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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. With resolve he will be able to double just fine. The 80 weapon uses is the main problem. Volke and Sothe need to average 1.7HKO's on every enemy.
  2. no, I dont think the assassin STR cap is 30... isnt it like 22-24?
  3. can he even hurt the dragons? You have 80 weapon uses and 49 enemies to kill. Even with capped stats I dont think this is possible. Can Volke do it? If Volke has trouble soloing endgame than Sothe just has no chance.
  4. @ Lord Raven No, you are the one who is exaggerating my point. This idea that Titania hogs Exp is true, however it is an extremely minor point and only amounts to a few hundred Bexp. However, if you can get identical turn counts, and use less Bexp why wouldn't you? How can you play efficiently if you aren't using Bexp efficiently? @ dondon In terms of turn counts, it makes no difference. The difference is in the Exp gains, and Bexp consumption.
  5. Well she kinda is a hinderance. If she is used too much, Oscar and Kieran will get less Cexp. If they get less Cexp, then they need more Bexp in order to promote in time for 17-2. If they use more Bexp then there is less Bexp to go around for all of your other units later on. Its a snowball effect. Even though there is a ton of Bexp in this game, it's stupid to just piss it away. Dropping Titania from the team after Chapter 11 is the most Exp efficient thing you can do in this game.
  6. Aeine's theory is 100% correct. When playing for Maximum LTC, Titania just does not save any turns past Chapter 11, therefore, using her will actually "rob" other units of Cexp. She gets a tiny fraction of the Cexp that Oscar and Kieran get and she simply cannot rescue drop Mordy like they can. Lets look at each Chapter past 11. 12- Super Marcia flys out to the boss. Tits not necessary. 13- Defend map. can be done early in 7 turns. Tits not necessary. 14- Marcia go! Tits not necessary. 15- See above 16- Marcia takes Ike to the throne. Tits is only needed to get the full guard. No combat needed. Just her rescue, canto, and movement. 17- Lots of Marcia shove chains. Oscar and Kieran can rescue Mordy, Tits cant. 18- Hello Tanith, Stoned Reyson escorted by Marcia, Oscar, Kieran, and Tanith charge. Tits is the "odd man out" 19- Super Marcia 1 turn clear. Tits not necessary. 20- Siege tome the boss, Marcia arrives. Tits not necessary. Shall I go on? When is Titania necessary for LTC past 11???
  7. Hmm, I know a couple dreamcast shooters but not like the one youre describing. There arent that many dreamcast games so if you searched for a list a dreamcast shooters you should be able to find it. Gamefaqs should be able to help you. edit: Yep go to Gamefaqs --> dreamcast --> Action --> Shooters. You should end up with a list of 44 shooters. From there you should be able to recognize the name of the game you are looking for. good luck.
  8. Chp 13: 5/102 Made an Iron axe EX. Got stalled up on the boss. Chp 14: 10/122 Made a Fire2. Curate!Matthis promoted at LV 20. Spent a few turns getting the Thoron tome for my Mage heavy team. Chp 15: 5/117 Made a Fire2. Mage!Caeda promoted at LV 17 when she capped SPD and LUC. D.Mage!Barst Excalibur critted the boss. Jags got the treasures. Chp 16: 8/125 Made a Lance EX. Fighter!Castor promoted at LV 19 when he capped STR. Marth got slowed down by a turn going through the doors. Xane recruited himself and then was killed immediately.
  9. Sorry, but I have to agree with everyone else. Goals 1 and 2 cant be achieved if youre playing on random growth mode. I agree with your standpoint on Titania but you really should prove that on a fixed growth playthrough. The Bexp point will be bogus since Ike, Mist, and Illyana will be using more of it in your playthrough than they normally would. As far as getting the theoretical lowest turn count possible, abuse as much as you want. Just remember, this wont be a typical PT, and it certainly cant be used for a reference to prove anything.
  10. Yeah Jedi, I know you cant change the past, but you might want to start going by a "quality over quantity" approach to your drafting habits. You are starting to get a reputation...
  11. Sorry, I cant approve. Is there any special reason for the name change?
  12. Chp 9: 9/65 Made an Iron axe EX. Spent extra turns getting Paladin!Jeorge. Chp 10: 12/77 Made a "Sword EX"(+3mt +5ht +9crt). Got Archer!Maria and Minerva recruited herself. Chp 11: 13/90 Made a "Bow EX"(+3mt +5ht +9crt). Spend extra turns getting Linde for her Aura tome. Chp 12: 7/97 Made a Fire2. Jags took the long way to get the boots. Marth and my best combat units went through the treasure room. All treasures get. The weaker units trained on the enemies by the prisoners. Chp 12x: free/97 Made a "Lance EX"(+3mt +5ht +9crt). I killed Horace and trained for 20 turns. Thanks to whoever gave me Fighter!Castor, Mage!Caeda, and Sniper!Wendell.
  13. @ Refa - You made an adding error at Chapter 9. Your turncount should be 10 lower. Chp 4: 9/29 Made a "Fire2" (+3mt +5ht +9crt). Got Merric and the village. Chp 5: 5/34 Made a Fire2. Merric recruited Wendell. Mage!Caeda kills the boss with a little help. Chp 6: 8/42 Made a Fire2. Caeda, Jags, and Hardin kill the boss. Got all treasure except for the killing edge. Chp 6x: free/42 Made an "Iron axe EX" (+3mt +15ht +9crt). 20 turns of training. Chp 7: 8/50 Made a Fire2. Charged to the gate. Having 4 Mages is cool. Chp 8: 6/56 Made a Fire2. Charged to the gate. Mage!Caeda kills another boss.
  14. ^ Which turn did you trigger Marcia on for Chapter 3?
  15. I did 18 in 6 turns pretty easily with Tanith, Kieran, and Titania in the other draft. I didnt give the boots to anyone at that point either.
  16. Chp 2: 4/13 Marth full moved each turn. got the village on turn 3. I was able to get a clear path to the "throne" by sacrificing Bord, Cord, Able, Ogma, and Wrys. Killed the boss with 2x Silver lance hits from Jags and a Sheeda hit then Jags finished with a Sword hit. Chp 3: 7/20 Barst and the Devil Axe fucked shit's worlds. Navare was recruited for his Sword and then he died. Lena, Draug and Cain are my only remaining meat shields. Now the "fun" part...
  17. Chp 18: 6/110 Laguz stone Reyson on turn 1. rescue drop charge with Tanith, Kieran, and Tits. Soren was carried by Tits and dropped on turn 4 so he could help clean up and get wrath. Chp 19: 2/112 Soren was dropped in range to kill Homasa on the Enemy phase. Naesala's AI is retarded. I tried to get the Knight Ring but he randomly moves and I couldnt manipulate him. Chp 20: 2/114 Tanith arrived. Soren killed Shisharam with Meteor. Got Smite and Rescue staff. Tanith got the Boots, Seraph robe, Dracoshield x2, and Spirit dust
  18. um, i think that you PKL... You forgot 17-3, and 17-4. which would add 12 turns for 142 turns. Actually Chapter 18 can be done in 6 turns with 3 mounties/fliers so its 141 for Ghost Marcia.
  19. I dont have a PC. I post using my PS3. So I cant, sorry.

  20. I hate my team. I really wanted the 3rd pick...
  21. Well Im still picking Astrid. Youre up PKL
  22. @CR- Howso? He smites her 2 spaces and then she flys away. How many turns does that save?
  23. Dammit. I really wanted Oscar... Shit, um I will take Astrid. I dont put alot of stock in Mordecai's Smiting...
  24. ^ haha, its Joshua, not Zihark. Holy fuck Horace. Just Holy fuck. 17 DEF at promotion. Hes like an 8 MOV Deussel...
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