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Everything posted by FuukaruTora

  1. Just Feel Better - Carlos Santana feat. Steven Tyler
  2. Musashi is lying!!!! Oh, hello there. Welcome to the forest! Here is your gift! *gives a hug and a cookie* Please, make yourself at home!
  3. Er, doesn't your singing kill people or something or other?
  4. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest, home of the Herons! Why we have herons here, I have no idea, but they're here! I hope you have a nice stay here!
  5. Kyrra, I'm taking AP Euro too XD. For my class, I only have to read two chapters(12 and 13) of the Western whatever. I haven't even started The Prince yet, I don't even have the book!
  6. Hello! I'm the guy who does things randomly, so be prepared for anything and everything! Here is a welcome gift! *gives a hug and a cookie* Have a great day!
  7. Oh no, I can't believe he said that! *takes blue pill* Escape! *hugs everyone*
  8. Wait, your alter-ego is Agent Smith from the Matrix? Sweet! *hugs Smith*
  9. Why not, this is pretty amusing. Wait, there was a Ball here? Probably before I joined, but whatever. *shrug, pause, hug, play*
  10. Er, cheered Lyle up? *pause* *talks like Buggs Bunny* Rather clueless, ain't she? *chews carrot, presses play* Ah, this universal remote is magical...
  11. Wait, isn't Mike Myers the Cat in the Hat? *ponders*
  12. *pauses and looks straight into "camera" * Woah, I didn't know that I could do this! *waves hand in front of everyone's faces* This is so awesome! MUST....RESIST....REMOTE ABUSE.....*hugs everyone* Oh, and nice going Princess. *thumbs up, then presses play*
  13. Aw, poor Lyle...*pegs with plushie* GET OVER IT! Erm....*presses rewind button to the moment before plushie-fastball* Aw, so sorry Lyle, cheer up! *guy-hugs*
  14. I'll join in, if it isn't too late! *flips coin, many, many times to determine character* Okay, decision! Wyvern Rider Weapon: sword Personality: Laid-back and cool-headed, never angry. Kind and friendly, but can be blunt and borderline sarcastic. In battle, not much of an instigator, but is quick to react. Very, very protective.
  15. *dons fluffy jacket yet again* Muahaha! *hugs the next hundred or so posters*
  16. Aw, he left, I didn't have time to either a) say/sing goodbye to him, or that next letter) convince him to stay (by singing)
  17. I think it's really fun. I I play everything, and the mini-games are fun too. There are some really irritating parts to the games though, like you can't bunt in baseball, or you can't slice too well in tennis.
  18. FuukaruTora

    Blood Type

    I think I'm O-something. I will flip a coin to decide which O I am. *flip* Let's go with negative XD.
  19. School starts on August 21, but we have a registration-type thing on the 20th.
  20. I have to read books assigned by my classes... For English I have to read Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck For History: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli (Ugh, not even a storybook) A few chapters in our textbook I do read for fun, also. I like the Maximum Ride books, they're epic.
  21. "Dislike: People who act like idiots" Ehehehehe.....*scratches back of head* Er, welcome to the forest! How you have a nice stay here! *dons bellboy outfit*
  22. ^ Ah, Inuyasha! *claps in excitement* I'm Yours - Jason Mraz Wordplay - Jason Mraz
  23. Mi color favorito es verde. Por que? Yo no se.
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