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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Getting 3 villages is sufficient for the biggest possible monetary reward on the map. Have Odin/Niles visit the southernmost village and also aim for the northwestern one, as besides the one right next to your starting position it's the easiest one to get.
  2. Matter for what? The more experience a single character gets, the earlier they'll slow down and start getting 1 exp per fight. You really shouldn't focus on this at all.
  3. Well, the first stat booster you get before the Hoshido/Nohr split IS the Goddess Icon...
  4. If you plan to reclass to a magical class or one without access to any magic weapons at all, then sacrificing an offensive stat is a valid choice. I'd still go with -luck myself, though.
  5. The top units for reclassing are MU and Jakob. MU reclassed into a class with good 1-2 range (whether tomes, daggers or Levin Sword/Bolt Axe) is highly effective and will work very well especially if still retaining sword access for Yato. Jakob is just overpowered in the earlygame when reclassed into Paladin/Great Knight ASAP and continues to be very functional until the very end of the game. As a Butler, he's simply okay and has been noted to ORKO enemies with the right pair-up. Reclassing Selena into Sky Knight gives you a flier who can use staves (including Rescue). Camilla will have better raw physical stats and speed when reclassing into Wyvern Lord, but it's Malig Knight that gives her the best skills. Gunter reclassing into a flier will let you achieve more things in a certain storyline chapter, and as a Malig Knight gives magical MU builds excellent offence.
  6. I usually 5-turn the map on both Hard and Lunatic. 4 turns is possible by rigging a crit on the boss with (probably) MU.
  7. The Avatar can't A+-rank anyone. S/he can reclass into any samesex A-rank supporter's class set, and multiple ones on the same file. A+ rank supports are one-way, meaning once two units of the same sex reach A-rank, you have the option of activating A+ rank with one of them, both or neither (only once per file for non-Avatar units).
  8. Why did they name Benny's son Ignatius when there's a boss of the same name in Awakening? I do mean this guy He's even a general...
  9. Ah, whoops. No, the support partner won't be able to break the enemy's stats. Daggers' debuffs will work however.
  10. lmao @ Conquest getting a 7 while Revelation gets 9/10
  11. Taking auras into account isn't TOO different from taking all the complex +hit/avo stuff from Awakening into account tbqh, with many hit/avo skills now functioning as +atk/def skills. I wouldn't say it's too complicated, but until we've played the games and understood how everything works, obviously something we still haven't experienced will look intimidating. Shuriken / Seal effects will be the hardest to take into account but we could always mark them after each turn just like we do with laguz gauges in PoR. I also think that a Dread Fighter ban will keep the kunai usage down (Dread Fighters are too good), though units with the Ninja class set are still relatively plentiful. PvP is going to be vastly different from the LA format - all the Warp, Copycat and Pair-Up turn it into a different metagame entirely. You can actually imitate a Serenes LA-type of battle in PvP however, but all the team building is best done by typing it up since you can easily change between teams IMHO.
  12. I don't recall crits dealing twice the damage ever... It's still 3x, 4x with killer weapons so pretty much a sure OHKO. Only the final bosses of all three paths halve the damage a crit would deal to them with Dragonskin. Hit/avo/crit/cevo mechanics might be different. 2 points of luck give 1 cevo now, so actually crits are both deadlier and more likely to connect. Crit Emblem huh
  13. +5 forges are fixed +10 mt increases. I think we want no forges around in this meta.
  14. Most likely you'll just have to replace some names tbqh. Also, we still haven't got the mechanics completely down to start playing games, but some primitive early team builder (showing stats and allowing you to paste it on the forums) would be nice. As proud as I was with your work, I remember still doing everything the raw way in Awakening and every other game I ever hosted, which can be a bit of an intellectual effort at times. Also, on problematic skills: 1) Oni Chieftain's Counter is still broken and probably still needs to be banned. Full damage from pointblank physical attacks is too much. 2) I provoked a series of posts about the woes of kunai usage but anybody with Holy Lancer access can inflict Def-6/Spd-6 on any enemy that they engage in combat and survive it, even if whiffing (kunai need to connect on the other hand). 3) Sun God offers 20% recovery. Renewal + Sun God recovers 50% HP recovery each turn, which is quite something. Multiple Sun Gods on the same team means damage doesn't linger on (though debuffs certainly do and aren't leaving anywhere). We probably want to limit Sun God to one per team, just like we did with Bride's recovery skill in Awakening, but it could want some more drastic measures. 4) We still want Lethality out with its ~6-7% OHKO rate. 5) No coins lmao. 6) We need to think what to do about MU. There's Dragonstone+ tanking (probably not potent at all, but it's the biggest magical nuke out there), Dragon Fang adding huge damage to attacks and Draconic Shield giving everyone in the party a luck stat-dependent PavGis (gotta ban this one if you ask me). If no seals are involved, MU is just a unique unit; if not... 7) Line of Death is at the top of the list of things that could lead to non-stop OHKOing. Calculations must be carried out. 8) Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon skills are very dubious in appropriacy, as is the potentially unlimited availability of Lodestar, Great Lord abilities etc. considering how many skills these offer. We may want to keep them out for a while. 9) Arthur's Unlucky Soul actually sounds really potent in an LA setting for the +15 crit on enemies. 10) Not a skill, but Great Club has 45 hit / 55 crit and deals 4x damage when critting. Combine this with hit-boosting skills (breakers and whatnot) for some cheesy critblicks. Mozu gets club access as a Master of Arms and can utilise Sniper's Raven Strike for +40 hit on player phase.
  15. Is Great Merchant still called the same way?
  16. Camilla's aura grants +3 atk/+1 def to adjacent allies. Sakura's aura grants +2 def to allies within two squares. "Two squares" has never meant anything restricted in Link Arena settings, with supports functioning until a unit is KO'd in spite of the order in which the units were submitted in their team. There are only 4 kunai-using promoted classes; compare that to 16 classes using swords and 14 classes using lances (many of these come from extra content though, like Lodestar and Great Lord). However, because Dread Fighter is available to everyone now, including females (and it got kunai instead of tomes), anyone can be found using kunai now. Dread Fighter is +5 str/-4 spd compared to Master Ninja, so they're looking promising in the competitive environment.
  17. He's just your best tome user other than MU in Revelation. Availability, base stats and level all work towards this.
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