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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Would you really want to spend those limited early Parallels just to get +2 "permanent" speed for Silas and Wendy? Granted, both really do appreciate the boost. You lose both of the "free" Dark Falcon Wings, too. I want to know though, what can you reclass into out of Dark Falcon? Do you go to the unpromoted class or the promoted options? Is it level-dependent maybe? Can you go back to Dark Falcon with a Parallel without using up another Dark Falcon Wing (say, after picking up other skills or for a Galeforce spammer lategame).
  2. Good point... But how many people can you realistically reclass into the DF and then have enough money to Parallel Seal back to the destination class? Especially when you get only 2 not factoring DLC.
  3. MU's actually doing pretty fine without a sword until that one spoiler-filled time at the end of the game where he deals 75% damage. And yeah, Ryoma getting a peg reclass set without access to his sword makes the reclass pretty pointless. You gotta see how IS made a real effort to move away from sword-using fliers to users of axes, tomes and even bows (have we actually seen fliers with bows before? I don't think I have excepting that Touhou Chemblem doujin game), and I guess Awakening was the first to take them away from promoted pegasus knights, too.
  4. B-but how else can I check you out if you don't face me
  5. I think she'd want, um, Dancer to be able to dance people. Too bad Dark Falcon can't wield swords; it would be a perfect class for MU. Actually, not a single flying class in the game can wield swords. The lower-end Dread Fighter/Dark Falcon seem a bit lacklustre though, even in comparison to other tier 1 classes' skills. It's quite a while until Galeforce and Aggressor at L35.
  6. Pretty impressive. Can transfers allow for a (somewhat) reliable 5-turn without Battle Save abuse?
  7. The accounts I've read about ingame PvP have claimed that it's really volatile (yet apparently still fun). It's probably really different from the format we've been trying out in this forum. I imagine we will at least try Fates LA when everyone has familiarised themselves with the games. My reason for this bump is an idea I've just had - playing Link Arena without unique characters but just the bare classes. They still learn skills and have variations in base and max stats, so it might go somewhere. I think this might best be played in Fates than Awakening though because there are a lot more useful skills there (for example, the useless +10 hit / +10 avo skills have been replaced with equivalents that modify damage incurred and inflicted).
  8. As a school student, I appeared on TV news once for answering what was at the time an urgent political question regarding education. I only was 15 or so. Much later in university, I was approached by a journalist during a political event but I avoided answering her questions and walked away because university authorities finding out about my participation could very likely get me expelled or given the profs a reason to fail me in their courses. I never checked the news that day, but I figure they opted to exclude me from the programme rather than show my refusal to respond (at least, I never got in trouble for being present and nobody has ever informed me about seeing me on the news again).
  9. Are we sure there's anything new to be revealed at all? We got our Volcanion announcement.
  10. Great Knight Marx could probably be considered too. No one cares about E axes, but the extra raw stats are appreciated, as are the GK skills to add to his repertoire. The drawbacks are obviously losing movement, losing speed and being even more vulnerable to tome users. You can probably learn the skills later on when you're past -/15 and then go back to pally while retaining Diamond Strike and Luna.
  11. Why use a parallel seal on Asama when there are so much better options out there? If anything, what Asama needs is an early promotion; this way he can continue using staves while fighting back at 1-range with Bronze Naginatas or what have you. I think it probably pays off more to continue using Sakura instead of Asama because taking 2 less damage is really nice, and stacks with other auras to boot. Most characters fare far better when staying in their original class, sorta like is the case in Shadow Dragon. Corrin and the servants make for the best reclasses, Jakob especially because Strategist Felicia is too easy to kill, often OHKO'd by common attacks and not growing much physical durability at all. Too bad because tomes give her actual offence prior to the explosive shuriken attacking res with her best offensive stat. Some more units want the extra mobility / flight / added utility, but most units that are actually worth using are best staying in the initial class tree.
  12. Still need to finish my first run to determine the best staff allocation, the best recipient for the Boots, as well as general benchmarks and useful utility to strive for when distributing experience between characters who matter. Should finally have some time when the Christmas break rolls in; busiest time of the year for me right now.
  13. They're probably trying to appeal to people who fondly remember Tharja from the previous game.
  14. A lot of people on the boards would write a similar kind of guide anyway.
  15. Last night I had a dream that I remembered surprisingly clearly when I woke up. Got a copy of Fire Emblem Fates in the mail, but when I started playing that, the characters were a little different than what I had expected. Hector was in the game, and for some reason FE7 Marcus and Lowen were in it too. Basically, everybody on the map besides Hector was a mount and the Wolf Beil was dealing some ludicrous damage to everybody. No healing was possible so I quickly figured I should put Hector as a support unit in attack stance, and Marcus and Lowen could tank the enemy attacks better while Hector provided most of the damage for them (he was underlevelled compared to these two so he couldn't take hits well on his own). At some point, I must've had a stroke of tactical genius when I had Lowen drop Hector just a little out of the boss's range, and the boss could somehow cross rivers in spite of being some sort of paladin. Hector had a coin flip chance of connecting the support attack because of WTD against swords, but I had good luck with connecting these attacks beating the boss in 2 rounds and routed the map in 3 turns; meanwhile, Marcus solo'd another portion of the map. I felt strangely intellectually fulfilled when I awoke. This dream's a bit of an anomaly but ever since I got hooked on FE, I've been getting dreams in which I just play the game in a routinely way very often. In these dreams, I do basic arithmetic, get different kinds of level-ups, rescue and shove and have units team up for kills and I always seem to have a save state function so that I re-do each little turn and action in countless variations, which is a bit odd for some FEs where I lack access to save states when I normally play them.
  16. Well, in the world of prog you've got such mellow Italian bands like PFM and Celeste.
  17. Jeorge needs +7 HP to survive Mediuth's counter and +10 str to deal max dmg with Partia. Shouldn't be so hard to reach with shards, I think, but I should try not to break Partia before then lol. And I just realised the stat booster shop is in a totally different map than I thought, because SF and WoD refer to different chapters with 'Final 1'. Money should be no problem with all the silver axes, but I dunno if I'll actually be able to visit the shop on time before seizing. Easily so if Marth just walks his way to the seize point (looks like this will be the case), but not if there's some warping involved.
  18. 4 rounds of combat against Mediuth is 40 dmg without crits - and crits are pretty likely against a 0 lck final boss (assuming 20 str units) - and these 4 rounds could well come from 2 units with Again staff support. I think it should be manageable even with 2-3 capped str legendary weapon users, but the question is how it's to be done within the context of a full LTC run.
  19. That's it really. I don't think I will try to train Doga or feed Sheema boosters just to have them use the Gradivus against Mediuth. Getting the Falchion (and Starlight before that) seems to take more turns than it can save in the final map (1 at best I gather).
  20. Well, there's no Earth Orb around to help deal most of the damage to his HP this time, but Mediuth is also much easier to reach with an indoor party, making it more of a team effort. The princesses need to be recruited before he is killed, which involves getting three 6 mov units + Julian to their locations; naturally, at least 2 turns will be needed to pull off the F3 low-turn strat. 2-3 turns depending on whether it's a good idea to use Again here, according to my theoryFEing. And if we do get the Falchion (getting to the Starlight village is really inefficient), I guess Marth can one-round Mediuth with 1 hit + 1 crit? I imagine the whole team will gang up on him instead though.
  21. He can be baited to escape the throne though; can you seize while ignoring him completely?
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