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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. I liked this idea. Let me try: Quiet Strength (C-Skill) Effect: Grants adjacent allies Def/Res+4 through their next actions at the start of each turn, and allies within 2 spaces take 5 less damage from attacks during combat. Exclusive to: Sakura: Loving Priestess (upgrade of Fortify Def 3) Sakura's personal skill in Fates is "Quiet Strength", which does "Allies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage". In Heroes, we can improve Sakura's Fortify Def effect to a combination of Fortify Def+Res and reduce damage taken, just like the original Fates skill. This would make Sakura a better supportive character thn she already is as a healer.
  2. That's what teams with Null C-Disrupt normallly do. If they don't have this skill and position a unit in Veronica's range, Ephraim will Reposition her out of danger. Their starting position is to avoid Aversa's Night effect, since Robin has Refined Tactical Bolt. Duma and Surtr don't like to engage battle. They like to reposition each other, waiting for the enemy team start combat... Fjorm is just there to work as a Anima Blessed unit. If I had L!Azura, I would use her instead. I could use L!Hector too, since he's a Fire Legendary, but then Tactic Skills would not work on the Armored units.
  3. Holy Naga, another 2 defensive success results. 9 Wins, 0 Losses! @Azure in a Roundabout My Defensive Team isn't that amazing. Actually, it's quite simple. The problem is that all offensive teams that tried to defeat my team took too much time to start the combat or tried to eliminate my units one by one. I can record all defensive battles to show you what the others team did. My Defensive Team is on the Spoiler Tab below.
  4. Maybe you can try this description: Shuriken Mastery (B Skill) "At the start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% and against a dagger user, unit makes a follow-up attack and foe cannot. After combat, inflicts penalty to foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest stat penalty from foe's weapon. Each stat penalty calculated independently. I remember when Brave Ike was revealed in 2017, his personal skill, Beorc's Blessings, had the "Effective against flying and cavalry units" in it's description, and many people thought that Brave Ike would do effective damage against cavalry and fliers, and this thought happened when I started to read your skill's description. We can also create a different version on this skill effect: Trickery Mirror 1/2/3 (B-Skill) "After combat, if unit's HP=100%/HP≥50%/HP>0 (no HP requirement), inflicts penalty to foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest stat penalty from foe's weapon and skills. Each stat penalty calculated independently." This not only works against dagger units, but also against staff units and units with skills like Smoke Skills or Seal Skills
  5. Yeah... only 1 orbs is lame... It should be 2 orbs: 1 orb by reaching half way (in that case, 2.000), and 1 orb reaching the max friendship (in that case, 4.000).
  6. Ok... something is weird... I don't know if is the season, the bonus units or I am getting lucky with my opponents, but 7 wins is something surprising for me.
  7. What IntSys could do is to increase the max friendship needed in this event, from 3.500 to 4.000, keeping the Grails in the 3.500 and put the Orbs in the 4.000. I don't see any problem of having to get 500 more points to each character. I mean, I maxed all four characters today, and since today is also the day I got the last daily orbs, I don't plan to play this FB again, and we still have 7 more day of the event.
  8. Got another "Success" in defensive battles. 6 Defensive Battles, 6 Wins, 0 losses.
  9. I got another successful defensive result. 5 wins, 0 losses. I would be more happier if this was Light Season. There is no way I can reach the next Tier only scoring 100 lift at max.
  10. Oh, Wrath is a amazing skill for the B-Slot. Linus will use it pretty well.
  11. When I used Linus as a Arena bonus unit, I used him with Threaten Def, which I believe it's a good and cheap pick.
  12. Oh! To be fair, I didn't notice that this Tap Battle is a rerun of the first Tap Battle.
  13. Hm... not only IntSys removed the orbs from completing floors, but also not new quest tab appeared today and no indication that we will receive Extra Stages tomorrow. Tap Battle became the way to rerun accessories, and I didn't like this change. At least IntSys could change the hot springs animation to something like the heroes finding a treasure chest and inside it have some orbs... I hope IntSys don't reduce the amount of orbs from Tempest Trials too!
  14. I good way to make Harsh Command useful is include the Bonus Doubler effect of in. Harsh Command+: Converts penalties on target into bonuses and grants the following status effect: grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats until the end of the turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently. Harsh Command+ will not only reverse the panic ploy effect but also double the buff effect, and it can also works if the ally receive another buff. Example: Alfonse has Def-5 from foe's Def Ploy. Anna uses Harsh Command+ on Alfonse and he now has Def+5 visible buff and Def+5 during combat. Then, Sharena uses Rally Atk on Alfonse, so now he has Atk+4 Def+5 visible buff and Atk+4 Def+5 during combat.
  15. I also think that Mila is less likely to appear this month since Duma was in last Mythic Hero, but it's still possible. We got Marth and Tiki, two Shadow Dragon characters, as Legendary Heroes one after the other last year, however Marth got his Legendary Form in the same month we got the Brave Heroes, and I see it as a compensation since if we had combined votes that time he would be 2nd place instead of Ephraim.
  16. I am surprised with my Defensive results. 4 Defensive Battles: 4 Success, 0 Failure. And my defensive team isn't that great!
  17. I did a dumb thing today... I accidentally ended my player phase with my Veronica in front of a Bold FIghter Duma... I am so dissapointed with myself because this Veronica was the only unit that died in that battle. I had 4 perfect battles prior to this one... I decided to accept my penalty of -20 lift to my final score instead of using one of my ladders. I don't expect to reach next tier this season, because 100 lift isn't that much in comparation of the 140/160 lift from Light Season, but if I don't reach next tier because of 20 lift I will be so pissed!
  18. Rutger. Sorry for not making this clear. I thought that I was clear with my words since this is a Rutger Topic
  19. Possible heroes for the Bond Skills Banner: Atk/Spd Bond: Kinshi Hinoka, Adrift F!Corrin, Selkie. Atk/Def Bond: Owain, Adrift M!Corrin. Atk/Res Bond: Adrift Camilla. The others Bond Skills are not in the Normal Summoning Pool. Possible heroes for the Odd Wave Banner: Odd Atk Wave: Ishtar, Lewyn, Loki. Odd Spd Wave: Laevatein. The others Odd Wave Skills are not in the Normal Summoning Pool. I would say Adrift Camilla could be in the Bond Skills banner, but her presence in the Mythic Hero is almost guaranteed. I need to save orbs just in case Laevatein appears in the Odd Wave Banner, but I will probably spend my orbs in the Mythic Hero Banner... because we will have the new Mythic Hero and also Legendary Azura.
  20. It's probably because that empty space in the lower left. But if we compare to the previous calendar, it's kinda empty... Also, why Tap Battle isn't in the new calendar?
  21. I agree with Est. I didn't care about her until she got her new weapon. She is so good! I plan to +10 her someday.
  22. Yeah... that's kinda true. In the January 2018 RD banner we got Zelgius, but tecnicaly Zelgius and Black Knight "can" be considered different characters, so this alt could happen soon or later, while Eirika never was a Mage Knight in her game. I believe, for the Zelgius case, would be better if he has his Begnion Armor instead of being the Black Armor without the helmet...
  23. This wasn't that hard. I only needed to restart on Infernal because the team I was using didn't work, but then I got it in my 2nd try. I will train him for Arena, since I believe he will be my bonus unit when the moment arrive. I will probably give him a merge, so he'll reach the next 171 BST. I believe we still have one week of L!Roy/Fates Beast Units Arena season, right? We will probably get Binding Blade Arena Season in March 19th.
  24. I hope to see a new heroes banner from a game that didn't have a banner in a while: Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem: The last banner was in June 2017. The last representation from this games, as new hero, as Hardin... But I still want a new banner from these games. Echoes - Shadows of Valentia: Last Banner was in July 2017. We had 4 Echoes banners that year, so maybe that's why we didn't have a new banner until now. I want the rest of the Deliverance in the game. A new GHB from this game would be cool too, like the Grand Hero Battle - Brigand Boss: Generic Enemy Thracia: The Last banner was in April 2018. This game needs more units, especially since we only have 8 units from that game, and 2 of them are Alts. Sacred Stones: The last banner was in January 2018, at it started the unnecessary Alts in new heroes banners. Path of Radiance: The last banner was September 2017, however we got a RD banner in January... I know they are different games, but they were part of the same universe, just like Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. If I didn't mention others game it's because their last banner was less than a year ago. Genealogy (Sep 2018), Binding Blade (Mar 2019), Blazing Blade (Jun 2018), Awakening (Jul 2018), Fates (Feb 2019)
  25. I am not reaching Tier 21 this time, and since next season isn't light season so my mission will be to try to keep Tier 20.
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