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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. That sucks. I was really looking forward to doing this. Maybe alot of people just havent seen this thread? Try advertising it in FFtF, maybe more people will see it?
  2. This is amazing. "forced to work by force." ^This made me LOL so hard!
  3. "Hey, can I hook you up with my 17 yr old daughter?" 2 different women have asked me this before (one of which I had just met that day!). I really wasn't sure how to respond either time. I think thats a compliment, right? Oh and im 22 btw.
  4. He loses the price of the promotion item. And lets take a look at chests and doors throughout the game. (Eirika's route although I doubt Ephriam's could have too many more) CHP 3- 4 chests and one door. none of which need to be opened, but i will humor you. CHP 4- nope CHP 5- nope CHP 6- nope CHP 7- nope CHP 8- 3 chests, 2 doors. Again im going to humor you with the doors even though we get a door key for the 1st door. CHP 9- nope CHP 10- 1 door. even though we get another door key. CHP 11- 3 chests. absolutely no reason to open the door. CHP 12- nope CHP 13- nope CHP 14- 1 door i guess, and then Hi Rennac! Yeah thats 15 uses at most. Not to mention: we can steal an extra lockpick in CHP 8, we get several keys, we can buy door keys, and our staff users want to use unlock staffs on some doors for the good Wexp and Cexp. You shouldn't EVER burn through 15 lockpick uses.
  5. Kinda like innocent until proven guilty, Nosferatu should be allowed until proven broken. Haar was banned after people realized he was broken. There is only 1 Haar. There are multiple Nosferatu users, Everyone can have a Nosferatu user since MU can change to any class. I really dont see how anyone can have an unfair advantage with Nosferatu being used. And if it is broken, PROVE IT before you ban it. It makes no sense to insta-ban Nosferatu because then there will need to be an experimental draft to find out if it actually should have been banned to begin with.
  6. Cam has a point. You've never been in a draft before (at least not that im aware of). Maybe you should let more seasoned draft players come up with rules. Ever see a FE11 draft? Gaidens are usually free up to 20 turns EACH. I've never seen anyone complaining about that being a problem... Your fears of drafters going out of their way to grind on every gaiden seems silly, and it is extremely easy to prevent it anyways.
  7. Did you miss the part where I said "they wouldn't even need to be free"? And if they are free there would still be a turn limit for each map. 5, 8, 10? Idk, i havent played FE13 but it shouldn't be as complicated as youre making it out to be.
  8. If the drafting goes like FE4's does, everyone will have 2 mommies drafted + free mommies. That means everyone will have the same amount of possible kids/ gaiden chapters. How about a rule like "You may only go to gaiden chapters for your children; undrafted children's gaiden chapters are banned"? This way they wouldn't even need to be free. If certain gaidens take longer to beat than others, that would just be a part of the drafting strategy. It would also make SOYO drafts more interesting.
  9. Snowy, all of your arguments are hypocritical. You say its stupid and pointless to give Mist Bexp and arms scrolls just so she can use a weapon with only 20 uses. And the you gloat about how awesome Mia is WITH THE SAME 20 USE WEAPON, when we give her all the spirit dusts and the mage band and the Bexp needed to get her up to par. Yes Mia can be good with all that stuff but WHATS THE POINT? In the end, she is just an average unit in an average class. As far as Reyson goes, this is a SRPG. STRATEGY RPG. Strategy requires thinking and planning. If you really cant fit a dancer into a strategy, this might not be the game series for you...
  10. Dont start with 9. It has easter eggs and references from all of the preceding games that you wouldnt get. 1, 2, and 3 have their issues. 4-8 are all good. 10 and 12 are good too. Honestly you could start with any of them. Unlike FE the gameplay mechanics of FF are completely different with each installment. If you dont mind grinding, go with 1-6. If you want to play quickly without needing to grind go with 7-10, or 12. Dont play 9 until you've at least played a few of 1-6. It will make the experience a little better.
  11. Reyson can also allow Mia, Rhys, Illyana, and Lucia to have 2 actions in a single turn! Snowy would care about this much more since his best combat units sit on the bench...
  12. Snowy thinks there are 8 units better than Titania... I dont even know how to respond to that. Oh and Refa's Math equation is correct.
  13. Wow, all of the growth rates are stupidly high. Even higher than stupid FE10... How did you find these out?
  14. Chp. 14: 8/85 Garcia and Artur cleared out enemies so Colm could get treasure. Everyone else went to the throne. Kyle visited the secret shop. Nessie killed Carlyle. Chp. 15: 7/92 Kyle killed Caellach. Nessie took care of Valter. I had this in 6 turns but the stupid enemy AI is retarded sometimes when they have low health... Its ok though because the extra turn let Artur get to A-rank staves. Got Warp, Boots, Silence, and Metis' Tome. Before Chp. 16 - Artur 2 energy rings. Tethys boots. Myrrh Metis' Tome. Chp. 16: 2/94 4 warps. Nessie cleared the throne room on turn 1. Then weakened Orson for Kyle to kill him. Eirika seized on turn 2. UNIT -LV -HP -STR -SKL -SPD -LUC -DEF -RES Eirika-18 -28 -13 -16 -19 -15 -11 -5 Artur-14/9 -33 -25** -19 -15 -10 -9 -21 Nessie-14/12 -44* -17 -21 -27 -21 -18* -14 Garcia-16/5 -42 -21 -20 -14* -10 -12 -4 Kyle-17/5 -41 -21 -18 -17 -10 -16 -6 Tethys-4 -doesnt matter L'Arachel-8 -21 -11 -8 -11 -14 -6 -10 Rennac- base Ephrm-16 -13 -16 -16 -13 -13 -5 Myrrh- base
  15. Marcus has lower 20/20 stats than the cavs but they dont surpass him until like 20/5-8 ish so he will be better for a little more than the 1st half of the game. Since you want good late-game units you should use Marcus to weaken enemies for your other units to kill. Use Lowen. His HP, DEF, RES are the highest by far of the cavs so he wont be in danger of dying as much.
  16. @ Anouleth "Then what does "pre-prepared" mean? What about "pre-arranged"? Or "pre-determined"?" Yeah, all of your words end in "ed" and are verbs. pre-promote is an adjective. Pre-promote implys pre-promotion, or "before" promotion. So the correct term is post-promote but it is way too late to try to change that...
  17. Yep, your head is apparently still stuck... Why did you bring up Tanith??? Stefan is in an average (at best) class. Yep. Mia is in that same class and is statistically inferior. If Mia gets bad units to support with then Stefan gets Soren to support with. Giving Mia wrath isnt a great idea because then Ike cant have it. Ike will be getting resolve/wrath like 90% of the time. Besides Mia wont be able to take advantage of vantage/wrath since you keep Rhys glued to her side... I never said Mia was a detriment. I simply said there are better units than her who are more deserving of deployment. I think Mia is good. I just KNOW that Stefan is better. Astra doesnt make Stefan worse, unlike parity and Lucia... Oh and guess what? You can take it off him! I like how you dont respond to everything someone says. You just pick and choose certain points that you can come up with half-baked arguments for.
  18. @ Snowy Astra is a waste of an Occult scroll. Having it for free is a positive. 7.4 is not "nearly" 8 or however you worded it. And biases played a role in the ratings so you can pretty much +/- every score by .5 Mia's STR cap is 2 points lower than Stefan's. Mia struggles to earn a deployment spot, and therefore has a hard time getting the Cexp to reach promotion by the time Stefan comes. Stefan comes already leveled up, and he is extremely powerful at base LV and has S rank in swords. He also has a free Occult scroll. AKA- he comes with Astra. Mia requires alot more time and resources in order to equal Stefan's 0 time and 0 resourses. I prefer using Mia and I like her more, but that doesnt change the fact that Stefan > Mia. Get over it and pull your head out of your ass. How can you be so unwilling to change your view on something even after 20 people bombard you with cold, hard FACTS that prove you wrong?? Instead you comeback with stuff like, "Well thats not how I play..."
  19. Bastion, Geoffrey, Lucia, and others would need their base stats raised and their growth rates slightly lowered. Other than that though this would actually be cool. Calill and Bastion could actually have staves! Haha, Rolf becomes even worse!
  20. Yeah im aware of the PSP differences. Thats why the PSP version wouldn't be allowed for this. Although it might actually be the better version for a draft... How many people are there who are interested in this, with the PS 1/PSX version? If you want to do a PSP version, you could make a new topic.
  21. The only way to get monsters is with the mediator's skill so having monsters draftable wouldn't work if only 3 mediators are available to draft. Im confused about the scoring. Can we deploy random LV 1 units to make our score higher? Could you please give an example using the 1st Miluda boss fight?
  22. Yeah Crash, that was exactly my point. Everyone else was talking about efficiency with Seth being used. Hence, why Rewjeo had Franz at a way high LV than they thought he could get to.
  23. As far as Karla goes, she already got +5 HP +4 STR +3 SKL +3 SPD +10 LUC +4 DEF +3 RES. Just make her growths all 10-15% better and that should be more than enough. Maybe give her that 1-2 range sword from the Mario Cart DD bonus disc? Wind Sword I think...
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