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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. In the effort of procrastinating on classwork, my brain got going on the "Hey you know this character you love that isn't that great in the game? How would you change them?" So I figured I'd bring that question to people who have a lot better idea about that than me! And also people who would consider other characters because my brain tends to get stuck on certain character loops. To start! Micaiah: While I love her as a character, her combat performance is admittedly subpar. I usually baby her to being viable but for a Lord, especially when compared to Ike, she needs some major help. First thing's first, it would help every mage in that game if enemy res was lowered in general. Keep high res on certain enemy types but mages really suffer from the higher res on enemies. Then, Micaiah needs better speed. I'm good with her being a glass canon, but that requires her being actually able to double. I'm good with sacrificing some res for a higher speed because quite frankly her res is insane and it won't hurt her much to lose it. This last thing is controversial, but personally I'd give her access to dark magic. So far there's only 2 units in the game who can use dark magic and she's related to one of them! Also with her being connected to both Yune and Ashera it makes sense that she could use both. Also her last promotion comes too late, bump it back a few chapters. Sothe: This guy is amazing in Part 1. By Part 3 he needs major work and Part 4 does not do him any favors. The only things I can think to make him better are stop with the forced promotion, and increase his use time so he can actually, you know, be viable. He has amazing bases but later on his strength is too low for his low might weapons in most cases. Ashe, Bernadetta, Ignatz: Basically they all need either better strength bases or growths. There is no excuse for them hitting like wet noodles.
  2. That I actually use? Petra, Lysithea, Lorenz for Thyrsus, Hilda if I can get her. If I'm not playing Blue Lions, expand that to include Sylvain, Felix, and Mercedes with bonus Ingrid if I'm playing VW. I went my first playthroughs without recruiting many people. Now I recruit everyone even if I don't intend to use them lol. Mostly because I enjoy having them around for their conversations and also so that I don't have to kill them. That makes me sad.
  3. Either Byleth or Ingrid should go wyvern instead of pegasus. I recommend Ingrid because that way she's less likely to get strength screwed. Felix might be better as a warrior than a grappler but there are others who can tout the good things about that class more than me. Sylvain works perfectly well going down the cav line? I mean it's not as good as wyvern lord but it's certainly much easier for him than training his axes and flying. Swift Strikes and paladin on him has served me well in my Maddening run. Lysithea might be better served going warlock over bishop, but that's just my own personal preference. Annette is controversial to be sure. I have her in warlock in my run and she's slow but that doesn't matter because she's one shotting EVERYTHING she encounters. Ashe got so strength screwed in my run that I made him my dancer and watched his performance immediately do better lol.
  4. No need to be sorry, I agree. I like them as characters and as siblings. Not as a couple. Oh! Haar was also super great. Then again, who doesnt love Haar?
  5. Sothe and Micaiah, at approximately the exact same time. Micaiah has slowly overtaken Sothe through the years but I still love him too.
  6. If something is rude, it's rude. Hard stop. If something is meant as a derogatory insult then that's what it's meant as and it's popularity doesn't make it less of one. Stop to consider no matter what other people say you have to be okay with yourself. If it doesn't bother you then fine. If you're asking questions then it probably bothers you and maybe you should stop. Personally I don't care, but I am not someone to fling around insults anyway.
  7. Hahaha oh man this is scummy Gamefreak! I thought those designs were fake! XD This announcement makes me insanely glad I didn't bother to buy Sword. It's personal principle to never buy paid DLC anyway, but on a game like Sw/Sh that was already lackluster at best? Hah! Man this is bad.
  8. I'mma be honest, I had no idea what this was and thought at first that Heroes was doing a crossover, which really made me mad for a minute xD Either way, I don't know these guys so I'll be saving orbs. I could really use the help so it's nice not worrying about this banner.
  9. Death Knight: BEHOLD FOR I AM DESTRUCTION! I AM YOUR DEATH! Byleth: .... Lysithea? Death Knight: *girlish shrieks of terror*
  10. Hilda: People say nothing is impossible but I do nothing every day!
  11. There are a few chapters where Claude and Edelgard could have been deployed alongside your own students as representatives of their classes. The first one that comes to mind is the chapter where Jeralt bites it. Why wouldn't they deploy their force against an incursion of Demonic beasts when student's lives are at stake? Of course chapter 12 would be a good option for Claude and Dimitri on non CF routes. Also fighting Kostas could be a good option as the Church was obviously super ticked that he was in Zanado. The biggest thing I think is just giving them more presence in the conversations that go on.
  12. After completing all of the routes and going back in for a second AM playthrough, I can solidly say that 3H ranks a high second place. Radiant Dawn still carries for being overall more fun to play but it's a slim margin. The character work is amazing, the lore is engaging even with some of the *ahem* issues. Most of the supports land as they were intended I feel. I like the monastery for this game and don't actually have a problem with the weapon durability in it either, the gambits were an interesting idea. My biggest problem with it is that the battles in 3H eventually just become a samey slog. I'd love to have more varied objectives like there used to be and I'm one of the rare souls that enjoys Fog of War maps so I'd have liked to see more than 3 total of those in the game. The biggest thing in its favor though is that I now have a tie for my favorite Lord in the series! Really, I adore Micaiah so the fact that Dimitri managed to tie her is kind of a miracle.
  13. You know I actually hadn't considered how Dimitri's arc might look to younger players. Though the game is rated T, so that's a consideration to make. But yeah, for someone just getting into the franchise, Claude is probably less controversial than Dimitri.
  14. Horizon: Zero Dawn. That would certainly be interesting though I'm not entirely certain how it would actually work...
  15. I mentioned it in my initial post but I figured I'd go into more detail here. I wouldn't recommend Crimson Flower or Silver Snow for a beginner to the game or franchise as a first playthrough. Crimson Flower is because of the conditions of the route (my friend wanted to play Crimson Flower first but ended up locked out due to missing Edelgard in the explore which really soured his opinion of 3H as a whole) as well as the fact that it's only 18 chapters, which means you kind of need to be more picky with your tutoring. For a first-timer to the game or franchise they could easily end up with a very messy team. Silver Snow is because it's really not beginner route friendly. He spent most of the route annoyed that he lost Edelgard and Hubert and he didn't find Seteth or Flayn to be interesting characters. Rhea as a final boss got him to drop the game entirely because he was so annoyed at the contrivance of it. There's also that the units in Crimson Flower, barring a couple of them, are harder than the others to raise. Verdant Wind has some arguments for it. My biggest complaint is that it is the most mixed bag of the classes with several good units and several subpar units and also that Claude really carries the route. Also the cutscenes made little sense, the Flame Emporer reveal was very anti-climactic, and while the final fight with Nemesis was cool, it also came right the heck out of nowhere which would be jarring for most people. That leaves Azure Moon, which has the most connection to the White Clouds section of the plot, the easiest in general to use characters right from the start (seriously, you get Dimitri, Ingrid, Sylvain, Felix, Dedue, Mercedes, and the only two subpar units are sometimes Annette and Ashe), it has an easier time recruiting than the Black Eagles (with the recruitment locks on BE), and for a first playthrough I feel it's the most emotionally investing thanks to the personal stories of the characters. In my personal opinion, the best option for a FIRST playthrough is AM>VW>CF>SS. This is not my opinion for the average playthrough of the game entirely, just for a very first playthrough.
  16. So I have a couple of friends that picked up 3H after hearing me talk about it. One has played FE before but this is her first time playing 3H and the other has never played a FE game before. It got me thinking, which routes does everyone here consider the best for people in those situations? I know my personal thoughts on it, but I was curious if other people agree with me. Basically I would pick Azure Moon for both as in my experience the Blue Lions are easier as a group to start with, have an easier time recruiting all the possible characters, and is the easiest route to get into in terms of the overall story.
  17. Lorenz is worth recruiting if only for his relic if you plan on getting Lysithea. Thyrsus is super good. Depending on what difficulty you're playing, Ashe can quite easily become a liability instead of an asset (I ended up making him my dancer this runthrough, he was that strength screwed) and Ingrid can easily become quite weak in strength (but some levels in Wyvern or fighter should patch her up) but for the most part everyone in the Blue Lions are super good. I recommend avoiding Linhardt thanks to you having Mercedes as she is the better healer of the two, and if you want Warp Lysithea is the better recruit because she gets it at B instead of A faith.
  18. Hi! I just did this one on Maddening! They don't all have to escape, just survive. They can still be on the map when you finish it and you'll still get the reward (aegis shield).
  19. A gambit that makes it so all damage dealt is only 1 for the remainder of the round. It works quite well for Claude as it allows you to bait him out safely and then your damage comes back for the player phase so you can swarm and kill him.
  20. Personally I stuck Felix alone in his range, used Impregnable Wall on him, then battered Claude down with a 4x strike with gauntlets. The other time I used Byleth I think and she dodged his attack and killed him on the retaliation. But this Byleth had super high avoid and speed so that's probably not something that can be easily replicated...
  21. Whether you believe in gambits or not, Impregnable Wall will very much help you with that problem. Claude and Bernadetta can't kill you if they're stuck doing 1 damage and then you can go in and kill them on player phase. Felix is super good for that by the way, give him gauntlets for a guaranteed KO as he's generally fast enough to strike 4 times with them. Dimitri can also generally OHKO Claude if you get him on player phase. Battalion Wrath+Vantage Dimitri with retribution will take care of Claude on enemy phase before the guy can even hit him, but personally I'd focus on the first strategies as they're useful for Bernadetta as well.
  22. Thanks for that, it makes me feel a bit better. For a positive update, while it took me and my dad getting a bit nasty, they are going to fix it. I take it to an independent detailer Thursday on their dime and he promised me today that he could get the scratches taken care of. This guy was very nice!
  23. There are not words to describe how disgusting that man is to me. I live in a very rural area but it's still easy to find people like that even here. It's pathetic and sad and while I'm not a violent person, if I could get my hands on these people I think I'd probably become violent.
  24. It is certainly very irritating! >.> Especially for a manager to be that way. I don't understand what's so hard about being polite. I mean really, if he'd just been up front, or said something like "I don't know that we can fix it" I would have a lot more respect for him than trying to claim it isn't actually a problem. Due to the fact that the scratches are thin but long clearcoat scratches and that the paint underneath is a metallic flake that's super shiny, it's virtually impossible to get them to show up on camera even though they're easily visible to the naked eye. To be fair I don't have a great camera either but I have tried to get them on camera and it just doesn't show up clearly. Either way you can clearly see them with your eye and they're all the way from the hood to the trunk and on all the doors. If it had only been a few we wouldn't have even worried about it, but the fact that this manager seemed so determined to not even try and fix it just rubbed me completely wrong.
  25. This really isn't that serious but I wanted to get it off my chest and talk to people who might have gone through similar. Why is it that people seem to want to disrespect and blow others off based purely on appearance? This has happened to me several times now but just to give some context I'll share what happened today. It's worth mentioning that while I am a grown woman, I look younger than I am. A little over a week ago my dad purchased a car. When we got said car home we noticed that there were these little scratches all over the car, that looked like whoever had washed it had done so with a dirty brush and scratched the paint. Not that big of a deal, we call and they say to bring it back up there and they'll try to get the scratches out. Today that's what I did and I was there starting at 10am. At 12:30 when they brought my car back and I looked at it, it looked absolutely no better, there were still those scratches all over the paint. I tell the man I'm not happy about it and he says he'll go get his manager. This is where things start going south. Now, I really try quite hard in these situations to be as nice and polite as I can be because I know dealing with customers all day can be a huge pain, but this manager came out of the building with a I don't want to deal with this attitude. Immediately started talking about how he "didn't see any scratches, thought I was out here to see scratches all over the car". Needless to say I'm already quite incredulous as to his attitude. Then he starts going on about how those aren't actually scratches, they're just products of the paint and "all the cars on the lot have them". Talking down to me like I don't know better! I know for a fact that he wouldn't try this crap with my dad because he very much didn't try it with him when my dad called right after I left. As nice as I try to be, that ticked me right off. I forget the exact words I used but I said something along the lines of how if that's how all the cars are on the lot then obviously they have a problem and that this was unacceptable to do to a brand new car that someone just bought. Upon realizing he wasn't going to just run me over the manager immediately backpedaled and started talking about how he'd talk to people to see what they can do, but seriously! Why force someone to put their foot down by claiming there isn't a problem when you can visually see it?! Is it because I'm a young woman so they think I don't know better? I don't get it.
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