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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Somthing isnt right here. With Ike, Titania, and Reyson free, and Nasir undrafted there should be 39 units available. The OP implies 37 units with rule 5. And when PKL updated the list in one of his posts there were 38 total units. I think someone may have been forgotten. You guys might want to resolve this issue before you reach the final round and realize, "Oh shit (unit x) wasnt on the unit list!"
  2. Its your pick in your FE9 draft.

  3. Right now the OP says that the last 4 units will be free. I think that is a bad idea. I think the last unit should just go twice for the last 2 picks. What does everyone else think about this? Btw, I mentioned this before the draft order was randomized. Just out of curiosity, are you guys gonna do Random or Fixed growths? I think I will do Fixed so I wont have to worry about bad LV ups.
  4. You can skip the Ending and the the credits and just watch the total turns screen. Just dont press start too many times or you will skip that too.
  5. Cannot be copied to another memory card. And you cant load data from one card and then switch cards to save data to the 2nd memory card. I think this is dumb. Was anyone else aware of this?
  6. You are a slob maybe? Did you cough/laugh/choke while eating your sandwich? 18 hrs is a long time though. Thats pretty gross.
  7. Haar and Ranulf Rolfie is still missing from the unit list.
  8. Dammit Sharpy/FG, Rolf is missing from the unit list.
  9. I dont know how anyone can think Galuf's death was better than Aeris'. Aeris' death scene is one of the most iconic moments in the history of video games. People who have never played a FF or any RPG know about Aeris' death scene. Galuf's is just another cliché "spur of the moment, sacrifice death". Galuf sacrificed himself for the rest of your party. Aeris' did it for the entire planet. When Galuf died I was like "Oh that kinda sucks... Hey I bet Krille joins my party now, YES!" When Aeris died I was actually sad. And the most recent time i played after growing up and maturing I legitimately cried. I suppose kids just dont get it or understand the gravity of the situation...
  10. Dont you double check your turncount with what the game says at the end?
  11. ^ You have some sort of adding error around Chp 15 and 16... check the turncounts.
  12. @ deuxhero Uhhh the character who dies in FF7 is the only reason Cloud and the others even have a chance to "save they day". How can you say she does nothing??
  13. um... its your pick Jedi. It is snake style drafting. I took Kieran and Tanith btw.
  14. ^ Yeah, pretty much hype. And alot of people like to be assholes and go strongly the other way with anti-hype. It was my 1st FF and I do love the game but it is waaaay too easy for it to be the best. You can do nothing but attack for every fight and beat the game... Like the above poster I would say FF8 has the most polarizing opinions. Personally it is my favorite, although it is also super easy.
  15. Personally I think Ike ends up being Marth's ancestor from 1000 years before Marth's time. And Tiki is Ena's kid. Thats just my crazy theory.
  16. Kieran and ..... edit: I think I want Tanith instead.
  17. ^ Yeah, I consider Joshua to be like the 6th or 7th worst unit for FE8 drafts... Question for FE9 drafts: Is it ok to dump Bexp into an UNdrafted unit to promote them? To give them more MOV which could possibly make the recruitment of another unit faster? Also: Can UNdrafted units open the prison doors in Chp 10? Since you need to open the cell doors to recruit the 3 prisoners, and "UNdrafted units may recruit other charcters"
  18. 2 months later and this is actually happening? Thats cool. Hey FG, instead of the last 4 units being free, lets just have the last unit (Ena) go to the last two drafters.
  19. Uh yeah. Im pretty sure its true and its pretty gay too because you cant find the freaking bonus disc anywhere. Altho I recently found out my brother's GF has it, and that makes me very happy.
  20. Wow, congratulations Horace. Your team was really good. You got a lot of severely under-rated units with your late picks. Is Ephriam's route actually shorter? Looking at my notes from my 105 turn Eirika clear and your play through, im now convinced Ephriam's route with Cormag or a massively OP Nessie is shorter than Eirika's route with Nessie.
  21. Haha. I just thought of something... Folgore Green - Forrest Gump "Stupid is what stupid does"
  22. Why is Ross free? Hes actually really good for drafts. He allows for the 2nd fastest clear of Chp 7. Now Nessie's less valuable for that map. Was/Is there a reason for making him free or was it randomly decided?
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