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Everything posted by FuukaruTora

  1. Oh, hello there! *wave*

  2. Methinks this topic serves as a warning for the guests to escape while they can. Fwee.~
  3. HI GUESTS! *waves energetically* MAI NAME IZ... GUESS. FWEE.~
  4. I would most likely....take a nap. On a fluffy couch. Preferably with pillows. Then I'd wake up the next morning, saying "Ohsnapplewhereseveryone?" Then I'd go to the fridge and eat all the leftovers. Food is good. Fwee.~
  5. Hm, anyone else notice that the girls are having no part of this? Well, I'm pretty sure you all have. Also, I assumed Collete was a girl because of the name. Nyeh.
  6. FuukaruTora


    Win. Anyways, I like dances. Good for socializing and such! On a related note, Homecoming is on Saturday for me.
  7. Yeah, it is really strange how it passed. There's nothing wrong with gay people. I expected people to be a lot more sympathetic that this... I mean, how could you vote yes after hearing THIS!
  8. That was amazing. *bows down* Anyways, I trust Obama to lead the US out of war and help the economy recover. He has the leadership skills and wisdom to do all this, and I think he'll put it all to good use. Fwee.~
  9. FuukaruTora

    First Kiss

    Haven't had it yet, quite honestly... There is this one girl I like, though... I guess I shall keep my eyes open, nothing certain yet, though.
  10. How do I feel? HOW DO I FEEL? HOW. DO I. FEEL? I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gaaaaaay, and I pity any gi- boy, who isn't me, falalalalalalala.~ I feel charming, oh so charming, it's alarming how charming I feeeeel, and so pretty, that I can hardly believe I'm real, falalalalalala.~ Honestly, I'm happy. I'm looking forward to a kind of recovery from Bush's term. And I hope Obama doesn't get assassinated, that would be very sad for everyone, mostly for his family.
  11. Don't worry Lyle. You're a balla' balla' fo' sho'. Woah, there's lotsa red lines under my text. Anyways, you're my home boy for rizzles.
  12. Oh Em Gee MAFIA! I used to play this! It was amazing. SWEET. OKAY. I'M SO EXCITED THAT I WILL SPEAK IN ALL CAPS NOW. HARDY HAR HAR HAR. EXCITEMENT, FWEE!~ Okay, I'll stop now. But this is still a very epic time for me.
  13. Greatest sins I have committed on the forest, huh? I have.......................... no idea. I haven't done anything that I would consider a sin. Or maybe that's just my pride talking. Or a sock puppet. *holds up puppet* "你好." (Yes, I used Google to get this. I can't really speak Mandarin. Fwee.~)
  14. Jackal? Is it a Jackal? It's a Jackal! Totally a Jackal! Tell meh it's a Jackal! Ahhh, Family Guy, there's nothing it cannot address.
  15. *claps Lyle's hands for him* See, he's happy now. We can start our own happy-party. Lyle can be the host. And no alcohol, there are minors here, including me. Fwee.~
  16. ............Okay then! *high-fives random people on the street* Well, I just got back to tha Forest and I have no idea what's goin' on. So now I'm going to post aimlessly and such. Have fun.~
  17. *rides along Angel's intellect* Yeah, what he said! Er, well, yeah. Also, like I said earlier, instead of always relying on others, try to just step back and rationalize things. It may seem daunting at first, but after awhile, you get used to it. Emotions may be hard to control, but you shouldn't restrain them. Think on your experiences and try to learn from them. It may be cliched (I have no idea how to do that accent thingy), but it really is true. Thing is, people really aren't like hoses, they're more like...well, people. Don't always looks for other people to turn you off, just take charge and do it yourself! Friends are there to help you when times are tough and you need cheering, but we can never truly do the task for you. So, just take a hold of your life, we believe in you!
  18. *goes to read his story* Well, that was persuasive enough. Have you tried using 'suck it' in your speeches? Everyone'll think you're very assertive. (If you don't get this joke, please look up 'Daniel Tosh' on Youtube. Thankies.~)
  19. ^ seems to be vulnerable to my rather pointless mind tricks. Also, is a very smiley girl. Who lives on Avenue Q. <--wonders if anyone got the last part of the statement. Also likes adding clauses to other clauses using "Also".
  20. Ehe, Angel was kind of harsh, but he's right. Before focusing your energy outward, first put all your energy into becoming who you want to be. Just keep striving for perfection, ya know? And maybe along the way, you'll find someone who fits you best. So, keep trying! Do all that you can to get where you want! Well, don't ask us for every little thing, trust yourself more! But, well, if there actually IS something difficult, we're here for ya! *waves*
  21. ^ reminds me of my friend's uncle's brother's father's son's daughter.
  22. Yuri seems to be very confuzzled. It most likely is the post-Halloween sugar rush. Yay candeh. *eats* Waaait, they wouldn't put SNL over Heroes if it is a new episode, so....the release date is being pushed back...? I don't follow Heroes, I just feel like reasoning this out. Ehe.
  23. FuukaruTora


    Point for Knifeh! Er, no pun was actually intended there, ehe. I use anything if it's available, chopsticks, forks, spoons, sporks, knives, all of the above. Also, my parents told me indigenous Filipinos use their hands and I think banana leaves. Being from the States, I haven't actually seen this, soo...kyeh.
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