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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. With the way its set up there will be 17 rounds of drafting, with 4 picks left over... Thats waaay too many picks. Some gaidens would require some people to kill off their drafted units. You need to make like 10-12 draftees (very bad idea) or not have everyone drafted 2x... Otherwise this draft will be very messy.
  2. Chp 7: 7/35 I think I got lucky here with Titania's weapons breaking at perfect times. I didn't get any of the useless treasure. Hand axe and javelin were used up, and Short spear only has 4 uses left. Soren broke his wind tome but he was able to trade for the fire tome to get the final kill. Chp 8: 8/43 Got Ilyana, Tits killed the boss and Ike and Soren got a lot of Cexp. Ike- LV13 | Angelic Robe Tits- LV6 | Soren- LV12 | Speedwings, Goddess Icon
  3. darling... darling... darling... darling... darling...
  4. Why is everyone becoming undead??
  5. Very nice Horace. Why didnt Deussel see any combat at all?? Was he not needed for the desert? I would have thought that he would be needed at least a little bit... I look forward to watching this. edit: You couldn't do final part 1 in 1 turn?? Was Seth not tough enough to kill Lyon? After looking closer at you turn counts I only see 1 turn you could have shaved, although it might require too much RNG manipulation.
  6. nevermind i was wrong... Someone is 12 tho, im sure of it...
  7. Those teams look pretty good to me. BTW its "Artur" NOT "Arthur". There is no "h".
  8. Haha, Horace's 103 turn clear is legitimate. He just got the best Ephriam route team ever, and he actually knows what he is doing.
  9. His DEF might be bad but you already gave him the body ring. There has to be someone else worse than him that you can drop instead.
  10. Gerik is a perfect benchmark. If he is insta-promoted his 10/1 stats are enough to handle the rest of the game. As long as your other units are close to his stats they should promote. If they are much weaker you might want to wait. Exceptions would be anyone who can gain a mount on promotion. Gilliam, Neimi, Lute. You might want to promote them ASAP. (Gerik's non-mount promotion is better though...) If you plan to do the CC after you beat it, you might want to wait until LV 16-20 to promote.
  11. Titania could be draftable as long as she is free for everyone up to like Chp 11 or 12...
  12. Yeah, I hope Rolf and Soren can handle Kieran's door.
  13. Chp 6: 5/28 Tits helped Ike reach the escape point. Soren ate the Ashera icon and stayed in the woods to kill stuff. He only has 11 uses of wind left. Ugh, time for Chp 7. I really wish I had taken Gatrie instead of Nephenee... For this Chapter and I just realized im gonna have to open both prison doors in Chp 10...
  14. Prologue: 4/4 Standard Chp 1: 3/7 Standard. Got the Steel and Robe. Chp 2: 4/11 Ike actually dodged like the 1st 5 attacks at him, and he scored 2 lucky crits. Im not sure if they were necessary tho. Tits charged the boss. Chp 3: 4/15 Tits got the Hand axe and killed the boss on EP 4. Ike ate the robe on turn 1. Chp 4: 2/17 Go, Tits, go!! Chp 5: 6/23 Soren ate the Speedwings on turn 1. Ike and Soren self-improved as much as possible and Tits killed the boss and like 30 enemies.
  15. I wanted OKC to win...
  16. If youre not going to use the tower for Marissa, Amelia and Ewan you should just drop them. And Joshua isnt too great for replacing Marissa either. Lute and Artur are good and support eachother.
  17. Every promotion path is good. It just depends on the play style. For LTC efficient play, Generals are a bad class. But for casual play generals are one of the best. It appears that you dont care about your TCs and you will probably use the tower/skirmishes so the trainees should work fine for you. I believe Ross and Gerik support eachother. Ross is best as a Beserker with any play style. Tethys supports Gerik and Saleh. Franz and Cormag both support Natasha. They are all good. Honestly, with tower/skirmish use, every character in this game is good.
  18. If you have Marcia, Jill, or Tanith, with the fullguard they can lure in Naesala on Turn 1. On Turn 2 a Hawk can talk to Naesala and then an undrafted Flier can rescue your Hawk and fly away. If he is needed, Reyson can refresh UNdrafted units even if Reyson was drafted.
  19. Im pretty sure its possible to keep them from being attacked.
  20. ^ Thats why there is a special rule in all drafts that allows Reyson and 1 of the hawks to be free just for that special task.
  21. Good luck Sir. We will await your triumphant return.
  22. Nasir basically doesnt exist in drafts so someone will only get 7 units even if Nasir is draftable. Making the last pick go to the last 2 drafters is the best thing to do imo.
  23. With ENasir free how what will you do with the last 3 units? Gatrie and Shinon should NOT be free for CHP 7. It take too much of their value away and since the drafting has already started, it screws up whoever has already picked them. Maybe cut the penalty for using them in CHP 7 in half?
  24. ^ Illyana has a 30% SPD growth. Soren's is 40% They do not have the same SPD growth.
  25. DEVDANVED!!!!! I figured it out for you. How could he be forgotten? haha. There will be 4 units left for round 8. The last unit (Ena) Should just go twice for the last 2 picks.
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