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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. I think what I wonder about the most is HOW Byleth even got such powers to begin with? Like whenever we had a lord have a power like that, it always came back too their birth, so it makes me wonder who his mother is..... And I'm not sure how much impact I want this power to have on the story, like I'm pretty sure the whole story won't be about this power, but I also won't like if it become irreverent, so I hope they balance things out there.
  2. Fun with a very good cast, it has my favorite cast when it comes to the GBA games, also the villains are great.
  3. Hmmm, that's not the feeling I got from her, there is something almost creepy about her smile, I'm not sure if it's just me getting the wrong feeling off of it or not though, and the fact she's apart of the Church is just more of a reason to think she's evil really.
  4. I wouldn't mind if we got a love triangle tbh : P But if somehow we got lucky enough and Claude/Dimitri became a thing, I would die happy, although I'm like 99% sure it's not happening V_V This is me in every game I ever play.
  5. Well, I for one didn't see anyone say that everyone should be bi on this thread, so I'm not sure why you thought you had to make that point, but okay : )
  6. Well, it would be just as stupid if everyone was straight : )
  7. I didn't know how much I needed this until I read this. Also as for my hopes....hmmm, I guess I hope the game will take place on other places that aren't just apart of the academy, which is very likely to happened anyway, so I'm not too worried here.
  8. I will ask them where their owners are : P And of course I will adopt them myself after that.
  9. school festivals <3 I don't really think they will put something like that in, but it would be fun if they did.
  10. Yeah I feel like people are overreacting to that whole thing as well, like I get that it would had been creepy if they were high school students or something like that, but they aren't, and the "power difference" card can be played on so many pairs in FE that no one finds creepy.
  11. Caspar, Sylvain, Ashe, Dimitri or Claude ^_^
  12. Force a pairing? I'm not sure if there such a thing, but I do know that if you used Nightmare (A hacking thingy for FE), you could speed up their pairing process.
  13. I only ever used it on characters that have Paragon (AKA Astrid) and I would be lying if I said it wasn't useful, but other than that I won't use it in any other way.
  14. Yeah this is pretty much how I feel about it, even though everyone being bi is unrealistic, it won't be something that would stop me from sleeping at night if they made it happened though. Like I would have understood if they only made like few characters gay or bi if the game didn't have S supports (like in FE15) but if it's a game where anyone can marry almost anyone, it would suck for someone to get so limited options.
  15. I wouldn't mind if they made everyone bi, I feel like it's the option that would make everyone happy without limiting options for any of the players, even if it's not perfect writing, it won't matter to me becasue it won't be something that I would think too much about, if at all.
  16. I feel like you're right to be honest, I don't know if I will say that IS ignores their female audience fully, but for sure we don't matter much to them in the big picture.
  17. This pretty much, I feel like some people would have liked FE15 no matter what becasue it wasn't like FE13 and FE14, but it's really not shocking looking at how much hate those two games get around here sadly.
  18. Female Byleth being a fashion mess <3 bless her heart, I feel like with time I will be able to get used to her outfit though. But yeah I would had liked it more if they just did what they did with female Robin in FE13, but oh well.
  19. She's a great unit if used right, like yeah it's harder to use her than characters like Ike, but at the same time I can't help but feel most of the hate she gets as a unit comes from people who only played FE10 once and had no idea what to do with her becasue it was their first time playing it, I feel like she's the type of unit where you need to know ahead of time how to get her working, or she won't turn out as good as she can be, like I'm not sure if I'm just really lucky or not, but she always turns out to be the best magic user to me whenever I play FE10.
  20. This face alone makes me think they aren't good But of course I'm not 100% sure of anything other than that there is more to them than we think.
  21. The Black Eagles, so Edelgard, I don't really have much of a reason for it really, I just want to learn more about Edelgard.
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