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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. How exactly do you position anybody with Sun God+Healing Voice in MU's range when Ryoma doesn't move or otherwise aggro? Pretty sure there are too many tiles in-between anyway.
  2. Basically, the most headache-free solution to that map is to have MU who can handle Ryoma on his own and preferably quickly. You can't cheese through chapter 26 in any way however...
  3. C25 Ryoma takes far less damage from attacks and skill activations but full damage from criticals, so that's something you could try in a pinch. No clue if Snake Venom / kunai debuffs work on him, though.
  4. +str Samurai MU isn't very practical because of mobility issues and lack of good 1-2 range (magical sword users can at least rely on Levin Swords in Nohr), unless you're planning to buddy/marriage seal into cavalier or something afterwards. Magically built MU can sometimes OHKO mooks with Dragonstone attacks (with +mag pairup and sometimes without) and it helps to patch up his bulk, but there's only one class where it can be used and you want to reclass out of it after you hit L10 to keep getting good skills, but no 1-2 range and doubling with it (I guess Nowi was nerfed). Whenever Kanna joins my party, I often have them spam the Dragonstone+ attack for 50-ish attack targeting res as a form of chip damage. Picking a +mag parent for MU makes it even more potent.
  5. What does she need it for? Sacrifice her flight and mobility for four level-ups to get Axefaire? Better just learn Overbearing already.
  6. Why exactly is Camilla getting the Fighter line "fantastic" when she loses her ability to fly? Isn't this the Unit Practicality topic (and not the min-maxing Unit Optimisation thread)?
  7. I only just thought about this but... won't fliers have Open Assault active 100% of the time since they ignore terrain?
  8. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/nohrian-classes/base-stats/ Movement stats are present on-site. Terrain data isn't there just yet however.
  9. Well, there's soft-resetting, zooming in in My Castle to see the architecture and the denizens and quickly shifting from one character to the next instead of scrolling around the whole map. All of this requires the use of the L button to my knowledge.
  10. Do the growths we have on-site not take holy blood into account then?
  11. She has a 16,5% chance to gain no stats upon a level-up, with her highest growth being HP (at 40). To cite a comparison, Paladin Jagen in Shadow Dragon has a 14,8% chance of an empty level-up.
  12. The site also says Felicia's/Jakob's stats get better the later you recruit them. However, I don't think you actually choose when to recruit them; they just join you after a certain chapter and that's that.
  13. I've always appreciated it when royals or characters of storyline importance had their own unique classes and promotions, like the GBA Lords or Micaiah and Ike in Radiant Dawn. In Fates, Xander and Camilla are just two of the Paladins and Malig Knights you can get, which applies to, say, Ryoma and Hinoka on the other route too. Some of the royals may have a Prf weapon that remains useful throughout the game and are characterised by having a useful support ability, but wouldn't they be more unique if they were given unique classes? Their outclassing their competitors in the same classes is also evident. Xander > Silas / Camilla > Beruka / Leo > Odin / Elise > uhh, Deere? on the one hand, and Ryoma > Hana/Hinata / Hinoka > Subaki / Takumi > Setsuna / Sakura > Azama (arguably; I prefer Sakura for the option to reclass into a flier and for her support skill). Being unique would give reasons for using other units (such as them having totally different skillsets in their classes).
  14. What about being able to take a hit? Gotta report it then!
  15. Yeah, you're right about that now that I think about it. It's interesting how different all the aura skills really are in their application. Speaking of which, Flora's unique skill sounds pretty valuable if she's been tanking some mages or gained a +HP levelup if you enable her to take a hit or two. Almost like a more universal Counter/Magic Counter, if I understand how it works right. She does want an unreasonably large investment at the same time, with insufficient speed for doubling Hoshidans and at the same time unspectacular bulk (even if she's not dying to a breeze like Felicia is without reclassing into the Merc tree).
  16. No Setsuna support or Takumi marriage possible so yeah, that seems to be the case.
  17. Posting to ask if anybody here has successfully got this to work yet. I've been trying to accomplish this on and off during the last month, going through the forest of confusing (for me, since I'm really awful at these hacking things and the 3DS ones are way more complicated than the easy edits with readymade tools I'd ever had to do before) manipulations with the console to downgrade / upgrade stuff, set-up menuhax and so on and so forth, and the only thing that hasn't still worked out for me is getting this hack to work. The furthest I've got is the game freezing each time on the Avatar Creation screen (right when the A button prompt appears) OR immediately after loading a save if on HANS. I've tried braindump and Decrypt9WIP to dump / decrypt the original game (and a .3ds file since that's what you need for Decrypt9WIP), tried both HANS through Homebrew and installed .cia (same effect) - no luck. Cias work for me fine, but not this one that I've been failing to produce following Vince's instructions here and also what I found on gbatemp. Would really appreciate if somebody could lend a hand here as I've been dying for some 0% growths LTC action with seemingly all the resources available, especially now that Vince's gone through the trouble of editing all the growths out. EDIT: *I think* it's working now...
  18. Doesn't Beautiful King lower your own units' damage as well? Seems like a poor version of Azura's / Dancer's L20 (iirc?) skill.
  19. Still the second best kunai user in Nohr I guess, for whatever that's worth (not much)? Felicia is more about supporting MU in defence formation and male units from afar.
  20. Hard to say (depends on how many promoted enemies and bosses you've fed to him), but probably late enough into the game. You could start at -/11 or 12 when the game is a little easier. Surely enough, it will have little to do with efficiency. I'm fairly sure Siegfried will still be granting him the +4 def bonus even without sword rank, but it's not being able to counter with it that sucks.
  21. I guess the skills Xander really does want (besides Luna which isn't essential as most would agree) would be the ones from the Wyvern Rider class set. I haven't tried it myself but I imagine losing the sword access for so many levels (E axes E tomes as a RevNite is especially bad) to learn stuff like Swordbreaker and Overbearing considering you would start with skills like Cut Through and Strength+2 (one per level-up, so that's 4 levelups as a suboptimal class to get a good skill). The most efficient way to use Xander is not reclassing him at all, I imagine, but this game makes reclassing for skills so easy otherwise that I keep dwelling on the idea.
  22. Has anybody tried temporarily going Brave Hero with Xander to get Sol as your proc skill instead of Luna? I gotta say I do appreciate Luna procs on the higher difficulties of the game, though, as Xander, believe it or not, often 1HKOs enemies he doesn't double and can sometimes even fail to 2HKO enemies he does double with, like, S-Charlotte. The vitality from running Sol could you give more confidence when facing really large groups of endgame foes.
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