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Everything posted by scorri

  1. Roles claimed: Eclipse- Networker Proto- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Visitation) Psych- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Sun) Marth- Evolving Vanillager (Has Evolved) Straw- Role Booster (confirmed by Subi being able to send two people to different stages) Shinori- Redirector Pink Tables- Tracker Bananas: Watcher Subi: Stage Redirector (changes what stage people go to, day role, confirmed to exist, and no one has cc'd subi so) Iris: Role swapper (swaps two people's roles for the next night) Dead: Kay: Role cop (Lynched D1) Nags: SK (killed by the maf N1, thanks maf) Stages: Basically so far it's been kinda random who goes where. Some people announce, others don't. The pokemon seem to have specific reasons for going to certain stages (Proto wants to go to lots of stages, psych wants to stay in the sun, so on one specific stage it seems), but beyond that, we've just been going wherever it seems. Beyond that, we don't really know who the mafia roles might be. It seems like there's a wide variety of where the roles coming from (either playable characters, or from pokeballs, or tropheys, etc.) so we can't really tell if someone is mafia by the claim right now. Once we lynch a mafia, we might be able to see a little bit better from there, but as of right now it's unknown. The no lynch was... chaos. I was not around for it, but just reading it can give you some insight into that. Quite a few people are unhappy with it, and it will probably be discussed at longer lengths D3. Beyond that, activity is good! As proven by the 60 pages we have right now, people are talking and so having you replace Impy, who wasn't talking a ton, is good. We'll get to see more from you and hopefully figure some stuff out that way. Welcome to the game! (If I missed anything, just let me know)
  2. Rein: :(((( Don't worry about us. Real life always comes first.
  3. I've considered that possibility, and I still think that the possibility of a town tracker is high enough that it would be better to role boost the tracker since that is valuable info for the town. My role would be more useful to be boosted later in the game.
  4. So either tracker can get boosted (this would be nice) or I get boosted (this would be ok, but I think it would be better served boosting the tracker).
  5. I doubt it. He said he'd start it today. I trust him.
  6. He's not even around. Relax, let him appear, and I'm sure he'll start it then.
  7. I keep thinking it is Wednesday... But, it's Tuesday and I'm awake. Therefore, Rein is allowed to start this. >_>
  8. Wow that was... something. Uh yeah. That's all I'm going to say about that mess. Excellen: Please don't sub out. If it sucked as much as it did for me catching up after 25 pages, it's going to really suck for someone catching up after 55 pages. Please try and keep playing?
  9. Ok. I am going to bed. Before I go, I would like to point out one thing. Last mafia game in, I was last minute lynched. I was mad about that, but that's not the point here. The point is, when I was talking about this in the Info Dump, Prims told me (and mentioned in the info dump) about how that's one of the worst things town can do, and how the only reason he'd do that is if he's scum. Now, I'm not saying that the fact that Prims said he wanted people to last minute bandwagon with him on me means he's scum. I'm currently operating under the assumption that he was joking there. However. If it gets towards phase end, and he suddenly jumps back on my bandwagon and tries to convince everyone that's awake at that point to join with him... just think about it. Please. And then do what you think is best for the town.
  10. Yeah, well *I* demand that he doesn't start it yet since I'm about to sleep. And since he clearly loves me more proven by the fact that I somehow still have ops in the mafia IRC channel, clearly he will listen to me! <3
  11. I will ask one more time before I go to bed. Do you want my claim? I'd really prefer to not get last minute lynched again.
  12. Ah ok. I was confused thinking it was about me. That's all. On that note, I still find SB scummier than Shinori. I'm only slightly suspicious on Shinori and that's mostly based on him not being around much (which is understandable, people have lives) and the fact that his claim is usually a scum role. However, SB has literally contributed nothing to this phase, and very little all game. What he has contributed has been fluff to make it seem like he's contributed or sheeping. So, my vote stays where it is. I will be heading to sleep soon, so unless something drastically changes in the next 20 minutes or so, that's where my vote will be come phase end.
  13. Who is this about? Is it about me wrt why you switched to scummier on me than on Prims? (Also I really should be going to bed soon >_> )
  14. So I'm probably going to bed in about 30-40 minutes, and will not be around for phase end since I'll be commuting into work at that point. Since I'm one of the main wagons, I'm going to ask this now. Do you want me to claim?
  15. It's hard to read tone over the internet. And it'd really be nice if we didn't have to ask you every other post if you're being serious or not. Please, can you try and not post things that would cause us to have to ask that?
  16. My thoughts on claims: The three pokemon I've talked about, but I'll mention again. I'd be surprised if two or all three of them were scum. My current bet is that they're all town, but I could see one of them being scum just to mess with us. I seem to recall a Pokemon mafia game where all three legendary birds were in the game and two of the three were town, but one was scum. So maybe it's something like that. But, based on those claims, I'd currently assume Proto, psych, and Marth are town. Tracker is an interesting claim. It's most helpful to town, but I guess I could see it being a scum role? I dunno. It seems like a legit claim, but I guess it doesn't assure us of alignment. Combined with Impy's play, I'd say I'm still slightly suspicious. Eclipse as networker has apparently been confirmed. Yes it doesn't give us any idea about alignment, but to me that just seems like a town role. It allows OC which is most helpful for town in my eyes. I'm currently viewing eclipse as tentative town. Redirector is a typically scummier role, but it can be town. The Night X missing is a little weird, but I could see that being a host mistake. I don't really know what to make of Shinori right now, I'm kinda hoping to see some more from him before the end of the day. Once again, the role booster has been claimed to been proven, though it's still unclear since Subi has a day ability. However, the claim in association with Straw's more active playing so far lead me to believe he's town, simply because FMPOV role booster like that would be OP to give the mafia since they could continually boost their own powers, which could only hurt the town.
  17. Yes, I'm aware I'm not playing well right now. I'm also extremely tired and not in a great mood. So. That combined with subbing in being not the greatest thing for being informed means I'm not on top of my game. And I was trying to focus on things other than Prims, but apparently that makes me scummy to. So apparently I just can't win. But, I'll try and move past that for now. Thanks Subi.
  18. Prims: Tunneling was perhaps not the best word. I was leaving, and was frustrated with work. What I was trying to say was more along the lines of most of the things you've said about me have been based on meta reasons with Bizz and then claiming I'm echoing and bandwagoning. From where I stand, I've seen from you a lot of posts that when taken seriously seemed to be calling to instantly kill me without letting me talk and such, which made me mad and suspicious. When I found out that you were joking, I backed off some because I knew at that point I was letting my emotions get in the way of properly playing the game. Also, it really sucks to come into a game where 25+ pages have been already posted, immediately get called scum for stupid meta based reasons on the previous player, and basically have no hope of getting caught up when every time you try five new pages get posted. So yes, I've been trying to catch up. But it sucks. So no, I may not have the best reads ever, but I'm trying. I really am. I will admit to reading what other people are saying and basing some of my opinions off of that instead of trying to reread for the third time because it turns into skimming really quickly, and so I don't learn much anyways. But, that's not where all of my votes are coming from. I have reread twice. And while I don't have the best knowledge of what happened D1, I have been getting reads today. But it's really hard to care about this game when it seems like every time I try and form an opinion you come in and claim I'm scum for not having original enough opinions and for other meta reasons. As it turns out, I did find your behavior in SG scummy. It doesn't quite count for much though since I *was* scum in that game, but in my opinion, calling for a vig to shoot someone like this is scummy and also rude. And also your comments about the votes and how they better all vote me are the exact type of thing I was calling you out for on N1 where you're trying to tell the town to follow you and not ask questions. If that's you not being serious, STOP. It makes it really hard to tell when you're being serious when half the time we're not supposed to take your comments at face value. I'm voting Bananas because I honestly think he might be scum and the fact that he has literally contributed nothing to this day phase. Those are my reasons. What does it matter if other people hold those reasons to? Heck, I think it's a good thing if the town shares reasons for voting someone. It, in my eyes at least, makes it more likely that the person we're lynching is a good target.
  19. Also, the reason that I'm voting for Bananas is because he's posted all of twice today, and said exactly nothing in those two posts, as well as the fact that he wasn't looking too great yesterday. I don't even know how many votes he has on him right now. So.
  20. If by Iris wagon you mean two whole votes on Iris... Anywho, look what's back. Prims tunneling in on me. Surprise, surprise. Hi Prims. How you doing?
  21. Elie: SB could also just have a role that doesn't visit. I think that'd show up to the tracker as idling essentially. Though, I dunno.
  22. BBM: I'd be more willing to let Prims get away with a joke post like that if it wasn't for the fact that he keeps doing it over and over again. Anyways, moving on from that... SB has barely posted today, he was sheeping yesterday, and doesn't really seem to have any opinions. I'd really like to see him come in and contribute something. I think that in light of Proto's claim, and the other Pokemon claims, SB has replaced Proto as my main target for right now. Also, if what people are speculating about and one of the Pokemon is in fact scummy, my bet would actually be on Plipup because it doesn't fit with the other two, but I guess Kaoz could just be messing with us there and be wanting to not make the scum super obvious or something. ##Vote: Serious Bananas
  23. Eh, at first mine were fairly random, but once we figured out who Doc Scratch was, I was trying to pick who might be killed, so I was shipping Scratch with them so that Scratch would kill himself instead. Since, you know, I didn't know SK couldn't be affected by their night kills...
  24. scorri

    The Resistance V

    Marth: It wasn't that you looked Resistance, it was that you didn't look as Spy as Slayer managed to... Also, I voted yes to the last prop cause I no longer cared enough about the game to try and argue to you guys about how I was Resistance.
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