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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. Manuela looks great <3 And I like the little backstory we got about her. I do hope we get to learn more about it through supports or something. Also now that I'm thinking about it....she totally looks like someone who would be a opera singer lol.
  2. Is Lorenz even a retainer? Because I don't believe I saw anything that says so really.
  3. I see the three lords trusting Byleth, but not enough to tell him/her everything about themselves, and maybe with time their trust for Byleth would grow, I think that's how it's going to be really. And why would someone not trust Byleth anyway? If he's just a teacher, it would be weird to NOT trust him without any reason, right? Or at least not right away.
  4. Yeah I don't like when people act like somehow Robin was this...screen time hog, when he pretty much wasn't? Like I'm pretty sure some people just wanted Robin to be irreverent to the whole story of FE13, and the fact he wasn't made them angry Also let's be real, if Robin wasn't an "Avatar" he probably wouldn't get half the hate he gets normally.
  5. I like his earning, so fancy lol <3 Also It would make sense if most of the other students were servants of some sort to the house leaders, so I wouldn't mind it if that ended up being the case.
  6. I hope that's still a early footage or something, hopefully they will make it look better by the time the games come out.
  7. Say it louder so they can hear you in the back. Like I don't even dislike female Byleth's design, I just don't think it's fitting for a teacher. Like if she was just a random character, the chances are I wouldn't have even thought much of her design. Thankfully though looking at how the avatars seem to be able to change their classes, that could mean we won't have to be stuck wearing that outfit the whole game.
  8. I wouldn't mind tbh, I think it would be interesting if anything. Or at least for sure more interesting than him simply being loyal to her.
  9. Didn't think Hubert would be the "loyal servant" type, but I don't mind ^_^ Even though his looks might tell people otherwise, but I think he's going to be a sweetie.
  10. While that is true, but that was only one choice, we have no idea how it will be in the rest of the game. Again taking a look at the Persona games (or really any game with the whole silent avatar thing) always throws at you options which are sorta the same thing each now and then, which might sound cheap to some, but as long all of the game isn't like that, it should be okay. I don't think the point of giving you choices is to make you feel like you could affect the story, but more like....to make the avatar have a closer personality to yours, again the Persona games does this, they give you stupid amount of dialogue options, and almost none of them truly "matter" but what it DOES do well is make you feel like the avatar is you. I can't speak for everyone but I would prefer for the avatar to have my personality than it looking like me. Hmmmm....they can work, I hate bringing up Persona again, but whenever the avatar is bonding with a character in a Persona game, they would always get a lot of options to interact with said character, which normally bring out more of the character than the avatar himself, but it still could work, although it for sure would be something new to the series if they want that path.
  11. I'm pretty sure Rea is going to be a villain <3 I hope she will be the last boss or something, we didn't have a final female boss since like....FE10?
  12. Yeah I also noticed right away that the Blue Lions weren't balanced, but I don't think there is really much of a reason behind it? I just believe that how things are in that house, which I'm fine with. I feel like not having every house have a balanced male/female ratio is....just a realistic touch lol
  13. I agree with this, while Lyn might not be my favorite lord of all time, but I do hate when people act like.....she brought nothing to FE7, like without her the game wouldn't had been any better, if anything she made it a better game by being there, her story while short, is still charming in it's own way, and of course her presence in Eliwood/Hector story while not needed, but it still brought something good to the table. I disagree with this, I think supports are a good way to develop characters, there is a reason why the characters pre-supports are looked at as very little developed. And while yes they are easy to miss, and for sure might feel less important if they weren't in the main story, but they don't really need to be looking at how most of them normally don't have anything to do with the main story that's taking place anyway, if anything I find it a nice way to take your focus off the main plot and put it on the little interactions between two characters and see how they develop.
  14. I don't think the game would only take place in the academy, I mean....assuming the church is evil, aren't they also apart of the academy? Which would make me wonder how us, the players, would stay the whole game in the same spot with the "evil guys". Also most of the mechanics that we saw could still work in a army's camp if you think about it, and plus our units won't be students forever I would think? So yeah I really don't think we will stay in the academy the whole game, or at least I hope.
  15. I'm glad you enjoyed it ^_^ Yeah this...path gets a lot of crap thrown at it, and it for sure has problems, but It's still fun to go through regardless. Also I do hope you give the other paths a chance one day : P
  16. A Yandere Dimitri.....didn't know how much I needed that until now.
  17. Never judge a book by it's cover, although I myself also didn't think he would be the cheerful type lol V_V
  18. I'm still going with Edelgard, mostly becasue I think the lyrics in the main theme song we got some time ago are about her, which makes her more interesting to me.
  19. Yeah I still remember the horrible wait we had to go through until we got our second trailer V_V
  20. Yeah I get what you mean, had he like....come from behind her, he should have needed to call out for her to make her know he's coming, but from what we saw in the video he was more to her left I believe so maybe he didn't think it was needed? IDK, I think we really both are reading too much into this lol.
  21. I think we are on the part where you said Edelgard could had attacked Byleth by accident, that was really my whole point in showing those screenshots, really I just wanted to show that she knew he was coming towards her and that he didn't show up out of nowhere.
  22. These are the shots we see at the very start of the video, as you can clearly see, Edelgard is facing the bandit, but right the next second this happens Clearly she turned her head towards something/someone, which again if you took a look at the video, it's pretty clear it was Byleth. Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that she knew Byleth was coming, she had enough time to process it in her head to not stab him in the back by accident.
  23. Okay I watched the video couple of times and I noticed few things: If you went back and watched the video, you might notice that at the very start that Edelgard turned her head a little, she turned it towards Byleth, so she wasn't looking at the bandit leader who's coming towards her, really just keep pausing/playing the video to see what I mean, that what I did lol. Also she brought her weapon down a little after she saw Byleth running towards her, so I assume she knew it was him that was coming and not a stranger.
  24. I assume she either was just frozen in the moment and wasn't able to move, or she's still new to fighting, which would explain why she's going to the academy if that was the case tbh. Edit: Also Anna looks so pretty <3
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