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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Every child seems to have one in their inventory if they join late enough (C19-ish, not sure exactly). I'm not 100% sure if the level they're sent to is connected to the average level of the army (I do end up neglecting a good half of them so getting to lv. 2 or 6 promoted wouldn't make much sense arithmetically).
  2. They don't try to attack Xander at all, so there is nobody in Attack stance. Otherwise it's always the guy who is just 1 tile short of attacking, I think?
  3. Talking about the C17 (iirc?) ones here. The map with the traitorous ninja and guest Saizou.
  4. So do we have an approximate idea of how many fights/etc. it takes for two units to move up in support rank?
  5. All the files are working fine. I'd revised my strategy and completed the chapter, and it's the recording stage where I started having problems that I'm still unable to resolve (I can't get the actual AVI recording to even start). I haven't tried a "new" (the last one is from 2013) build of VBA-rerecording yet, though I remember compatibility being a problem between versions (i.e. you can't import saves/states from a different version, or at least I once failed to do so when returning from VBA-rr to a regular, older VBA). My suspicion is that my computer isn't supporting... something, something that's related to starting the AVI recording process, though I've no idea what it could be. Perhaps some driver of some sort? Not a clue. Thanks for trying to help out! I guess trying out to import everything with a different VBA could be tried.
  6. In my experience, Ninja and Elite Ninja dealing 0 dmg to Xander don't bother targeting him anyway.
  7. I've just started getting these issues since moving to a newer computer so I wonder if anyone knows what it's all about and what the solution could be. Initially, since my HDs were called something else, I moved the files to another folder, which caused the emulator to forget where its files are and where the memory is, etc. It also seems like I was using the emulator, located on one HD, to run ROMs located on another HD, so I simply moved the emulator itself to the same HD/folder where I keep all the ROMs. That worked fine for a while, letting me continue using all my old saves, but not until I started recording: This is what the error message looks like. It's repeated every time I try to start recording the AVI file. I'm prompted to save the file in a folder called 'avi', but the result is all the same if I manually choose the 'Movies' folder that I used to record into for years before this. So idk... Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
  8. The problem is that enemies don't die and continue threatening the more vulnerable of your units... It also means Xander ends up facing a bunch of magic users and wielders of anti-beast weapon and skills. What universally applies to Xander doesn't seem to apply to other units though. I often find MU being attacked for 0 damage for example. Maybe the AI is unaware of certain aspects factored in targeting, such as the servant's +def boost?
  9. ^ If you simply promote him to a Sorc/Dark Knight, Camilla, MU or Nyx could want a +mag support partner (S-rank Sorc gives +7 mag). If you use 1 parallel on him in addition, he could go Trueblade and grant somebody +1 str/+2 mag/+5 spd, including Elfie. I like what I've been hearing about Leo in this thread; I'll have to try him in a Xanderish role next time I replay Nohr. Xander's excessive physical bulk also makes Leo better for making enemies want to target him, which Xander often fails to do due to taking 0 dmg from a certain number of enemy types; he's not nearly as vulnerable to tomes/magic, too!
  10. The average Leo fails to cap speed at /20 actually... But yeah, he's slow and the extra 2-3 points of speed as a Strategist can be quite helpful. Dark Knight Leo is also a great defensive support partner for a mage unit, too, providing magic, defence and mobility - basically everything a mage wants. Strategists aren't bad pair up partners either, though luck is nowhere as welcome as phys defence is. Still, you gotta wonder who Leo will be supporting - Bolt Axe Camilla or what? I mean, MU would rather have their servant as a pair-up partner because of the servant's individual skill. Has anybody really managed to turn Leo into a second Xander of sorts anyway? He hasn't been as good as the other siblings in my experience, and maybe that's why I'm thinking a utility role for him would be more effective to the army.
  11. Making MU a bow user in Awakening takes a lot of work though, and deprives you of an enemy phase juggernaut because of how Veteran works. Surely you can have anyone else function in the same way? Plus you can just annihilate said Counter units with tomes from 2-range (and slowing down in order to do it is probably still going much faster than you would with a bow user).
  12. Yeah, not many characters are that good on that map. If Leo has trouble surviving as a Strategist, then what does that say about Felicia and Elise? I think the inability to double the Golems and the constant waves of reinforcements giving 0 experience is more than enough incentive to flierskip that map even if you're not LTCing. I never considered Freezing the Soldier on that map though. Isn't visiting 3 villages the same as visiting all 5 in terms of the reward you get?
  13. Didn't you say it yourself that if strategy matters more than tactics, the decision to snowball MU's growths is wiser than, say, continuous and ritual use of Virion to chip down enemies while avoiding their counters?
  14. How is Kaze's level decided when he rejoins in Nohr? The site says it's lv. 9, but I'm pretty sure mine was around lv. 13 when he came back.
  15. Well, Nohr sometimes makes me appreciate having a healer who can not die (and also counter). There's Fuuga's map where the wind mechanic is irrational when it leaves your healers alone with an enemy they can't escape from, so it'd be good if they could take an attack while your fliers position themselves to come to rescue next turn. C24 (Hinoka's map) is another chapter where not playing carefully / not activating Dragon Veins in a timely manner can seriously endanger your weaker units. Both Fuuga and Hinoka are notoriously difficult to one-round KO, so the fancy 2-3 turn strategies designed for getting to the seize point ASAP on those maps won't do it for the regular player seeking reliability. Mostly, I just find Leo's chip extremely meaty when finishing off weakened enemies with Brunusuififo, which I can hardly say about Felicia's combat with the Exploding Shuriken or Elise's combat with lolFire, so if he could be the healer I take along with me, there is more than one thing I'd have him contribute. If you don't choose Strategist Leo, Asura in his default class also makes a great healer who can counter at 1-range with the Short Bow and at 1-2 range with the Shining Bow (I've got him to one-round enemies with it before through Attack Stance in spite of his low magic). Of course, LTCers trade him over for a pair of Boots.
  16. Is Leo better as a Strategist or as his default DK? On the one hand, I find that losing 6 points of defence hurts his enemy phase, but on the other hand it really helps having a unit who is healthy enough to take just about any enemy attack and still function effectively as a healer (even with only Heals for a while, but he has the magic for it). He gets a bit more speed and magic as a result, too, and Battle Command is pretty handy support. Losing swords isn't a big deal when he takes forever to wield Levin Swords anyway, and with swords being as ineffective against lances and daggers as tomes, you hardly find yourself using them (which is just what, iron and armourslayer?) more often than his prized Prf tome.
  17. I don't think Snipers are any good in FE6 either; the bow users that matter are all on a mount. Takumi might be the first legit archer in the series (not counting New Mystery where Snipers have a ton of utility), but he's also kinda mounted (and even a flier). Takumi, you put the fire in me!
  18. What exactly is she trying to teach her children with that song?
  19. Does anybody here know if Vincent's 0% growths mod (instructions in this topic here) work with .cia on CFW? That's what my console runs, and I've been interested in getting the patch to run on it. I must be pretty dense as far as all the hacking stuff goes, because the online resources haven't helped me much with this endeavour so far.
  20. You could also wait for Elfie to pick up Luna (and even wait for Arthur to get Rally Strength) before doing Lutz's recruitment, I suppose... Pairing Arthur with FeMU could also be a pretty good idea considering MU is a champion of base stats in the game.
  21. A decent deal. A tad bit too focused on particular areas of the world where I've got ethnic roots or have left family and friends.
  22. Definitely trying Elfie!Lutz next time I replay Nohr. How does such a Lutz compare to Beruka in semi-efficient play? I don't get how you had any success with Servant!Kannas though. +mag MU + Felicia or something? I always get really atrocious ones that aren't good at either combat or pair up, but I can see how the right build and a timely reclass can help out and actually result in, uh, something?
  23. Elfie x Flannel? I've never considered that pairing. Elfie getting more speed is nice, but Flannel would also want more speed through Pair Up rather than extra strength and physical bulk, of which he already has enough. What will Velour have that Flannel lacks anyway? How much will you have to level both him and Elfie to get a good enough Velour; and if you level both enough, won't they be more than strong enough to not require being replaced by their child? Flannel namely, since he's the 1-range one-round KO machine.
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