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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. She was taken in Imperial Year 1171, making her 9, and returned to the Empire in Imperial Year 1174, making her 12. You are right about Duscur, it happened in Imperial Year 1176, making her 14 and Dimitri is the same age as her. Duscur occured in 1176 and Dimitri fought his first battle in 1178. It is worth mentioning that Dimitri was there when Duscur happened, as that's where he managed to save Dedue. However Dedue was the only one he was able to save. So Dimitri was 14 when Duscur happened and 16 when he fought his first battle to put down rebels. He's 17 at the start of the game and turns 18 on Etheral Moon (December) 20th. Amazing the things being on a computer and able to look up timelines helps lol.
  2. Dimitri never took part in Duscur. He explicitly expresses extreme regret that he was powerless to stop it and is still powerless as he's too young to take the throne. The rebellion that Felix hates him over was a minor one involving citizens of the Kingdom after the Duscur massacre and was not a full scale genocide. If I'm remembering my timelines correctly, Dimitri was 9 when Lambert was killed and the people of Duscur were almost immediately afterward blamed and targeted. The rebellion that Dimitri helped put down was when he was around 14. However this is me working on pure recall.
  3. See this one is a lot harder for me because I love all the BL kids. I don't want to see any of them lose! However... as my favorite male lord in FE....... I have to go with Dimitri.
  4. I have no complaints. I like Dorothea and Ferdinand both. I can't say I'm surprised though lol.
  5. @Darkmoon6789 I brought that up only because you said you didn't understand why some people view Edelgard as evil. I don't find Edelgard evil personally, but that is the most common reason I have found as to why people do. As for your problem with the statement, that's entirely it's point. Being a good person or having good intentions doesn't justify you committing evil actions. It doesn't excuse you. If you do something bad, it doesn't matter that you intended good because you still ended up doing bad, people still probably got hurt, and there are going to be consequences for that. For example, if I said something without the intention of hurting someone, but it hurt someone, it doesn't matter that I didn't intend it to. What matters is that I hurt someone and no case of "but that wasn't what I meant!" will change that fact. You can't justify when someone does something wrong just because their intentions were good. Them being a good person doesn't matter - they still hurt people. As for what you said about Edelgard's ending, people are far more inclined to judge characters based on the time they actually spend interacting with them in the game than based on some text at the end that just tells them something. The time a player actually spends with Edelgard and how they view her actions are going to color their opinions far more strongly than something they're just told about after the fact. Personally, I don't ever really touch any of the route endings. They're all meant to be happy sunshine endings, with none more valid than the others. But they all have massive holes in them and once you start poking in one you have to poke in the others. If you start saying one is better than the others you're missing the whole point behind the endings and also ignoring the faults in your own preferred ending. I think it's better to just take the endings at face value, that they're happy endings where the characters make Fodlan a better place.
  6. Yes, that was the answer. It's because even if her intentions were good, they view her actions as evil. In most cases your intentions don't matter, it's the action itself that does.
  7. Just because your intentions are good doesn't mean you're not evil. It's the whole "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" saying. Not saying Edelgard is evil, I don't really think she is, but just because you do something with good intentions doesn't mean it wasn't evil.
  8. Thanks to you I now want to listen to Starset again. Gah everytime their name is brought up I binge their songs for a week xD On topic, this one for all of FE's good and kind rulers who had to face hard decisions:
  9. I'm not quoting people as I'm on mobile and that would take a lot of work but point by point of what I remember: Being an unreliable narrator doesn't mean you're a liar. It means your perception of events is flawed for some reason and as such cannot be taken as unequivocal truth. We're talking about a guy who puts personal blame on himself for deaths that he had nothing to do with/ couldn't stop, and who hears the voices of the spirits of dead loved ones in his head, on top of vehemently hating himself. He is not a reliable narrator, but that doesn't mean he lied about anything. Fleche managed to incapacitate Dimitri in one strike after also killing the person who went to block the blow. Maybe she didn't go for the heart, but if that had hit Dimitri full on, he would've died. Killing child soldiers is always a sad thing, but kids are just as capable of stabbing you as anyone else and if you don't agree, I suggest you look up real world records of child soldiers and what happens to them in war. Also can we just point out that child soldiers reflects far worse on the side using them than the side that has to kill them to keep from dying. Dimitri may have been strong enough to choose not to kill them according to some people, but that's really not how battle works. It's why I have such an issue with the Remire chapter. Though at least someone (I forget who) does point out that taking them out non lethally is next to impossible... Dimitri went after Randolph so hard because, in his mind, Randolph is much like him. It doesn't matter that he was a soldier just following orders, he still butchered people. To make matters worse, to Dimitri he's a hypocrite who doesn't accept his own wrongdoings while simultaneously condemning Dimitri. In Dimitri's twisted view at this time, Randolph is just as unforgivable as he is, and as such he's only doing what the both of them deserve. Is it wrong? Yes. The game does not try to portray this as okay.
  10. I would like to preface this by saying that I appreciate you being so civil and open-minded about things 🙂 Unfortunately that's a touch hard to come by in any topic about Edelgard or Dimitri. The problem with the killing children remark that so many Dimitri detractors refer to is that there's no explanation given. Dimitri doesn't feel there's an excuse no matter the reason and so he leaves it at that, and this is also before the whole redemption thing when he's actively trying to make you see him as negatively as he possibly can. As such, you sort of have to extrapolate based on what other people say about him and what you know to be true of him. Does Dimitri seem the type to mercilessly go after innocent children? (I'm not saying killing children is okay, just that we know literally nothing of the circumstances surrounding it) Consider that even when in the middle of his madness, it was stated by an NPC that they saw him petting a child's head around the monastery and that it's explicitly stated several times that he's only hunted imperial troops, most of whom have been sent after him in the first place. Your stance on "vengeance is justice" is very true and is touched on several times in AM, and I also mostly agree with your assessment of Edelgard's final moments. (But hey, as an Edelgard fan at least she gets the honor of a cutscene death in all the non-CF routes. Dimitri dies off screen twice lol) What do you think would have happened? To be quite honest, I'm not sure if they could overcome their differences without a major viewpoint shift.
  11. You can send Cyril into battle at like 13. Dimitri and others were sent to quell rebellions at the ripe age of 14. Child soldiers are a fact of Fodlan and if you knew Dimitri's character at all, you'd know that he feels tremendous guilt over killing anyone, even if it wasn't directly perpetrated by him. He's also never stated to have killed anyone randomly. Even the rumors circulating about him only mention him butchering imperial soldiers. He does kill some generals and such during his escape from the Kingdom but that's never given any exposition either. As such, him saying he killed children should be looked at as a question mark, not a period. If an enemy child soldier is attacking, it's either kill them or die in most cases, horrible as it is. Also I'd like to point out that for as much as people like to talk about Edelgard bashing, turning around and doing it to Dimitri is no better.
  12. I don't like the other ones you listed but I will at least defend the floating island maps because I personally enjoy warp and puzzle mechanics. One of my biggest complaints with 3H is the massive lack of map and goal variety. If they'd add more unique goals I'd personally like the game a lot more.
  13. Ooof, reading that you won't use Felix physically hurts me xD He was one of the team carriers on my Maddening BL playthrough, without him I don't know if I would've made it through some of those maps.
  14. Dimitri is far more composed in CF than other routes, yes. And yes, CF has 18 Chapters, SS has 21, AM and VW have 22.
  15. Agreed. When most people say to remove the Agarthans, they don't mean to remove the chapters that they drive, just to shift responsibility over onto a different main character so they don't have the whole "these people no one really knows anything about made me do it" excuses. Personally I feel it would make Edelgard and Rhea both all the more interesting for it.
  16. Ehh, that's not really true. You could remove the Slithers from the plot and I still wouldn't find her actions justified. Now if removing them changed most of the events of the game then you could have an argument, but when most people say to remove them, they just mean to remove the shadow people pulling the strings from behind the curtain and shift events over onto Edelgard or Rhea. Which would cast both characters in a worse light, not a better one.
  17. I didn't see a topic about it so I figured I'd post it here. Qinni, a rather popular internet artist, passed away yesterday. For those that don't know, she was fighting stage 4 cancer. Rest in peace Qinni. Your art was loved by many and spoke to your wonderful character.
  18. Wow. People here can be very demanding. I get wanting a "Golden Route", you want good endings for all the characters you love. That would be quite hard to happen barring something significant changing in the main story that forces them to work together and cooperate, likely some outside force. It wouldn't be impossible to do, we know very little about the world outside of Fodlan, but it would require a pretty major invasion or something like Ashera deciding she'd had enough and turning a bunch of people to stone over the constant fighting.
  19. Aww, no comments about Hapi? I'm not getting the DLC, but she looks like the most interesting one to me! I love her design 🙂
  20. I dislike fanservice. I dislike it on males and females. I play FEH for the characters I love, none of whom are Camilla, Loki, or Tharja, and the constant design choices that appeal to "sexy characters" is a major turn off. It's not why I've almost stopped playing, that's more due to the sheer repetitiveness of the game, but it does contribute.
  21. I'm going to answer the questions you asked that I feel qualified to answer lol. B) Felix is a good choice. So are any of your mages or archers who might feel like they're falling behind in movement. Honestly, anyone getting the boots is workable, but I'd avoid giving them to already high movement units or Mercedes because her physic range is so ridiculously high. C) It might just be bad luck? I got plenty of them on my Maddening run and I wasn't even particularly trying for them. Or maybe I got lucky? E) I kept Felix's shield on him in my BL Maddening run and he still doubled/quadded with it equipped, but if yours is lagging in strength or speed it might be worth it to give it to someone else. Preferably someone who doesn't care about doubling and could use the extra defense. F) Haha, that's up to personal opinion, but yes his s support is the worst xD
  22. Agreed. Balance is vital. Enough strength to do damage, enough skill to actually hit things.
  23. Every time I read Sylvain's supports (barring like 3) I like him less. I still like him, but I like him less. I'm not a huge fan of Marianne or Bernadetta for quite similar reasons - they're annoying. As much as I like Hilda, I never see anyone talk about her "subtle" racism so I have to throw her on here too.
  24. When's the earliest you can get an experience gem in the BL path? I know you get a knowledge gem in Sothis's paralogue but I can't remember the experience gem.
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