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Everything posted by FuukaruTora

  1. Aaaa, that's a very nice anecdote, uh-huh! I wish you the best of luck in reaching that goal! Keep looking up, yeah-huh! *pats her on the head* Hmm, let's see, my aspirations? I aspire to...maximize my potential! Well, I really don't know if that's the correct usage of the English, but yeah, that's what I'm gonna do! I don't know how yet, but I'll figure it out!
  2. Will do! Hope he recovers quickly and safely! And try to stay positive! Yup! Woah, that was a lot of exclamation points! Oh, another one! Er, anyways, I'm sure your cousin will get better, trust in his fighting spirit, yah!
  3. ^ Seems not to know how to check people's gender. Also won't stop 'til he gets enough.
  4. *slowly sidles away after swiping all the brownies, using his ninja/soccer/tennis/basketball skills* <--- doesn't know how most of these skills actually apply to the situation, but thinks it's better to be prepared.
  5. Story Revival: Mission Complete! Freohr Datia receives 217 EXP! Extreme Void receives 107 EXP! Lyle Dayek receives 107 EXP! Palom receives 107 EXP! Storybook GET !!! Alrighty, done now, fwee.~
  6. ^ is completely empty for some odd reason. Reach-back revival, fwee.~
  7. International economy, fwee.~ Anyways, I don't think the world can function without the third world. Almost everything is based on balance, and for every super-insane-mega-absurdly rich country, there has to be a counterweight for it. On a speculative note, for all the third-world countries to gain relative stability, another wealthy country would most likely have to sacrifice. Unless said third-world country finds a gold mine or something. That would be nice. But, it will all balance out in the end, yup. Fwee.~
  8. Alright, I'll appease you. YOU'RE OVER 9000!!!!!!! *crushes power scouter in hand* Fwee!~ And you're Domon Kasshu.
  9. ^ is a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater. Fwee!~
  10. Married? Cogratulations! *high-fives and gives Fuu-cookies*
  11. On a sort of related note, I just bombed an English essay on Friday. Fwee!~
  12. *dances with Kilvas* On a sort of related note, homecoming week is soon! Fwee!~
  13. ^ parties like a rock star. < Meant person directly above you XD
  14. ^ is Livin' la vida loca. Self-explanatory. Go ahead, have fun everyone!~
  15. Ni hao ma. Well, that's all the Mandarin I know.
  16. I LOVE THIS QUOTE. That was hilarious, I'm sorry! *wipes tears* That was epic. *gives Fuu-cookie*
  17. *bakes more cookies* Cookies for everyone! *puts up sign and stall* "Welcome to Fuu's Cookie Stand! You must at least this tall to ride the ride."
  18. You win the game, fwee!~ And so do you, Genis. And everyone else trying to be peacemakers. *gives them Fuu-cookies*
  19. Alright, everyone, calm down. Stop semi-flaming each other. *searches for funny "Internet Argument" pic* Sweet, found it! *Chef voice* Anyways, stop fighting, children.
  20. < has no idea what is going on and is just making random posts to stop everyone from getting too serious about something or other. Also feels pretty, oh so pretty, he feels pretty, and witty inside, and he pities any gi- boy that isn't him, falalalalalalala.~
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