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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Flint took Amelia. L'Arachel would have been his 2nd pick if the last round wasnt reversed. right?
  2. @ Starwave Marissa now has a hero crest in her starting inventory so she basically is promoted. @ Lucina I know its a work-in-progress. Im just giving my input on it. Axereaver is C rank (IIRC) so Nessie will need her rank raised. Increasing her CON will prevent her from being able to rescue some people. Especially if she becomes a WK. Try making a few enemies into Sword wielding classes instead of Axes? That would help with Nessie's inability to fight/kill stuff.
  3. @ Konnor Your post are a bit of a mess. Try skipping lines between the Stat ups and your descriptions of the Chapters. That way it would be easier to read.
  4. Grind either Sain or Kent to LV 16-20 in LHM, and promote them with Wallace's Crest. Then use Marcus and Sain/Kent liberally. Also, make sure to over-level Serra while grinding Sain/Kent, since having an early promoted Serra will also help. Then use Harken, Pent, Geitz, Raven, Heath when they come. Anyone who gets HHM Bonus stats is good and Pent is good too. With LHM, HHM really isnt that hard if you just want to beat the game. Get an S rank on HHM is the hard part.
  5. Horace only spent 12 extra turns on Final. If he had tried it would have been closer to 110 I believe. And Eirika can solo the 1st 3 maps for 2, 5, and 5 turns so no, Nessie doesnt need to kill anything in axe-land except for maybe helping out NPC Garcia. Having multiple units competing for much needed Exp is bad for drafts.
  6. @ Raven - I said almost for Seth. Ok, I just looked at the starting equipment... Seth has no sword so he will have trouble in Prologue and Chp 1 which is good because otherwise he would be OP. Kyle has 56LUC? Haha, yeah thats way too high. (Obviously a typo) Also, having him fly completely changes 5x. Knoll has warp? And a base 19MAG? And A rank staves? Hello best unit in the game. Well, close to it. Ewan has Nosferatu? L'Arachel has no heal/mend? Gilliam is crap. After only 5 or so LVs Seth and Franz will outclass him. With those base stats his growths could be a little better. Everyone's DEF growths are really high. Actually all of the growths that were changed are just blah. No one is unique. There are no over-kill growths in exchange for low growths. (IE: Garcia's STR and SPD) I dunno. Alot of the changes are pretty drastic. And now its just flipped around. Its still unbalanced just for different reasons.
  7. Ok so somehow your "balance" turned into "buff everyone". You might have actually made Seth even better than he was before. Franz is definitely better. Whatever, do what you want with it I guess...
  8. @ Refa Even though Horace got Nessie Franz and Garcia, its not that good of a team. What makes Nessie and Franz so good is the fact that they usually kill 70% of everything and they get OP from being over-leveled. When they need to compete for kills their performance gets hurt in the long run. Not to mention Horace had to try to feed Garcia, Ross, and Lute kills. I would argue that my team was better. 105 turns.
  9. Yeah, i was kinda joking about Myrrh. She's just really freaking good.
  10. You would look like a FE9 berserker. That would be cool.
  11. She was given a warning, and it was just ONE NIGHT in jail. And I never said life was unfair. In fact this is very fair. Life is fair. If you break the law you get punished for it. If an employer tells you that you will be fired if you are late for work again guess what? The next time youre late you will be fired. Life is cold, hard, and FAIR.
  12. FE8 draft - Vanessa, Garcia, Artur, L'Arachel, Kyle, Syrene, Rennac It really is a perfect team.
  13. @ Integ I honestly have no idea, I think Gilliam and Moulder going 4th and 5th helped also Amelia was take before the Christmas cavs. Since I had Vanessa though Garcia really didnt do too much. And no one really seems to understand how good Artur is. And L'Arachel is HUGELY under-rated. OH! Myrrh should get banned. Seriously, shes really fucking useful for Chp 20 and Final 1 and 2.
  14. Thats life kids. As unfair and stupid as it was, she was given a warning and it is a state law.
  15. @ PKL Actually I think they could be beaten. I know some people like to take Gilliam, Moulder 4th and 5th, but some people like to take the best available units but they might not know who the best available units are. Dont worry, I didnt plan on doing it for every pick...
  16. Geez I was just giving some advice, no need to be so hostile. I never said they HAD to pick them. Its just that alot of people think Franz/Vanessa teams are too good and unbeatable, but thats only because the 3rd,6th and 4th,5th picks are often questionable. edit: And apparently some people do care for it. @ Flint youre welcome.
  17. Pro tip: The next 4 picks should be Garcia, Artur, Tana, and Saleh in no particular order. Trust me, they are the best, non-Franz/Vanessa picks.
  18. Yeah, I have always considered Valkyrie to be better than Bishop for Natasha. Oh yeah, L'Arachel needs a +2-4 LV increase with stats raised accordingly, and give her at least C rank for staves. D is too low at that point in the game. Marisa needs like 4 LVs + 2 to all stats and C rank in swords.
  19. Finished [FE8] Your Run-of-the-Mill FE8 Draft! #32281 in 105 turns. Hawk King: Vanessa, Garcia, Artur, L'Arachel, Kyle, Syrene, Rennac I have the other drafters incompetence to thank for my team.
  20. Finished [FE8] Your Run-of-the-Mill FE8 Draft! #32281 105 turns I have completely figured this game out.
  21. Final pt1: 1/104 Used barrier on Myrrh, warped her up, refreshed Artur, warped Myrrh again next to Lyon where she needed just one crit at 19% out of 4 attacks to 2RKO him. Final pt2: 1/105 Ephriam 18, Nessie 15x2, Myrrh 41, Garcia 25, Artur 14 (with purge) = 124 damage. GG Demon King. GG FE8. UNIT -LV -HP -STR -SKL -SPD -LUC -DEF -RES Eirika-19/4 -33 -16 -19 -23 -17 -15 -12 Artur-14/16 -35 -25** -23 -18 -12 -11 -25 Nessie-14/15 -45* -20 -23 -28 -22 -18* -16 Garcia-16/7 -43 -21 -21 -15* -10 -12 -4 Kyle-17/9 -45 -23 -20 -18 -12 -18 -7 Tethys-5 -doesnt matter L'Arachel-11 -22 -11 -10 -11 -16 -6 -12 Rennac-2 -29 -10 -17 -17 -5 -10 -11 Ephrm-16/2 -39 -15 -20 -18 -14 -16 -10 Myrrh-16 -45* -18 -19** -14 -12 -20* -9 Syrene-2 -28 -12 -14 -16 -12 -10 -13 (I forgot Syrene last post. She didnt do anything in Final) Still had 1 warp and 1 rescue left. Everyone on my team made a contribution of some kind. I think Artur > Garcia and I honestly should not have gotten either of them. Thanks Guys!
  22. Ephriam promotes at LV 16. Myrrh eats a shield. Chapter 17: 1/95 Kyle was warped to Lyon, and he 4HKO'd him. Eirika promotes at LV 19 Chapter 18: 5/100 4x warps, 2x purge. I didnt think 5 was possible for a draft but I had exactly enough actions to do it. Chapter 19: 1/101 Rennac used a torch and was rescue-dropped closer to Riev. Nessie was warp 2x so she was close enough to reveal Riev. She then 3HKO'd him. Chapter 20: 2/103 Myrrh is warped in to crit kill Morva. Myrrh took a robe, 2 books, and a goddess icon before Final. UNIT -LV -HP -STR -SKL -SPD -LUC -DEF -RES Eirika-19/4 -33 -16 -19 -23 -17 -15 -12 Artur-14/14 -35 -25** -21 -16 -11 -11 -24 Nessie-14/14 -44* -19 -22 -28 -21 -18* -16 Garcia-16/7 -43 -21 -21 -15* -10 -12 -4 Kyle-17/9 -45 -23 -20 -18 -12 -18 -7 Tethys-5 -doesnt matter L'Arachel-10 -22 -11 -8 -11 -15 -6 -12 Rennac-2 -29 -10 -17 -17 -5 -10 -11 Ephrm-16/2 -39 -15 -20 -18 -14 -16 -10 Myrrh-14 -42* -16 -17** -13 -11 -20* -9
  23. The only way to balance Seth is lower his bases stats by 2-3 across the board. Then increase his growths to give him long term use. Franz needs Lowen like growths. Gilliam wants +2 LV and +1 all base stats. and an Axereaver. Dozla needs a +2 to STR, SKL, SPD, and LUC. maybe not Str but definitely the other 3. Syrene could use +5 HP, +1-2 STR, +2 SKL, +2 SPD, Make Kyle and Forde's growths more different. They are too similar. All trainees +5-10% growths. They are growth units but there total growths are among the lowest in the game.
  24. Wait, ayanami isnt a girl?? Oh and welcome.
  25. "to it to Hardin who killed a lot of hatred had been rice." ^I love this thread. It is fucking hilarious. ayanami, what is your 1st language?
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