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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. A lot of units 'want' something in some hypothetical super-efficiency run. Felicia wants to not exist so that Jakob can reclass into a mounted cav and own the earlygame, and you have to play and prepare in certain ways. The question is, is this really the rigid run you really intend to play? If not, there's no need for restraint, and judging by your volition to train up a paper defence girl with overkill offence and unreliable hit rates, that's not quite the playstyle you're aiming at. In fact, units 'want' things they can't have or several mutually exclusive things at once. Xander would like more movement just as much as he wants more speed for example, yet Charlotte can't grant him that.
  2. Nobody is forcing you to use Charlotte as Xander's pair-up partner.
  3. Beaten all three games so nothing remains unspoilt other than the real English localisation.
  4. A bit of an exaggeration maybe, but if you're 5-turning the map while feeding MU the bosskill (he needs to dodge some archer shots on EP so it's not 100% reliable aside from whiffing attacks on the boss) he will have poor hit rates against the boss and slightly poorer with a -skl nature, but I wouldn't say it's the difference between being able and unable to clear the chapter. The strategy I've been using is weakening the boss with Gunter and then having Jakob grab the bosskill. It doesn't expose MU to any danger of death and whiffing is less likely. However, it requires Jakob to have +1 str on his first levelup; otherwise he fails to KO a Myrm with Gunter attack stance.
  5. It's the same as any other class, except no branching promotions. So a cap of 20.
  6. I think the damage from Dragonskin rounds down? Should be 17x2 dmg if Xander has A swords, though. How does Line of Death affect damage against C25 Ryoma and the Dragonskin bosses? Is it not +10 damage anymore? The Great Merchant skill is more of a novelty under efficiency settings, I should think.
  7. Sure, but I think the posters who raised the awareness to the class discrepancies for ORKOing Conquest final boss care about 1-turning the map, which seems impossible with more than one bosskiller (unlike Chapter 27).
  8. Procs maybe? There's always the enemy phase counter (paired up Nohr final boss will block the second attack however), but I imagine Azura and all the Rescue staff and Rescue skill users you meticulously scattered around the map would would drop dead before MU could have another shot against the final boss. TheoryFEing here though, my last Conquest MU was a Sorc so I couldn't do much.
  9. I had no clue generics with portraits could reclass, and yeah, Draj / Candace is actually the one character I captured on whom I tried this. Still, the options are really limited with no second (or third, like Flora, Ashura and others) class set.
  10. Why go through the trouble of marrying a specific unit when Dark Blood actually has a slightly higher strength cap than Paladin? It also offers the Nohr skill so that you can exploit your pair-up partner's Luna skill or something (and not much else on Nohr I guess). Outdoor Fighter (and Defender) on the other hand... Great Knight actually has the highest strength cap out of the generic sword-using classes, but is also very slow with a cap of 27, and you need 35 AS to double the Lunatic Conquest final boss.
  11. Sorc will crit more often and have a good deal more magic than the other two; however, foot unit movement is a major shortcoming. Vengeance has a very good proc rate (if worse than Awakening) and can contribute to additional damage when Leo has been weakened. Dark Knight is the slowest but the bulkiest physically. Leo doesn't really care about the ability to use swords since Iron is the best he can use aside from Armorslayer/Wyrmslayer (Axeslayer Katana in Revelation), but he might as well use his Prf tome to one-round the enemy types these effective weapons cover. Strategist is the fastest of the three but only a tiny bit faster than Sorc. Fails to capram speed on average regardless. Poorest physical bulk by far. I guess Sorc IS the best option for dishing out damage if you don't care about mobility? Nohr's map design makes mobility important even for non-LTCers. Other advantages (unrelated to offence) the three classes have would be, for Sorc, Nosferatu access (no doubling or proccing Vengeance with it anymore though), Bowbreaker very late in the game, debuffs and self-healing for Dark Knight and team support with Heal (more variety in staff use possible through taking a long time on the maps and using Arms Scrolls) and Distinguished Son/eventual Battle Command.
  12. Is it possible to prevent the red enemies from appearing on the world map with a simple edit of some sort? They're giving me a huge headache on my current playthrough, since I can't fight them to make them go away (LTC).
  13. I think Oboro's magic growth makes Falcon Knight all the more desirable through marriage with Subaki...
  14. Nina will not have any weapon ranks other than bows and, if recruited later and child sealed, staves or swords. In the post of mine you quoted, I did suggest that Effie needs to move down a tier, i.e. be a tier below Silas, so I do not disagree with you there. Effie's other disadvantage, which Silas lacks, is her abysmal movement; however, she can also be mounted when promoted ASAP, has more firepower and can use Javelins instantly. Pieri is a just rescuebot.
  15. It means "cardboard box" if Urban Dictionary is to be trusted, so whether you understand Japanese or not, there's no hint that there's imminent danger when navigating that website.
  16. Marx isn't as good as MU or Camilla (even during the time he exists). Elfie, Niles and Shura aren't really worthy of being in High tier, and Silas also needs to move down in the same tier because of the doubling problems he faces in Nohr (faster enemies; no Quickdraw Katana available). Felicia and Jakob are almost outrageous to be found in a shared entry. Jakob is basically the latest version of Seth (competes with MU and Camilla for the title of the best unit in the game) while Felicia is just a fragile support unit of sorts. Felicia is definitely more valuable as a late-joiner though, with instant C daggers for Explosive Shuriken. Reclassed Jakob is only good when he has the time to work his way out of E lances.
  17. Yeah, in spite of having had some really RNG-screwed Kazes, Kaze's power issues are way less significant than Saizo's speed troubles and can be worked around more easily. Kagero can also be mentioned here, with speed and bulk both being less satisfactory and not offering any ways of patching up both problems.
  18. If you aren't so serious about turn counts, a Nina that's recruited as late as possible is probably preferred to training Zero (I found it a pain in the arse tbqh, even with all the counter-friendly bows he can get). I still probably prefer the old tier list format because seeing Shura and Camilla in the same tier doesn't sit well with me. I also think it's important that users try to make sense of minute differences in units' utility and answer question such as who is better - Hinoka or Ryoma, for example.
  19. No, because it will encourage more lowmanning. Limiting it to underlevelled units could be seen as the only good way to do it.
  20. The more conscious side of the community is trying to force an alternative way of tiering where units are placed in sections regardless of their availability, sorted on the basis of potential and investment. I'm sure there will be 'normal' tier lists very soon too. Gunter is a pure utility character upon rejoining in Conquest, and a true Jeigan in Revelation. He can be reclassed to wyvern for Defence Rally and raw physical pair-up stats (esp. for MU) or malig for bonuses more suitable for a magical class like DK.
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