my S-rank campaign of Advance Wars 2. He he.

    I am fiddling with chapter 23 now..

    Part 6: Operation Double Dance (Invasion 2, Chapter 20-22)


    Invasion 2 - This took a few tries due to my castle design, but once I redesigned with defense in mind I beat it on the next try. The trick was to put enough spawn points towards the east and west to wipe out the forces there first turn, and then use the wind tribe style combined with the indestructible building to limit the ways enemies from the south can approach. The only other major things of note is that I having Corrin change over to Kinshi knight, and Beruka changing over to berserker for the strength rally. My plan is to get Beruka the skill and change back before the stairway, and for Corrin to go change back just after.

    Chapter 20 - Sigh. Dealing with the winds is very tedious. Its not hard to compensate for it, but doing so tend to make things take 3-6 time longer than it should, so I had a 69 turn clear here. The opening was to have Ophelia catch a ride with Niles to bait the Onmyoji to the west, with Felicia catching a ride with Elise to be there to help next turn, while the rest of my troops wait for the winds to turn before doing the same to the spearmen to the east. Next turrn the western group finishes off the onmyoji while carefully positioning themselves so the wind will push them onto a path instead of the next platform, and the eastern group finally baits in the spearmen with Beruka. Next turn Ophelia and Felicia wait before one column of wind, while Elise and Niles pair-up to get the move to seperate just past that wind column and back onto the starting platform to deal with the reinforcements about to show up, while the western group continues to battle the spearmen. By next turn the spearmen are gone, while Niles, Elise, Ophelia, Corrin and a returning Peri deal with the starting platform reinforcements, with about a turn to spare before the approaching flyers. Next turn I bait the pegasi towards that platform just north of the starting platform that the wind pushed many of my troops towards with Effie. Next turn while this is the worst wind turn, that greatly limit the number of safe spaces to attack from, with two bows I wipe them out with ease. From here on things get less precise due to how obnoxious it is to set up anything in the central portion of the map while contending with the winds. The Onmyoji reinforcements that show up on the south western platform are dispatched by the same four that dealt with the last group of Onmyoji there, with Niles rushing back to help with the paired-up kinshi knight/spearmen that are about to clash near the same place I baited the last flyers. I then use the corner of one path to get into a range battle with onmyoji on the corner of another path, and once both are dead I draw the spearman that was with them into the northern portion of that platform just north of the starting area. I then setup all the defensive buffs I can on Effie (defense rally+lily poise+supportive+axe) to draw out the Kinshi knights and bolt naginata on the central platform to the west without drawing the physical naginata wielders, and after wiping them out I bait out the physical ones with someone less defensive. Next I grab the eastern chest and draw in the mages that are on the same section, taking care that everyone there is adjacent to someone else just in case someone gets frozen on a bad wind turn they can pair-up, get repositioned and separated in a space where the wind won't ruin everything (plus avoiding the lunger on Fuga's platform). After that I have my only dragon vein use to drag the Falcon knights that sit around Hayato out of position to deal with them before he can hex anyone. Silas gets hexed after their deaths and I bait out the other charges with Azura and Elise. Then I fight over the western chest, and after that start drawing some of the enemies that guard the northern chest. After claiming the Northern chest I finally deal with Hayato and draw the nearest paired spearmen from the last platform before reaching Fuga's. From here I bait out the enfeeble staff and then carefully drawout and kill everything on that platform before entering lunging range. Without any friends to take advantage of the lunge chain, they aren't a problem. Finally I pile everyone onto Fuga's plaform and slay the stationary staff wielder there. Next turn I wipe out the reinforcements that appear in front of everyone's faces. On the turn following I slay Fuga while keeping everyone out of the flier's range. On the last turn I wipe out the flier group and seize. According to plan Beruka reached the level for strength rally , while Corrin still needs less than a level to reach air superiority.

    Chapter 21 Operation Double Dance - Lets start with the key preps: I buy all the blessed weapons I can use, I buy a lightning for Elise, I give the party a defense and magic meal, I give Elise an HP and defense tonic, and I give Ophelia a magic tonic. The blessed weapons are a bit of a double edged sword as they lets units easily get/setup kills on player phase, but the defense drop and enemy passive damage are a little too high to comfortably enemy phase with them. The tonic plus meal should be enough that Elise can survive one of the stoneborn hits if she had to (although in retrospect this just made me feel more comfortable about the chapter, as further measures would be needed to tank a massive rocks, and savage blow's area effect is usually enough to push her out of survivability), Ophelia should be able to one-shot a stoneborn with lightning, and Elise can one-shot two a turn if danced even with its debuffs. First turn is mostly spent ensuring Elise hits C rank magic, by having her kill one of the faceless to southwest (with Felicia attack stance), then assist Peri and Beruka in killing the other, then getting danced (after Silas shelters Felicia and then gets separated by Corrin) to then get the kill on the one on the path forward (with an Effie that waited in its face to tank the faceless to come and give her the attack stance) hitting C rank exactly. Turn two Corrin flies to the first dragon vein, and then I push in to kill the first two stoneborns, and kill/chip whatever faceless I can reach. Turn 3 is all about cleaning up the enemy and positioning without angering the next layer of stoneborn. The big things are most of my group head east while Silas, Ophelia and Felicia getting ready to draw the western most stoneborn on the third layer in the opposite direction. Turn 4 has some very careful positioning as Effie chokes this strange point where a single piece of rubble in one corner, and cliff side on the other keeps the faceless from passing her (although she has to tank 2 with their savage blows), the space the stoneborn in the center (north of her) would use to attack her is a cliff tile, with Corrin next to her for the supportive boost, and to bait that central stoneborn into range (the eastern stoneborn's attack could attack either Effie or Corrin) both with defense(+strength) rally and Corrin with the extra lilypoise demoiselle boost. That was an uncomfortably close turn, but now Corrin can trigger the next dragon vein, and Ophelia can kill the western stoneborn, while Elise with a dance can kill the other two on this layer with everyone else clearing the way and getting as many kills and chip as can safely be done. The next couple turns are taken a bit slowly as we work on clearing out the faceless without drawing the massive rocks ahead, healing up, and dealing with the pileup on the path north. Also of note I use a flier to drag my dancer close enough to assist Ophelia in getting the kill on the western most stoneborn of the next layer without anger any of the others (although in retrospect that was probably more trouble than it was worth, as I ended up simply avoiding its and the next most western ones range anyway) The next push comes when the pursuit from the south are just over a turn from trapping me in a vise, but at that point enough of the reinforcements north are out of the way that setting up the next round of tanking and stoneborn baiting is fairly textbook. Once again the next dragon vein is activated, Ophelia and Elise wipe the two nearest stoneborn, and faceless are slaughtered. The turn after I make the fateful decision to head north and baiting in that northeastern most stoneborn, and after that three face spawn in range to slaughter anyone that could attack the stoneborn. I am in a bit of a pickle as pulling back would bog me down with reinforcements, the only dragon vein even in dancing range is adjacent to the boss, and the stoneborn near the boss can only be killed with a dance, and with the 3 extra troops able to attack anyone that threatened the stoneborn and two faceless still between me and the exit, it becomes clear that the only way out of this mess is with a double dance. To make sure my positioning is just right for this I sketch out the scene on paper, as there are 4 big this that have to occur: 1. Corrin has to be danced to activate the dragon vein adjacent to the boss 2. To keep him alive the second stoneborn has to die which requires Elise be danced 3. The two faceless and stoneborn on the path north have to die to allow 4. Niles to use his max movement to kill the faceless that spawned adjacent to the dragon vein to keep Corrin alive. So Felicia starts by killing the nearest faceless (with Effie attack stance), Beruka takes its place and lunges the stoneborn past the other faceless with a handaxe, to be in range of Ophelia killing it, Corrin then moves to the space it occupied, Azura goes just behind dances, Corrin activates the Dragon vein, Silas enters the space Corrin was just in and shelters Azura, Effie chips the second faceless, Elise kills that same faceless in melee with an Effie attack stance, Peri then transfers and switches to Azura to dance Elise who then lightnings the other stoneborn, and finally Niles kills the new faceless with a blessed bow. Corrin takes a hit from the boss, and Niles takes a hit from one of the other faceless that spawned (with an attack stance) and while both are hurting I am out of the woods. Next turn I finish off the boss and surviving reinforcements, and for once have I the common sense to just leave the turn after instead of going after the 5 enemies on the map that still give out xp. I am very glad I had Corrin as a Kinshi Knight on this chapter, as his ability to reach dragon veins (and being the least useful unit able to activate them) was absolutely vital to survival.

    Chapter 22 - This took a bit of finagling to first figure out which units should be in which area, and how I can survive the deadly reinforcement turns. The army of the west has Corrin, Azura, Effie, Silas, and Felicia; The army of the east has Ophelia, Beruka, Peri, Niles, and Elise. I start by drawing and killing everything I can from range across the walls on both sides. I intentionally ignore the first dragon vein in the east to trivialize one of the earlier reinforcement groups later, so western army heads heads towards the first dragon vein on their side the long way around (clearing out the initial troop on their side excluding Hana's group along the way). Corrin finally gets air superiority (but I keep camaraderie on there for now), and immediately switches back to Nohr Noble. After the Western army activates its dragon vein, the eastern army finishes the automaton that had no range attacks, before preparing to trigger the first location based reinforcement. I send Beruka and Peri around the wall towards the second Dragon vein, slaying the first automaton in there, while the rest wait for the mages to spawn. After the mages spawn, my magic focused group takes care of them with some ease, while the other automaton dies. I then send Beruka and Peri back to regroup (and avoid the just spawned in Pegasi), and use Ophelia to convince the bolt naginata to stay on the other side of the wall this turn (as she is the only one with resistance low enough to tempt her). Next turn I slay the other Pegasi and break the pair-up that had a bolt naginata from range, the turn following the last Pegasus dies, and just after I activate the Dragon vein that releases Hana. To tank Hana (plus attack stance), I have Corrin equip the original dragon stone, with a dance boost to keep him from being doubled despite the reduced speed, and taking advantage of the devoted partner demoiselle boost, all on this one square choke point. If she triggered Rend Heaven then Corrin is going to need to be healed (by vulnerary if Felicia's attack and Corrin's attacks stance both hit this turn, or by a physic if Corrin needs to finish her as his action), but if she didn't then the healing from healing descant and camaraderie can suffice, as Azura needs to dance Felicia out of there, and Corrin needs to equip the Dragon stone + to tank that choke point for another turn. Next turn I should be able to finish off Hana's goons, although I might set off the next round of area based reinforcements. These are easy to deal with, Corrin with the dragon stone + can bottle up the first set while everyone else gets into position to wipe out the rest when they spawn, and after that the first group is easily dispatched. Next Corrin activates the Dragon vein releasing Subaki (and starts drawing out Sakura's staff uses. To deal with Subaki's mixed attacking crew I first freeze staff the automaton (he is one space away from reaching, and the physical attack stance he gives is just a little to hard to deal with otherwise) then use Niles (with Defense rally + lily poise and demoiselle boost) to tank from the nearest point they will attack. The first Onmyoji tends to kill itself on Elise while the second tends to take a free hit on Niles while blocking Subaki from doing anything. Nile's bow ends Subaki, the leftover Onmyoji and automaton are easy to deal with after. Next I work on the slow process of baiting out Sakura's staff and killing all the Mechanists I can without activating the final round of reinforcements. By the end of this there are 5 enemies remaining, an Oni on the otherside of a wall in the west, the pair of machanists maning a tower in the east, Sakura, and Yukimura. I position the western army in a position to alpha strike the blacksmiths that spawn as far south as possible, while the eastern army uses the forts the Onmyoji are about to spawn as a staging area to take down the mechanists at the tower, and trigger the final round of reinforcements. I start off with a bit of luck as Ophelia's Calamity gate crits to break the mechaists guard stance without taking some retaliation, while Beruka and Peri finish off the remaining mechanist with her attack stance, letting Elise heal up the only injured character.When the first round of reinforcements spawn in the west there is a miss so one of the blacksmiths survive, alone and blocked off from hitting Azura so that isn't a problem. In the east Niles and Elise take out the paired Onmyoji, while blocking their only escape route and ensuring they will kill themselves enemy phase. The with the next round of reinforcements arriving things get a little complicated, in the west I use Silas to bait one set of mechanists into attacking him from their spawn point this turn as the last blacksmith is dealt with and Corrin sits in the choke point ready to dragon tank with demoiselle. In the east things are a bit more dramatic, as Niles blocks the Falcon knights with resistance & defense rally plus demoiselle. In the west things bog down until there is only one range 1-2 unit left as Corrin chokes the point with the dragon tank, he does what damage he can, and gets healed (with Felicia dancing away to safety) as needed. The next round in the east the falcon pair with bolt naginata are wiped out, but there is a bit of a complication as one of the Oni chieftain/Onmyoji pair have broken out of Sakura's room and are threatening them from the west, so I am careful to bait them into a range battle and hold off the remaining Falcon knight pair with Peri. Next turn in the east Beruka and then Niles finish off the Falcon knight pair, while the rest deal with the first Oni Cheiften/Onmyoji pair, while Peri keeps the one that followed the turn after from being able to melee any of the squishy units that killed the first. The next turn in the east the other Oni Cheiften/Onmyoji pair is finished off, and with a Strenth rally Niles prepares for a sniper duel from across a wall from the automaton coming up. Once the automaton pair with bows is dealt with the rest aren't so bad. At some point in the west the only 1-2 range enemy will be a single pair of machanist, and that is the cue for all the other troops there to pull out there range weapons and turn the space in front of Corrin into death. Once this starts it is not long before the west is won, and alone both Sakura and Yukimura are not long for this world.


  22. I tend to take note on what pairing I want before hand. There have been a few time I have gotten far into a map and gotten into a sticky situation where I felt the need to put the critical portion of the map on paper to experiment with some precise positioning before performing them in game. The late game of Thracia 776 kinda needs some notes on unit starting placement due to how it works in that game. I greatly regretted not taking notes when I went for the Blitzkrieg award on Echoes hard mode, as I didn't actually know how many turns I had to spare if I wanted to grind, and after avoiding all the combats I reasonably could, and being severely under-leveled in the late game I got to the end with extreme difficulty and permanent deaths only to discover I had plenty of turns to spare that could have been used to make things a LOT easier with a little grind.

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