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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. It's only legal and/or ethical if you're a dead baby. edit: also, this should be in Serious Dicussion
  2. You can reclass units no matter their level you know. I believe Nyx needs to be talked to in order to join, but you may want her chip damage in the map too.
  3. Sigurd would probably pair up with a promoted cav for more movement instead.
  4. 8 mov Paladin Jakob can reach the cleric and kill her without getting into her staff range. You can also run her out of Enfeeble uses by taking it more slowly. I tend to find that the best of your best aren't entirely crippled by having -3 in every stat, though.
  5. What was the difference there though, with the gunner being gay himself? I guess the visitors of the club being happy people or having social skills would be that difference? Can't call it much of a hate crime though. Victims' orientation makes it stand out in some way for a lot of people, but it's really the same story as behind your regular mass shooting, except the sheer proportions of it are disastrous. A guy was losing his mental stability and the only place where he sought comfort rejected him for being weird and unpleasant. The club's visitors' responsibility in neglecting one of their own LGBT folk is somewhat comparable to people who in one way or another drive people to suicide, for example. I mean, the guy had nobody else to turn to for help and relief. He attacked those whose attention and time he craved the most. I'm also surprised that nobody seems to find anything relatable in this story, instead finding some sort of excuse to talk about religious extremism or gun ownerships or whatever. The perpetrator being a gay man with poor social skills makes him resemble so much an average user of this forum (or many other places on the internet), and yet we completely discard the man's relation to humanity and think we would never have acted differently if driven to despair by life. Well, how can you be so sure?
  6. People shouldn't be voting for Laslow... If we disregard support (in which case Gunter, MU and the servants/sisters are the finest ones around), then Ryoma's has the most impact on his performance (not that he wouldn't perform poorly without it), followed by Xander's skill I guess (combat-heavy enemy phases means he will be engaging full HP enemies). In a vacuum, Rinkah's personal is about as good but it's stuck on a sucky character...
  7. Staying in Nohr Prince to get Dragon Fang, which you won't be able to proc if you're using Levin Swords... Levin Swords will be your only source of magic until promoting into E tomes. Just get Diviner secondary and reclass to that ASAP. My Diviner!MUs often get speed or defence screwed though... In fact, MU is terribly susceptible to RNG screwage. At least Robin didn't mind that due to the sheer number of level-ups...
  8. I've never actually tried IZJS so I'm pretty interested in this.
  9. I like the Zealot analogy more because he actually does things in LTC, and keeps doing them when stats are no longer good due to mount/rescue. Eirika!Duessel doesn't exist in growth LTC context at all.
  10. Mine levelled up in speed twice in a row today actually (before any reclassing).
  11. Gunter has a 77,5% to increase any stat during a level-up. Maybe you're forgetting the Great Knight base growths? I've got 3 stats increased during a level-up once; didn't pay much attention to what he said (I tend to notice when it repeats a lot).
  12. Gunter is p helpful in IK Lunatic tbqh. Support, Shelter, flight with 8 mov, and he levels up quickly, which lets him get to the good skills (Lunge, Defence Rally) really quickly. The kind of utility he provides is also the kind that doesn't diminish as enemy stats grow.
  13. 2 Rescue shots in Endgame is definitely too much, but I do have two extra uses that should be used in chapter 26 and Endgame (not needed in chapter 27), so they might as well save a turn or help me to not die while fulfilling the map objective.I'm not sure if a single Rescue use is enough, because I don't have a 9 mov Bow Knight Anna/Niles, or even Shelter users - there's Peri, and then there's Avatar who needs to be the one slaying the final boss, so idk how that could even work out. The only way to have another Shelter user in females only is to have Peri befriend somebody, like Felicia or Charlotte - getting to A level requires being actually competent at combat (the only A-support that occurred on this run that didn't involve MU was Camilla/Beruka) and fighting in several maps. With how quick this playthrough has been in terms of turn count, you can't really imagine Peri reaching A-rank with any other girl. Meanwhile, here's my 1-turn clear of chapter 25 (Ryoma):
  14. It's functionally the same thing though; Duessel doesn't need growths much.
  15. I mean for Awakening we have pages like this: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/growth-rates/full/ or this one http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/maximum-stats/complete/ ...since you said you wanted to put up a page that would be displayed on the website, I thought maybe such resources would be nice? I have this bookmark for growths and averages - https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/hiushi/FE14AverageStats/blob/master/index.html - but it's old and there are some problems with it like: 1) the lack of DLC classes like DF and, uh, DF 2) Azura reclassing doesn't work 3) Confusing menus with the same units listed multiple times 4) Old Japanese names
  16. Thanks Jules, I owe you one. That's the exact file I was looking for. Now it's time to make some crappy Fates parody videos.
  17. Can you put up a page thingy that lets us calculate max stats/growths per class, kinda like the ones for Awakening? I think these ones are sorely missed, and not just for Arena.
  18. Is there no file in the game's romfs/exefs thingy that I can directly rip the whole content from on my own? It looks like I may not be getting any help otherwise (asked on reddit too; nothing helps).
  19. I think a good way to play the game and establish a metagame would be to have players either draft each other best or worst unit (worst for the opponent) or let the RNG decide who gets whom. This gets people to experiment with different skill and class combos too, all while giving a good idea what's effective and how to make a team with a one file (no skill purchase) limitation. No clue how to use the new RNG formula yet though.
  20. I think with marriages in, there's a ton more customisation involved and anybody can be a Zerker or Sniper for example. This is where max stat mods and the initially available skills step in to separate the best from the worse. But yeah, we haven't really figured out what works and what doesn't in Fates, unlike in the GBA, PoR and Awakening metas. I guess there's no finding that out unless we play more games initiated by a productive discussion of the balance and character value and whatnot.
  21. Yeah, that's the spriter resource that I mentioned. It's literally unusable for the purpose of editing in a video editor, sadly. The images are all bunched into one, whereas I need separate files.
  22. There used to be a download link on mega (that has since been taken down), containing a large file full of ripped Fates images. It had all the characters with every possible expression they can have in the game. I'm trying desperately to find it, and haven't had any luck lately, which is really surprising considering how new the game is. There's that one big sprite ripper site which presents them in a way that's impossible to import and use in a video editor (idk what they're for, photoshop? not my area of competence) and basically nothing else that appears on Google that isn't down already. I really regret not keeping my folder when the rip was first shared a year or so ago. I'd really appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction with this one.
  23. How about giving an Arena Shield to a lv. 1 Mozu and statue-capped MU and then having Mozu do all the fighting, MU OHKOing everything with Attack Stance? Would that not be 100% success rate?
  24. @ Shura's displayed hit Is that Tomebreaker? Just Certain Blow?
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