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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Tsukuyomi is all right from my experience. His personal skill allows him to grab kills pretty easily (on an easy path at that), he grows into a much faster tome user than Orochi and can ORKO pretty well without much of an investment. Tomes are a great weapon type (especially with all the knights and axe users that you fight in Hoshido) and Tsukuyomi is likely the best user of tomes outside of MU in Hoshido (Felicia is far too fragile to compete as a Mage Knight).
  2. X-2 has a superior battle system compared to X and a storyline that can be almost entirely skipped by pressing Start at the start of each scene. The latter is the main reason why I'm unlikely to ever replay FFX again.
  3. I guess another variable is added from skills like -faire and Line of Death - do those add full damage or halved / otherwise reduced? Great Merchant's silly yet OP coin skill can be cited here as well.
  4. You're right; I tested it yesterday and I was wrong - you can't forge Hand Axes with Hoshidan axe gems. And too bad about forges not giving you additional wexp... Also, does Nohr!Ch25 Ryouma also not have some kind of Dragonskin? He also lowers attack, skill damage and is immune to Lethality even though his skills don't indicate it anywhere (only says something about status staves and debuffs I think). Critical hits seem to do full damage against him however.
  5. Yes, after chapter 6 where you choose with whom to side. A question about Nohrian/Hoshidan gems... I have never received a warning that I can't forge a Hoshidan weapon with a Nohrian gem or the other way around, but in Revelation I can only forge Hand Axes, for example, with Nohrian gems and the option to forge with Hoshidan ones doesn't appear even though I have both. Do they even have different effects or what? Also, does the +wlv thingy bonus on a forge mean you get more wexp when using the attack? Are forged Bronze Lances for the likes of Selena and Sakura pretty much mandatory then?
  6. Also, Takumi doesn't move in this version of the game either, unlike a recent screenshot of the translation suggested.
  7. I think Dragonskin's effect on extra damage from criticals and skills is far more difficult to understand.
  8. What is Gunter reclassed to, Malig Knight, for extra magic in that setup? Obviously you want him to fly for chapter 15, but does he need the combat of a Wyvern Lord? Obviously Defence Rallying is useful later on, but somebody else could do that (like Beruka or Camilla). And yeah, I can imagine the Ch25 Silence staff saving a turn or two unless you are able to rig the staff dodges or we figure out how the AI chooses which staff to use and whom - no clue so far except it tends to screw up whatever you had intended to do next turn. As for your complaint about Orochi!Matoi, doesn't it basically mean any Matoi build is bad because Subaki will always be bulkier? Even Rinkah!Matoi has underwhelming durability, so you either keep using Subaki or you build a character with some actual magic to handle the more powerful enemies in additional to the crappier mooks. Then there's also Revelation where Matoi's offensive edge over Subaki makes her more desirable (at the same time, her lack of durability is even more painful). But yeah, if Matoi is really as good as children get, then children really are no good (at least in the context of practicality, which is what we're dealing with in this thread). Still, Deere is a 7-8 mov healer that costs you 1 extra turn, Lutz is an extra flier in Nohr who loves Elfie's growth inheritance (the question remains if you really need another flier in addition to Camilla, Luna, Beruka, Gunter and potentially MU), and I've noticed Velour turns out really good though maybe it's just my experience and things aren't so good if you take the Beaststone+ out of the equation.
  9. If magical builds are so suboptimal on Lunatic Nohr, why are we discussing +mag Cavaliers and Dark Knights as the best MU builds? Don't we want to kill Ch25 Ryoma in one turn and not have to spend turns AND make our way through that nightmarish map (even if chapter 26 is much worse, but what can you do, you need a challenge sometime)? I really like Orochi!Matoi. The 5% strength growth should also butcher Matoi's strength to a low enough level where it will be lower than the enemies' and add +4 damage to her magical attacks with the Shockstick. Where do we know about pair up building speed from by the way?
  10. So, do you guys like Camilla as a Malig Knight or a Wyvern Lord and, if both, then when? Personally I think the Malig skills are pretty uber, and while the debuff doesn't see any use when she's mercilessly ORKOing stuff, whenever it does trigger it really helps the weaklings around Camilla score kills they would've struggled to get without it. Overbearing is incredibly useful for +5 dmg on non-mounts, which a lot of Camilla's victims will be, and allows her to OHKO units she fails to one-round, like some ninja and trueblades. At the same time, Overbearing is only L15 which is most of Camilla's lifetime in your party, and during that time don't you want to give her more strength, more speed and a good deal more physical durability? She also becomes a more adequate defence pair-up partner for the likes of Kaze and Niles, whom she in turns likes being pair-up supported by (Flannel is also a good one, as is their potential daughter), so when she's not the one attacking her future or current husband could be kicking ass and taking names too. And then again, Malig Knight paired up with Leo or Felicia for mag/spd/def bonuses gets some wicked damage out with a Bolt Axe (it really weakens when reclassing to WLord). It seems that if you want the most out of Camilla ASAP you'll basically have to constantly shuffle between the two Wyvern Rider promotions (even though Sorc offers Bowbreaker, she's really hard to use as one, plus do you really want to rely on dodging 50-ish or so hit attacks? Vengeance's a nice proc skill though), and that's quite costly for the one path that's really restricted in terms of resources.
  11. Selena is basically begging for an Arms Scroll to be useable. Getting out of the Bronze Lance rut takes a long time, but what's worse is that her strength will be so low when trained as a pegasus that she won't be impressing you with damage even with a forged Steel Lance (which is only C rank, which takes forever and some more to get to). She's the only flying staff other than MU, Azura's son and units who bonded with them, though, which is useful in itself but also needed for Rescue shenanigans in efficiency.
  12. Do you guys defeat Ryouma in chapter 12 to clear it more quickly? Cause I remember him being pretty tough to attack without risking death on harder difficulties.
  13. Counter still exists, but it won't be triggered if the Counter unit is initiating the fight. Same with Magic Counter (a new skill that works even on magic used from 2-range and is no less annoying in practice except mages are likely less common on your team).
  14. Kaze's strength mod is godawful and will cause MU's child to lose a lot of firepower compared to if you used an actual +str parent.
  15. I'd feel compelled to restart the level, if not for the fact that I really want to use Ricken then definitely because I want to do the level properly without committing any errors.
  16. Are the flashy new games going to be any good though?
  17. If you play well enough not to let anyone die, choose Classic to make your experience more demanding.
  18. We do have shapeshifters in the 3DS games; they're just not called Laguz anymore because it's a different world. Sure, they can stay. Beaststone+ has a ridiculous speed bonus in Fates though and I wonder about the balance of that.
  19. Add Electrike, Beautifly and Marill (ditch Poochyena).
  20. I always have my party move to the right in chapter 2... This always feeds Kaze to Gunter so I guess that's experience lost for MU. Does anyone know of any reliable ways to 3-turn the 2nd chapter with Felicia? Yeah gotta love those 25% strength growths... You could turn her into a Bolt Axe/Levin Sword user without a Marriage/Buddy Seal this way though.
  21. Aqua appears in C9 Nohr as a blue unit far away from the party on the map.
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