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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. Whooo Dimitri! I love all the Blue Lions, but Dimitri is my favorite male lord in the franchise so I must say I'm quite happy with these results 🙂
  2. I'd be happy with either colorless tome or staff honestly. So long as she's colorless so I can make a full, no repeat team of Micaiah I'm good xD
  3. I certainly don't remember reading that, but it's been a bit since I played CF so I could just not remember it lol.
  4. Whether they live or not is subjective to the player and not something you can argue as fact based on your own play-through. Once you do it moves into head canon and not actual canon territory and unless it's explicitly a head canon discussion thread, you usually want to stick to what is canon. Assuming Flayn and Seteth do live, we don't actually know what they'll do as Crimson Flower doesn't give us their endings. We can extrapolate based on their other endings that, if they survive, they wander for a long time. Perhaps they'll eventually come back, but we can never be sure if they'll tell anyone the truth or stay hidden so that the remainders of their people won't entirely die off.
  5. Crests themselves are not the problem. The problem is human nature, wanting to use any excuse they can get to elevate themselves to a position of status and power above other people. Crests are just the tools they used to do that. Of course that mindset is never going to change, they'll just find different ways of putting themselves over other people once crests are no longer an option to do so. As for the Edelgard knowing about them discussion, no she doesn't know the truth about them. Seteth, Flayn, and Rhea (plus the remaining saints) are the only ones who do outside of Byleth and Claude in VW and Edelgard very much burned those bridges, causing that knowledge to be lost to history in CF.
  6. I don't think you have to have Nook's Cranny yet to unlock the event? I can't remember if mine was still being built or had only just gone up though so I could be wrong. Also people are way too mean to Zipper and they need to stop.
  7. No. "Time traveling" is a thing in Animal Crossing purely because of it's reliance on your system's internal clock. Just disconnect the clock itself from updating via the internet and you should be good. Also it should've updated twice. Check your game itself to make sure it's version 1.1.3a. This will be in the top right corner after you start up the game. If that's not your version, you won't be able to access the event.
  8. First, make sure that your game is fully updated, otherwise you aren't going to be able to get the event at all. Second, if you need to, you might be able to backtrack your Switch's internal clock in order to get him. Just back it up to April 1st and it should kick start the event for you. If that doesn't work, perhaps someone else will be able to give you a solution.
  9. Apparently I am the only person on this forum who actually really enjoys Fog of War maps? I honestly had no idea how reviled they were until I came here lol.
  10. Aww darn, I was hoping it would be Dimitri vs Felix for the lols. Dimitri and his hater-in-chief squaring off would've been hilarious. Either way, I love all the BLs so I'm happy with whoever wins this even though personal bias says Dimitri should. Sorry Mercedes.
  11. I mostly agree. 3H has some downfalls in it's writing and I feel like one of them is that it completely overlooks how humanity really functions. Namely that we're creatures of habit, and forcing huge changes like Edelgard does in such a short time-span is historically going to cause massive problems. There's a book, the name of which escapes me at the moment, that is about a time traveler being sent back in time to King Arthur's era where he gets in good with Arthur and then goes about changing basically everything about how the kingdom is ran until it's not even really a kingdom anymore, all in the service of helping the commoners have a better life. However, as soon as he's gone on a short trip, everything goes to absolute crap and when he returns the very people he busted his back to help took up arms against him. All because the change he instituted was too severe too fast and they wanted tradition over it. That's exactly what I feel will happen with Edelgard's ending. Claude's too if it wasn't so vague, which actually helps it in this regard specifically. Basically, although Edelgard's intentions are good, her changes are too extreme and occur over too short a time period to actually stick. One disgruntled noble starting an uprising is all it would take to completely imbalance her and cause the destruction of everything she built up and I promise you that a disgruntled someone would exist due to her massive power and change shifts. Of course at the same time, I feel like the endings were sort of meant to be "golden, best possible" endings for each respective route, so I usually tend not to delve too deeply into ripping them apart.
  12. So the way adaptations typically work, it would either: Cover a unique to the adaptation route which would either be a TWSITD wins route or a golden route where everyone comes together and survives. Or it would do a time jumping story with Byleth rewinding time multiple times to try and get the best outcome possible. Or it would be a combo of the second one with the first one. Byleth restarts time and doing so either messes everything up allowing TWSITD to come out on top, or doing so allows Byleth to figure out what exactly to do to save everyone. Which one would depend entirely on the direction they want to go, hopeful or bleak.
  13. Flayn had the first unique crest of Cethleann so I think it's pretty reasonable to say that her mother was another Nabatean. We have seen no evidence that anything other than full blooded Nabateans can have unique crests after all. As for why TWSITD went after Flayn instead of Seteth, well, for one Seteth is Seteth and is way less likely to be able to be captured, and two Flayn's blood has unique healing properties where Seteth's doesn't. That may have also been what they were after, though that's just a theory.
  14. Also wasn't it a several day march from the monastery to Grondor field? I mean I guess wyverns could explain Edelgard and Byleth getting to the coronation faster...
  15. Don't reach. We both know Cornelia was the actual reason he didn't become king. Don't blame Rhea and the church for everything. Anyway, back on topic. While I appreciate what Edelgard was trying to do, and again I appreciate her as a character, I feel that CF would have greatly benefitted from having more disagreements and discussion among the characters about Edelgard and her actions. Not just in supports either, but actually in the story. Someone like Linhardt would have been perfect for this because it's in his character to do so. Also it would help give some importance to the BE Strike Force beyond just "most of them are here because they fight good and we're friends". Ferdinand being the exception. Did I ever mention how much I love Ferdinand?
  16. He said where Edelgard doesn't go to war, meaning CF doesn't count as Edelgard had already declared war. As for Dimitri you are wrong. He was not crowned due in part to age and in part to Cornelia in the other routes. In CF he's crowned king because Cornelia can't institute her coup and have him branded a traitor.
  17. Oh don't get me wrong, I may not agree with her but I still love her as a character. I completely agree that it wasn't her intention to bring more harm than good to the world, I think she absolutely thought she was doing the right thing and that makes her sympathetic. I also agree that Edelgard would be the type to try and correct course if she saw that her actions were having the opposite effect from what she imagined, at least in CF. Of course at the same time she's so stubborn that it might be hard to convince her of that.
  18. For the Sasuke comparison, I'd like to point out that he's very obviously portrayed as in the wrong for 90% of the show. Haven't seen Code Geass so can't comment there. As for intent versus action, if I were to say something right now with no intent to hurt someone, just an innocent comment, and that comment ends up hurting someone... my intent not to hurt them does not matter because it still hurt them. Intent does not change the fact of your actions. That's a big part of the reason I simply can't support Edelgard. Her war will directly harm far more innocent people than she even realizes. War isn't built on the back of the elite, war is found in the destruction of livelihoods and in the sounds of people screaming for their loved ones who will never return. Not only that, but as a monarch she has no right to force her beliefs onto the people of other nations. Doing so makes her nothing more than a tyrant, no matter her intent. You may argue that she had the right because the people were suffering, but that's not how that works in the real world and that's never been how it worked. The people of that country will almost always resent you and your country for it.
  19. Three Houses has my second favorite cast. The only characters from it I actively dislike are Bernadetta and Catherine and it has my favorite male lord. Only Radiant Dawn beats it out as I only have one character I dislike from it and it has my favorite female lord.
  20. Yeah, in full agreement with Jotari here. Marth was absolutely in the wrong in this case. Either he asked for passage and got a fat no (either by way of written or sword) and still pushed through, or he didn't and compromised the borders of an identified sovereign nation with no notice. No matter how you slice it, Marth was inviting aggression against himself, Mannu is not in the wrong for defending his borders from a foreign army attempting to occupy his lands with a BIGGER foreign army behind chasing them. If an army from a land you're explicitly not allied with comes marching toward your borders, even if they're fleeing from someone, you are not going to take kindly to that. You don't know their intentions. Maybe Marth didn't mean to take over Pyrathi but his intent in this doesn't really matter. He did. It being because he was fleeing doesn't matter.
  21. Ahh I see. In that case, I feel it prudent to bring up that you probably shouldn't inject ideas that aren't steadfastly stated by the game as objective facts. It can lead to confusion among those who are just reading through things. I can see where you're coming from with that idea though, just maybe lead with that it's the way you interpret events next time. As for Edelgard in Azure Moon, honestly I don't know if I really get her decision to do that. Sure it was a last minute, desperate attempt to stop Dimitri, but even if she had killed Dimitri in that throne room, Adrestia was as good as done. Faerghus by that point had the Alliance and the Church marching with it. I get that it's her whole ideal to die fighting for beliefs but it just seems to me like there could've been some other way.
  22. Uh, didn't Marth march an ARMY into Pyrathi? Without any word prior, that's very justifiably seen as an act of aggression by any country who is having the army marched in there. Had he sent an envoy on ahead to talk to the leader then maybe there would've been some justification but it's slim at best. The leader had no way of knowing it was not meant to be an invasion to garner extra troops in the current campaign Marth was over.
  23. Not a problem, but genuine question. Where are you getting that Edelgard only uses volunteers to make the demonic beasts? I can see it with Dedue as the soldiers all transform themselves but, to my knowledge, it's never stated that Edelgard uses volunteers for the process nor do we see people doing so of their own accord barring Edelgard herself. Also, as much as you're entitled to your opinion, I think being willing to make the same stupid decisions as others doesn't make it any less stupid. It just shows solidarity, it doesn't lessen the impact of what you did.
  24. I don't think you can say it's reversible. The game makes it pretty clear that the only way to reverse it is through death and even in Hegemon Edelgard's case she's warned that they may not be able to bring her back to herself. In fact Hegemon Edelgard is the only case of someone coming out of a transformation like that without death immediately following and she was very obviously badly hurt when she did.
  25. Just because people aren't picking him as their "Favorite" doesn't mean he isn't liked Ana. It just means that they have a preference for someone else in the house. Personally, I like all the Blue Lions and, barring like one case, they remain my favorite characters in the game. I just happen to prefer Dimitri to Sylvain. Also people are more than allowed to like Mercedes. She's an interesting character, who chooses to keep a kind demeanor despite all the crap she's been through in her life, but who has a resolve of steel when it comes to matters that mean something to her. She's also one of the few characters that basically everyone feels bad about killing in other routes (the other being Marianne).
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