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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. Here's a unit builder I like to use to theory craft builds. I'd recommend messing around with it to see what you'd like to do with L!Hector. As for IVs, I'd go with +Def since it's more likely to positively impact his performance compared to +HP. If you have any other questions, or would like some more input, I'd suggest asking them in this thread. Hope this helps!
  2. Oh boy, Fire Emblem! And Zelda! My favorites! Starting with the elephant in the room, the Fire Emblem x Colgate crossover is very real, and that is both hilarious and awesome. I'll be looking forward to the new Lord Pair-Up mechanic; it looks like a subtle return of Einherjar, but implemented in a far different way. Speaking of Lords, the characters missing from the window wheel at the beginning of the trailer are: It's also interesting to note that Ike and Lucina are wearing their Brave outfits from Heroes. I wonder if Engage will tie into Heroes in any way? That would be neat. ~ Tears of the Kingdom looks as fantastic as I would have expected, and I love that new subtitle. We can finally call it something other than BotW2. Also, I didn't know Crisis Core Reunion was coming to Switch... and not as a cloud version. Hell yeah.
  3. Okay, okay, I think I got it this time... I think. It's Arcane, right? So then the answer to the rename would be League of Legends.
  4. I've never seen The Witcher, so I didn't know if it's good or not, but that's what came to mind. And the Castlevania show is fantastic in it's own right, but different enough from the games that I don't think they're really comparable. God of War Fire Emblem Heroes/Any Gacha Game Literally no idea Heavy Rain
  5. Actually the fourth one was Guitar Hero, but I can see why it's The Sims. I can't play guitar.
  6. Do not be afraid, for it is only meant to represent his body and blood in His place, showing that Christ is with you. By consuming the bread and wine that Christ provided, and understanding that He offered His blood and body, as well as His life, as a sacrifice so that the sins of humanity may be forgiven, you are accepting Him into your heart.
  7. I think I'll offer up a few more. Bald Assassin Simulator Dead Dad Chess Simulator Taking the Automotive Vehicular Property of Another Illegally with the Intent to Deprive the Owner of that Property "Why can't I do this in real life?" "Mom, what's for dinner?" Pretty spot-on! It makes me happy that people know the War-Themed Hat Simulator joke. Style Savvy Transformers: Beast Wars Yakuza Deus X Machina? Zone of the Enders? Resident Evil The Witcher or Castlevania Trails of Cold Steel? I've never played it. Xenoblade Chronicles X Devil May Cry Horizon: Zero Dawn? No idea.
  8. I'm just gonna leave some here without translations and let people guess; that sounds way more fun. Birth Giver 900 Year Supernatural Family Feud Saga The Last Game in The Series except it's not FPS Bible Reference War-Themed Hat Simulator
  9. dammit, I was so close to being smart
  10. There is a character with a remarkably similar name that exists, and that's Eldigan's wife/Ares' mother Grahnye. She's just a background character, though.
  11. Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions. I'm returning your good noodle star.
  12. I have not read Brandon Sanderson, but I've heard he's incredibly good. And that's what I figured the song was, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions, like this guy: And yeah, I WAS hoping for Dancing Miku Man, wtf
  13. Considering how hard these games are to come by without resorting to breaking the bank or resorting to other methods, these would be absolutely welcome as rereleases akin to Super Mario 3D All-Stars... without the limited time release window, of course. Whoopsies, my mistake. Thanks for catching that.
  14. Title asks it all. What is a video game, or multiple games, that you believe don't necessarily need a remake, at least not any time soon? If there's one game that I can think of that's held up extremely well, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night immediately comes to mind.
  15. In hindsight, I probably should have asked for the songs to be included. I guess I'll just Shazam the submissions instead. @TheSilentChloey @SoulWeaver @AnonymousSpeed
  16. I forgot August has a 31st day. Thanks Legendary Deirdre. Ya'll could take an indeterminate extension and release what you've got when it's ready. Alternatively, you could separate what you have into parts and submit what's done, or what could constitute a fulfilling segment of the story, like an episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that you can leave off with a classic To Be Continued... cliffhanger that you can pick up and finish off with the rest of the story when that's ready to go (which doesn't have to be submitted as part of anything, just share what ya got). Just a thought. Just remember, no pressure!... okay, maybe a little pressure, but you can pretend it's not there.
  17. W H O ? ? ? Just kidding, I know who he is. But for others who don't, he was a YouTuber and Twitch streamer that got pretty popular off of his reaction and news content, and he was quite the character, to say the least. You can't find his channel on YouTube anymore, but it's not hard to find reuploads of some of his more popular videos. His fanbase is also very dedicated; he actually has a mural in New York dedicated to him (as of this post). As of today, it's been three years and two months since he passed away. As for my own personal opinion, it's nothing fancy, just something I can apply for anyone: If there's something you like, that's cool, and you have all the power in the world to like that something. If I also like that something, that's even cooler, and I would be glad to talk with you about it. If I'm not particularly interested in that something, I can at least respect the fact that you like that something. With that said, I definitely had some common interests, such as Smash and Fire Emblem, so naturally I would be perfectly fine with him being a Fire Emblem fan no matter my stance on the series, but I was always more interested in the man behind the camera and the insights and life advice he left behind.
  18. I would have to say Idunn since she's the only ascended hero I legitimately use, but Fjorm, Laegjarn, Joshua, and Florina are probably my favorite ascended heroes among what we have because I think that they adhere to the initial concept behind ascended heroes better than any other unit right now. They're heroes that have grown since we first met them, and the new classes they're put into are meant to show that.
  19. I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it. It'd be like getting to hear Robert Belgrade voice Alucard in Castlevania again. I mean, that ship has long since sailed away, but he did voice a character in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which was super neat. Obviously, Belgrade wasn't voicing Alucard again, but getting to hear his voice again at all was satisfying. So if anything, I'd like to hear Jason Adkins return to the series in some form or another, even if it isn't as Ike.
  20. Y'know, that's not something I've ever really given much thought, now that I think about it. There are a ton of great character designs in the series, and I'm definitely fond of the elegant and ornate designs that certain characters have. The Black Knight, Elincia, and Azura stand out to me the most, I think, but my favorite design out of anything would hands down be Legendary Seliph in Heroes. That is the peak of character design for me. Everything about it is beautifully done, especially the coloring. I look at him and think that "Scion of Light" is a perfect title for him.
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