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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. You make some good points. There are things I like and things I dont like about it.
  2. They are lucky to be 6-2. They very well could be 2-6 right now.
  3. Why the hell does that Mogall at the end of the video attack Gerik at range? I was just speculating that a 4 turn was possible. Based on that video, im not so sure anymore. 5-turning has always been pretty easy in drafts with just 1 Warper so thats why I thought that 4 might be possible with a full team and 2-3 warpers.
  4. Holy shit Megatron. The last minute of that game was crazy. Matt Stafford is one smart guy. I played against Megatron in FF this week... =( Hey Ana, the Steelers are part of a new NFL record. They allowed the longest run in league history by a QB. Too bad thats not the kind of record you want to be associated with. Despite losing, i liked how the Bills played. There were a few big plays that could have (and probably SHOULD have) gone the other way. Drew Brees is the best QB in the league right now. I genuinely loved watching him play. If EJ and CJ weren't out we might have won this one. I think the Chiefs might get a surprise next week. Miami blew another game. Is it just me or does Tom Brady look completely shot? @ Raven - that article on Palmer was good. I never realized that he was only in his 3rd year of starting when Johnson/Houshmanzedah was a thing. I thought he was older.
  5. @ OP - Your ideas would only make the Avatar way more broken. Instead of being able to reclass to any class, you should have to choose 3 additional classes at the beginning of the game. And no more veteran.
  6. Not so fast. I will remove your head from your shoulders, fiend.
  7. Is the 1-turn clear of Chp 16 possible without mounts?
  8. I was talking from a global sense. Not just the US. Fans from a region move away and remain diehard fans, like with Ana. No team will be able to convert existing fanbases completely but thats where peoples 2nd, 3rd, and 4th "favorite" teams come in. If asked which one team, Ana will say shes a Steelers fan but she also likes Carolina, and Miami. I would think the Ravens make alot of peoples list of 5 favorite teams, however only the Maryland area is diehard. I have like 10 teams I like, Ravens being one of them. Ana, you might be happy to hear that Oakland has lost their last 10 games when coming off a bye week. Good luck today everyone.
  9. The Chp 14 SS comes 1st. I think that sells Orion bolts. Either way thats a long way to go until promotion. Kinda sounds like fun...
  10. Even if Rolf joined as a LV1 Sniper he would still be low tier. Not having 1 range combat is a big problem. There is absolutely no way to make an archer good unless you give them a 2nd weapon type or give bows 1-2 range. You just have to accept that some units are worse than others.
  11. I dont even know who Rosalina is... When did she become a Mario character?
  12. ^ This is what happens when an entirely analytical person and an entirely emotional person have a discussion/arguement. No offense to either of you, but I find it hilarious. Every team that has had a dominant stretch in the NFL has fans all over the world. The Bills for instance have a far-reaching fanbase because of their huge success in the early 90's.
  13. ^ That wouldn't be too hard. Her join map has walls so she wont get overwelmed with enemies. After soloing Chp 3 her LVs should be inflated enough to carry her. Although the spiders will probably eat the villagers in Chp 6 so no promotion...
  14. Nice videos Horace. Your strats are pretty different from some I did. Are you going to be able to reach your warp benchmarks with that 3 turn of Chp 11? Thats like 25-30 Wexp that Artur had to pass up. As far as the RNG editing goes. There is a difference between Theoretical LTC and theoretical LTC on a console. Everything Horace is doing with the emulator, I can and have recreated on a GBA. It just takes 100x more time with hundreds of resets. Based on Horace's efforts on Chp 11, he isn't using glitches.
  15. Good job. Being able to skip the SS helps. How many extra turns would that have taken? 2 or do you think an 8-turn strat could be worked out?
  16. ^ Rolf also has no experience at fighting. All he has ever done is shoot at targets on his spare time. Being at LV1 makes sense for him. @ Snowy - Rolf is useful in drafts because there are limits to how much Bexp you can give units so Rolf gets 100Exp every map + combat. Once he gets close to promotion hes pretty tough with a killer bow. And If you dont have a flyer or Mordicai Rolf is good for 17-2 and 17-4 because every foot unit in the game can shove him, and you need to get through the swamps on those maps. He is solid when you train him and drafts allow you to do that. In other LTC playstyles there is just no incentive to use him.
  17. Youre a good lookin dude. I wish I had your hair. Do ladies throw themselves at you?
  18. I bought the FE:A bundle 3ds and didnt get a 2nd game for 6 months. There are games worth buying an entire console for. Luckily that wont be the case with a 3ds because it has a ton of good games and is backwards compatible.
  19. Buffing his base stats by 2 is also stupid. He already has decent stats and is surprisingly durable. He is useless for LTC and "efficiency", but for drafts he is actually pretty good. And for casual play Rolf is perfectly fine. A minor bow buff and 3x effective MT will go a long way for him. @ PKL - All the training Shinon gave him brought him from a "civillian" to an archer.
  20. Your TC will be fucked but you wont really have much chance for failure. Even on HM, Enemies cant really kill Seth unless you try to get him killed. With his over-leveling and all the statboosters, Only the endgame enemies will have a chance to kill him. As long as you have PWs and elixers though you should be good.
  21. I have 2 bros 1 sis. I fought with my younger all the time, I really like the other 2. All my life I wished I had a twin or at least a sibling closer in age to me. Last year I found out my mom had an abortion a year before I was born. =[
  22. I didnt have a best friend until I was 16. I havent seen or spoken to her in 4-5 years... My current best friend, I have only hung out with once outside of work. It's ok Soul. There is nothing wrong with not having a best friend. And when you have one, you will know it.
  23. ^ Just give it some time. Now that he has played a few games teams will actually have some game film to watch on him. Bills fan, 2 wins in the last 27? games vs the pats is enough to hate them. Add in the cheating, tuck rule (which is now no longer a rule), refs not calling penalties on them, and the fact that Belichek is a complete bastard in media interviews, I cant see how anyone doesnt hate the Patriots. And yes they did cheat. That guy came out and said they filmed the Rams during their superbowl practice and then a few months later everyone just stopped talking about it. It was a huge scandal and the League just swept it under the rug so it wouldnt cause any more trouble. A $100,000 fine for Belichek cheating his way to 3 superbowls. Sean Peyton misses an entire season and millions in salary because his D coordinator did something taboo (no written rules broken). I heard an interview with Terrell Suggs recently and he is my new fav player. He HATES Brady and makes some very good points about why.
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